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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1917)
IIAILY ..OGt'K lUVKit CXHRIKH r'RIRAf. NOVKMHKH U, lT- There's a Suit or Overcoat to Please You ho iaUe what youa " gkw' rur nlftr ir four JMte i hrlw yim want awagjree lilra la your rhtlhr or prefer the wore nm-.n-viulve IUmw, you'll ami tl tHsplayrd 4 Klso yourself up in Woa ' suit or ovcrroal U aaorfuw. fie bow much more jruu'lt plesM ynurrlf. Prices $15, $20, $25 Grants pAsi Trains ItrUywi - Trains from tha south ar delayed today by dirt slide In tha niiinn laina. One locomotive run Into the olid nd was "derailed, delaying traffic about 10 hour. This mock Inn's No. 14 waa annulled, coming In on No. It's time tonight. Srrmoa Huhjevti U Mymn Booser ' announces a series of Sunday evening sermons to lx kIvii In llethany Presbyterian church, of Interest to young people. The subject to Pe treated are, "The Younii Man a Young Woman Would Want to Marry," November IS. "Tha Young Woman a Young Man Would Want to Marry." November IS, and on December 3. "After the Honeymoon." "Is a Moral Tunic Impending," will be the timely topic presented at tha morning service In llethany Presbyterian church Bun-day. w show corn MANY FINE EXHIBITS rw : PER52Nf1L LOCAL t ' ' C. A. Beagle, of Holland. Is la r,rtnal Prwrf. J city loday . ' ! Daniel 8. Pfefferle made' final Pardee ells Olympic floor. 10 ! proof on his homestead yesterday bf Mrs. May Hose arrived yesterday J fore V. S. Commissioner Herbert from Rosebnrg and will visit her sis-1 Smith. The land adjoins the town ter. Mrs. Pernotl. ' jof Taklltna. 23c chocolates at Sabln'i Satur-j day. " . 10 M. If. Dell arrived this afternoon from Camas, Wash., and Is register ed at the -Grants Pass. The Josephine County Corn Show, given by the Josephine County flank, the Grants Pass flanking Co., the California and Oregon Const Ky.. and C. A. Wtnetmut, opened today In the store rooms of the W I not rout Implement com puny. There are 70 entries from all over the county from both Irrigated and dry land, the slue and quality of the exhibits being such as to make an Iowa farmer oien his eyes In astonishment, and wonder how they did it. There la corn of every des cription, mhlte, black and yellow, to gether with a splendid display of pop corn. A visit to the show will i-onvlnce the most skeptical that this country Is a corn producer. The show will be open all day tomorrow and It will pay you to see Josephine coun ty's splendid display. DIKH HAM. Mrs. Sue M. Uall passed away at 10:35 a. m. today. Family service at 3 o'clock to morrow nt the W. II. Puttitlo home. 423 D street. The remains will be taken east for burial, leaving Sat urday night, accompanied by her daughter. Mrs. Patllllo. Pardee sells Olympic flour. 10 Women iH Woodcraft - Regular meeting of the Women of Woodcraft tonight at Woodman hall. , The Cora Slum Many exhibits for the' corn show , have arrived and are this morning i ; being arranged for display in the ! . Wlnetrout Implement Co. building, , and the show promises to be a de cided success. "'' Job work at tl.' Courier. A Dollar's Worth of Value for Every Dollar You Pay THAT'S what you get when you, buy op" of these new suits or overcoats. They will give you more style, better fit fabrics and tailoring more real clothes comfort and satisfaction ! than you can get elsewhere at the price. ADLER Collegian Clothes tut worn by men and young men who art food judge of clothes, who demand correct atyle, materials of value, careful tailoring. If you are a clothe buyer of this discriminating type, Just come In and look over the latest arrivals in these new Collegian Suits and Over coats, YouH be impressed with the values we are offering, . Peerless Clothing' Co. HIM 1b SCOUIS ENJOY CROSS The Hweetest Story We have ever told I our chocolate creams, bin Saturday. 23c at Sa- Yoa Knew That Murphy's annual Thanksgiving ball on Thursday night, the 29th. Another Murphy lUxtdcnt S. N. Leonard arrived a few 'days ago from Fergus county, Mont., and will be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. lonard, who arrived several weeks ago and are located In the Murphy district. Irr. Bywater to Leave If n -! n .1 ,t .1 . I - r Tickets. 12... Satisfaction guaran- """ "J""" '" "'- """" . . r , ; Pass, I hereby request that all know- ireu. . .. Ing themselves Indebted to me please make settlement on or before De cember 15, 1917. Very truly yours. Dr. Ed Bywater. . 10 teed. Boy At flame If you purchase an article of your local 'merchant yon have the oppor tunity, of Inspecting It before you , pay for It and quality for quality yon Mining Activity at Kerby ' par less for it here than to the mall H. M. Pefefferle and sons. Paul order houses besides helping your 'and Phayl, are In the city for a few own town. If the people who are days on matters of business. Mr. attracted by the .cleverly worded ' Pfeferle reports considerable mln: descriptions in the mall order cat- Ing activity in the district and that alogues would think of . this and satisfactory adjustments having make comparison the result would been made, the Col lard & Moore he beneficial to the' community as chrome mine wil) resume operations well as themselves. SEW TOD AT (CLASSIFIED AD RATES? 