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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1918)
run rocn dailt noauB RlVBR oovrikr WKINKHIAY, AIMUL W. ! Keep your money at borne hulMiaj ae Beaver Portland -Cement which la manufactur! at Gold BUI, Oregon, and to guaraa teed by the manufacturers to ke strictly hl(h arnile hi erry feapert. Voa ran fcnjr this from jroar local dealer The Oregon Oesaest Sewer Pipe A TO Co. Beaver Pcrthnd Cezect Co. rs E MIm Rose Wick ma a yesterday 'opened her new confectionery store In the new location at Sixth and 0 J street. The room has been remod eled and fitted up for the needs of the business and la an attractive i ilace. The interior la finished In white enamel, and oak fixture are 'used. Alone; the aldea of the room cosy teats, upholstered In brown leather., are placed. Miss Wlckman , who has made a aucceaa of her bus iness the past four or five years, es- ' pects a larger trade than ever. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTJTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT : PER52NAL LOCAL : this night. Joined the Kniti John P. O'Neill, of Klnjsman, i Arts., enlisted here on Tuesday la the V. 8. engineers, and left that night for Vancouver. Max Lewis weut to Gold Hill this afternoon tor a short stay. A. Neeley and family left morula for Klamath Palls. Attorney Hough left last returning to Seattle. Matda lamps at Rogue River Hdw. Miss Maude Tenny left this morn ing, returning to Tortland, after visiting Mrs. Herbert Ogden. P. E. Plttman returned to Port land yesterday after spending two months In the city. "Cal-o-clde" foot remedy. Rabin has It. Mrs. A. D. Kckhart, of I ' Takeet to Hnhtwrd I A. B. Cody, the man "with the glass eye and wearing chaps, riding 'on a roan pony." who was arrested here last week by Sheriff Lewis. I was this morning taken to Hubbard ,to stand trial for having stolen a saddle. NVbraaaa People Vlll Mrs, J. R. Clark, or Solma. who haa been visiting In this city at the home of her daughter, Mr. W. A. lowe. returned home this morning. Mrs. Clark came to Granta Pass to he with her slater, Mr. 8. A. Ktnsoy, of Red Cloud, Neb., whom she bnd not seen tor ST years. Mr. Klnsoy Is accompanied on her trip west by her niece, Mrs. U P. Ilohrer, also rf Red Cloud. Yeaterdsy Mrs. Ilohrer, accompanied by Mrs. Clark, went to Medford to visit an aunt before re- J .turning to their home In Nebraska. Uedfleld. I Mechanic's Urn Plied P. D. Oldlng, a local garage man. this morning tiled a mechanic's lion against R. A. Jordan to collect $ll -40 alleged to be due for labor and materials used In repairing a Regal car between November 8, HIT, and April . 118. MAY BREAKFAST This Is an annual event at Beth any church and will occur Wednes day morning. May 1st, In the church parlors. Break Tast will be served from ( ts a. m. Tou will enjoy a breakfast dalnt ly served at decorated tables on a bright spring morning and are cor dially Invited to he present Those desiring special tables for gnesta please phone Mrs. Mary A. Browne, No. 34-l,. 43 Fverton Feeling Fine - .A. Everton came down from Port land this morning and stopped off at Qlendale to see his brother, W. E. Everton, who was Injured In yes terday's freight wreck. He will re turn to Qlendale tonight and remain I with his brother until he Is able to 'be moved to his home. His condl- ' ln la mtiAh IninMHit mnA Urn v- presses himself ss "feeling fine." 3. D., arrived her this morning and will spend a few days with former! Red field residents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook and baby of Rerkeley, Cal., spent a tew days here looking up some O. A C. land. They left this morning, returning to Rerkeley. Electric supplies at Rogue River j Hardware. ttj R. E. Hendricks arrived this after-1 noon . from Portland to spend a day I 1th his mother. He Is en route to Ban Francisco. Francis Steel, of Winona ranch, left last night for Michigan, accom panying the remains of his grand- mother, which will be burled beside i , , . her husband. I, D,dk "w