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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1917)
I nan mi OJULX BOGUS IUVLB COt'KOUl nint.w, NuvKMiim it, imr The Best $15 or $20. Suits and Overcoats Your money can buy, In fabric, color, style and workmanship our $15 and $20 clothes for men are not equalled in So. Oregon. Among the many extravagant claims of "values" these clothes are not able examples of true worth, dollar for dollar la addition, to thia nnqwetin. 4 aperioritjr, yoar aaoary is torn aatll w kaow that yrm an MtiKfiMl. I'F.llsOV Al. ,X1 MX A I. . Mrs. Mary McClung mad a lrtt to Gold Hill today. ' ll. M. Chile, of Applcgai. made a . business trip lu th ity tiulay, , Turtle hna liran. shorts and mm. tilings. , 104 Dr. Dixon, of Kerby, wait in the , city today attending to .mutter of' business. I Mr. un.l Mr. Ira lUnim and little' 'daughter went to Ashlund thin af-; ; lei noon. ( i Wm. ind U. M.fntiwh are install-! 'ing a hydraulic system on their pla-! cer holding on I .ouse creek, j Sunday Kxamiuer (or ale at i Horning' at S 30 Saturday night,: i Mrs. Ira Dlsbrow int a day or lo here with her mother. Mr. t l'oera. and returned to Hilt, where Mr. and Mm. Dlsbrow will upend die winter. Chit ken pie supper at Newman M. iK. church Friday, November th. OS Mrs. II. A. Schell and mma went to Portland today, where they will aiwud a few day. They will then (to to The Dulles to remain. Mr. Schell has a grading contract oa the Columbia River hlahwaT. Pardee haa bran, shorts and mid dling. ' 104 Mr. J. M. Finch, of Kerliy, la In the city today ranking arrangement for the sale of a car of chrome from her mine on Joaenjiine creek. They have a large body of tilth ' grnde chrome. , KnllMa In Engineer Davis Ik Sater, or Crania Pasa en- listed today In the 23d Knglneer. j and leavea tonight for Portland. From there Maryland. he will go direct to! I! J&A I 11 Your Suit and Over coat are Here FRESH from the hands of skil ful designers and tailors stylish and correct in cv?ry detail of fabric and finish these new Collegian Suits and Over coats offer to the careful buyer what we know to be ex ceptional values. And we are pretty good judges of clothes. , ADLER Collegian Clothes havt back of them th. Adlor. nattM and a refutation of fifty yeara atandinij. And otvtop of that you hav as a guarantee the reputation of this store as the homo of good. de pvndabl. merchandise honest ' values, . v " Peerless Clothing Co. i Car IhnntleU on C. U. C. It) Aa a result of a twlntt rull a freight car on the C. A O. C. rnllrond left the track at Camera corner, t of the Southern Pacific. dext. !o da mane waa done and the car waa quickly pulled back on the rail'. Meeting of V. It. t. ' Gen. Logan W. II. ('. will bold Ita regular semi-monthly meeting Saturday afternoon. business of 'Importance mini be attended to and a full membership la asked to he present. The annual Installation will be conducted by a local nicmler. All IttHuU U-ad t Murpliy Satnrilur nlsht. November 10th. lit I 4. iiraeis lnriuoma lunch. 104 IHr, WItham at Kerhy DY A. A. Wlthnnl will m at Her by on Sundjty and will apeak In the morning i n "What the Y. M. C. A. U doing in the war." The doctor i preaent at the meeting of the war council In Portland recently and haa facta to preaent which will atartle thone who are not luformed. There will be no collection nor anlutcrln tlona taken at the Aieetlng. leaven fur (iranta . C. Shrein. if the Cycle jtuppl : company left last night for llranta Pasa, where he will get an Indlnn niotorcyi'ln which he remntly pnr- chaaed from a traveler who wjmld rather cll the machine than to ride it from Grant Paaa to Kugene on ac-' count of the muddy hluhwaya. S lire in: will ride the machine home. Hu-, gene Register. ' 1 I'WMiKK.MAN STATEMENTS here late last night by a crowd of IlltlXi l!K.TI(i OX TOKI'HKRi1!1611' bllndfolled- "ven 12 mile, :lnto the country and neverely beaten Cnion City. Ind.. Nov. 9.-Fredjfor ,"ed vnrmun atatementa Toepher wa taken from his home 1 A classified ad will give results. r iKnlglilM-nntl l-iwlle Tonight . The clans to be Inltiatml tonight I Into the K. & 1.. of S. at the Moose ihall will number more than in. Mr. and Mrs. Saltmarsh state that the charter may be held open pending thfe addition of several who are." de sirous of Joining the lodge. Mew Coats Fifty Coats All received this week, will be placed on sale to morrow. These coats have been divided into three lots and will be sold at the following special prices: Lot 1 . $14.95 Lot 2 . 17.35 Lot 3 . 