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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1918)
a Sl'NIiAt, ANUI, T, tain. CQU2K- T3EHC L " - . TIRES, I2ct men, havs to ts "stripped for action" if they're polnj Into tzttla. Under the terrify tsttcrinj cf Amcrfccn roada, "extra features" we bunkn, guartntees are useless. Only clcsn-cut, well-built tires can stand the punishment. We'ro glad to tell you that Diamonds ore rollbj up thousands of r..lic3 for our customers, with "cone backi"so few and far between that they don't' count' Diamonds ere "fit for battla," resdy to jump from our complete stock to your est on short notice. DUoondTubes keep their life for y ear. We' contUer them the best tube on the markctr Granb Para Hardvarc Co.' 2C3CthL Grant Paia, Ore. (fs vOi "Over tho Tc?" UsVTct mm c3t l":?zt ( C Sll Fre Miurrl.M. kf AeMt 0 " SYNOt-SIS. ol;?9 CIAPT1CR I-rir4 by the aowoflha bearlng.," f 5tt AHbuTuuVSV. maSStV ; Wllaon new clicked bla crucifixion. ta, imvm hia omo. la in ft cn an4, Qnt, a contraat to Wllaoo waa an u mbM fc U,,) other character la our brlgado named CHAPTER TI-Aftar a oarlod ef train-. Bcottj wo called him "Old Scotty" on SwMohera la Krmn." where ke Aral the aoaualounco of Ue eveiorM. . Oat "cooUaa." .U A BT IP t lit tl n u. aruf. Mt. Hm. leanirrh wrvtoM at tlx front white a (lr ) ra.' nr;? ! ImO tor tba Brat time. ; ar tnina te get It, yougi get it. aa never CHAPTRIt VI-Baek In real Mleta, Km- Bjr ta hie Bret xpenene aa a mm CH AFT It tl Vtl-Kmpey learn bow tti BrIUah auldlwa ar (ad. CHAPTER VITI-Brt In tne rrpnt-iin imrh Knne eM hie it rat friHno of the j marnee V CI1APTKR tX-Kmpr makea Ma Brat kit to a, durmt In "Mulelae uitca. CHAPTKR X-r.mpy learne what eon. otfiutea a "dar'a worW In the front-line CHAPTER Xt-Bmpey gea "eer the W" tor the drat time In a char on J lha 62rman tniichea and la ,wounM by a baronet Ihruet. . fit APT ICR XII-Kmnar Join i the "aut loo elutr aa the bombing equad la called. CM APT ICR XIIt-Eaeb Tommy geta an etflclal bath. CHAPTER XIV-FImper help dig aa dvanred trench under German Bra. CHAPTRR XV-On "flatenlng poet" m Me Man'e lnd. . "I atatumored, 'Sir, I know absolute ly nothing.' , . i " Tltnt'a oay lo ace.' ho roared i that atupld fnc tella m tbat. 8liut up. Get ont ; but I think you are a .i .1 n. . tnt id.. tuuiiM ftaelr In your battery,' i ' ' "I aaluted and mmie my exit. "That night the ciiplnln acnt for ua. With fear and trembling w went to hi dngonl. He wn a Ion. After aa luting w alond at attention In front or him and wnlted. HI any wa nhort " Don't you two over get It Into your head that Mora u a dead langtinge. I'ro known It for year. x Th two of yon had better get rid of that nenoua Imhlt of Upplng tranamlttera; It'a dan- iierou. Tnut an. , "We saluted, and were juat going out .the door of tho dugout when the cH tnin rnuca up oacm auujfmu. "Binok OokinttkMT I ear . wen, there ar two tin of them on my table. Uo back to tha battery, nuu Rctp youi tongnea between your teeth. Under- , "Wo undoratood. I "Vnr Av. moaka terwnrita nur bat tery did nothing but extra fatigue. We war aatlafled and o were the meat. It waa to pvt on Slack Trtad erf Slaes n ...,kin. .e .k. Injury ra to rrlt' foellnga." ! if..