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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1917)
FRIDAY, KOYK.MHEII It, IttIT U II U 1 l -O'l W .' il y i A' r " Discover the flavor of mellow, 18-months-old tobacco. " M A. GUNST BRANCH MN1HM 00 , INC. U Skid Chains WE HAVE THEM IN ALL SIZES , C. L. HOBART CO. Rot'hjirgrin Battery: Shop Hut t fry tested frcj pf charge INnf I tat (erics for all makes of car' C. A. LINCH 40 South Sixth Street 1J,CJJ0RKIH (Continued from 4.) have, made ttielr cause our cuuao. Their defeat would menn our defeat. Anything which atrenmhena their handa will hasten the vlctorlua end Ing of the atruggle. The' military and civil leaden or certain of our al Ilea have made It clour that there la no one way In which 'America can help fielr cauan more than by plac NOTICE N Having htn called from tb city on bualneaa for three weeks, all persona winning informntlon or aervtre on ' . Regal, Dodge or Old smobile are mqtieate!l to are. C h. Hob art at the Ford Garage. J. H. Denison Nearly All Items in Drugs and Stationery Have Advanced in Price Wo luive been trying to give our customers mlvantitKC of former price an fn a pod-dhle. " ' ' You can help us imiliit.iin cheaper prices by paying, up old lie- ,;' counts and by paying new arc mnta promptly. , yocns Vim suhvick '!' Deniaray s stattncVslre - MAStt.MC TEMPLE, 0HANT8 PA88 . J Overhauling ing at the disposal pf their entire arm lea the practical and constructive agenclea of the Young Men'a Chris tian aaaoclatlon. Thla call haa tome with convincing forca from Russia, Franc and Italy. . Truated military repreaentatlvea of our own 'country auch ai' Major GenenJ Hugh 8;ott, Hate chief of ataff, and -General Per jahlng,' hnre atroncly endoraed theae appeals,,. .There are no two answer to auch appeals.. The responwe must be fnvornble, prompt and generous. ' "The 135.000.000 ahould he given ..V DAILV JIOfilE be'-auae or.lhe'dlrect and vital bear ing which lh worjf or the aaaorla. Hon has lu accomplishing the pur iHina of Iba war. Napoleon) haa aaM that in war him alii la to other far loia aa thrrs to one. Kai'h day III warring countries ara spending over 1 3V.UlMI.O0O in supply what IiiIkIiI be railed h material factors anrl forcea, Tlila hudKet' rails tor de voting leal than one-thlnd that aiim among over one-half of the soldiers of Ilia war, ami thla not In on -day hut In nlna Month. .America wisely and generously subscribed ovrr f I2tl.im0.lini to Him II.mI Crnaa In rt apnnao to Hie ftral aipial. Thla work of thu association, calling for tuna than on a .third of that amount, ministers not only Ilk the lied Crna to the phyalral comfort of tha enlisted men agl to tha miltlHO', prisoners, buL alao to their Inteller tilal ami aplrltnal natures In other wprda, to thnlr. morale." Tha organisation for Josephine county haa Ix-nn completed with T. P, .Cramer aa county chairman. All committee heada and team captain agerly await tha opening, of (lie campaign fur II la the concensus of opinion that the quota of 12.500 forjthat with the telegraph linna and Josephine county will, be greatly sem "official Newa Agency at Petro- ,ovci subscribed, .t (Continued from page J ) heen arrested by the revolutionary committee. , , "M. Kerenaky haa taken flight and all military bodlea have- been .em- powered to take- all poaalble meas ures' to arreat-Kerenaky and bring Mm. back to Petrograd.f All com plicity with 'erensky will be dealt with aa high treaaon." Nikolai Lenin waa Introduced by Trottkv aa an "old, old comrade whom we welcome back.", tenlna aaldr "Now we have a revolution. The peaaanta and workmen control the government. Thla la only a prelim Inary atep toward a almllar revolu tion everywhere." , V Memphla. Tenn.,j Nov. .ln an ddreaa here tonight Borla A,' Bkh nietleir. the Rnaalan ambassador, de- llclared that If Russia la to achieve her political freedom, the Maximal ly a who revolted agalnat the Keren aky