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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1917)
VACK TWO iuilt iuxhb river oorwota KltlDAV. SOVKMIIFH Itt. IMIT- DAILY ROGUE RIVER HSfyb - ; Punished Daily bospt Saturday 4. I. VOORHIKS, Pub. and Propr. BSSJ. C. SHELDON, Wltor taUrwd at ths PostonVw, OruU Paa. Or., m aeeoad class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display ipM, per Itch Local orp.r3aalcc4um, pec Una 10 ad era. ner ltt . DAILY COURIER y nail or carrier, par yei'....M-00 1 Py mail or carrier, par month... .60 , WEEKLY COCRIKR . ty mall. pr yr II. SO MEMBER . State Editorial Association. Oreioa Dally Newspaper Pub. Aaaa. Asdlt Burwaa of Clmlatloa. FXI1UT, XOVFMIIFU 16, IIT. For Twenty-Five Cents, 7 Pounds Merced Sweet Potatoes Raisins Dates Currants KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY gi'AIJTT FIRST upon which her present government is founded, and when Prussian au toerucy raised her nulled fist to crush thai), we find Hraill altxnlnii herself with the other enlightened nation of the world In combuttlim the world danger. OREGON WKATHKR Fair, probably rain Satur- 4 day; southeasterly winds. BRAZIL Yesterday waa Braall'a "Kourth of July." ...... i Beatde November 1$, the national holiday of oar sister republic of the south, is September 7. Braill's en traiee Into the world war on the side or the allies righting for de mocracy, gives the people or this country a new snd lively Interest in that nation's affairs. September 7 Is railed Indepen dence Day in Brazil for on that day, ta 121, Don Pedro, son or King John YI or Portugal, declared that Brazil, Portugal's largest colonial poseesion, should be henceforth free from the mother country. Tbe evo lotlon was accomplished with prac tically no bloodshed and on October It, Don Pedro was solemnly declar ed emperor or Brazil. . ' Brazil remained an empire for 67 years, the only Instance of an in dependent monarchy in the new world. During these 67 years, the idea of democracy was spreading rapidly over the western hemisphere and the people of Brazil determined to change their government again to keep pare with the more advanced Ideas; and, through a second blood less revolution, on November . 15, 1881, the monarchy was done away with and a republic established In Its place. The people had considerable re spect and liking for Don Pedro II, who was then emperor, and the act or deposing blm was as gracefully done as possible. Marshal Maneol Fonseca, one of the ablest and most popular generals of the Brazilian army, placed himself atthe head of the revolution and It was his procla mation. Issued on November 15, that marked the extinction of the mon archical system. A time was fixed for the embarka tion or the royal family and the de posed monarch was assured that "your comfort and health during the passage will he looked after with the greatest of care and the govern ment will continue to pay you the si'im assured by law until the point is sealed by the forthcoming consti tutional assembly." And to the republic of Brazil was started on its way In the most peace ful manner Imaginable, no killing of innocent people, no burning of palaces, no street mobs, In fact just the opposite In every way to the cur rent of events in Russia today. Portugal, mother country of Bra zil, sent a special delegation to par ticipate in Brazil's general rejoicing and celebration this month, as an evidence that all past family differ ences between the two countries had long been forgotten. But, though Brazil's birth of free dom was free from the usual scenes of violence and destruction, she Is none the less jealous of those Ideals flMIl UlMMil IU USE prison labors; A tirant I'sm school boy mUht win fine Shetland pony as a prize, snd with very little effort. Because of delay In preliminary arrangements, the time limit of the I'nited States food administration's ucatlonul contest, with three Shet land ponle to be awerded as prizes, .has been extended ror one week. In! Essays for this contest may be en tered until November 34th. Instead the essay, which are lo he upon food conservation topic partlc nUrly, and to give the writer's , understanding of the I'll I ted States fond adminis tration's home Instruct Inn card, w hich hiiw been given to every family that ha stalled the pledge card. Th, essay might also tell what the chil dren' horns are doing to keep the i pledge that ha Wen signed. School teacher will arrange their own ron-l tests along- the shove line. The Kind That's Warm E SUPPLY IS . AMPLE FOR PRESENT Washington, Nov. 1 (.