25 words, two issues, Sc; six Issues, 60c; one month, tl.6t, when paid In advance. When not paid in advance. Sn ner line per Isaue. HATTKKY FKKVICK STATION Phone 19. r!utt-res repntred, sold and recharged. Old lotteries cred- , ited on new ones. Centner nnd ('"I ' llns. 12 PL B l,IC ST ENOG R AP II ER -M rsTlt . S. Rush, 109 North Sixth, phone 141-K. tf KOH 1UY 8L.AB wood "call Carson Kowler Lumber o. Phone 173-.!. ' II WINTKIt TURNIPS by the sack for sale. Phone 16,'i-R. 10 KIVB-KOOM furnished house for rent. Kent cheap. Phone HOX-I.. noons. II FOirgA : " CHEAP Kord side cur tains, new, P. Gottschalk Garage. 211 North Sixth street. II The Hoy Scouts, after a two hour' skltmlsh drill up the river Inst nl-lit. under Sergeant Bauer, wore Inuth to' quit at 9:30 and unanimously voted for another next Snnduy nftcrnonn. , The drill Sunday will be on this sid of the river. The Instructor !iMj drawn a plat of the country to l' covered, showing fences, fields. woods, buildings, etc. A Mcclton of1 the troop Is to lie t nimlilen cl an , enemy with deslKns upon Grants, Pass, located within certain limits of: territory up the rivet. The rninuln- der of the troop Is the defending . force, and Is to ho deployed under I their serKeants for the purpose of rapturing the at.tti'klng enemy. Af ter the skirmish, their Instructor points nut the mistakes In tactics and where one or the oilier of :he commands itiitdn the mistake which allowed either the enemy to he cap tured, or the city to be tnken. R D MONOPOI.r: I'UVMT IHTTHIt. J 1.11 loll .... tHt t int KlltS. VMl IJI.., TII.I,AMMK tllKKHr, l.ll. MATt llrM, PKIl WX - Kl lil. I'OIMl PKti. CORN STARCH M. J. IU Krr;K, HH Sl CAX H.V IV lUlr Or I lie K.V The Basket Grocery 417 0 STREET s XKW VOHK WOMKN Wll.f, IKH.R STATU lttSltMS New York. Nov. If). Newly en franchised New York women will have state officers, Governor Whit man said today. , at once. Joy Theatre FRIDAY ojrtiir' Viuillty llctures Corporation Presents Francis X, Bushman and MARGUERITE SNOW IS) "THK SII.KNT VOICK" SIX ACTS SATIROAV OXKY HA ROM) MM'KWOOI "llAl'.Tr:i PAJAMAS" ('imhI , Music Kvcry Night llh- and 2'lc Courier in the Trencheit lielieving that the boys In .the trenches in Europe would be given a "touch of home" by the weekly visits of the Courier, the publisher will send the Courier regularly to every soldier -who enlisted In Josephine county who serves on European soil. If your boy Is In Europe send us his address and the Weekly will ' be mailed to him free. Neatly printed stationery Courier office. at the Card Price Increases t On Derember 1 the price of en graved cards with plate will be In creased 20c per 100. Order now and save money. Courier office. 15 KmiuhIIi mui Sale I The Chamber of Commerce Is In, receipt of detailed descriptive lists, of the 91 tracts of land, ranging from 40 to 160 acres each, which tliej Klamath vlndiun agency is otTerlnc I for sale. The sale Is conducted on the plan of sealed bids, all bids he low the appraised values belni? ri-' Jected. These bids will lie opened on December 22, 1917. Bijou Tonight Mary Pickford la "A Romance of the Redwoods" Wouldn't you be thankful for a Victrola on Thanksgiving? Then why don't you atop in here and get one ? Our terms are to easy that you won't have to worry about the money end of it. '' Victors aad Victrol... $10 U 400. , Rowell's Photo & Music House Mi Washington, Nov. 1 0. Prompted ' by the patriotic act of an old soldier In California, the navy department Issued a call today asking the public to rotilrllnite for war service such binorulura, spyglasses and Iciest opes, as may now be in private hands. There Is a great shortage of these! observation glasses In the navy. T PLAN TO CURB SPIES Washington, Nov. 1 fl. Tha 'presi dent has npproved the plun for the relstration of enemy ' aliens. It is thought that Instruction will he Is sued shortly compelling their regis tration and the extension of the bar red zones. FISHING VESSEL IS WRECKED MAtiY LOST Seattle, Nov. 18. The Ashing steamer Manhattan of Vancouver, II. 0., Is reported wrecked off Cape Spencer. A wireless , frm the steamer Mariposa said that a boat from the wrecked vessel, containing six members of the crew, had been picked up. Several other boats, con taining 29 others of the crew, are thought lo he lost. KIITAI.V lll'KSIA V IthXUMKYrH ARK IIDINti lKMOIIII,l.r:i) I'etrograd, Nov. 16. The military authorities of the Petrograd m Hil lary district are proceeding with the demobilization of all soldiers' of the 189 nnd 1896 classes. What about the Thanksgiving Bird? UK MAI K HI RIM III RIM A I) HI III W. AMI IJ-'AVK VtHR TIIWK.HtilV lJ ORDKR WITH I H AM) VK Wll.l, TAKK (MNtll ( ARK OK IT. IN 'I'IIK MKWTIMK. TIIK IIKHT OK RKKK, VKAU I1HIK ANI MCTTON. a TEMPLE MARKET Phone 134 - kvKirn Nov. 10-17. l-'rlduy and Haturday Klrst annuul rorn show. (Iranta Pass. Nov. 21. SaturdayMeeting of Po mona xrango at llogun HIver Orange hall. , iHic. 7. I''rldiiyllmitst ladles ClirlHiinns bazaar and supper. 1:1 Nov. 17. antunl'iy-Children's story hour at the public llbrury, 10:30 a. m.; .Ienn!e Johnson, Hlrv ;. ler.