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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1918)
DAILY ROGVK RIVKR COVItllllT -VhWAV, fkbhuakv sh. itm. PAGKTWO "3 i-1 A 1 - i 'i i 1 vsa rogue rhi cou:.ier Published Dally Except Saturday A. B, VOORH1H3, Pub. and Propr. tutored at tht Postoffloe, Grants Pw Or., as second class mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display apae. pr Inch.......... Ise ImiI nr nannnaJ column. DOT line 10c Header, oar lms... j DAILY; COURIER i t ' 1 By mall or carrlar. par yr....l.0B By aiail tr earrler. per month., .JO i '.. WEEKLY COURIER . By mall, per yearil. : MEMBER . ' But Editorial Association Oracaa Daily Newspaper Pub. Awa. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Tb Associated Press la ieluiively titled to tb u tor republication of all newa dispatches credited to t or not otberwla - credited la tbli pasw and also tb 1 : newa pub llabed berela. All right ot republication of ipe eial dispatches hria ar alto reserved, v .. FRJDAr. WaWKTARY 29, 1918. V OREGON WEATHER .. ' 4" . Rain la the weist. fair and V, warmer tn the east. Saturday rain,' freeh aiterly wlndii ' KERENSKY " To whom iball Russia call In the hoar of ber need? Sbe thrust Ker enaky uide and took, up wltb an Ir responsible pair of adventurer, who teem, also, to have been in the em ploy of the .enemy. Their knavery baa beenexposed and they will soon follow tb course provided for 'such creatures, by dropping Into obscur- Ity, probably through bloody graves. ' When this unfortunate fiasco is end ed It is not at all unlikely that the man whose patriotism bas never been questioned will be called to de liver his country from the machina tions of her enemies. Kerensky came before the world like many another great leader, sud denly and unannounced, but be proved equal to the occasion and re mained faithful to the end. His peo ple changed, but Kerensky stood like adamant and fell fighting his coun try's enemies rather than forsake his principles. With him stood Tlch- inoff, equally true and strong, faith ful In adversity and loyal to the last, v It seems to be the only bright tinge on the horizon of Russia that Tichinoff Is seen now and then, defy ing the enemies of his country and advocating sound principles of gov ernment Is he a forerunner of the Kerensky regime? The higher civi lization ot the earth fervently hope ao. : :' Hoarding of boughten foods tn the house is selfish and not necessary. We do not refer to those families who have helped the food situation of the country by canning, preaerv ing and drying foods In the home during the previous season. The food situation would have been worse had it not been for the preser vation of vegetables and fruits In the homes, and . the housewives are to be urged to do it again. ' in Portland, Feb. 22. W. B. Ayer, federal food administrator for Ore gon, has Issued the following state ment, to which he directs the atten tion of all farmers, poultrymen, wholesale and commission men, and retail dealers who sell supplies to hotels, restaurants or other public eating places, in this state: "The United States food adminis tration states that "every hen which la sold before tb 1st of May repre- 3 Built Woney Savers Bask Fired Tm, perpoMWd ...BSC Uftm Tea, H lb, cm 0e Groaad IVwoUt, par pound HO Coco, Pure, per poand itoe CVm-b Starch, per pound - 10c , Soda Cracker, per pouad RICE FLOUR 1 5 . i . 1 ' KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY - f.1. tv ..:. Remember This Tfcsrt re no "Ikcr Tuts" to the'Clcssst ADtrcrsfuirtntee. It means Just wjjist It kvk "Golden West Cof tzz must be -Just RlhtMandlve you complete satisfac tion or your money back. Clbssct&bevers rorruM UMTU sents a food loss to the nation of about 30 eggs. Tb total loss of eggs represented by the customary sell ing of bens between February 1 and May 1 Is about I2.uHO.000 doxen. The value of these eggs Is about 80 per cent of what a hen Is worth, so that this prohibition against the sale of hens and pullets la not a losa to the farmer, but an actual . gain. Therefore, no licensee shall, between February 11 and April 30, 191, purchase, ship, sell or negotlnte the sale of any live or freshly-killed hens or pullets. Farmers should not kill them, and people should not buy them. "As this prohibition applies only to licensees, it does not prevent the producer or the unlicensed dealer from selling his stock. I have there fore, set a price not to exceed 24 cents for live hens and pullets, nnd 28 cents for dressed, and the same shall not retail for more than 30 cents, and the same cannot be sold by any licensee and as before an nounced, any dealer selling supplies to hotels, restaurants or other pub lic eating places, must be llrenned There Is no restriction on the killing or the sale of roosters or cockerels or other poultry. "Fully appreciating that the sup ply of poultry would become insnf cxreruDy plan ZJZZZJLZZL. planting. -chW vxrieria for food valne and prodortrrcneat. Plant GOOD SEED Strive for big return,.