J?r Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sheldon and tw0Uuhrldge In hi. Tin LU.IeT" The Medford ladle, were In the city thl. ,Q"' 01 " " a, a, . M w . mr win nu UUH III E HE IS TAME BY COMPARISON afternoon for a few hli HERE'S PROOF Pas. Cltlaea TsOa of His Kxpertentce Tow hay a right to doubt state ments of people living far away, bat Sheldon drove their new car. II. I. Parker, the fireman is In the freight wreck Tuesday i Premier 1' ,orjr " on ' h mnni ,nr,",n'' events ana most critical periods oi w0jhl. life. YMtprcUy we wanted to are tiu s. .. I t I 1 t a morning, went to Portland last night I"" uo,uw ,"""nu- ou, to be at home until he Is able to re-lw" d ,0 Wolf Cr'ek sume work ' Mr"' M-eV,cr n(' heautl- i A. C. Diamond, nephew of C. W Mt' lon ,h " rM' 'and C. 0. Anient, was a southbound l5re. Particularly Impressive !nn..r Ihl. momln.. returning . WM th riw from 0rv hl' held on Monday give Robert H. Bun-! from tne tnlra offlf,r, ,rMnlng camp' w,th he fertile, valley nell a majority of 353 over County (o h h(jme 0,k,'and CaK on fur. stretching off to the left and the inign, iree-ciaa nuis to me right ana I ahead. This place la remembered ! particularly In contrast with the re turn trip. KLAMATH tXU'XrY Jl ltGH RBCALLKI AX! Bl'XXEM. WINS Klamath Falls. Ore.. Apr. J4. Latest reports In the recall election Judge Marlon Hanks. Two'Prer'ncUiough are yet to report, ine iai acnonj of the court was that of paying tbe; Am(h Coy,. Ktllra courthouse contractors $41,548. Q 8 Eh of PorHnd who wnue permissaoie unoer toe ierm.. rni, Umber n tn, of i After viewing the wreck from all Mi yoi doibt OraaU Paas endorse-1 of the contract, the action Is declar- j,,-., ,hu morning 'collected angle and forming an expert opln- wv w u-'" M i 93 bounty from the .county ror nv-nn now u coma nv oven MMne-J KtllA- 4ImI-1M iSw VI ' ! IJ. J . . . s. . Reed it D. O. Toole. Ill Bridge St. I am subject to baek- che at times which makes It hard fee me to straighten out when I get down to do anything. Whenever 1 wave this trouble, I take Doan'i Kid aey PHI and they always fix me ap ta fine shape. Doan'a Kidney Pills eve all that Is claimed of them and I never hesitate to recommend them ss others whenever I hear them com plaining of pains la the back." Pries 10c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Hr. Toole had. Poeter-Milbnra Co., Props., Bufalo, N. Y. aroused bitter . criticism Hanks' opponents. lng killed a coyote. BUY War SaTsSgs Stamps HOG IK RIVER WATER COMPANY PiWJUl III Mlteg A BiU, i M rifa-i. Av of in; rlw JPlI Who Is L J. Simpson? REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE for the NOMINATION for Governor Primary Friday May 17. 1918. Born. September 1, 1877. . Son of the late Capt. A. M. Simpson pio neer shipping and lumberman. ( Educated at Mt. Tamalpals Academy and University of California. Worked as a laborer in 1889 at $1.60 per day, In the ship yards on Coos Bay, Ore. Rose from the rank to executive head of a large lumber and shipping Industry, em ploying many thousands of men. . Started the town of North Bend, 1901. Fostered community progress, founded and developed many enterprises. Mayor of North Bend, 1902-1914. Patriotic work In connection with Liberty Loan, Red Cross and War Stamp activi ties, for the last twelve months. His EXECUTIVE ABILITY, Us BU8INE8 EXPERIENCE and his CONSTRUCTIVE POIilCIES, DO make him: , "Your Kind of a Man for Governor" (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. IS words, two Issues, 5c; sis Issues. SOe; one month, 11.50. when paid in advance. When not paid In advance. Be per line per lasuej WHITE LINE TAXI City and coun try. Popular prices. Call the Spa Confectionery, phone 262-R. Residence phone 320-R. W. O. White. uroDrletor. 47 : i EARLYT TOMATO plants. 10c per! dozen. Phone 219-R, 656 North Sixth street. 46 FOR RENT Furnished five room cottage with garage, Mrs. 0. P. Jester, 215 C street, phone 168-R. 43tf avoided had an extra wheel been carried for the troublesome gondola Electric Wiring . nd P"' on hefore the train left Paul's Electric Store. Medford. Grants Pass, we came across Dr. Ore. Crders may be placed through .Loughrldge. He looked good nattir power company office. 