- ivn t..A e.i.t. hi. riM t i.u. a m .Mit ... Jammed- An artillery captain and two . aIUmm hmA ail an mntfA and atfiMd for too Dnlab. Wllaoo apat out an ; aaw tho captain, and got an rod aa a carnation. The captain exalted and i left. Wllaoo whlapered to mo: I , "fillme mo, Tank. I ore' where I dick j for cmrlflxlon. Tbat captain la the j aama one that chocked na Goldflakea m ma augouc ana nero i nare neon ' Vhurklna uo wrotaht about la hi although looking forty. "Old Scotty" had been bora la tba North weat and I bad aerved la tba Northweet Mounted police. II wa a typical COwpuncheF with th. rifle, and took no paio. to dlagula tbla fact from no. H vaod to baby. In bla aparo momenta yon could aiway aeo him cleaning It or pollen lag the atock. Woo betid tba man who by mlataka happened to get bold of tbla rifle ; ho eooo fouod out bla error. Scott waa aa deaf aa a mulo, and It was BDnalng at parade to watch bim In tho manual of arms, alyly glancing out of tha corner of bla aye at tba man next to him to Be what th order waa. How ha pasaed tba doctor was a myatery to as; be mast have bluffed bla way through, because he certainly waa Independent' Beside blm the Fourth of July looked tike Good Friday. Be wore at the time a lurge sombrero, bad a Mexican atock saddle over bis shoulder, a lariat on his arm, and a "forty-Dve". banging from bla hip. Damping tbla parapher nalia on the floor he went ap to the remitting officer and ahonted: Tm from America, weat of the Rocklea, and want to Join yonr d ' d army. I've got no use for a German and can shoot aome. At Scotland Yard they turned me down ; anld I waa deaf and so I am. I don't hanker to abip la with a d d mud-crunching outfit, bat the cavalry' full, so I guess tbla regi ment' better than none, so trot ont yonr pners and I'll sign 'em." He told them h was forty and slipped by. t wn on recruiting service at the time he applied for enlistment. It was Old Scotty'a great ambition to b a anlper or "body snatrher," aa Mr. Atklna calls It. Tb day that he w nn detailed aa brlgado anlper be cele brated hi appointment by blowing the whol platoon to fags. s rtelng a Tank, Old Scotty took a lik ing to me and used to epln aome great ynrnn about the plain, and the whole plntoon would drink three In and art for more. Ananias waa a rookie com pared with him. The ex-plnlnsman and dlsclpltne could not agree, but the officer all liked him, even If he was hard to man age, so when he Waa detailed aa a sniper a sigh of relief wont up from the officers' mesa. Old Scotty had the freedom of tb 1 ' i 1 mitt brigade. Ct trd to dra two or i three day rations tod disappear with f. g'aa. rang fiaijr tad rUe, snd wo would see or bear no more of blm tntil tOaJrolf bo would raerp' ! with coupl of notch added to , Utoao already oo tbe bull of bla rlfl. ' Every time bo gt OertnaB It maaot another botch. Ho wa proud of tbrao OK-be. I But after a ft month father ' Cieumatlam got hlin tod bo waa sent j to BUgbtyi tba olr la tbe wak of bla stretcher waa bluo wlib corse. Old I Sottjr surely eonld swear; ohm of bla outbuniia actually burned yon. I No doubt, it tbla writing, bo la I "somewhere In Mighty" ru"jr footing j It oo a bridge or along tho wall of eomo monition plant with too "Q. R." ; or Homo Defense corps. CHAmn xvii. Out In Front After tea Lieutenant More of our aectlnn cam Into I he duuout and In funned ma tbat I waa "fur" a reconnnl lering patrol and would enrry all MHIe bombs. At II :30 that ultftit twelve men. our lieutenant and myelf went oat In front on a patrol In No Man's Land. Wo cruised around In Ihe dark fr bout two hour. Jut knocking slout Imiklng for trouble, on the loikoiit for Roche working parties to 'see whnt they were doing. A round two In the morning wo were csretully plrklng our. way about thirty yarda Id front of lha German bnrtx-d wlro. when wo walked Into a Borne covering pnrly nenrty thirty airong. Then tlio mualc Blurted, tbe fiddler ren di n-d bla bill, and w paid. Fllitlng Iq h dnrk with a br.jor.rt la not very plensont. The (termini took It on tho run, but our officer wna uo noviro at the game and didn't fol low them. Ilo gao tho order "down t oo tho ground, bug It cIom-." , . Juat in tlmo, ton, beranao a TOlley aklmntod ovr our bad. Then In low lone wo woro told to aoparnto and crawl bock to our trenchea, oach mnn , nn bio own. I