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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1918)
FRIDAY. FKIIIU'AHY 1131, twlft. IS and Value in SD ,1ED. DAJLT BOGDS sUYKR COVRIKR ' Q Ft That'll give you the most comfort, the best service They're made by Hart - Schaf-f iter & Marx THtK ( IjOTHKS ARK MADK IP IN ALLWOOL FAHItlfM, HUilll.V TAIMHIKD AND PKRFHCT FiTTlMI. YOl"IX (JKT ANY STYI.K Y(H' PRKFKR, WHKTIIK1 M IX ll.UK, XKW MILITARY MODKI. Oil THK MORK OOX8KRVATIVK. . THKRK'S A 81 IT HKRK FOR YOC AT THK PRICK YlU"IX WANT TO PAY'. ' V $20, $25, $30, $35 WHKN YOl' WANT A HAT, THINK OF MALlOKY UUYKNKTTK, THU BEST HAT OX THK MARKET AT FROM - $3.00 to $5.00 : Joe Swartz FORMERLY THE WONDER CLOTHES STORE Now the Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Mr. Georg Park on Thursday received a letter tram her aon, Kd ward Parkr, written rrom Halifax, th Knit word received from him tint th sinking or th Tuscanl. on which bout l'rVr waa supposed to hav sailed, H wm In quara tin and unable to send a letter. He writes In part aa followa: I hav had quit a hit of irlene line I last wrot yon. Th vary naxt nliht our battalion, consisting of thre companies entrained at Washington, D. C, for France, W had to hike aeven miles to th train through six Inch of anow, so It waa difficult traveling. W reached In th morning and am PER52NflL E5 LOCAL : ' . Fre Knos mad a trip to Iceland thl Morning. ' MImJ Flora Schmidt Is spending Cli day at Rogu Rlvr. Mr. and Mrs.' S. H. Donnell, of Douglas county, are la the city to- Mrs. H. S. Prescott went to Talent this afternoon to spend a few duys with her Bister. Mrs. A. J. Ford arrived this morn ing from Roseburg and will spend a day with Mrs. Wm. McDonald. . Mrs. A. L. Carter and children re turned to Roseburg. today . after spending a few days with relatives. .Mrs. E. L. , Wilgus and little daughter arrived here this afternoon to visit Mrs. Wilgus' sister, Mrs. Ira Binns. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. A. O'Leary, en route from Portland to Los Angeles, stopped off here this afternoon . to visit Grants Pass friends, E. W. Vannlce left this afternoon for Klamath Falls, after spending a few days with his brother, F. L. Van- nice. -...(. , Bert Booth returned home this Af ternoon, having spent , more than a year In Salt Lake and at various Washington points. Wribnr Penrose, engineer and . western manager for the Atlantic Ore and Alloys company was in the etty on. business, leaving this after-' noon for San Francisco. . j Miss Ethel Bocock left this morn ing (or Eugene to attend the Chris tian Endeavor convention, represent ing Bethany Presbyterian church. Mrs. Wyles, of Syacus. Xeb., Is apendlng a few days with her cousin, Mrs. J. M. Isham. Mr. Wyles, a brother-in-law, of the same place Is also visiting here. ',, :-'' Miss Clara Calhoun went to Eu gene this morning to attend the Christian Endeavor convention. Miss Calhoun will also spend a short time In Portland. -W. W. Ross and wife, of Brook ings, Tlsited their daughter, Mrs. Henry Haberman for a few days and left this morning for Eugene on a visit. Mr. Drake Will Preach , Charles F. Drake will preach at the Christian church Sunday morn ing and evening. Jewell in Knginerr Dwlght Jewell some days ago en listed in the mechanical engineers corps and Is expecting a summons to proceed to Fort Myers, Va. Hot Coffee and Ox Served free at the basket social tonight given by the Knights and J Ladles or Security at W. O. W. hall. Good music and an excellent pro 'gram. it Sweater Inhibited Three sweaters, work or "Grand ma" Williams, which are models of the knitting art. are on exhibition In jthe window of the Peerless clothing company. Mrs. Williams Is now at work on her 21st sweater. . W. It. MHiiit Gen. l.ogan W. R. C. will hold their regular meeting tomorrow af ternoon and at th clone or the bus iness session a short patriotic pro grain will be given. Daniel Flamm in France Daniel E. Flamm. formerly of Granta Pans, but for several years past a resident of Portland, haa ar rived safely Ir. France, according to a letter received by his mother, Mrs. 0. Flamm. I Funeral Matnrriny The funeral or Charles Rose of ; Jones creek, who died on