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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1918)
X 1 - 'i'O ; aa.) A V DAILY EDITIOIJ VOI VIII., No. 114. i .. .. - KITO LIT be rail to IIEIIIIIIEES IUCV. HOOZKU POINTS OUT SK- cirjtrrr or ku kzimu ckju MANY IJfTO kTF.MION ma sglmi mm Baptist (liarvh Proves Tuo HaaaU for Bandar MUg and Mcthodlot U I'wd An Intlmau glimpse of lb greet war tu (Ivan to Orante Pass Isst evening by Private A. C. Bvn. of Medford, formerly a mmbr of the fsmous "Prlnoas Pat" regiment which did such heroic work In the early day of the war and held th Huna at bay around Ypre until French reserve ware abla la com up and fill th gap reused by lb first ns of gaa. Private Bevan kt-ht bin life In the army from tba tlnia ha arrived In England until ba wat wounded with a "Mighty" and ant to a hospital In York for rcovry. Tba mMlIni scheduled to tak plaea In the Baptist church, but that adlflea tu rilled to capacity It mlnulei before the hour of the ear Ire and an overflow meeting was keld U the Methodlit church. PKdlng the talk Rev. W. C. Driver offered prayer and Mra. W. L. Ireland gav a beautiful rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner." Af terward frank Bramwell chairman of the third Liberty loan committee explained the plan for the campaign In thla county. Me etaled that (he flrat three dayi of the week will be devoted to vol unteer subscriptions. Mt I the de aire of the committee to aea a large a voluntary subscription rolled np r Wednaaday evening a possible Attar 'thla the aollcltlng will atart and every person will be asked to aubicrlbe hi quota. ' Joeephlne county la called on to give ftOOOO la bla talk on tba war Private Be Tan apoke of the anamination of Archduke Ferdinand and hla wife In Bervla. of the capital that . Germany made of It for a pretax to alrlke clv lllr.atlon the mighty blow that ahe had been preparing to launch for over 40 yeara, of how England did all aha could to prevent the conflict, and of how Germany tore the Bel gian treaty Into blts.'cslllng It a "sernp'of paper." . (la told of the gallant atand mad by Belgian' little army of 125.000 against the German horde, and fin ally of arrival of England' "con temptable little army" of 100.000,' and the coming of the raw, Canadtna army and of their brilliant work In Flanders. . .. Speaking of th present drive. Prl- " fconUrued oa peg I ) , TEXAS RAfiGERS KILL MEXICAN BAKDITS Marathon. Texa. Apr. 8. Texaa ranger killed two Mexican bandit and wounded several Sunday. ' They drove the band Into th hill. Mart, Texa, Apr. 8. Villa with hla main command la reported ap proaching San Antonio, Mexico. The Villa general, Jot Chavei, baa re pulsed Mexican ' federal force "near San Antonio recently, according to federal, who fled to the border due to a ehortage of ammunition. l-NQtMUFIKll OKFICKftS T) , lwtK COMMISSION'S Waihl'nKton. Apr. 8. Surgoon Qoneml Ooryaa hna undertaVn " ellmlnat nil aieh unqnalind fnr aerrlro from thb medical , reaerv forps. U Ih estimated' that.' 1;R00 communion wlll he revoked. C. C. Ili.JR 9 ML TOIIIT Over 140 Will AUtul Banquet to Be ' Served by l-edle of Ute lUx! CTna 4 Th tag I all et for th bla Chamber of .Commerce dinner which will be glvea tbl evening at : o'clock In tk Chamber ' of Com merce room. Georg C. Satin, chairman of th committee on ar rangement, ba secured a On pro gram and tb moat enjoyable gath ering of th year I anticipated. ' That tba dinner will be a tucee I aaaurred by th hot that tvery eat ha been o!d, and D day Mr. Sabia baa been bealeged with re- queata for additional ticket. In thla connection epeclal mention I du Mra. Pred William and Mr. Clarenr Wlnetrout for their eplen- did. efforta la advancing th ticket ale. On hundred and forty will attend Ih banquet. Thla dinner la th regular Mon day luncheon on th Chamber of Commerce, but will be attended by both club member and their Jadlea and the proceed will go to th Red Croaa. Tb dinner I being eerved by th ladlea of the Red Croia, the committee In charge being headed by Mr, C. D. Thompson. Proceeding th dlnnr Mahoney'a orobeatra, which ha donated Ita