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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1917)
rltllllY, MlYKMilMt III, 101 T- DAILY ItOOt K ItlVKK roi ltlKR PAGE TsTRKB r T tt. The OWL a dependable smoke YOU have many friends, but there'i one you depend on. You admire him. You like him. You appreciate him he's dependable. Smokers appreciate the OWL in just the same way. The OWL is made from long filler leaf, cured an average of eighteen months. Its mildness and flavor are dependable. It is carefully molded by hand Its free-drawing and even-burning iigain are dependable. Dependability is the cornerstone of the OWL'S popularity. THE MILLION DOLLAR CIGAR M. a. r.umT mw m KERBY Miss Avery of Merlin who ha been visiting with Mr. anil Mr. Trim bin for some two weeks has re turned lo her home. vrnv.s vor think of Plumbing or R riiiix d) think f4 - Telkirow Sheet Metal Works That Snll Economy . Service Quality Skid Chains WE HAVE THEM IN ALL SIZES C. L HOBART CO. NOTICE Having beea called from the city on busineaa for three weeks, all persona wishing InforataUoa or aervlce oa ,t Regal, Dodge or Oldsmobile are rnqiieeted to aee O. L. Hottart at the Ford Oarage. , J. H. Denison Recharging '. Overhauling Battery Shop I'fitfci'y tested five of -linrge ' ' I't'iit ii'ittories for all lftakcs of t'iirs. C. A. LINCH - 400 South Sixth Street A ANrvi mm. Mrs. Kits Hokiip, h'n haf been visiting with he sl.ter in Yreka. Cat. baa returned hoii e. .Mlaa IIp.kIi Albright, v! Waldo. Ii now helping Mra' I At Am at tbe Pio neer hotel, Mra.' Ja k Fulk and f.t-r mother. Mra. llrlggs, ere In town on Wed nesday. - 1 Mia. Tom Floyd rod Mlw Geneva 'ii.nt Monday vlsltftig the Graota Paaa achoola. . . lr. A. A. Wlthtm. nf Grant Pa. addressed the people of Kerby . at the church on Sunday taking for tlte subject of hlit ad:)rcK, the work of the Y, II. C. A. Tbe address wna exceedingly Interesting and I nut mo tive. Although the weather waa In clement the audience waa good. "At 2 o'clock- Sul!c: rtev. V, H.' I'amunnKlan, of Siilem. S 5s. uilrstn ary of tbe M. K. church fur Oregon, preached to a icood audience nd af ter the aermon a Sunday fl hool wo oraanlxcd with nn ennillmcnt of .1" mom bora. Mra. Nettle WMie. o! Alaaka. If now vlHltlni with hei parent. .Mr. and Mra. J. Sey remit'. Mr. White came from Alaaka to visit her on, Hunh. at Fort Vancouver, and ex tended her visit to Kerbr to visit her people here. Huch waa one of the Kerby boya to volunteer. In the aervlce of hla country laat aprlng. A letter from David Ayers to his I no iUi !.: l int In- mul 71m Howard are worning near i nrvaius ami uom Ilka their iork. They are employed at a mw mill.. Mr. Howard's fam ily tii 1q K'l lo lilni some time ln'the near future. "' FOR RURAL SCHOOLS County rtli.xil Siijmm luifindAiit A l: ok lliu'iin, a abort limn no, re reived a rtilpnieiit cf nearly 600 II liriry books for the schools of, Jo- epliliin county, their purchase prl'-r iitiiiiniillnic In nearly $4.10. Their pnrrhaMi In provided for In I he Ore gon school law, which laqiilraa 'a levy of 10 en In fur each pupil be tween (tie aye if 4 ami 10 years. Id Oil shipment are aliout ZOO hooka for the tluRO high school which U paid for hy that district. thi expenne being tl 42.05. Thla se lected lllirnry Is the lust requirement Tor placing the Hiiko anhool In tbe class of afandard four-year high school. School district representstlvee mny. secure th hooka for their dla-trli-t , from tb county superinten dent nt any time by ralllug at her office. MiJRPHY Mr. Coburn baa rented the Farkey irinrh and movtd uwr to New Hope. j Mi'mlii-ra ure plunnln'4 on attend ing tiiv Pomona hruriKo to be held at the Ho-,'iie Hlvor srunKe hall tbe 'lnt Katurrtny In November. ' Ir. and Mra. Sweeney, ir Med- ford, were ralllnj on friend In Mur phy Sunday. Mr. Host from California will work on the Warn-hard place for the next year. The local romuilttee on the V. M. ('. A. drive wer quite aticceaarul. Thnne working in New Hope being raneclully