Sunday, ; will be held at Hall's chapel Satur iday afternoon at 1:30, Rev. Melville , T. Wire conducting the service. In terment at the Granite Hill cemetery. Investigating Chrome Deposits D. B. Dyer, representing the presi dent or the Anglo and London-Paris National Bank or San Francisco, spent several days In the county looking up chrome iron properties. He left this afternoon, returning to San Francisco. Rig Houses at Joy "Cleopatra," the spectacular pro duction in which the customs and costumes of ancient Egypt and Rome were portrayed, showed to four big houses at the Joy Wednesday and j Thursday. Miss Wolke made a trip to Seattle to secure the film and her Judgment and business farsight in the selection were fully justified by the attendance at afternoon and 'evening performances. Bijou FRIDAY and SATURDAY Douglas Fairbanks IX THK THItlf.LIXO WYOMI X DRAMA "The Man From Painted Post" Itvplcte with swift action and thrills of a story dealing, with rattle niNtHnj; dny of the went. In a number of scenes diftplaying the tin Ills of bronco-busting, roping steers and other M-compllHlimenN of llie cowboy, apiiear the champions of the recent Rodeo held at Cheyenne,- Wy. ... THE BEST OF THE REASON STANDING ROOM 10c nnd 2.V Coming to Granta Pana Dr. Joshua Stansfleld. pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Portland, Is making a lecture tour of southern Oregon. He will deliver his famous lecture on "Dr. Jeykel and Mr. Hyde" ' at the 1 Newman Methodist Episcopal church Monday evening, February 25. Dr. Stans field haa only within recent months com to Oregon and Is anxious to see the state. He is a man of abil ity. . Th lecture will be free. Offer ing for expenses only. barked on the unfortnnat transport th Tusranla. which waa sunk off th j TrUh roast. W got on th ship and sailed to Halifax, but on the way up 1 1 got th mnmpa and they took m 'and II other off and placed ns In the Canadian military hospital. To day will mak Just three weeks that I have been here. I am feeling fin and am ready to leave whenever they aay th word. j t sur did hat to I ear that hnat I when they took me off, but I really believe God waa with m and h meant to keep m safe. I had a reel ing when I left that ahlp that It would have some mlsfortun. Of course now I . am glad I didn't stay on. This burg la th on that waa nearly wiped off th map by an ex plosion, and It look th part too. I haven't seen much of th town yet but I can se It from th distance, for w are about a mile from the main part. Thl hospital waa shak en up and some or the plastering knocked off the walls. There are about 200 soldiers and aallora. Can- adlana and Americans, and all have' the mumps or measles. It Rets. TAX INSPECTOR TO LEAVE CITY MONDAY . The income tax inspector will close his work in Josephine county Monday evening, February 23. Af ter that date Information as to mak ing returns may be secured through the local bank, or attorneys, or from the office of the collector of Internal revenue at Portland. A supply of blanks will be left at each of the banks and with the postmaster. Fail ure to secure blanks will not be an excuse for not making a report. The time for riling reports has been extended to April 1st and all who are subject to the law and have not made reports are urged to file returns before that date. Search for delinquents will be made and - the penalties provided by law will ap ply to all who should have filed but failed to do so. m. TIMBER TO BE ; OFFERED MARCH 1ST Washington, Feb. 22. The sale or timber on the Oregon and Cali fornia grant lands, according to Harry Iaughlln, chief of the field di vision of the United States land of fice, will take place March 1 before th register and receiver at Rose burg. The timber to be sold Is In that district and Is In scattered tracts ranging from 300,000 to 1,500,000 feet to each quarter sec tion of land. Bidders will he requir ed to deposit one-fifth of one per cent with their tenders and the min imum price will be $1.25 per 1,000 feet The timber is mostly fir, with some spruce and cedar. This Is the largest offering by the government under the forfeiture act of congress, approved June 9, 1916, Calling cards at th Courier. Cards at