services, will play teveral eelectlon. Juat a the gueata are being aeated th orcheetra will play "Amartra" and all will Join In alnglng tb na tlonal anthem. ' The principal addreaa of th vn lag will be mad by Rev. U Myron Booter wfeoea aubject will be "The Need and Value of a Commercial a lib la Carrying on." Mr. A. N. Paraon will give a contralto, nolo nd J. A. Whirtod will play a elar lonet aelectlon. Prank C. Bramwell, chairman of th third Uberty loan committee, will talk on Uberty bond and Mra. Harry K. Clark will alng a aoprano nolo. B rai 70 FER Cfllf'-LO Waahtngton. Apr. 8. Th V. 8 department of agriculture . re porta that the winter wheat crop will be &40.000.000 buahel. or TO.I per cent of th normal yield. I. W. W. GIV I P noiiT AT MAItHlinn-0 ' Marabtletd, Apr." 8. Nestor Jun- kala. a Pinn, I. W. W., aervlng (0 day la tba city Jail, waa found dead In hla cell . thla morning. He had hanged hlmaeir with hla neck tl He had been collecting funda with which to aid the I. W. W. on trial at Chicago. JXHITY IMUtKIUM WBBCK New York, Apr. 8. About 40 paa- enger war Injured this morning whan New York Contral paaaengor train hit a' freight wreck near Ams terdam. cisii 'o urn m m:;m Waahlngton, Apr, 8. A, British crulaer ha landed SO Bailor at Via- dlvoatok to guard the -' consulate. The Japanese force hi bfeen Increaa- ed to 250. ' V' . 1 Waahlngton, Apr. 8. The landing of the Japanese and Brltiah forces at Vladlvoatok and the , Ololahevlkl objection thereto promise to cauae the atate department aome concern. The United Statea ha' assumed a ''handa off" policy. The Russian national council of flolots has an nounced Ita Intention to protest to Ole ' United States against such a atep.'. '. '; v '. " fi" jrrzrrrra cerm, 10 -BE ill SC11 HBaaBBaaai . G::J:; Ct Ci E;:7 Ttj Fcr b Tr:::!: a Td ::r . Parla, Apr. I, Sunday w quiet oa both th Preach and Brltlab front. Th enemy 1 checked at most point along th front from Arraa to Coucy north of 8olaoaa. Th Oermana are nibbling at th allied Una la aa ffort to And a weak pot, but have been repulsed thu far. . In th Channy-Coucy-Lrerre tri angle along ta Ota oa th extreme eastern and of th southern battle front, th Preach have retired to higher ground. Indication are that the German ar preparing to launch another heavy attack oa tbe Brltiah front trying to reach Amlena. i tititll IU Ivvn liu J IU UeiieUe- Eugene. A or. I. The Eugene "Committee of 100" Saturday lued1 a warning to th affect that men who are physically fit and do net work wilt be considered In th asm light aa a slacker or traitor and will not bo tolerated In thla community Th committee also call for the dis play of th American flag In every hem' and ask tbatthe Herman language be not spoken upon the atreeta of the city. The warning signed "Committee of 100." follows: "Our government has naked and la atlU aaklng that every person In thla, our United States, be loyal and productive. A person I not or ean not ba a loyal subject If that person I not la am way aiding our gov eminent and th boy over there,' "The object of thla message u to swaken each and every person in Eugene and Lane county and they must ch ask themselves what they are doing to help win the war for democracy. If a person is physically fit to do any labor, and U not doing auch, that person la not loyal and will be conaldered la' th same light as a alackar or traitor and thla daaa cannot and will not be tolerated In this community. Th Red . Croa needs worker, th farmer and lum bar camp and mill are aaklng for help o thera I not th (lightest excuse tor anyone not doing their bit "The committee of one hundred who atand back of this message know of a number of people who are doing abaolutety nothing and to auch Individual this must be a warning. Are you on of , themf The committee aak that every home In Eugene show th Stars and Stripe and also ask that th Gar- man language be not spoken upon the streets or. highways of th city." A 'number of patriotic citlten of Eugene recently escorted on of It residents, a man named Spore, to th city limits and told him to keep going because ha had over 5,000 In the bank and would