pleated with the reponaea from nearly every' one. The roud mnater la taking exactly the rluht time to une tbe gradur and U welting the road In fine ahape be tween Murphy and the graveled road at Allen creek. Mra. Mildred Woodaon baa return ed to (irtinta I'um after trending aev Th 'weokt'kt .Murphy. Kedlanda If atlll buay ahlpplng grapea and can hardly pack fast enough to tuppty tbe demand. U II VILIJ-: IKtlVOS '. F. Ixtvelace transacted business In Grants Puss Friday. The surveyors, -who have uenn aur eylng the government Inndi south of here hnve been tailed In for the Inter. They 'have bem surveying the O. & C. -j r pint lunda in tbe for at reserve. Her. L. M. Rooier, of Grants Pass, visited friends here Friday. Mr. and Mrs., Kerr were among the Grants Paxs visitors the past week. The Wllderville school under the able leadership of Mr. Blah and Miss Dorby, Ii getting along nicely. and the attendance has about outgrown the room. More seats have been put In. Mr. Ootcher has hla big fine new house almost completed. It will be one of our most comodlous resl- dneces. Tbe lecture given Monday night by Rev. M. B. Parounagaln to tbe largest audience that baa gathered at WUdervllle for some time, will long he remembered by those that heard It. Mr. Parounagaln Is an elef quent and forceful speaker. The lecture wiwi Instructive, Intensely In teresting and enough 'lt thrown In for seasoning that held the large au dience for nearly two hours. Come again Mr. "Perry." The regular services of the Metho dist Episcopal church will be next Sunday at 11 o'clock. The Rev. Morris will preaoh. Mr. Morris has but recently arrived here, but by his eloquent and thoughtful sermons are attracting large congregations. The church and community Is fortunate In having the . services of such an able pastor and are showing their appreciation by attending the ser vices. i.After the lecture Monday night tbe ladles of the community served some dainty refreshments and ' a nice social time was hat). Do It again ladles, we enjoyed It, The 1.41 dies Aid society met this week with Mrs, Longhrldge. They are going to hnve the church paint ed' and re-roofed. Letterheads that will please you. n the Courier. elaMlfM ad will give rssultt. you cwi flavor most daintily ith LESLIE SALT it is full flavored free flowing siron-wiuhoirt bittc rnoss NEW STATE LEADER ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE Portland. Nov. fi,--T,he annual meeting of the board of truMeea of the Oregon anll-ealoon league, waa Keld at the Y. M. C. A. Cortland. Ore., tin November 13th. At this meeting Acting Huperlntendent H. A linker made his report and the fol lowing officers were elected: Frea- Ident, K. A. Maker, vice presldont. J. J. Hons, secretary. Rev. A. C. Mosea. and treasurer. K. Quacken- bush. The new auix-rlntendent, Kdwln Rawden, waa present. Mr. Rawden came to the Oregon league from Lansing, Mlh. For four years he was attorney for the Michigan Anti- Saloon league, and took an active part In the campaign that resulted In Michigan going dry last fall. Af ter the election, he drafted and se cured the passage of the law to make the constitutional amendment effec tive. He has had considerable ex perience In law enforcement work and for four yeara was prosecuting attorney In ODe ot the counties of Michigan. (iKHMAN rAPKHH IKTt'RK FlltMT t'AITI'RKI) .M:iUt'AXK Amsterdam. Nov. 18. German Il lustrated paix-rs received here yes terday reproduce photograph of "types or th first Americana 'tnred on the western tront.' I .. .-, eap- GOVERNOR PRO-TEM A IT 'Oiympla. Nov. 10. Ixtuls F. Hart, acting governor or Washlnton, to day pardoned J. H. Richard, recent ly sentenced to five years upon be ing convicted In tlallam countv oft attempting to blackmail O. E Thompson, former ambassador to Mexico and Bracll. OU NTV TKKASl'llKK'K CAU, , FOR IfOAD WARRANTS All Josephine county (pink) road warrants issued prior to October 1st. 1917. and protested prior to that date: are hereby called In. and are payable at the county treasurer's office on or after the 15th dav of November, 1917, on which date In terest will cease. .' GEO. 8. CALHOUN, County treasurer. 