th Courier ode. pretty cold here -below xro all the time. There Is about two feet of snow on th ground now. j You probably won't hear rrom me, until I get to Franc It they send me right over there, but they might send me to Washington again, I don't know. When we embark on a boat we are not allowed to aay any-1 thing about the name or the ahlp or! when we leave, or anything like thaL We were three night and two day: coming rrom Washington to Halifax. ', A letter was received today rrom Mr. Parker stating that he la now at Fort Merrltt. New Jersey, awatt Ing orders. MARRIED SMITH-MORGAN At Granta Pass, February 22, George Washington Smith or Gallce anil Miss Ethel Morgan, Rev. L. Myron llooxer of , delating. ' The ceremony waa performed at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Barrlck, S12 I street In the presence or Immediate relatives. The happy couple will make their home at Gallce, where Mr. Smith has a furm. I CARD OK THAN KM We wish to acknowledge wit!) thanks the many klndnossns receiv ed and loving sympathy expressed lis the time or our bereavement in the death or our husband and rather, John W. Deal. MRS. AZAlilA M. DEAL, JOSEPH THOMPSON, OSQAR WILKIN'S AND FAMTLY TKItltV MrGOVKHX DIEM IX XKW YORK TODAY New York, Feb. 22. Terry Mc Govern, former world's feather weight champion, died her today. Untouched Wealth In ryrns. The Pyrenees mountains ar rich In waterfalls and minerals, but their ex ploitation is rendered difficult by lack of rouds. With the water power there latent th mining possibilities could readily be developed. Job work at tit Courier. NEW 101)47 (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues, 25c; six issues Kflnf Ana mnnth tl RS wtiAft tiaM In advance. When not paid In advance, 6c per line per issue.) CHEVROLET car, good condition, good tires; will sacrifice for $375 cash as owner is leaving city. Ad- - dress No. 269, care Courier. 91 WANTED By competent lady In city, house work or any kind, or . hotel work, will stay home nights. Address No.' 271, care Courier. 98 TO MEN Who Want SHOES YK rJKI.L THK MOST MODICUM AND I P TO THK MIXCTK HHOK TO UK FOt XD ANYWHKItK, IT HTM THK FlMT, IS THK AOIK OK tMKOHT, MADK OF THK HIGH. KMT GRADK OF I.KATHKR, LASTS THK liONGKST OK ANY HHOK OX THK MAItkKT, AND IS HOLD HY I S AT POI'I I.AR I'lUCKM The FLORSHEIM IT IS THK LAST WORD IN HTVI.K, COMFORT AXD KCOXOMY. HKK WINDOW IHSI'liAV PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. Cuh Chthlert WHY NOT Attend BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY? 'Hie Income Tax of a Man of (Jed" "Successful io Business, a. Failure ia Rcligica" J::W V. iL l MYRON ItOOKIL. MlnUter. JOY--Friday& Saturday The Thomas A. kdlmm Htudlos PmMMit line of Jninr .Montgomery Filing's roinrdlrfr "(illtlX YOI' KNOW" "life. Screen Fan" pluy that sets the miImn beating la "THE ADOPTED SON" Warring - -t FRANCIS X. IIIMIIMA.N and j HKVKItLY IIAi'NK A slx-srt KiiMi-rriitiir of love and danger Kto 20c " E IS . Chicago, Feb. 22. William 11. Taft, Governor lowden, S. Stand wood Menken and hundreds or other delegates, representing every state In the union, today opened a na tional movement to make every Am erican citizen an active war support er, at the first sessions of the Con gress of National Service, held under the auspices or the National Secur ity league. ..,'.; , "The time Is coming and we might as well prepare to race It," declared rormer President Taft, "when the seeds of discontent will he . .sown, when we meet disaster, when, with hellish malignity, the Germans will suggest for fools among us a trap of Inconclusive peace. We most have our people educated to stand up against that and teach the Germans that a moral people like us will din sooner than give up our high ideals. "W ask no territory, no money, no Indemnity, no additional power. W are fighting for humanity, ror tho' most sacred cause sine history began." . COMING EVENT Feb. 27, Wednesday Red Cross party at Court Hous. March 5, Tuesday Hobo social by women or Bethany church at the Bobzlcn home, March 16, Saturday Red Cross Sale. If You Want i DRY WOOD! I Now Have It I have dry wood under cover. Choicest' Dry Rone Dry and PARSONS' WOOD YARD Phone B-R, or JOI-R