not buy Uberty bonds, war savings stamps or give to th Red Ctobs. He w' likewise given the cold shoulder at Albany and Portland. RED CROSS IN CHINA Canton, China, Peb. 26. A chap ter or the American Red Croaa so ciety has been formed here through the efforts of Mr. and Mrs. ' Prank Doubleday, who have been visiting Canton on Red Cross business. , FORKCA8T FOB PRRIOU APRIfc 8 TO APRtli 13 Pacific Coast States Pair, with cold nlghta. . ' . crrzca. i With th American Army In France. Apr. North west of Tout th Americana repulsed two German raid Friday night. Infantryman chased th Huna from the German first line to their support trenches, pursuing them after th second raid. Undoo, Apr. 8. The Brltiah ad vanced allghtly on tb southern bank of th Somm last night. Th Germane ar conducting aa Intent artillery Are today north of th Scarp and aooth of th Somm, but there has been no Infantry action rt siidtg m ' Camp bewte, Taeoma. Wash., Apr. I. Soldier at Camp Lwla ar to have pleoty at baa ball thla auav mer. Do sen of baaeball grounds, tome of them resembling the cor ner lot variety and other approach ing th aUndard of those of th pro fessional lge have been supply Ing recreatloa -r n-rdred of sol dlera la Aa afiavaMa and Just be fore sunset, after retreat ha been sounded. , . . At least two game a wk with team of the Pacific Coast Interna tional league hav been assured. Thee win be played whea the team are at Taeoma. Either th Taeoma game will be oanoelled oa day when they play at Camp Lawla, or th game will be played lata la th afternoon, after retreat baa been sounded. The daylight taring law 1 giving a great Impetus to baseball. It mean another hour of daylight af ter retreat, which 1 sounded at 6 o'clock and full nine Inning games can be played without any trouble with darkness. There are Inter-company team playing for regimental champion ship; Inter-regimental teama, play ing for the division championship and a division team, drawn from the beat talent of the camp, which will meet outalde team at Camp Lewis and other cities of the northwest Baaeball practice ha been going on at interval since February, whenever . a few daya of - sunshine dried the rain soaked grounda suf ficiently.' Baaeball ' paraphenaUa. Is carried Into the training grounda and trenches, where this. sort of rec reation la popular during the noon hour.' Virtually every company hss Its own equipment, and to thla ha been added equipment aupplled by the Young Men' Christian associa tion In Ita athletio work;" . PLRASVRK YACHTS SIEZKD , Amsterdam, 'Apr. 8,-The gather er of war materials in Germany having completed their . raids oh church tells, roof, kltchena and door handles, have discovered a mine of wealth in the leaden keela of pleas ure yachts, and order have been is sued for the confiscation of all auch metal on behalf of tho war mater ials department' MAJOR ALLBN DENIES GROVNI GLASS STORY San Antonio, Texas,' Apr. 8. Ma jor General Henry Allen has-denied that ground glass was found served at Camp Travis. He also dented the story that two mennonlte preachers were arrested at the camp charged with disloyalty. s pen DIES SIlJ'.'i Mra. lAtrj A. Ilorroogla, reaUeat of oaephlne Coemty For Half a Cmstmry Mr. Lucy A. Borough, aged 8 yeara, passed away Suaday at th home or her daughter, Kr. W. tt Robinson, of Wlldervttle. With her. passing on more sturdy pioneer is Uken from the rank of Josephine county's early aettlar. Sh waa bora In Springfield, IH., January It. 1828. Ia 1S6S In com pany with bar husband, John Bor ough, who died In 18(0, ahe crossed the plain by ox team. For 41 year ths was a respected resident of Jo sephine county, having moved bare In 18(1. Sh I survived by one son, J. B. Borough, of Wlldervtlle, and two daughters, Mrs. C. J. Armstrong and Mr. W. fl. Roblnaon, of Wlldervtlle. Th funeral services will ba hold Tueoday at 10 o'clock at the Metho dist church la Wflderrtne by PJv. Morrt and internment will take plaet la th Wfldervfll cemetery. HAWAIIAN CHILDREN Hl'Y 'WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Honolulu, T. H., Mar. 24. (By mall) School children of Hawaii are earning money for thrift stamp by picking eaator beans, which have Juat now reached tb ripening stage. The children sell the beans to Direc tor J. M. Westgate of the federal experiment station at five cant a pound, after which they are pre pared for shipment to th malnlari There two kin ct t-'it b grown Lor, tit small variety from which medicine la jnad and the large kind which furnishes oil for airplane en tines. ' OREGON MAY GET PACIFIC AVIATION RASE San Francisco, Apr. 8. 