pVovlalonal government at Petro yrad. must be overthrown. Immedi ate peace, auch aa the Maximalists prqpoae, he aald, could result only In Rnaalan oppreaalon. ,VJille not atteniplln to Ixdlttle the gravity of the situation In the Ruaidan capital. Ambassador Ttakh metleff laid the Maximalist revolt waa a revolt of the few aKalnat the many.. , ", Waablngton, Nov. 9. Dlscour agement felt here over the newa of tha overthrow of the Kerenaky gov ernment at Petrograd la tempered b'urklah forcea. The Brltlah eye-wit the hope that the extreme radlcala who nae aelted the capital may not be able to extend their control over the army or any considerable part of the country. However, It la feared that much blood muat be ahed and the nation further demorallaed be fore any power rlaea above the tur DULL AND SHARP SHOOTING PAINS ISdiif an Lad j Suffered Such Ptiai la Back and Head, But Says Cardoi Stopped Taese Bad Spclk. Palmyra, Mich. Mra. Chaa. T. rol ler, of tula place, writes: "In 1911 I got run-down, and I suffered great pain... with both dull and sharp shooting pains... alao back and head, t waa weak and could only drag around, and should have been in bed, for I really wasn't able to be up. . At times I would have spells that would be ao bad I'd have to go to bed, and suffered Intensely... -. I doclded to try Cardul, and saw a great - Improvement In leas than ' a month's time. I used 7 or 8 bottles and was stronger... I got so much better that my strength returned and my work was easy for me. Cardul did me a . world of good. It built me up In health and at length. I haven't had one of those bad spells since, I haven t had to take any more medicine since o have any doctors either and have been able to do, my work right along ...I rerommend It to btherwomen highly as the best medicine I know of for women who suffer from female trouble." If you Buffer from female troubtes, follow this advice. Get a bottle of Cardul today and give It a thorough trial. It should help you, as It has helped thousands of other woman in the past 40 years, At all druggists. EB-14 HIVEIl )I'RIER Htseso little S ALT 'theiyoucan yell afford ihe besi LESLIE SALT until stronir enough to control the situation. Th hi a lit department and the UiihhIiiii embassy here were without official advices tonight, ronaequent- ly there waa no ofllclal comment on the situation. Informally, It waa itolnted put zru4 In the handa of the radlcala. It would be difficult to liarn the true lit ate, of affaire, althoiiKh there aaa no disposition to question the collapse of the provisional govern ment's power In the capital. IN Umdon, October 7. (Correspon dence of the Associated Press! The occupation of Ramadle baa car ried the llritish . Mesopotamia army aome 30 mllea upstream from Its prevloua outpost at Celuja. This' la the dlatance measured aa the crow flics, but It la nearly double that distance by the winding Euphrates. The British convoya. though moving by day, pass each other In the ;ifk nesa of a l.ondon fog, and the white dust which covers the facea of the Arabian porters gives them the ashen complexion of flrcna clowns. On the rUht bank of the Euphra tes the riot alluvial soil of the delta Is left behind and one cornea to the first low dunea and pebbly ridges, while the roads are better and easier. It was on ground of this nature that the battle of Ramadle waa fought. The British troops showed them selves In excellent condition, after their long march, being put through a two days manoeuvre battle after a nlsht march. The heat, however, waa no longer oppressive. The nights are now fresh and cold and the health ,of the force la excellent. f When the British forcea entered Ramadle, they found many algna of the confusion and surprise of the neaa. writing from Ramadle, says: "A deep gully west of the town waa strewn with miscellaneous lit ter for hair a mile, including pack saddles, furniture, booka, suit-cases, and office parapheralla. Forty horses and baggage animals have been col lected and aome 30 camels. CHICHESTER S PILLS Lae1lMf Aafc M. Ha .l. 4 a mm m a ruiuc Kacm, MaJcd wiiVBIub Kibboa. Avk rr 111 -tYa.