60, ed so we ventured to sak him If we i might not act as baltast on hi re Bread and buns will beat the turn trip. He stated that he needed Huns. ballast. The doctor asked questions n hi i. i i in t with regard to life Insurance, rell NEW TOD IT glon. readiness to die, and diverse I ttllnva wMrh t thm Mm. taken a frivolous. But It was soon learned that they were In good faith. Leaving the scene of ths wreck we ambled out through sn oak pat'h and found Henry tied to a tree. Af ter a few adjustments to the car buretor we were ready to go. The start was alright and there was no cause for alarm. But presently Doc stepped on something, the car hit a bump and the editor hit the bow at the top of the car. We were off. From then on It .was a merry race. Down the road we went, regard less of bumps, and soon came out on the edge of a cliff where the road winds along beside Wolf Creek with the waters many feet below. As we sailed around this devious mountalu course, the hind wheel often hang ing over the edge of the cliff the scribe hung onto the bows with one hand and braced himself against the seat with the other, and bis heart stuck right In his throat. It, was then that the meaning of Doc's ques tions began to percolate. ' There was a breathing spell when a stop was made to give Henry a drink, and before long there was another as steam spurted from the radiator. Another stop to take on water part way up ths mountain made a total time out of 15 minutes and It was Just one hour and five minutes from the time we left the wreck until the downtown district of Grants Pass was reached. On the way down Orave creek hill there wasn't an opportunity to view the gorgeous scenery extending off to the right that there was on the way out. It simply couldn't be seen. Brakes were not necessary and the trees along the road could not be seen for speed. When we landed In O rants Pass the editor was gasping for breath and it was some minutes before the same was recovered. It took the rest of the evening to get used to stand ing still on solid ground. The editor has come to the conclusion that Don is some driver and the next . time that he wants a thrill that has an airplane trip backed off the mop he will BHk Doc Ixnighrldge for another ride. FOR SALE Two double beds, 1 single bed, mattresses and springs, chiffonier, 2 dressers, 4 rockers, child's wicker rocker, dining table and. six chairs, cook stove, 2 heat ers, large kitchen cabinet, 14 yards linoleum, refrigerator, 2 center tables, 2 porch benches, 2 picnic tables, book case. Call at 648 North Fourth, or' phone 165-Y. 44 TIMBER FOR SALE NEK, Sec. 20-35-5. Cruises 1,250,000 saw timber and 1,200 cords wood. Pries 11,000. A. R. Waters, Chi co, Cal. .45 LOST Auto crank lost on Sex ton mountain or between Sexton mountain and Wolf Creek. Finder please notify No. 881 care Courier, or leave at Oldlng's garage. , 44 USED TIRES Ford sizes, at Cham plln's second hand store . on O street. 44 Township Maps Showing Oregon and Califor nia Homestead Lands, open to , filing April 20, 19IK, $1 per township. . I'limse give townnhip and riniRo. . DOUGLAS ABSTRACT CO., ItoftcbiirK, Oregon JANE COWL la "Spreading DawiT Eight Big Reels ALICE HOWELL in "Oh! Baby" Tim manager of thl iheal drove .10 mile jrreterday to get thl film i hi tint. All you have to do Is to be at The JOY Theatre TONIGHT AT N O'CLOCK Admlwloa, -Ac and lAc (X)MIN(I lUtly llurke la "Arms and the Girl." Everything for the Auto C. L HOBART CO. SEED CORN SALT OF ALL KINDS Rock Salt for Cattle SEED CORN J. PARDEE Perfect ion Tires True to Name 7,500 Tillies Guaranteed Everybody ia buying them i GRANTS PASS HARDWARE CO. Hesyy Winter Layers J&j SIH I (natal eaurd twill ttoi lartsur ar-m-l Imhm-. J- UMMUthfMBxmthi. , Th chick, will miU Utj wlnt Urm. S. C. WHITE LECHORN3 BABY CHICKS Wrta torUy md r-l cMcki in wioler luring wd nulUal prof h. WE PAY all EXPRESS CHARGES THE BIHN HATCHERY UrsMt la Ik WwU Cntlty Z2J.0OS PETAI.UM A, CAL.