'An army board haa been appointed to select sites for two big aviation bases on the Pacific coast. One will be on the coast of Oregon or Washington. r:3 gases c;ic:::fr El WJ O The April term of the circuit ecirt tor Josephine county convened this morning with Judge Calkins on th Bench. .After the calling of the roll of Jurors and the drawing of the grand Jury, the trial Juror were dismissed, there being no cases to com to trial. Th grand Jury as drawn la com posed of A. E. Voorhles, chairman; H. A.. Dillingham. J. E. Peterson, R. P.' George, Walter Evanson, James Hoirue and W. C. HUdebrand. They returned no indictments. The grand Jury was dismissed until the Sep tember term. The next regular term of court will convene May IS. C. 8. RELATIONS WITH . CHILE ARK SATISFACTORY Santiago de ChHe, Mar. SO. Dep uty Don Cornello Saavedra, who ha Just returned from a seven months' trip in the United States, has pre dicted in an Interview that the Unit ed States is planning to make Its re lations with Chile closer after the war "t , .' "The situation between Chile and the United States la very satisfac tory." Bald Saavedra. "Personages of the first rank, such aa Mr. Mo Adoo, are trying to bring the two countries closer . together and , It Is certain that aa soon as tho way la over a large amount of capital will come Into Chile from the United States to promote Industry and com merce." Mr. Saavedra Is trying to persu ade the government or business In. teresta to establish a Chilean com mercial agency In New York. mm I ? T r ' J t I rj PHcej la Loi ct IToi Vj C Tetnaa Waanlngton, Apr. I. Ti war b- portmsnt' weefcly rev!; g;t:j o Improvement la tie aCrtl: y: tlon of th a:"c oa tia'r. battle Raid. Th German plan ka t- -- t by th tnt.bora d.'ena cf t" French and Zt In i'.jt I tlrament Th forced to throw la frech tr; i t gain limited obJecCvts. No reference waa made to Asr.J- caa troopa Joining tie ;:. Waahtngton. Apr. 8. rrt'J.i r IUry attache declare f t er : 7 day Cad the aK.'o In 1.;:ct r - tlon to resist with de:::;e a..; the Cenran oZtnzin. mz ., r.:;- Ish and American rersrvca tre y Ing ta d:s:!y to iz'zzl t t. ' Ml A phone messare wt tzz 't. i the eheriXe oCe tlj Xivz (UUng that John Raaa, i- 1 il Tunnel I, had been fc-ii Cri. I ) details wera glvea oa a:::t iT wire d:culllea. Coroner Lc : ridge and Eheri! Lewi e."t far Tr-- aet Immediately oa rec t of t message, and at the Ct t i Courier went to press no r;.. A j had been received. ' John Randlo has been a rc:i:it of Granu Paaa for about 2) y-r past, haa raised a large family, tzi haa been an upright, honora'-'.e cit lten. For a number bf tens. he ucm iu msiuon oi conaiat.e. During the paat winter he nerved a a gnard for th Eout-sra Fac::s company at the west, entrance of Tunnel S, about 11 mile from thla city. TEUTON'S BIG CVN . again n act:n Paris, Apr. 8. The bombard ment of the Paris district by t.e long-range German gun conCauel today. There was no casualUoa. Th report that one of the guna exploded i confirmed from abso lutely reliable sources. This oc curred March 25. a Lieutenant and nine men being killed. QUARTER BILLION IN LIEERTT BONES (Waahlngton. Apr. ' 8. UnoCcial report putt the first day's subscrip tion to th Liberty loan at 1250.- 000,000. , . Ci.i.jTEi!:fJtSr..J Salem, Ore., Apr- 8. C. D. How ard, a trusty from the penitentiary being brought hack from Gold F.::i with another trusty, James Walton, by Warden C. A, Murphy because they protested at the rule of the prison camp quarry preventing them from going to town In the evet's, escaped from the train near Eujsne early this morning. Howard was sent np for forgery. He has a wife In Eugene.