--Motor ear owners are not In any Immediate danger of having their "gas" sup plies curtailed.. Fuel Administrator (iarfleld announced today that a sur vey of the entire country had not shown the oil and gasoline situation; to he acute, snd that for the present! he would take no step In restrict the use of such fuel for motive power. Joe Beeman of Gold Hill is Pnrilimt tndav and the Oregonlan quote, has. regarding the lime de- ' November 17th. as previously an posit which the' state lime' board has i nounced. recently leased from him, as saying: ' These three Shetland ponies are Two hundred tons of lime ferti- the pick of the famous drove of m llzer a day will be the output of the ported animals owned by Russel Gold Hill property. The quarry Is! Hawkins of Tillamook county, and expected to be In operation In time are donated by Mr. Hawkins pcr to supply spring fertilizer. sonally as a stimulus to the school The lime ledge, known as the children of the state to interest "Merry Xmsa" property and owned themselves In food conservstlon and by Mr. Beeman, Is situated on the other wsr problems of their country, south bank of Rogue river, just west , These ponies will be given for the or Gold Hill, .and comprises to best esssys on "What We Tan Oo to veins of high grade lime rook, each Help Win the War." one pony belus more than 200 reel In width. If awarded for the best essay trom stu- development Is extended to the apex dents of high school age, over 14 of the ledges,-the face of the work-lyears old; another pony to the best ings will be 300 feet in height. essay from pupils from 11 to 14 "The formation la massive and years; and a third pony for the best free from Intrusive dykes." said Mr.'j essay fr0m children of 10 years and Beeman. "H Is also practically free younger. Full details of the con front overbnrden and may be quar-teat can be had from the county ried at a minimum of expense." : school superintendents and each The property, which was selected county will Judge it own essays, for- by the board or agricultural lime, af-j warding Its winning essays to Port ter approximately BO ledges had jUnd for entry Into the state contest, been examined, is located one nilleThe three best essays from this se from the Pacific highway and "40 Action In the three classes will win feet above the Southern Pacific 'the three ponies. tracks. Everr school room should arrauce Vnder the provisions of his con-lit own contest then, arrange a con tract with the board, Mr. Beeman : test between rooms to represent the will receive 8 cents per ton royalty I school district and every school dls- on all lime rock quarried. For the trict should have Its winning essays most part the quarry- and plant will from the three classes In the hands be operated by prison labor, and Its; of the connty school superintendent product will he sold to the farmers j by November 24th for the final of Oregon at cost plus 10 cents per county contest. ton, says Mr. Beeman. No limit Is set for the length of j -. . . - i London. Nov. H. The British army in Palestine pursuing the Turks made further gain today. It hss reached the tine from Kr Rami and Ludd to a point three mile south of Jaffa. You Don't Need New Teeth to Chew Our Meat It is tender It is very cheap Tha'ts enough CITY MARKET 4M O STKF.KT PHONK ,V2 Tilt-: shut of hiinirs mf.n m i h ' NOW..-lHM. AIM) lit W UIMTII I'F.HFF.t TIO OF MVI.F. AMI FIT, AMI tnl MAVF. A FAIH llF.A OF It MUVS FI.WNFL Ml I lll'H AT $2 to $8.50 THF.V TVKF. THK KIIIVF.IM HIT OF TIIKMF. HM.I IS l I lliirt. GRANTS PAAS. OKKGON B Saturday Special Fresh Creactry Bdter Q)(Q)c RU hit;1 Co. Co-operative Creamery Ass n Phone 1 .110 F MIIW4 'kf-iTTU: max claims WltF.HTI.IMt tHAMI'ltlNSHII' . . ' Chicago, Nov. 16 Karl ('ruddock, of Iowa, ilulninnt to the world's ratch-as-ralch-can championship v.t ; defeated here today In two straight i falls by Dr. F. 11. ltollr of Seattle. ItKU ( IttrHH HF.AO 4KH TO IMHKIT ITALIAN RFUKK Home, Nov. I.- Major Murphy, of the Anierlrnn H"1 Crow, arrived from I'arl Wednesday to lake h:imn of the relief measures for the war rfiiee from Northern Ituly. W (Q) Q) Wanted! We will pay cash for turkeys and all kinds of poul try. Bring all you have and we will pay you The Highest Prices for Them in Cash Come early and see us before yon sell your poultry. Thanksgiving Day is near. Temple Market Phone 134. PAGE THEATER MEDFORD, Ore. MH Til FUN OHFaiO.VM UKKATKKT FLACK OF AMI'HKMJCNT Tuesday, Nov. 20 Watch Your Step" The imt Ktupenliui Muxlral OrKanlxatlon Kver In This Hmlon I 75 People hykcoimtf.u Special iSr(XT'.H8 40 Girls JrZZ " Orchestra MM AN;FLFH PAI'KIIH HAllt: . : "fhie if ttte hest eif biimKhl to the Crt," Kutmtnor "A irntiuy of tfrln, (towns, ciimcil)." Ittilletln. UrH A Mi I.FiK I'AFKIIH SAID: "A 4nMilonal suritrise,'' Fumlner. "The lotclleMt (lancer wren here." Herald. I'lirc 30r, 7.-c, l. $UlO, $'2. MAIL OKDKUH .VOW Nearly All Items in Drugs and Stationery Have Advanced in Price We have been trying to (jive our customers advantage of former prices as fa as possible. . t Yon cim help lis maintain cheiH-r pilccs by MtyinK up old ac counts nnd by paying new account promptly. , . N.VOFHS FOK KKHVM'K Demaray's Drug and Stationery Store MASONIC TEMPLE, G HANTS PASS