21.85 These prices are from two to four dollars less than you will find on coats of same quality. Styles are the best, with a splendid assortment of materials and colors. Don't fail to see this special showing tomorrow, Saturday, Nov. 10th. The Golden Rule lli IH-iiiiiimI for (rnie Grape growers lu tills .district are receiving orders from the Portland houses at prices that are attractive but are finding it dinicult to get help I to harvest the crop. On the high; lands there are hundreds of tons r grapes uninjured by the frost and In perfect condition. I New Jewelry Store 3. ft. Caldwell haa opened a watch repair and Jewelry store at fiOJt'j O: street, which place will also he tnt! headquarters for the tlljou theatre. Mr. Caldwell has been In the Jewelry! and repair business for 3a years! Ipaat. and during that time has been! (a collector of rare coins, having ln hla collection two roinan coins, one! i of them dating bark to J7 years B.I C.,' and the other 237 . C. besides pinny other amclent coins. (Arretted for Awtanlt I Thomas Delaney, of Wolf Creek, jwas brought to the city yesterday , l.u Cfltorlff I owl. jiii a k-nrmnl awjiril out by V. (i. Smith, also of Wolf Isn't It a Fact? ! Creek, charging him with assnult That If you sent your money out! h g iuaKerim ,,. e waa 01 town 10 toe man oroer Kiv(,n 8 hearing before County Judge 1 ana ir i sent my money out or town (;)1elte ,n(J K11V), ,l00 ,,,,, awn. to the mall order houses and we allj(1(? the Bcton of , ,.,, Jlr. sent our money out of town to the The aHmuH , a?K,,rt to ,,e le rG. mall order houses, there wouldn t lie any need of a town. Hut pn the other hand If we all spent the money for our needs In our own with our own merchants we have a Jim dandy city? town, would suit of a sliiiotlng-fcst in which Smith indulged, using n neighbors chickens for targets. It Is also stal ed that Smith pulled a gun on De lunny and (hat the latter used a club in self defense. Civil Service Ktaniimitioii The I'. S. civil Bervlce commission announces that the clerk-carrier ex amination announced to he held at Grants Pasa, Oregon, on November 10, 1917, has been postoned trj De cember 8, 1917. Both men and women will be admitted to this ex amination. Appllcantg should apply at once to the local secretary, Don ald J. Calvert, board of civil service examiners at the post pfllce, or the secretary, Eleventh civil service dla- trlst, Seattle, Wash., for application. Dians ana tun information. MIMTAKJT AVMTOIIS AltF. IVJI HKD AT S.W DIF.UO Kpwlal School Meeting Attention la called to the special school election to be held tomorrow, (Saturday) afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Central school building, for the purpose of voting a tax for the sup port and maintenance of t,he schools of District No. 7, for the year 1917 18. The election will lie preceded b? a general meeting at the same place nt 1:30 o'clock, at which time the budget , w 1 1 1 lie discussed and ques tions answered. A full attendance and vote of the taxpayers Is desired. San Diego, Cal., Nov. . Flight Instructor H. H. White, of the signal corpa, af North Island, and Cadet Aviator Horace Hnlsen were slightly injured today when the reconnais sance airplane In which they were riding went Into a sudden nose dive. The machine swooped down nearly 401) . feet and was demolished. White's nose was broken and his right th ii mb was trim off. Helsed received many bruises. . MAKKIKD KANOEIt-WKUS At (Irants Phkb,' Friday, November ft, Samuel Kd wln rtanger of Stockton, and Em ma Ruth Wells of Grants Pass, Judge C. U. Gillette oftlclnting. ihkii ItKKD At Uland, Wednesduy, No vember 7, Samuel Itced.. The funeral was held on Friday, with burial ' at Pleasant Valley ceme tery, - ' ' r: A Bride's Revenge EMMY WEHLEN . I la a A-.tft .Metrii WoniK'rpUy Thwt tve a Modern I'arwlile ' "Sowers and . Reapers" Joy Theatre Friday and Saturday niMF.DV "THK .M UCII MtKFIIH" 7 IIKM 7 IIKKI IVitva Hie nod JiU- J he Greatest Attraction Ever "... Presented in America Bijou Theatre-Sat. Nov. 10 II rMHitctl by oni'lAI, llltlTISII WAIt I'HTIIIKS W. k. Vniiilerblll, rirklilenl War Heller Fund. 7 "The Tanks" IS AtTlOX XV THK IIATTI.K OK AM UK - I, I These nuirvcloiix motion plduies, liottigriiplH-d hy niilhtirity of ihc llilllsli govcinincnt nnd Inken during the iictiuil ImiiiIk of th.. Ancic, one of the most iiionieiiloua nnil coIonmhI liullles In the Hmld's history, tnke you out upon the field of conflict, nIiow the iiIII.mI soldiers mtuitlly leap from tlie.JHM line tienclies unl clmrge ncross "Xo Mmii'n IjhuI" In Httnck the (letiiimi nmlilons. It pictures the torrentliil ruin of nrtillary fire Hint swept the enemy lecuches, it Mions In net mil Imtlle the glmit "TAXKS," the nmiii. mouth wnr monsters, the dreadnought of the hind, leuplng tiencluHi, ciilting their way tlimngli luuh-tvlre ciilniigleinents nnd fplltlng nut their deathlike rolosmtl flre-bn-uthlnu ilrngtms. It show the cup! me of regiments f (ieinmn triMipH, scenes in dressing iiml ctniiiiilNNnry eiuiim mill pU tures, us only the unty ing eye of the rninera tn'n, Ve grim ..miHty ,.Mm di'iimn of modern vtiirfitre, r , MATIXKK it 1. M lc nnd 'Mr M;HT T P. M IIV nml 2(V