-iTapmai' r ear mmm UaNi BBANB MLLft. f MM. mui kttamm as Best. Sataa. AItv RtlUMsi SOtD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE The California and. Oregon Coast Railroad Company TDflB CARD Effective June 1, 1117. Dally except Sunday. Train 1 lv. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p. m. Train 3 lv. Waters Creek. 3:00 p. m. All trains. leave Grants Pass from the corner of Q and Eighth streets. opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Public Service building, or phone 1 1 3 1 for qame. STRAYED BSTRjAYED at my place one red and white steer. Marked over crop In , loft and under crop In right ear. Clover ieaf brand on left hip. Left eye blind. Owner may take steer by paying damages. "J. T. Mlddler ton.. R, F. D. No. 4, City. 105 Classified aOat ttAL. O. C. GRANT LANI Blue print Plata ibowloi lands In Joaephlne county, 1. SO. Addreaa A. E. Voorhlea, Oraa'.e Paa If KOK 8Al.r;-Bargarnl7old at once, t No. 309 West C atreet, one good 7-rooin house, una and one half lota, close In, worth fl.200 for tsib,; Terms la dealred. Ad dreaa P. O. Buell, Dillard, Ore. 13 DV.Al.V.HJ In horse, mules, cattle. wagons, hacks, byigkea, barnesa and auddlea. Ws have a variety of all kinds at all times. If you have anything to aell or exchange, or If you want to buy, come and ae us. We will treat you right. All our livestock Is put out under guarantee. Red Front Feed and 8ale Stable, Corner Sixth and K streets. Tlmmona A lllgglna. Propra. 1 1 FOR 8AI.K All farm producta aell at high prices. Bay a farm and be an Independent producer. We have good propertlea at easy terma. Beat-Fuller Realty Co. 10 DRY Ml 11 WOOD 12 per tier. Harry Smith, Phone 312-J. 12 FOR SALE Household furniture. Including piano, five sewing ma chines, parlor set. dining room chairs, three bedsteads and many other things. Thla week only. T. C. Creen, 821 A atreet. 104 CULL APPLES We have used over 40 tona and 'Will require that many more. We offer for aale, fresh apple cider, cider vinegar, dried apples, peara, prune, peaches and plums. Select your winter applea from our stock. Do your own. sorting. Kismann Pro ducta Co., South Grants Pass." 104 FOR 3AL Two horses. One geld ing, $55; one mare $10. Each In geod condition and weigh about 1175 11m. A. N. Pareona. 99tf CULL 8P1TZH.YREKU and Newton applea at 25 cents. a box at the place. Lathrop Bros. 105 FOR SALE Hone, barnesa and wa gon or will sell or trade horse. H. M. .Webb, 105 Central Ave.. Grants Pass. 106 SEEDS Itet leaned seed 'wheat (Washington Hybrid No. 143 and Marquis, $2.50 per buahel.) Oth er seed grains. Alfalfa, all clov ers and grasses. "Harvest Time Tell the Story of Good 8eeds." Ralph Waldo Elden, Central Point, Oregon. lOltf SNAP 27 acrea. 15 acrea bottonx Irrigated land.. 8 acres cultivat ed.. Buldlinga, team, cow, wagon, machinery, etc., price $1,500. L. A. Launer, real estate. 0$ TO RENT TRKMONT. ROOMS Now under managment of Mrs. Lj C. Arm strong; 28 clean rooms at SSc and 50c; special rates by week or month; alao light housekeep ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Also barn to be used as garage. Mrs. F. A. Coe, 804 Washington Blvd. Phone 164-J. 68tf ROOM for rent, ground floor, bot and cold water, outside entrance. Mrs. R.H. Lee, 211 West A. tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and conviently located. 411 C street. 86t0 ABSTRACTS J.OSE111NE COUNTY ABSTRACT company secured the contracts for making abstracts for the Williams creek, Josephine county and Illi nois valley federal farm loan as sociations. There was a reason. Let us make your abstracts. 