4 ' 603 G street. Anything to sell? Try a classified. CHICHESTER S PILLS NMliwnli Beta. S4HkK. Ahseuem. H laahlat saoBYD.wiisisEvtimmugE - The California and Oregon uoast Kaiiroad Company TOM CARD Effective June 1, 1917. Daily except 8unday. Train 1 lv. Grants Pass.. 1: Train 2 lv. Waters Creek 8: All train tftav flvnttla tlaaa fMtvm .vh.v , .... lu , iivui the corner nf (i and Dlehfh alrasfa opposite the. Southern Pacific depot For ' -all Information rararHIn freight and passenger service call at rnu onice or me company, Puhtic Service building, or phone 131 for same. PARDONS a, a v ar 1 Classified Xiat kAXa. 0. A C. GRANT LANDS Blue print Plata abowlng laada In Josephine county, 11.60. Address A. E Vnorbles,- Granta Pase if FOR HU.k nargainif .old at one. No. 300 West C street, one good 7-rooni house, one and one - bait lota, close In, worth $1,200, fry IS00. Terms Is desired. Ad dress F. O. Buell. Dlllard, Ore. 12 DKAL.KIU In- horsea, mules, cattle. wagons, backs, buggies, harness and. saddles. We have a variety of all klnda at all times. If you have anything to sell or exchange, or If you want to buy, come and eee us. W will treat you right. All our livestock la put out tinder guarantee. Red Front Feed and Rale Stable, Corner Sixth and K streets. Tlmmons t Mlggins. rroprs. nt FOR 8ALK All farm products sell at high prlies. Buy a farm and be an lndeendent producer. We bav good properties at easy terroe. Beat-Fuller Realty Co. 20 I"UY yiiJ. WOOD $2 iter tier. Harry Smith, Phone $12-J. 12 FOR 8AI.Two horses. One geld ing, $15; one mare $40. Each In good condition and weigh about 1175 lbs. A. N. rarsons. 9tf 8KOH- lle leaned seed wheat (Washington Hybrid No. 143 and Marquis, $2.50 per bushel.) Oth er seed grains. Alfalfa, all clov ers and grasaea. "Harvest Time Tel) the Story of Good Seeds." Ralph' Waldo Elden. ' Central Folnt, Oregon. lOltf FARM FOR RENT Fine Irrigated farm for rent. - Three to flve year t lease, cheap rent. About 60 acres in cultivation, abundance of water to cover It all year round; fine clover, grain, corn and hog ranch; - fine ontalde range tor cattle and hogs etc. About 100 acres Hne green pasture, fenced and cross- fem-ed; family ' orchard, lots or . berries: good house and One big barn . and outbuildings; stock, crops and Impfnments for sale, . iood heavy team, wagon, harness, hack-boggy; two fine cows; two calves; some hogs; eight tons hay; ' three tons fine rodder; 100 bu sheJs corn; plows; cultivator; bar- ; row; new. mowing machine; good second hand S-passenger automo bile; some household goods, etc., etc.. Invoices about $1,000 to It. 200, more or less. Allow noth ing.. Must be cash. 00 miles "ffom Grants Pass. 13 miles from .railroad, near Kerby, Oregon. Pos session given at once. Re spry If oil want a big bargain. Ranch will pay ror all and more Hrst year. Box 95, Kerby, Oregon. FO 1C8 ATjESpltien berg "a n "New ton apples. Price according to quality. R. K. Ross, phone 604 ft. 0Stf FOR SALE Dry mill wood, $2 per .tier. Phone 267-J. Amos Smith. :" ' -". 10 FOK SALE Organ. $15. Address 2201 care of Courier. , 09tf SECOND HAND 5-passenger FordT 1914. $195. Bargain. C. U Ho bart Company. , io fSlliONt ROOMS , Nowndier managmeat of Mrs. U C Arm stroag; 2$ clean room at ,35c and SOcr special rates hy week or month; also light housekeep ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf kFOR RENT Furnished rooms. Also Darn to be used as garage. Mrs. , F. A. Coe, S04 Washington Blvd. Phone 164-J. 68tf ROOM for rett ground floor, hot and cold witter, outside entrance. I Mrs. R. H. Lee. 211 West A. tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large com- fortable and co.nviently located. S6tf 411 C street. FOR RENT One suite of furniBied house-keeping rooms, also single room, close In, price reasonable. Mrs. T. E. Howard, 621 D street. 