Wo ronld so the flanlun of their rlflea In tha darknvaa. but the bullet were going over our beoda. Wo loat throo men killed and on wounded In tho arm. If It hadn't beeo tor oar offlrer'a qulrh thinking Ihr hol patrol would bavt probably i been wiped out. AfttMr about twenty mlnntea wait wo wont out again and dlarovered that '""h"d w rtn rt' Inf on their barbed wlro. Wo returned to our treucboa nnolmortod with tho '"" " a.. ' The next nlcht fonr men were acnt m nd hia rat taaea tbroogb It; If ao, tbla pree sged aa early morning attack oa onr trenchea, Of coarse I had to be on of the fonr selected for the Job." It waa Just like ending ,a fellow to tbe undertaker's to order bla own coffin. . . At ten o'clock w atarted oat, armed with three bombs, a bayonet aad re volver. . After-getting late - No Man'e ; Land we separated. Crawling tear or Ave feet at a time, ducking atar shells, with strays cracking overhead, I reached their wire! I aeooted along this inch by Inch, aeareety breathing. I could hear them talking la their trench, my heart waa pounding against my rtbs. One false move or the least i noise from me meant discovery aad ilmoat certain death. After covering my.aector I quietly crawled back. I had gotten about half way when I noticed tbat my revolver waa missing. It was pitch dark. I; turned about to see If I could And It; It couldn't be far away, because about three or four mlnutee previously I had felt tbe butt In the holster. I crawled around In circles and at last found It, : then started on my way back to our trenches, aa I thought. Pretty soon I reached barbed wire, and was Just going to give the pass word when something told ae not to.' I put out my hand and touched one of " t ' ( t T 111 , ' ' f'-r V. - , ."" I - A Hldeen Our. v ' '- f . route nn'KS nccrra tha barbel wire e;k. It u Iron. Tit E.:t ar of wood, w-U C Oeniaa are Iron, itf heart atori'-l bc::ug by tcfutsks I had crawled nars to tne uennan lines. I tarned slowly sbuut and my txK caught on the wlro and auade a toad ripping nile. A sharp challenge rang out. I prang lo my frot, ducking low, and ran madly back toward our line. Tne Oenuan started firing. Tb bullets were biting sll around we, when baug I I ran amaab Into our wire, and s slisrp Challenge, "'Alt, who comet theref rang out. I ganped out the paaaword, and, groping my way through the lane In tbe wire, tearing my bund and uniform, I tumbled Into our trench snd wss safe, but I wa a nervous wreck for sn hour, until a drluk of nun brought m round. CHAPTER XVIII. Staged Under fir. Three days after the lti-d-nt Juat re lated our company waa relieved from Ibe front lln and carried. We tayed In reserve billet for alniut two week wben w received the welcome newa that our division would go buck of the lln "to reel billets." We would re main In these billet for at least two month, this In order to be restored to our full strength by drafts of recruits from r.ll.tity. Everyone wss buppy and contented at these tidluxs; sll you could bear around the billets wss whistling snd singing. Tb duy after the receipt of tbe order w hiked fur five days, mak ing an average of nbont twelve kilos per day until we srrived st tbe small town of O' . It took na about three daya to get emeu, ana irotn men on our ruxiif time atnrtfd. We would parade from 8:43 lo tbe morning ontll 12 noon. Then except for aa occasional billet or brlgsde guard we were on our own. Vur the ltit four or five afternoons I spent my time In bringing np to date my neglected correspondence. Tommy loves to be amused, and be ing a Tank, they turned to me for something Aew In this line, rtatigbt them bow fo pitch borseshoes, and this gsme made a great bit for about ten days. Then Tommy turned to Amer ica for a new diversion. I waa np In tbe air until a happy