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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1918)
at SUM. AFK1L T. ItlM. UAILT ROOT Rim OX' USB TI6HS 1L SCLD UvJ c. ..ifi f..v..y 'vs. o w-,1 ' umuu.1 sarmojuH cm tttt r v::ttzd ctatzs May 17. 1411 YZss&ti IZ Ecd as a Czaa, as a L2!ztr aad a R?cla T aocui. f v A ary plaat Ujm tu Bjojd ay U nahn Mil frtoada of Mr. Dabuia' Sua4ay aeaool clut but TmhU; niag at t Dnaak boaaa orth fourth iUmL Tha gtrU CaXard t i It aad eajoyed aie aia euppar, eoaaUtiaf ol hajnburi Uak. eatalloped potato, eaiad, aaadwfchea, akklee, eak aad eaoe bt. After dinsT the tiffl. w apeal la daaeiaa; aad varloua Kamea aatd atnat. Thoae preaoot wer Aa .Vellann. Mary Jaklna. N'ellla Oaaaee. Rmh Aaeasra, Carlofta Whwaas. Thelma Robtaioa. Caraie- Qta PaoL Jaae Glhaoa. frena Pea- awr. Gladye Hamoa. Nellie William. Miaaie Elliott. Gndrua Anderson, GUdya Sftlatyre. Jeanette Cramer aad Mm. Dabnte. la of April I. by Btimbor af frtol. Ma, voeal aad laalra maatal anil (ama fnralahi ample amssemeat antll ta rUi of dainty rafmhntaau cnnautlat af fruit aaUd. preaaed ahlekea nn.t- kbee olifea. pleklea. caka aad tof fee. Thoae aroaeat were; Mr. C. P. Parna, Dr. tail Mr. NibUy. Mr. aad Mr, rraak Braaaelt, Mr, f. S Bramwetl. Mr. aa4 Mr. P. & Hr maa aad MiaMa Dora Haraaa. Alma Wolkt. Ctalr Wolka, Canaellta Poi Jnaa Gfbaoa aad Meaar Jaalua Smart, Joaut rrrla. Em Halll day aad Wlaalow Ferrta. STUMEZE k Triaala lUIWvwd ay Ftoat Tie eomaltte aata la eharaw tit Craau Paaa Chaaabar of Com aarre dtaaer klk la to aa rv4 by tit Rait Crooa UJla, aliia that vary plaia kaa baa auliL It It frmatly to b rrlt4 Hut taa roooi la aot larvar aa maay ara 11 attpolBtadj la aut baia abla la sa- qra Ili'kaU. TbU diaaar wilt a duabt tM qutta Cha tueUI aant of Iha aaaaua. Ttla dlaar ttsaif bafa "RJ Cruaa oaeiaU" aa! all kaon vkat tbat maaaa. Tka prafram Ut ba a good oaa aid tkaa anma. Ticket hldra ara aartatmly fort aula. ftajtjIwUa flWiir Rauvtaianf r. aaif Mra. W. I. Iraiaad oa Uedmmitj catartaiiMd (ka aienbara af tfc Praahytrrlaa choir and a few (ban at tltair boma. A part of the aiac vaa aot iIb1o popolar war wags aad thaa followed varloa naaa. Dalaty rafraabnifnta wara aw i cd. ' wa Mf a C P Varwla Mra. C. P. Perrta wa plMo(ly aarpikwd at br born oa tha rraa- Paawwall ta F.mgmm HaftMay I Tka rraltdala orrbaatra; af wblch Racaaa tlaDlday waa a mcmbar. !nn a farawail daaco la tba GalM jball WMaaaday aala In bla kos 'or. Pnnrk aad eooklaa wara rd at lata hoar. Tba laritad iroMt wra: Mra. C. B. Malllday. Mra. C. P. TrrrUt. Dr. aad Mra. J. O. XIMay. Mr. aad Mra. Mlhllla aad Mlw jjnna Glbaoa. Par wi Ira Qninlaa. Vr ;iatta Q Jlnlaa, I.fBMta Quralaa. Carmallta Pool. Mary Jaaklaa. Pau lina Swacker, Amelia Matzaa. Mar- tart Smllb. Rana Aaaaaaa. Mll drwl Smith. Car lot fa Wtnamaa aad Aanla Nallaoa aad Maaara. RoKaaa Ifalllday. Marlon HaHlday. Don Krara. Ma W II kin. Daal Wilkin. Ted Birchard. Wllbar flara. How ard Baana. a Wllfon. Emmrtt "I waa kakard altb aarvaaa dra papaia aad (hrnala iloiavack troakla aa badly tba doctor cottid aot ala ox aay rallaf. Tbay war totac