12 WANTED JUNK WANTED Anvthinit von have In junk; hides a specialty. Phone 21. Union Junk Co. 110 FALSE TEETH We pay "as hiehaa $17.50 per set for old false no matter if broken, n:so k13 crowns, brldgework. .Mall to! Berner's False Teeth Specialty, 22 Third street. Trey. N. y!. and rc cefve cash by return mal'. i WANTED Mangels, . carrots, tur nips, kale or other green feeds. Ill-A-Hee. phone 323-L. 10 WANTED 200 or 300 pounds of good medium sized Burbank pota toes. Pljone 137-J. 09 Advertising PBTSICLUIS U O. ClMENT, X. D. fractia limited to diseases of tbe eye, oar, noso and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-1 :, x-i, or oa ap pointment. Office phone, 62; resi dence phone 359-J. 18. bOFGHRIDGE. M. D.. Pbyikrlaa and eurgeon. City or country call atteaded day or night Reeldraar phone :; office phone 1$t. Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. DR ED. BT WATER SDeciaJlit an diseases of the eye, ear, mm aaa throat; glasesvfltted. Offlco Hours 9 to 12 a. m,. 2 to S p. m. Phone Residence 260-L; office 210-J; Masonic Temple, Grants Pass. Ore. A. A. WITHAM. M. D.. Physlclsa and surgeon. Of Hoe: Hall Bldg.. coraer Sixth and I streets. Pboaee: Of fice. 116; residence. 28S-J. Hoortv a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. J. O. NIBLET-PhysieJa and surgeon. Londburg Buildlag. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. Health Offlrer. Officer hours, 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to ,5 p. m.. pboa "110-J. . tstr DE-VTlSTg E. C. MACT. D. II. D Ftetf. dentisty. ' 109K South Slxtat street, GranU Pass. Oregon. ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton. Attorner-L.l& Practice In all Stat aid Federal Co arts. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIO WILLIAMS AtUram. at-Law Grants P&aa Baaklaai Oa. BMg. uraats Paaa, Oregon. E. 8. VAN DYKE; Attorney. Prastloo la all couru. First National Baak Building. ' DURHAM ft RICHARD, Attorns. at-Law. Office Masonic Tenrplo,. Grants' Pass Oregon.' W. T. MILLER, Attornry-at-Uw , County , attorney , . for , JoeopaJno County. Orflee: Schailborm Bldg. O. A BLANCHARD.AttorBwy-awLsrw uranu Pasa Banking Go. Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Paaa, Oregon V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Law Practice In state and federal courts.. Rooms X, and S. over Golden Rule Store. - . BLANCHARD ft BLANCHAKD. At torneys.' Albert block, phono SSS-J Practice In all courts; land hoard attorneys. ' , VETERINARV SCRGBON DR. R. J. -BESTIR Veterinarian. Office . In Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. .Phone 113-J. Resldoae Phone 305-R. DR.4YAGR AND TRANSFKR COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage . and transfer work carefully and promptly dost. Phone 191-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. F,Q. IS HAM, drayage and traaofar. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and atored. Phoa Hark and Holman, No... 50. Roal dence phone J24-R. '.' . ' THB WORLD MOVES: so do wa. Buncn Bros. Transfer Co. Peeae 397-R, ... MTSICAx. IMSTRCCTIOW J. S. MACMURRAT. teacher of vote culture and singing. Lessons given , at home of pupil If equested. Ad dress 716 Lee St. 851tf TAXI SERVICE ARE YOU GOING or not going, that 5s the question. Call Jitney Luke at the;Spa or phone 262-R, Always at Sour service for city or ' mT ; ; 8-tf TAXI SERVICE 16.0,. 15e a trip". A. ; S. Berrle. u - .' ii PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally 10 a. m. to 5 p.. in. For Sunday sit ', tings call Mill 2S3-R or residence , 10-J. 7$tf ASS A VERS E. R. CROUCH Assayer. cbeniist- metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Hall Building, Grants Pass.': 29 PLt'MUING FOR EXPERT WORK in plumbing, : heating, tin or sheet metal work, see W. R. Rannie, 512 H street. Phone 36. '27 AUSTRACTS JOSEIHINJE COUNTY ABSTRACT company secured the contracts for making abstracts ror tbe Williams creek. Josephine county and Illi nois valley federal farm loan as sociations. There was a reason. Let us make your abstracts. 24