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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1918)
Friday, FTIUUAKY ttl, DAILY ROULY RIVER COIKJJCR PAGE TEX3 ' B FOR At MoncraiB Farm K. M. C. NEILL 1 1 Milk Cows, Jersey Grades. 3 Jersey Grade Heifers, yearlings. 5 Heifer Grade Cows. 3 Pure Bred Jersey Bull Calves. 1 Team of Gray Horses. 1 Sorrel Mare. I Gray Mare. Second-Hand Ford Cars Bought and Sold C. L. HOBART CO. Large Ceiteular Olitrlet The Antung consular district com prtees tb southeastern sectlou of Msachurls and la about twit at large as Vermont. It la , rnountaluou throughout! Hi spars population la si most entirely rural; and, except 60-mlle section of the South Man churia railway Ibat traverses It In tba south, and tba Tain river, Ita eaatera boundary, tba only maana of communi cation with Interior polnta la by crude native carta and pack an mala. D Get SALE Indursne Through Faith. Tinman being hare endured uncon ceivable mlaerlea and grown atrong area aa they suffered. And they have not only endured all thing hut hoped all thlnga. No sadness when It came baa been abla to daunt the spirit which, looking beyond (he present grief, haa delected behind whatever barrier of blackeal cloud the clear ahlnlng of tba aun or the benlaon of the atara of night. Richard Burton In tba Bellman. JUDGE THE ROYAL AS YOU DO AN EMPLOYE-tompare the Work" You buy a typewriter for the same reason you employ an indi vidualyou are buying work. Compare the work. Before ybu decide that you are satisfied with any typewriter service know the ROYAL. v Your stenographer can do better work and more work with less effort on the ROYAL and without any extra attachment, the ROYAL writes letters, types cards, and bill and charges , "Lost Alignment" is what kills the ordinary typewriter. The ROYAL will hold its alignment for years, and then, if necessary, the simple bearings may be renewed instantly.' Thai is one of . the reasons why toe ROYAL ends the two evils of excessive re- 'at a " uairs and "waainir-out." the facts. ' Write or telephone any ROYAL branch or agency for a demonstration.' , : ' f-"i- WRITE FOR "FACTS ABOUT THE TRADE-OUT." , . Every typewriter owner or user will be interested in this book let. We will mail it at once if you will write for it. . lifip iiB it Factory: Hartford, Ccnn. Main Office; 364-366 Broadway, New York. Seattle: 1217 Fourth Ave. ' . Uranchca and Agenrlea the World Ovoif APPLEOATI John llerrlott had tba miafortune to break bit arm while cranking a Ford Sunday. Tba Applegate achool organlied a Junior Had Crota with the following oflloera: Gertrude Maa, president; Thelma MoDanlele, vice prealdent; Margaret Hrown, 1 secretary and creiuu rer; Kdlth Kubll, director of work. Work began February 16, with big crowd of enthutlaetlc workara. Tba maaquerada at the Sodallet ball waa wall attended and over 70 number ware aold. The following ware prlie wlnnera. Mrt. Cheater Kubll, dratted In the ttara and itrlpea; Floyd Harrow, representing an Indian; Thelma MrDanlal and Beatrice O'Brien, dretted In a hoy and girl comic rottume. Mitt Ethel Topping, of Med ford, vlalted relatlvet here Saturday and attended the tnaaquerade, K. J. Hrown traded hit Overland car for Dodge I tut week. Tha Applegata ladlea have organ tied a Ked Crota chapter with the following ofllrere elected: Mra. E. J. Hrown, pretldent; Mra. T. W. ller rlott, secretary and treasurer; Mra. Fred llenedlct, director of work. They have memberahlp of 38, with aeveral mora to come In. They will give a dance In the Socialist hall Baturday March S, to ralM fund to buy material. Mita Edith Kubll, who haa been attendlni tha Medford high achool, ha returned' home and la attending the Applegate high achool, T. It. Mantfleld and llerrlott Hroa. are enlarging tha Offenbncher- Raldwln ditch on tha aoutb tide of Annlesate river and will pine It arrota the river. They have a crew of ten men at work and tha work It progressing rapidly. Mitt Beaale lunch, of Oranta Pa, haa entered the elahth trade her. Fred Vincent, who enlltted In te army and la located In Texai. la eer I..JM 111 wllk nn.nmnnl. tfla m.flv rrienda nere nope ror nit recovery. letterhead thtt will pleaaa you. at the Courier. Carda at tba Courier office. 