la Uka aa la tba X-ray bat TUM2B Mad ma tba aipaaM. Una doaa of STTMEZE aad I got rolUf wlthla twaaiy ailaalaa aad aa bow back to rnyaalf aala attar ataatba af afoay. I bar takaa aavaral bottlaa of Uta woadarful madlciaa aad coaaa raeammaad It tow bifhly." W. C McDnagal. Coroaado. Callforaia. If yaar atoaacb barta. If yaw bar (aa. aoar rbdaca. balcbiac. dyapapau, ta dlctioa. ratarrb of tba atoaMeb ar lataatiaaa, go aow to your dractfat aad at a bottla of tbla mtar pra acrlptloa for atomaeb aad dlatia Ilia. It la a toaraataa. HoSmaaa. Joba William. Al'jart .Vhallhora. Hal Trnaa. Ernant - oa aad Robart Nallaoa, HI K1AI, XI mo: For Iba Information of wtr orr daclrloK to ralaa tardaa thia a oa tba watar eompaay annoonraa that th ' I al priakUnx rat whlrb waa la fona laat yaar will ba f?wtlva Iht year durlna tha Irrt latloa on. Mar 11 la Ortobar It. . 01 OAY OIT Prof. W. T. Yaafcoy af AabJaad.i oaa of tba baat-haowa adncatora la I tba atata. dlad aaddaaly Prtday al(btj from baart dlaaaao at Roaaa Rlar Ha a a aad ? yaara aad aaa wo'l kaoaa to aducatloaal aad char h drclao of tha valtay. Hla homo wat at Aahlaad bat ba bad baaa Uacb la( aehool for tba paal two yaara aaar Roana Rlrar. ..r.-r.r: - rn,7Q'ni? Rn USERIY UAliS WaahlaRloa. Apr. . Machlaary for galhcrlBf aad raportlif tba mil lloa of aabarrlitloaa to tna third Ubarty loaa waa la amooth work lag ordar aha th rampalga 0a d today oa Ih aaalvanary of tha aatloa'a oatranca lato ar. Cam palfn organliara bar parfactad a 7tm by wblcb tabacrtptloa toay Ml ba labttlatad la oarb fadcal ra tarra bank tonight, reported to Waahlagtoa and mad public thra tomorrow. Dalaja and apprnilma tlon of th Ural aad aacoad loan I w 111 ba aroidad. ao that th nation i may know daily th ciact .protr of Ita bla; money diir lb day ba-fora. A-Hint to Wivep Then is nothing th&t will improve a man'i dis position at this time of the year like a new suit. Kuppcnheimcr Clothes for Spring are guaranteed to make any man feel as sunny, bright and cheerful as one of Lowell's rare days in June. And the same advice holds good for all young bucks and bachelors too. The styles range from the smart, new military models to the conservative. These quality clothes sell for 025, $30, $35 and up Peerless Clothing Company "Tin- KiijM-nhfiiiK'r lliut in (t rants !uh" D Your attention is arrested to the fact that Hose (irrigation) deteriorates very fast. Not a foot over from last year. i We have just received the largest stock to be found in Southern Oregon. Buy NEW stuff . We don't keep goods; we sell 'em' "If it is made, we have itw grants Pass llarduare Go. LEI10T MARKED m MURDER; Yoinx!tton, O., Apr. What po lice and mambara of tha family lay thay bdlar waa an attaniftt to kill Conrrsinman John Cooper In retain a! Ion for hi aetirltlaa In behalf of Concraaamao trvlno U Ienroot, anc caufnl toyallat randlda In the re cant Wlaronaln aanatorlal election failed taut night. Police aay a fum flue In the Co-: ler home was (Unconnected, permit-! tint fume from a km furnaca toi circulate throntch the honaa. Rep reaentatlv Cooper bad. left for , Waahlnajton. but