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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1918)
jl'nlvcrmty of ro. Library DAILY EDITION YOU VI I L, N. 1ST. a easts pax Meran axnrrr, exsaon, tuvdat, apiul m, twin. whole number as, BASES -AT-iZEEBSDCGE Bill 11 BROKEN FLANGE TIII'JS THREE LOCOMOTIVES HAD rilUUIIT WKHUK NIC AH NMiLARII TIIIH MORNING Kl Hl'LTH IN DAMAUK EEEEB IS PlfUlLT Threw Kaflm aad Two far 111 t to (Ml M Mil North if " (IimIi fvm Mow th six engineer and flrw rim went through the wreck which centred this morning on , the ' Southern Pacific lino on end three foartha mil eoulh of Pollard and about Htt mllea north of Grants Peas, and cam out alive U but Uttl or than miracle. A aurvey of the wreckage thla morning revealed pile of three hug locomotive with their tnd.ra, two freight cara ana wrencnea, swisiea ana "Ka . . . . . . . i atMl all In a beau. The eaoe- of each of th tare a glare wer tye seoped and their occupants war fortunate Jn escaping with but com paratively light Injur!. , Tha eauae of th wreek waavn broken flangn on the left froht wheel of gondola loaded with or Just ahead of th three oaglnea In th mlddl of th train. The Bret dent In th ralta showing where th first plea broke oat we about (SO yards from wher th engine piled up fifty yard further and th wheels begaa to leave th track and th car waa finally Dashed aldwle. awing' (ag a bos car ahead, of It from the track and 'causing a rail to loaeo, Than th monstrous. Iron horses, chugging away, pushing Md pulling at their heavy load of freight, cama onto th defective rail and ploughed from on kid of th grade to the other, finally lodging In an Irregnlar lino along th banks of tha right-of- way. '. . ( Rnglnear W. B. Everton and Fir man H.'L. Parker were In the cab Of tha drat hlpr, which ran Into th bank at th right of th grade Th cab crumpled up. Rverton waa . taught In audi a manner aa to re ceive a dislocated hip, and hla head waa badly cut and bruised from be ing knocked against tha boiler, and the ends of two of hla fingers were out. off.'. .Fireman Parker waa given sever, but not eerlone brnlaea on the lags and arms, hut In th opinion fit Dr. Loughrldge ho will recover sufficiently In a few daya to resume hla run, Tha occupants of tha caba 'Of tha other two engines were badly shaken , up and knocked about by (Contlnaod oa aafo I.) ;sieaiii;g AUTOS For ' f.'EXiCO REGULAR TRADE Bt Paao, Teg.-, Apr. I. The bua Inesa of stealing automobiles, driv ing them acroee the International bridge to Mexico where they were ' sold for shipment touth to th Inter ior or reassembled andf brought back to the United States, has long been n profitable one here. . A. well or ganised gang of auto thieve was discovered operating In thla way re cently.' This practice haa been stopped by a customs order requiring drivers of automobiles going to Jaures to show their state license carda which must correspond to their license' plutes on the cars. As an antomoNle thief j cannot show these license cards, the new ruling prevents any stolen cars . from crossing the line. LEASURE CARS TO BE LIIMO Yuri Adatnla4ratloa May CM Pro- iliu-tloa of Auto for DoeaeaUe trad to M lr Oat , Washington. Apr. It. Further curtailment of the manufactur of pleaaur automobile U Indicated, aa tha result of a conference held by member of the fuel admlnlatrattoo and the war Industries board, with representative of lb aulomobtl la duitrie present. It la believed that th manufactur of pUaanr nutomo- bllei will b restricted to about tl per cent of th normal production. Th output haa already, be re duced 10 pr cnt THREE I9K QUAKES SHAKE SO. CW'Jt Han Jacluto. Apr. II. Thr mor earthquake ahocka were ex perlenced laat night In toother Cat Ifnrnla towna. 'Ban Jacinto and whr B-Mt vu . n.iU and kondav war gala avrly shake. Vutlaar waa no Added aestrucuoo HIGH UKKIA IMHCAIUKI . Denver. Colo., Apr. IS. A. "san dal club." organised by girl, opera tors In th local telephone company traffic department haa for It under lying motive patriotism. Tha girls bar pledged themselves' to wear sandals this summer Instead of shoes, figuring that by so doing they will be able to aav measy noagh to buy at least one Liberty bond. Ban dala cost $1.50 a pair, shoea any where from t to T0,y . PfU)TKHT WILLABD-FILTON k. . . . , ( Ml Mi AT HT. PAVL 8t. Psul, tApr. II. Over a hun dred citlsens of the Twin Cities, mostly women and clergymen, marched to the governor'a office to day, formally protesting mgslnit the Wlllard-Fulton fight, achednled to take place at a point mid-way be tween Mlnneapolle and St: Paul on th Fourth of July. ; - ; ' mm) m For The local board haa been Instruct ed to receive applications for enlist ment from . registered men tor the following and Other branches: Auto mechanics, helpers, blacksmiths and helpers, railroad brakemen, . flagmen and conductors, bricklayers, carpen ters and helpers, chauffeurs T (auto truck or tractor), railroad or general clerks, cooks, draftsmen, locomotive engineers and ' firemen, eleotrldana, locomotive hostlers, telegraph and telephone linemen', machinist, gen eral mechanics, -mine . and auarry workera, motorcyclists, patntera, for est' rangers, stenographers, team- atera. .. v, . . n' ; , ..",v'. The applications should; be made at the office of the local, beard. Ma sonlo Temple, prior to. April IT, af ter which date no apptlcatlona will be received. , K .' . SOlffllAKAliS ' WIG FOR ALLIES Ixndoa,, Apr. 13. Uruguay and rgenun.