thought came to me. Why oot write a aketcb and break Tommy In as an sctorT One evening after "lights out." wbeo you sre not supposed to talk, I Impart ed my scheme In whispers to the sec tion. .They eagerly sceepted the Wes af forming a stock coiniuu and could hardly wait until the morrln-; for further details. After parade, the next ufteruoon I was almost mobbed. Kveryone In the section wanted a part la tbe proposed sketch. When I Informed them Hint It would tk at leMNt ten days ot hard work to writ the plot, they, were bit terly dlRuppotnted. I Immediately got busy, made a desk out of biscuit tins In the corner of tbe billet, and put np a algn "Einpey A Wallace Theatrical Co," About twenty of the section, upon reading thl.tlgn. Immediately applied for the poxttton of office boy. I .accepted tbe tweuty applicants, and eeot them on acoutlng parties through out tbe deserted FrenchvlllaKe. These parties -were to search all the attics for discarded civilian clothes, and any thing tbat we could use In the prop of oar proposed company. About See that night they returned covered with grime and dust, bat load ed down with a mtecellaneoaa ort meat of everything under the sun. They must have thought tbat I waa going to start a department store. Judging from tb different things they brought back from their pillage. (To Be Continued 1 "C:3 'C::t? Tc:l C.nt!3 C:n:.n IsavM T&s Tot aa Biroti as its ttlM T Tour Caxi Th corn never grew that "Get. It" will not get It never Irritate th Bean, aever make your to sore. , Juat two drops of " la-It" aad Srestot the eorn-pain vantab hortly you gaa poet th eora rlaat oft with your flnaer and there yon ara-petn-trc and happy, with bt toe aa emooth and eorn-tree as yoar nalm. ")ti-It" la th only eat way In the world to treat a oorn or rallua. It'a th aur way the way that never tails. It is tried and troa need by million every year, it always Works "Gets-It" makes eat. ting and dlsslng at a corn and fuee Ina with bandafcea, aalvea or anv thine n entirely iinneeeewr. "Oeta-If la aold by all dns fyou need pay no more than Janta. or It will be sent direct by I lAwrenc A OoM Chicago, l.L , Sold in Grant.t ro."! and veconi niondtd a the world' cxt corn rmcily by Gcorve Or . s- . r l ii i r xi m r i Oer - 6rc.c i a; r lan .jL) iiThA Plata abowlag lands la Joselne county, 11.50. Address 'A. K, Voorble. Greats Pssa. If KOR BALI -flood modern bouse, cl"; la. i.... i.i 'o. Iinjulr Nr. 1333. car ''onrtar. Mtf FOR BALK lfecltncd reed wheat: j Little Club. f2.1(; Jenkins ClnbJ $2.:S; Watilni;toa Hybrid No. 141, It.SO; Marquis, 12.60; also Beardless Barley, Wblts Cil, Al falfa Seed and all Grasses and Clo vers. Ralph Waldo Eldeo, Cen tral Paint tf HtMSTiTCHlNa and pecot edge, 10 cents per yard. Mall orders will receive prompt snd careful atten tion. Tbe Vanity Shop, Medford Oregon, 111 West Mala. OTtf FOR SALIC Jet fine ssisv scales. Seven ore truck. Cheap. C. W. Ament. 15U FOR SALE Sosn of mares;, not escii. also har A steady Job old, about 1200 ness and wagon. with the team until July at IS per day for boura. Addretk S12 North Eighth street. , 21 FOR BALE 67 White Leghorn hen fin laying atraln. Mrs. J T. Strong,-11 14 Pin atreet. 29 FOR'SALU OR TRADE for liv toek 40 acre farm on Pacific highway, i mile ' from Grants Pass, 25 seres In cultivation, fenced and cross fenced with wire, (room modern bungalow, barn and other buildings. For par ticulars address E. J. Lind, Rd. No. 1, Kerby. Ore. , II FOR SALE 2-year old registered Ayrshire bull. River Bend farm. Ed. L. Schmidt and Son. II FOR BALE Two, yonng draft teams. One pair geldings. One D. No. 2, Qranta Pass. Ore. 1,1 HEAVY TEAM for sal at Grants ' Pass Livery. Good logging team. 12 FOR SALE one 1116 three speed Harley, 178: one 1114 Indian, 75; one 1114 Harley-Davldson, 175; one Flying Merkel. 