1 1 , ,.-. .1 g: A Red Crota ahlpnient of knitted xooda will be made at tha end of the next week, and knlttera are atk ed to tend In all finithed artlclet possible, not later than Tbiinday or Friday, February 28 pr March 1. There la ttltl yarn out that wat taken week, and In a few rate, montha aito. Doiibtleat there have been very good reatont for the de lay In returning It In warm garment! for tha protection of our hoyt tgalntt the nnmually cold of lit range training aiit at home or overteat, but winter will toon be over, and If the woolen thlnga are to be of aervlce thl year they mutt go within a month. If for any reaaon a knitter haa found It Impossible to ue her yarn. If ihe will kindly return It to the Red Croat room It can be given out to a rapid knitter and till! fulfill It mission before warm day come. At the end of the third week In March another and unlet more yarn la available probably the lait ahlp nient of knitting will be made. Travela of Light Rays. It takea elirht mlnntea for a ray of light to travel 03,000,000 mile from the aun to the earth. But the time required for a light ray from the atar ncarent to the aolar ayatrra (Alpha Centaur!) to reach aa la four and a half year. A vatt majority of the atara (every one of which la a glowing tun) are to far off that It takea tbou- aanda of year for light from them to get here. Anything to aotlT Try a claaaltled Carda at tba Courier offlc. CHICHESTER S PILLS tl llHiUrt IMMwJillMA fcwH A.iwFirt.i V.-Trw BUaNB HBAN PlllA tm 8 mm kmmmm m , SaltU. AIM. RWUa sou by mists EVimnus IW 0 Clsssffiei FOR SALE 0. a ORANT LANDS Blue print Plata abowlag land la Josephine county, 11.60. Addraaa A. E. Voorhlee, Oraata Pass, . , tf DEALERS la horaea, mulaa, cattle, wagona, hacks, bogglaa, barnaaa aid aaddlas. We hava a rarlaty of all kinds at all Unas ' If you have anything to tall or ascbange. or If yon want to buy, coma anO ee ue. W will treat you right. All our liveetock la pot out under guarantee1. Red Front Feed and Sala Stable, Corner BUth and K atroata. Tlmmona, Prop. Phone lti-3. . IStf FOR SALE Oood modern boutc. cloaa In, north aide. Inquire No. lilt, care Courier. . . 2Stf FOR SALE Racleaned teed wheat; Little Club, IMS; Jenkina Club, $2.25; Wathlngton Hybrid , No. H3. f2.S0; Marquis,. 11.50; alo Beardlaaa Barley, Whit Oata, Al falfa Seed and all Oraaaea and Clo ver. Ralph Waldo Elden, Cen . tral Point. Sjtf FOR RENT OR SALE Irrigated farm plenty of water during the whole tea ton. Inquire Jo. Fets ner, 75S North Eighth street. tf PURE BRED Rhode Island Red let ting egg, $1, for 16, on tale at Tha Rochdale. ' 0 QUALITY WHITE LEOHORN8 Hatching eggs and baby chlcka the kind that lay and pay book your order early now, K. Ham merbacber. Phone 601-F-fl. R. F. D. No. 2. 07 CYCLE Incubator and Rhode Island Red rooater for aale. 116 Wash ington boulevard- . 91 TO RENT TREMONT ROOMS Now under managment of Mr. L. C. Arm strong; 21 cleaa rooma at ISc and 60c; ipsclal rates by week or month; alto light houaekeep- Ing rooms. Would Ilka your pat- - ronaga. - lOtf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and convlently located 411 C street. 86 tf HOTEL OXFORD R00M8 for rent Large, well furnlahed, tteam heat, hot water, bath, and all ho- tel privilege. Very moderate " weekly and monthly rate.. 37tf COMPLETELY FURNISHED six- room bungalow for rent, garage, piano, lawn, flowers. Close In Will make beautiful home. Phone 269-R. 83tf FOR RENT Furnished five-room cottage. Mra. G. P. Jester, 215 C street, phone 168-R. 89tf WANTED WANTED To buy a second hand Iron wheel wagon four to alx Inch tirea holding about 3,000 lbs. C. Shaefera, R. F. D. No. 2. 6tf WANTED -Men for aaw mill and logging camps. Mill and camps will operate throughout the win ter. Steady work. Good condi tions. For full particulars write Weed Lumber Company, .Weed, Cal. , . 65tf WANTED Junk, old Iron, rubber, sacks, rags, auto tires, old auto mobiles, copper, brass, sine, lead, hides, pelts, furs.' The best price in town for everything in our line. Union Junk Co. Phone 21. 