-ar expectea to declare w,' on' Germany soon, according to a Berlin dispatch. GERW1AN SUB. BASES AT OSTEND ALSO INVOLVED MgajnaJMaaWBanBantaalMlnnstBtV 0!J Crcsrs ad Sdzurca it E&aca cf L-r2 Ccd Will E:cte!!y E!:ck Eabf ti fcza tfciar Sta ' Drrtrsjors London, Apr. II. Sir Krrle Qod- de, Bret lord of the admiralty, an nounced today that 4n all probabil ity tho entrance to tho Brngee canal waa blocked effectually . la last nlgbt'a naval raid. While th oiteratlona were In pro gress th pritlsh leaded part! to distract th attention of tho enemy from th real porpos of th raid Storming partlea wr landed oa the mol from tho cruiser Vladlcltlvo.' Tho offloer who developed the scheme of attack waa killed. The casualties war heavy In proportion to tha aumbar- of men earned.' One enemy - destroyer , waa torpe doed at Seobragea and two blockad ing ship war annk at th month of th 3 rug canal. ' Piling boalde th mol at Zeebrag- '" ' 1 1 1 tU 11 fl. U Until The local regtatratloa board thlal morning received orders from the office of the adjutant' general to en train Joaephln eouaty'e drafted men on train No. 51, the afternoon- of Wedneaday, May .t, for Ft McDow ell, Angel Island Baa Francisco. Uoyd W. fall, now at Pontine, Mich.,' Cheater Floyd v Stone of thla city, are the men called, with JRoy F. McFarlu'aa alternate.;. ' on;i Bam Washington, Apr. II. A dispatch from Berne, Swttserland. autea that train loada of Hungarian troops are arriving la Belgium. Many Austrian troopa are also reported to have beea aent to the front to take part In the kalaer'a and Hindenbnrg's laat. big, mighty amaah nt the alliea la France end Belgium. . MEROM g London, Apr. I J. Another Amer ican named Lev haa been captured by Chinese bandits in the 8hantung district : The American minister to China haa aaked th Chines govern ment to appoint aa official with pow er to suppress bandits. aad rescue the captives. ; NAVAL 1UDCRVITINO PARTY - AKiOVKH HRRR THIS P. M. The parts of U. S. naval officer and recruiters arrived hx the city thla afternoon by auto from Med- ford and will remain here three or four daya picking up recruits for Uncle Sam's navy. While In Medford they enrolled IT men for the service and eeven at Ashland, although at the latter city ! 24 wcro examined. - FEd Wi& CcrcrcteSri ga waa blown np by an obsolete sub marine which waa filled with ei ploalvea. ;. One British destroyer, two motor boats aad two launches w?e lost Two blockading ships wer annk la the chaaael before Ostend. London. Apr. II. British naval force laat night raided the German submarine baaae at Oatend and Zee- brugge. Five old . cruiaera, wnicn had been filled with concrete, war ran aground In th channel and blown np la order U effectually block the ehanael. The boat were abandoned by th crews before the explosions oocarred. - According to incomplete. Information, it. la stated that tha raid met with reaaonaoie . . . i i a 1 1 ii i A' It FuTEQVa . Eugene, Ore., Apr.' IS. Members of the Loyal Legion' of Logger and Lumberman In Oregon hive been heavy nbacribers to Liberty bond of taw third Issue, according to re port received from various "camps aad mills where meetings have boon held..- ' -:t ' ', . .Colonel John trader, of the Brit ish army, who'' la In charge of the military training nt the University of Oregon, addressed on meeting held In aa Improvised ..hall la the new planing mill, of a lumber com-, paoyv More (haa TOO ' persona' at tended. There are lie rv400 m- ploye of the company la the Inlll and camp near Wendling and It U believed not less than $30,000 will ho raised there. Henry Scheldemann. a Russian logger listened to Colonel Leader'a atorlea of the war and whea Hhe so licitors began to mingle with the crowd, he. wrote a. check. When a canvasser cam t take the subscrip tion he fonnd that Scheldemann had subscribed $1,100 for bonds. ami raiis Washington, Apr. Il.r General P rah in g a report of Saturday's fight ing near Tool, haa been- received, but haa not been -made public. " 1 It la understood that "the Ameri cans sustained 6ve 100 casualties, and estimates place the' German lossea between 300 and 400. GRANTS PAHH MAN ' ! '18 IN SKItVH K A tetter has been received by the recruiting officers who are here from Assistant Paymaster H. H. Baaler, former city auditor, who ia now at the Bremerton navy yard. Mr. Baa ler urges the young