hla wife, two chil dren and a maid were overcome. Three neighbor who went to the ! Cooper ho ii it for a call were a I no overcome while they were trying; to ; revive member of the Copper fam lly. ' , i Memhera of the family ay they ; two etrance men near their (home early lait even I on and this coupled with frequent telephone rallx Baking whnt lime Confrreaeman Coo per would return from Wlaconaln has led hotb the family and police to believe that there waa a deliber ate .attempt on the , confrresaman'a life. - lege! Here I NOW READ ABOUT FARM AND GARDEN , TOOLS It iruikcM no (lifTcri'tice what ymi may want in farm and anltMi tK!, we can save you maney on ' every purchase you make. Wo know tin4 tol we; hare, lyiow their hijrh tpinlity, know the jtriee we paid for them, and know just how close we ran sell them. And that is the exact reason why wekuow we ean save you money on any tool. If yon want something that will last and give you the very Ix-st of satisfaction nil around, we have the tool you want. . r Jewell Hardware Company WE DO SHOE REPAIRING cabinet gave attention to report ol the lynching of Kobert Praener, a German, at ColllnnvflK III. Mem ber of. t!ie taiiini.'t audi artTWArri the deplorable Incltkut empluxl.cri the. nerea.iUy for Im nfll.uu I.ila tlon that would eunult) the ttovern mont to deal with disloyalty ! enemy aiiltntlon ao that the prop)': reuld not be tempteil to tuke the n Into their own hand. JfAZI.MOVA IS "KKVKI.ATIOX" . JOY THKATKK Al'ltlh 0 AM) 10. (t)MI.N(3 KVfcXTS ' April 9, rueaday Poultry meetlnu at Merlin, evening,. April and 10, Tuoaday and Wcd nexdny Naxlmova " In "Revela tion" at tho Joy. April 10. Wedneaday Poultry mi'otlna at I'rovolt, afternoon. April 10. Wedneailny Poultry me-t-Inic, court liotine, R o'clock. April 11, Thuraday Poultry meet Inn at Wlldm vlllo, afternoon. May 17, Friday Primary nomlnat. InK election. SENATE DISCUSSES THE ESPIONAGE ACT Wanhlnxton, Apr. 6. 'AJ1 ' other buelneK waa laid anldo by the Rcoate today for denunciation of disloyalty, (edition, German plea and the In dustrial Worker of the World, and diacuaalon of. how the eajilonae act ihould he extended no a to curb theae evil and avoid mob law, with out abridging the fundamental liber ties of American citizen. While the aenate debated the pending sedition bill, carrying aevere penaltle for dlaloyal utterance and attempt to obstruct tha draft or lib erty loans, President Wilson and the A Billion Dollar Insurance Fund The r'edrn Ileaorve ilaoklnir Hjitem may lie liken, eo to a vat billion dolUir mutual liiniimnro fund which we and 7,0M other hank maintain at all time to nlve .ua the currency our deMaitora need to atnnd luirk of na la time of tlnnnclnl Mree and to enitbln ua to aive licOt-r and aafnr banking aervlce In many waya. Kvery nnn of our dniioaitora, HrKe op amnll, with, out any additional coat, pnrtlcipatea In the protection and benefit of tbla great yUm, If yon uould like to hnve IIiIh nation-wide fund back of you, lot ua write or talk with you nlKiiit It. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON n paMEMBcaaaj