- Uur standing of over a quarter century m a SEED HEADQUARTERS of tb Northwest Guarantees We can Serve You to Your Profit and 'Satisfaction n a m ' a- a 1 1 I n . ' . I . ; f - : t t - flclent tor ordinary needs, except for the stock now held In cold s tor axe. am compelled to reognlte the price for this stork In other markets, antl If poultry la to be retained hcie for consumption, and not to b shipped but of (he atate, a reasonable price must be assured. 1 have atuiuranres from a number of cold storage plants that they will not charge over SI rents per pound, and such cold storage stork cannot be retailed for over SS rents, and any prlres In ex ress of these will be considered un fair and unreasonable." ICE Dear Mother Just a few lines to let you know w are well and O. K. Earl and I are still together and I guess we won't be separated I hope not. , 1 have seen a lot ot the country In the U.. S. A. aud I think Oregon Is good enough for me after the war. although we are treated fine here. good eats and a good place to sleep what more could we. want or ex pect. The people here have different costumes: there are no" wooden houses, all stone, and lots of stone walls. .There la a fellow In our squadron from Medford. his name Is Kentner, We have a lot of Oregon boys with us ber so you see we can talk over old times. CORPORAL CL Y W. EPPKKUY January 22, HI. Dear Mother Guy and I are In fine shape. Neither of us have been sick a day since we landed In France We are camped In a pretty place, rolling hills and some scattering timber. ' We have some awful times trying to talk to the French people The last letter I received was dat ed T)ecemher 3. Write every week even if you don't hear from me that often, because there are times when I can't write on account of moving around ao much. At any rate don't worry about us because that does no good, and If you do have to give us up you can feel that It was for a good cause and that we didn't want to be drafted. I haven't run across Wesley Wood cock yet, do you know what squad ron he la In? PVT. EARli O. EPPERLT. 12th Aero Squadron, A. E. F. A claasiried ad bring results. your -BUCKEYE" laMbrtot Simmimi Brood Stent. IHtmtmJfvMi) Pooda. .. UTS Poo ft I Special CatAloft , NURSERY stock POULTRY, lumiu , . BEE atrmiM , FERTILIZERS "BUCKET" M4 LBS BOOKLETS - Mailed on, Request. that for GitaodNa 580 mm I V Will Speak at the OPERA HOUSE Sunday, February 24th "The End of the World; Relation of World War Thereto" I'aKtor linker la an ull and rluquent pakt'r, lit hu niKtlf a llcrp Nt.idy nf biblical pmitltrt'lc. II hIU mak a rlrar ami Ihoruuirti eMi lion of thin aubjert. t'ome and hrr the Itllile truth cinirenilnx prroat ' rvrntx mid thrlr final oMlronie. ..i .ADMISSION KltKK How on you tell how old a meat aaw la? By. finding the saus-age. of course! " YOl-Mi KINlV TMK HAI HAUK HKKK! THK KIMI Vori.l, I.IKK! M K HKI.Ii THU IIKHT HAl'B.MjK TO!' KVKR SAW! , WK MAKK IT Ol IWKl.VI-W, KNOW IT'H IMJKKIXKMTH AMI A(JK, AXI VXgf.I.IFIEIM' ? KMXIIKM IT! CITY f,1 40.1 O HTHK.KT PHOXK M TROTZKY SAT UPON AI THE CONFERENCE Petrograd, Feb. 16. (Delayed) The central powers' delegates re fused the proposal of Foreign Min ister Trotzky to send a German offi cer to Kieff to' prove that the Uk raine Rada (government body) did not exist.'- ! f ' , Tb following day 'the tenth plen ary session of the peace conference was called, j '.: .'' Foreign ' Minister Kuehlmann, flushed with bis diplomatic victory over the Ukraine, arose to present General Ludendortf's -ultimatum, di rected at the Bolshevlkl. Trotzky, anticipating him, took the "floor and read the declaration Thrif tysrewdcare ful, , people make ' it,, a habit to read our clas sified ads Do you? These ads. are mon ey savers and money makers. . Keep your eyes on them. rv IT PASTOR W. A. BAKER Of the International Bible Students' Association of Brooklyn, N. Y. t ' 8. P. M, oa the Subject breaking oS negotlatlona. Ther was dead stlrnr. ' j Whrn Trolxky had ronrluded, Kuelilmanu' and tieurral ' lluffman sat apparently stunned. Kuehlmann finally hinted It' was "Impossible to quit the war cart without the proper ticket."' '' "You evidently are suggesting that your guns ar a proper sittmtitiit for roier Judicial formula,'1 said