men of. Grants Pass to take advantage of the op portunity to join the navy at thla time and recommends the navy as offering an' open' door to a broad field of activity. IS SHQTKIU.S.COURT Hum Chaadm Murdered by Follow CuuatryBMUi for Koeplag Money Intended for Revohstion Baa Fraacieco, Apr. II. Ram Chandra, editor of a Hindu publica tion named "Revolution, waa ehot dead la the United State district court at noon today by Ram Singh, an amploye oa Chandra's paper, another Hindu defendant. Ram Bin gh, la turn waa shot and killed by United States Marshal Jama B. Hoi ohan, from across the court room, The Hindus were on . trial charged with conspiring to foment a revolu Uoa la India. . - Singh fired Into Chandra'a back. Chandra waa atandlng about two feet from United States District Attorney Preston when hit. The testimony ahowed that Chan dra kept moaoy Intended for the revolution. in do r:i si;? m W3 , London, Apr. it.--Th German ultimatum to Holland, as reported hero, deaoanda th right of transit tor alvUlaa auppliea and aand and gravel through Holland, aad also for the transit of war materials. The privilege)' Of transit on both canals and railways Is asked.' 8BAJTLK SHIP BUILDRM . I1CVGBT IH V. S. BOXD8 Seattle, Wash., Apr. 13. Seattle shipbuilders, numbering approxi mately 17.000,- have purchased $5t). 000 of third liberty loan bonds though their-anion, the boilermakera and ahlpbnUdera' local No, 104. O m& DELAYED : Washlngtony pf,. ?J.The reso lution la the senajte favoring the declaration of "war . on Turkey .and Bulgaria, C baa been eld over until tomorrow after h heated debate.' Senator Brandegee, In urging the resolution for the declaration of war on .Turkey and Bulgaria, v declared that the president Is ."his own for eign relations committee and his own secretary of state In conduct ing the war work himself. He only take Col. House, who cornea tip-toeing 'down from New Tork, into his confidence', while the aenate la kept In Ignorance.. , The president will not cooperate with anybody but him self." : ' . WIDQU'f PENSION . BUYS ' - LIBERTY LOAN BONDH Los Angeles, Cel., 'Apr. tl. Mra. Mary ' A. Moffitt ot Lo - Angeles. known locally' aa the "Betsy Rosa ot California" subscribed for $650 In bonds' of the third Liberty loan at a local bank recently, earing ahe had saved the amount out of her pension as the widow of a veteran of the war ot the rebellion. Mrs. - Moffitt Is a member of ther California Loyal League, ' and the originator of Its Identification badt i ' VIOMTKII FSPIONAGK - ACT New Tork, Apr. 13. Mrs. Rose Pastor Stokes was today Indicted on three counts on the charge of vlo lntlng the espionage act. 1 o mm TiEiiiira H ALBERT LOCAL OPERATIONS! AGAJX8T BTCXB DfPROVS BRITiKH POSI. TION8 ALONG SOMMK eras ISO uies Uaelarymatery aad Lethal Oa Bitot Ponswd Into Genaaai Trench) far It Hoar ' j London, Apr. II. On the Soma front north of Albert th British have Improved their line by a series of successful local operation, la which a total of 00 prisoner wore tahea. The British forces attacked oa a front Of 1,000 yard and advanced to a depth of ISO yarda. The British secured prisoners In the Roboca ao tor nar Wvtachaate. i Canadian Headquarters la Praae. April II,t-Th Canadian raided th enemv- llnaa in aaveral ' nlacea auriDST ymm- BlgBl, ua gaasoq xa enemy with thousand ot lachryma tory and lethal eaell.' They Iwept the .entmjr. trenrhM' a-lth'. artillery and MmmpFfd hm with treach mortars tor th laat 1$ hoar. . M-- M.. 2 1 . m,mt: m Chief of Police McLean today picked np a draft evader, who gave hla name as -Edward Madden. Mad den had a registration card but aa Questionnaire card. Indicating that he had registered but had Bine beoa oa the move without notifying the local board In the county ot register ing. He is lodged In the connty Jail and the board of Montana haa beea notified. . , -. Chief McLean haa la the paat three daya picked up, examined aad searched 14 mea who were traveling through the city, moat of them with pack oa their back. Tha primary object ot the eearch la to bring to light L W. W. cards or literature, or aedttioua matter of any kind. aaaaen. nowever, ia tae Brat man a n.n . examined who could not properly acV count for himself. The men who are now on th road re principally those who have, been working In California, and . whlla drunk were robbed of all their money. These mea are headed for Portland to secure work aad start In anew. ' One or the men examined had nearly $100 In hla pocket when no went into a aaloan it VuJ , whea he awoke the next, morning ho waa pennllees. . '" FRAIi for son Jefferson City, Apr.- 23. Gover nor Gardner announced today that he had decided to appoint Ambassa dor Francis to a seat in the senate to replace the late Senator Stone, but Secretary of State . Lansing ad vised against the action, saying It would be most unfortunate to with draw Ambassador Francis from Russia nt this time.