14 WANTED TO SELL Second hand Ford, new tires. First class con dition. The price is $250. Call at" Paramount Cyclery. Phone 608. . " ' 90 , FOUND. . '','; FOyND Two bunches of key. In quire at Cduriertofflce. . 90 ..TAXI SERVICE- TAXI Phone 608 for taxi. Any where, any time. ' Paramount Cyelaty. -5' "i XK Qardena In Japan and China The garden, per ae, In both Japan and China Is most frequently to be found In the ground of some public building or temple. The Chinese gar den la aa reverted to our eyes as their writing, for It consists chiefly of water. On a pool or pond they develop their wonderful aquatic plants, the lotus, Ultea of myriad color and variety and brilliant foliage specimens. In addition to this the walks are sometimes bor dered with flowering plants In pots or Jardinieres, which are changed and shifted from time to time. Of these the favorites are such flowers as the peony and others which are believed to possess medlclnnl properties, But the essential of the Chinese gardener Is to display hit aquatic floriculture. AdvSrlfebn j PsTTBJCIAXa . ; L. O. CLEatC.vr, at. D. PraetaM limited to dlaeeaa ot tha era, ear, note and throat Olaaaaa fUWaL noaa and throat. Olaaaaa (ltte4. Offlce hour 1-11, 2-, or oa ap pointment. Offlc phone, II; dance phone lil-J. ft. LOUGHRIDGE. . D.. Pbyalelaa and aurgeon. City or country caUs attended day or tight Realdoaw phono '((; office phona lit. Sixth and H. Tuff Building. . A. A. WITHAM, 11. D.. Pbyaldaa aad aurgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., eorawr BUth and I (treat. Phoaes: Of fice, 11; reeldenee, lit-J. Honrs, I i. n. to I p. m. DR. J. O. NIBLEY Pbyaldaa aad aurgeon. Luadburj Bulldlas. Burgeon' Utah-Idaho 8ugar Os. Health Officer. Officer hours, 0 te 12 a. m. 1 to 6 p. m. PbM 310-J. Iltf DK.VTI8T8 K.C MACY. D. M. DFlrst-eUaa danUatry. 101 Vh South Statk atreet, Grants Paaa, Oregon. ATTORNEYS H. i D. : Norton, Attoraey-ax-law. Practice la all State and Federal Courts. First NaUonal Bask Bide COLVIO SV WILLLUU Attoratwa- at-Law Oranta Peas Bsaklmg Co. Bldg. Oraats Pass, Oregon. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorsey.i PraeUoa In all courta. First National Baavk - BulIClna.. , T , -. , . DURHAM A RICHARD., AUoraays-at-Law. Offlca Masoalc -Tecaplav Oraats' Paaa Oregon. O. 8. BLANCHARD.AtUrneyHtt-IjW Ooldaa Rule Building. ' Pkoaa 270. Oraata Paaa, Oregon. BLANCHARD A BLANCHARD. At torney, Albert block. Phoae lll-J. Practice la all courts; laasl board attorney a. VETERINARY 8UROBON DR. R. J. BESTUL, VaUrlaatiaa, Offlca la WlnetroutlmpleaMSit Bldg. Phona lll-J. Realdeae Phone 106-R. " DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER , COMMERCIAL TRANSFER 00. All klnda of drayage and transfer ' work carefully aad promptly doaav. Phono 18 1-J. . Stand at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. F. O. IS HAM, drayage aad trimeter. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shlppsd and stored. Pnoaa Clark and Holman, No. (0. Resi dence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; 10 do ww. Bunch Broa. Transfer Ce. Phone 197-R. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION,, J. S. MACMTJRRAT. teacher of Tola . culture aad staging'. Lessons give at homo of pupil If requested. Ad dress 710 Lee 8L ' " 61tt PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. For Bnndsy sit tings call Mill 283-R or residence 140-J. , TStf OlfE .ADVXRTTHEMBWT WILL NOT HAKE YO0 A FORTTOTB, BUT IT. WILL SERVE Afl A STONB Hi TEE FOUNDATION or BusiRxsa stjccess it tt The California and Oregon Coast Eailroad Company TIME CARD, EifectlTeDeoember 1, 1117. ' Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 1. Grants' Pass- 1:00 p. m. Train S l. Waters Creek 3:00 p; m- Atl trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of Q and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office ot the company, Lundburg, building, or phone 131 for same. 8ved From Many Worrlee. 'Our inentul powers are often dissi pated bv seeing and hearing too much. Whoever met a deaf and dumb per son whose face was not bright and smiling much that burdens snd wear ies per minds neter reaches them. Exchange.,, , ..,.,,...., ,,., ... i,, ymcc; ,ii--tta:,-- .