Trotikjr. Holfman nodded affirmatively, "I don't believe the peoples of Austria and Germany will permit you to do that," continued the Rus sian minister. Kuehlmann finally muttered that It was necessary to settte the diplo matic details and suggested another session. ; Trotxky refused, saying: ' "W must return to petrograd: we have no more to say.' If you hav any thing to say, the radio Is still work ing. v The Russian delegates departed without bidding farewell and refus ing to shake hands. HIS CAMOUFLAGE IN DANGER , Convivial Oentlsman Ivldtntly Had Railed Too Much en It Being Closed Season for Oyster, . W. B. Trttes, the novelist. Is In Paris with the American troops, and st a ' dinner st Palllard's h told camoo ! flags story. j "A young American officer,' hs said, "came to Purls from flying camp on furlough and celebrated bis first eve ning In the metropolis little too gsyly. Bis mother had an apartment In the Avenue de Messina, and be drove home at the evsnlug's end with the Ann deterinlnntlon that th good lady should never know how pickled hs was. "Be got In noiselessly sod began to search the apartment for plac to hide. Be thought of hiding under t bed, then of getting Into wardrobe, but finally he found two portable tin baths, and these gave him an excellent Idea. "He nndressed silently, curled him self up In one of the baths and drew the other over him. Then h chuckled to think how well bs bad managed, and went off to sleep. . , , "His mother, In the small hours, find' Ing his bed empty, mads a search for blm. At last shs cam to the two su perposed baths, peeped through a crack, and ssldi . , "'Are you there, dearf "The crack widened a little, a wild eye looked out, and a vole whispered : " '8h h I Go hie away, or you'll spoil my camouflage. I'm s hie oyahtrr" . , , NATURALLY HE WAS PEEVED Dog's Failure to Observe Msatlsss Day Cost Indiana Gentleman Just On Tins Ham. Louis E. Laltner, constsbls In the coroner's office, Is peeved and be has a right to be. Wlngle, as he Is known about tbe courthouse, likes to bunt B also likes rabbits as a food. Aa rabbits were selling for AS cents apiece hs decided to go get some with the aid of a dog and gun and thereby have the fun of hunting as well ss tbe pleasure of eating and at the same time reduce the cost of living. So he borrowed a dog from one of his friends nnd hiked for the country. The result of his marksmanship for the day was two rabbits, but Wlngle wos happy when he returned home with 70 cents' worth of gnme, so he put the dog In the basement for snfe keeping, and went to bed perfectly contented. , . In the morning, when be went to get NO tXH.I.M TIO.N .-; I'll MEAT PRICES Are Up in the Air Ho are prior tm rerythjg duo. At th same time It will y yon tn compare our prices with Umm of others. And ther Is lots of aatisfNr. lion In gvttlng the quality kind together with proper handling, nnd mt to your liking. Lota of people know this. If YOt' don't, try It. TEMPLE MARKET We have aa esrellent stork of lt and amoked meats, pur lard and substitute. ; 1 - Phone 134 th dog his Joy turned to gloom, fh dog wss there stl light,, but a per fectly good bam. which wss tb basement, waa goo. That Is, SBOst of It was gone, snd what was left waa unfit for nss ss food, because what th dog had not eaten he bad ehewed or dragged over the floor. "That ham stood me thrs dollars," Said Laltner, when telling about to Incident, "and I bad half a notion I shoot the dog, not so much because I mourned the loss of the ham, but tb scoundrel Is a traitor,' ss It all hap pened on meatless' Tuesday." Indl anapolls News. ginning of Shipbuilding. The first buoy was severs! togs laahed together and anchored by a stone. Man was Just venturing upon the waters.. Raftj ready made by na ture were bestowed upod him In" th Jetsam of the storm. Mnn built bettor and better rafts. Bis old ones an chored by rattan-held boulders cam to mark his landing plac and home. Whence cam th habit of harbor buoys. .Cards at the Courier ofllc. STUMEZE Stop Indigestion of Twenty-Fir . Mtmn manning - J. R. Hendorahnt V n ' .i m.. - -- -I m. ,, V 'Willi- dJ. Montana, graduated 1894, ; i nav nad indigestion for iweniy-nv year, also piles hav troubled ma for th n. ..... Tour 8TUMEZH) kas stopped it all." ' me Master Prescription, for catarrh of th stomach, Indiges tion, dvatiensla. HA. ' halnhlnv nausea, painful acid stomachs, has many mends snd Indorsers among the medical profession. There Is In STUMEZE that direct snd Immol ate heln that all stnmonti tiff AratM need and appreciate. 8TUMEZB Is ror saio and guaranteed by all drog gists. Qet a bottle today. Be Welti ' I v.