24 PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. For Sunday sit tings call Mill 28S-R or residence 140-J. - 78tf ASSAYERS E. R. .CROUCH Assayer. chenilst metallurglst. Rooms 201-203 Hall Bitildlnjr. Giants Pass. 29 REMOVED WE HAVE MOVED to larger and better quarters, but have the same splendid meals at popular prices. Rooms in connection. Open day and nliiht. Panama Cafe. 109 Sixth street. 05 I'LUMItINU FOR EXPERT WORK In plumbing, heating, tin or sheet metal work, see W. R. Rannie, 512 H street. Phone 86. . 27 f AGE THREB. Advertising PHYUCIAXa L. O. CLEMENT, il. D. fractus limited to disease of tha aye, oar, nose and threat. Olaasea fitted. Of flea houra a-li, 1-5, or on ap pointment. Office phone, 12; resi dence, phone J 51-J. ' S. IOt (IHRIDdE, M. D . Physician and surgeon. City or country calla attended day or night. Reataeacr Phone .1(1; office phone, 133. Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. DR. ED. BY WATER Specialist ca dlaeaaea of the eye, ear. nose and throat; graaaea fitted. Office Houra to 12 a. ni,. 2 to, 5 p. m. Phone Residence 20-L; office 260-J; Masonic Temple, Grsnts Pass, Or. A. A. WITHAMj, M. D.. Physician and surgeon. Ofric: Hall Bldg.. corner Biith and I streets. Phones: Of fice. Ill; residence, 283-J. Hoar, a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. i. O. N1BLBY Pbyaldaa and aurgeon. ' Lundburg Building. 8urgeon Utah-Idaho . Sugar Co. Health Officer. Officer hours, I to 12 a. m. , 1 to & p. m. Phono 3 10-J. . 5tf DENTISTS E. C. MACT. D. If. D. Plnrt-daas) dentistry. 10H South Slztft street, Grants Pass, Oregon. ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton. Attomar-at-tew. Practice In all But and FMeral Courts. First National Bank Bide COLVIO A WILLIAMS Attorsam- at-Law QranU Paa Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pas. Oregon. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practloo In all courts. First National Bank Building. DURHAM ft RICHARD, Attori at-Law. Office Masonic Teaapke, Grant Pans Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Lnw County attorney for Joaephlne County. Office: SchaUhorn Bids. O. 8. BLANCH ARD.Attornoy-at-Lavw Granta Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon V. A. CLEMENT Attorney-t-Law Practice in atate and federal courts. Room 3, and 3, over Golden Rule Store. BIANCHARD A BLANCHARD, At torneys, Albert block, phono lit-3 Practice In all courts; land board attorneys. VETERINARY SURG BO Jl DR. R. J. BE8TUL. Veterlnartan. Offlce in .Wlnetrout Implemont Bldg. Phone 113-J. Resldtao Phone 305-R. DRAYACK AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. AH kind of drayaga and transfer work carefully and promptly doawu Phone 181-J. SUnd at freight, depot. A. Shade, Prop. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and fnrnltnra sieved packed, shipped and atored. Phone Clark and Hoi man. No. 50. Resi dence phone 1-2 4-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do w. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phae 397-R. MU9ICAt, INSTRUCTION J. S. MAOMUftRAY. teacher of vole culture and singing. Lessons given at home of pupil If requested. Ad dreaa 716 Lee St. 851tf TAXI SERVICE ARE VOC GOING or not going, that is the question. Call . Jitney Luk at the Spa or phone 262-R. Always at your service for city or country calls. 90tf WANTED JUNK WANTED Anvthlna vau have In Junk; hides a specialty. Phone 21, Union Junk Co. 110 FALSE TEETH We pay as high aa $17.50 per set for old false teathf no matter if broken, also gold crowns, brldgework. Mall to Berner'a False Teeth Specialty, 21 Third street, Troy, N. Y., and re ceive cash by return malt. 112 WANTED Correspondence j, with owner of small sawmill. Have lo cation in Rogue river valley with 12 t( 15,000,000 feet available. Yellow pine and fire timber. Ad dress 1200 E. 22nd street North, Z. A. Gillette, Portland, Ore. 104 WANTEIi Farmers and everyone to know that we pay 50 cents per dozen cash for fresh eggs. This ia the only kind we serve. Pana ma Cafe. 109 South Sixth street. Phone 228-J. 08 Job work at the Courier.