20; see- ond-baad Mercies from 15 to $25. Paramount Cyclery. 21 T REVT FURNISHED ROOMS Lam. com fortable and convlantly locaud. 411 G atreet. Ktf PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent, (0 feet from pavement, also unfurnished cot Us oa pavement, 1 8 per month. Inquire A. R Voor hios. FURNISHED 5-room cottage for rent. Mr. G. P. Jester. 213 C street. Phono 168-R. 23tf FOR RENT First and . second floors. Dean apartment house 515 North Sixth street : 30 WATT13 WANTED A girl for general house work, on a farm. Mrs. H. I. Pel ton. Gold Hill. Ore. . 21 EXPERIENCED mill men wanted year around work. Excellent cook-house, electric lights, men's club, good wages, write to Modoc Lumber Company, Cblloqnln, Ore gon. " LOST LOST Gold dollar with Initials A. W. W. engraved on back. Finder please leave at Courier office No. 545. 28 I nws A n WRTIRKICSNT WTU NOT MAJUI. YOXJ A. rOBTRTa, BUT IT WILL 8XSLYB AS A ! frTONX Ilf TUX FOUSDATICa or Bcsaa svoccsa : u Political Cardd. Paid advertissntrta EUGENE I. COBTJEII Republican Candidate fsr Nomine for . COXTJITY ci; Preeeait 1eatn beat G-OOE LET7I3 (Candidate for Roimhlican Nominee for CnEIUFT lNVafeMieV IaaTMBkMI rxr.r. t;:v:;j rrrr- 3 A H. D. Nor', l, Ailo;y-l ' j. la aa C.;' zi t 1 iCourte. rirat i:"J; ;l fn : : cclvu t v.ilux: i a: -at-Law Crtru Ptri r i: j c CrsrU rtJ, Ct A. B. 8. VAN CTJCS, At3" -y. Fr; j la all touru. rim N.::onal 11 Bulging. Durham a ric::xd, a: at-Law. Or. re Hisoo! T Crtru Paaa Cretan. O. S. ELANCZAD.AUoraey-C::y Golden Rule Eul ig. It 270. Grants Pssa, C-;;. ELANCHARU A LUA.-wHAI.-). L, torneya, Albert block. L l 216-J. Practice In alt courts; t - board attorncrs. vx. k . . drTrT7.e-tvu" Z . 1 , Office In Winetrout kr:' J Bldg. Phone 11 t-i. TUl i Phone I05-R. l'UYKICXl:.3 L. O. CLEMENT, M. O. Fti l limited to eaeaaea of Ca crx t aos and throat. Cliiis t 1 Office hours 9-12, X-5, or si t polntment. Office phone, 12; t dence phone 2SI-J. 3. LOL'GliniDGE, il. U.. J'ijys-J snd surgeon. City or ef.'iatry rcM attended day or tl;lt t-t CS; jhoce t:X Sixth and H- Tiff IhM-p A. A. WITHAJI, M. D.. Pbytidau a J eargeon. Of flea: Hall Bldg., c " I Sixth aad I atreeta. Tiezz?. C flee, 11; residence, 2II-J. IS- i a. m. to 4 . a. DR. J. O. NIELTT rbyt: " 1 ( 1 surgeon! Lnadbnr E- Sargeoa Utah-Iabo t : j C i Health OZear. CZaat ki- i O It u a l w I i. a. I ) 110-J. C.J ruoxa ttv. j THE PICTURE KIIJU or- a. m. to I p. m. For C j ( Ungs call Mill 2U-R ar rc ' i 140-J. , ) cr: E. C. liACT, D. u. a ' atreet. Grs J Ftzx. C.: 1 J J. 8. UA(n. . -Y. te:r cf x i enlture aii t' -.ix. Uru i i at home of pnpJ tf re--3cl I ' draaa Til Ue CL t KrCTXLA.. THE RED FKONT Uvea, i 1 South Sixth atreet, irs d 3 handa and will bere "Ur t c ducted by tbe nndsr-Iil o feed barn. 50e per day f animal; patrona;a o..c..i i . , aooounts previoas to ICarth 1 1 ) to be handled by R. TimnMxJ. . B. Baber. C J CUYAC3 AKXT . COMKZ3CIAL THA 1 0 i - J kinds of drayasa ati C: I work carefully aad proxrJy - Pbooe 181J. Eiaad at t depot. A. Shada, Prop . F. G. CSAa, drayac aad trar i Safes, ptaaoa aad furaltar r 1 pack4, Ulyped aad aUreA. I- J Clark aad Uolmaa, Ke. I. I deaeo pboae llt-B. nns Tvor.LD icovrs; u u Eaac Ero; TraiiMc Co. H llt-B. TO KCir3 WILL EXCHANGE corner k U Second and C streets for C 7 cows. Address Cob MOtn. C F. D. No. I. ; TO EXCHANGE A good .Barry lj -a dine or other farming kr - menu. Call I08-F-1I. J Tha California azd Crt; 3 Ccat Lailrcod C;iz; TIME CArj EffctlveDeembr 1, 1917 Toeeday. Thuraday. Saturfcy Train Trala 1 lv. I lv. Crants-Pasi.. l:li g.n. Water Ciik l:tl.a Alt train leave Greets Paaa f tbe corner of O aad L'-hta r opposite the Southern lac:.'. i rer all information rt; fr'; aad paai -r rvir r tt at i-o I- I, or ykeae ill fr s. j. v