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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1917)
V X FRIDAY. NoVKMHKK . DAILY lUHil K MVEU COl MVK f AGE TWO f ! 1 i J i I i V ! ill! ROGUE RIVER COURIER PuUlahed Daily ept Bturd ay A. . VOORHIB8, Pub. and Propr. INJ. C. SHELDON, Editor stored at the Postofflee, Grant Pse, Or., m second class) mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES pr !. i' ,8Cn :;-"j!e Local or pcrsinal column, f 1b 10 ders, per line DAILT COURIER 7 mall or carrier, par yer....l.00 Py nail or carrier, par month o WEEKLY COURIER ty mall, por year..- tl.SO MEMBER 8tate Editorial Association. Crtm Dally New.papor Pub. Aaaa. . Audit Bureaa of Circulation FRIDAY XOYKMHKK , 1817 OKBUOX WKATHKK 5 . Fair tod cooler. 4 GERMANY'S DILEMA A statement appearing In a went issue 'of a powerful German news paper, may give us an Insight as to the German government'! tenacious Inalstanco upon continuing the war. This paper, the Berlin Deutsche Tag exeitung. says that the rulers of Germany do not daro make a peace which omits a rood slied Indemnity to their nation. And the reason given Is that Gorman finances have already' progressed to a point that would mean bankruptcy through the Immense war debt. If no relief could com. Condemning the socialist plea of "no indemnities; no annexations," thla German paper makes the sur prising statement: 'A peace without Indemnities will poll ruin for Germany. Before the war the wealth of the German peo ple amounted to between 330 and 390 billion marks, (between $82. 000,000.000 and $97,000,000,000) of which nearly half has actually been spent on the war. Without an Indemnity, there is no hope of get ting on during the first ten years following the close of the war. Ger mans would have to carry extra taxa tion amounting to 12 billion marks compared with the pro-war taxation of three and one half billion marks. Another Shipment Merced Sweet Potatoes Order Early ? KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QIA1JTY KIRMT N Kumlehed by V. K. Huuoa of Grafts Pom Abstract Co. November 2, 1917. Tranufcr Minnie .Masters to Elmer U. Morey, Q. CI. D.. 35 acres In Sec. 7-40-7. $1. Mary E. Olmatead to Elmer U. Morey, Q. CI. D., 35 acres In Sec. 7-40-7. $1. Alvtn A. Morey to Elmer U. Morey, Q. CI. D.,v 35 acres In Sec. 7-40-7. $1. November 3, 1917., Transfer V & O Mining Co.. to John Valen, . V. D.. Nt4 of NWV of SEVi;; SWli of KEM and lots 1 snd 2, See.) 26-40-8. $500. I John Kenney to Geo. Thrasher, Q. CI. D., North Star Mining claim in I Sec. 22-33-5, $10. i Geo. Thrasher to Fanny Thrasher. Q. CI. D.. North Star Mining claim, $1. I 1917. November 7 Transfers E. C. Porter to P. S. Custard, Q. CI. D., Browntown Group of Plater! Mining claims in Steamboat dls-' trlct, one-half Interest. $1,200. ! Petition For probating will of T. J. Hussey, deceased. Buftlnewt Naine Assumed by DeWltt Van Ostrand. i U. w. Males, j. r. iteoay ana aivb H. Gunnell, Waldo Copper Company. ABOUT MEAT Any old kind of teeth 'will do when you tat the meat that we !. There is none tenderer, none juicier, none bet ter, and nothing as nat isfying. Try us fer Quality, Prices aid Service TEMPLE MARKET Phone 134 such a conference snd ire throwing their Influence must lii'nrtlly ,iu the promotion iUs. .The boys' working reserve, I. S. A. under the emler slili of J. K. Itrmkway, state illrei1 tor; the aisle Sunday school associa tion, through Mrs. M. A. IVunehower, acting general secretary, are all co operating magnificently, with the In terstate Y. M. C. A. committee to bring together at Euene on Novem ber 3tlh the HtroiiKest group of hlnh school bis Icuilers that has ever gathered In Oregon. The powerful Influence of these boys, returning lo their homes utter "the conference. -I..... l.l h., flt ti immth. ,... - , The following committee haa liven ' amuiliitetl to see that til Hilts I'nss sends Its full iiota of hoys Paul! Kliker. T. M. St oil. Jas. Martin. Hen Sheltlon and Or. K. C. Maey. The committee plans lo see that .eh Snniliiv school of the city, and lite IIO.V wonts nave wo reirren- tatlves ut this conference. TO SPARE ALLIES Dublin. Nov. . According lo the depart mot n of agriculture the Irish harvest Is now all safe and has nroved very good. I'olatoea have been a splendid crop and oats, wheat and barley show good results. Near- Iv three quarters of a million addi tional acres were brought under till age during the year. There was no shortage of labor anywhere and Ire land will have plenty of food for her self and for export. CORVALLIS Pullman, Wash., Nov. 9. Five hens belonging to J. A. Hanson, of Corvallls. winners of the Northwest Egg Laying contest at the Washing ton Btate college, laid 971 egg's in 10 months. Five hens belonging to P. W. Harris of Seattle, were second. "How can a country in a state of!"" . record of 932 eggs. mtn la which it would find lUelf ' and In Tiew of the Tartly Increased cost of living, shoulder an addi tional burden of that magnitude when six billion marks per year would he the absolute maximum that could he borne, and that only with the greatest effort." j Does this paper represent the real German attitude? Germany's war debt Is apt to swamp her unless she manages to get an indemnity from some source. She has gambled away j half of her wealth on an effort to. force her "kultur" upon an unwilling; i world. Is she risking her all on a: peace that will save her as against a peace that may mean economic ruin? J This brings up the matter of i where an Indemnity forced upon Germany by the allies could come' from. The most plausible guess is that the German government will repudiate Its debts with the result tbat the people will take the govern raent in their own hand. This means the German people most figure out tome way to pay to themselves, for they hold most of the government's bonds, as much as they can and still keep the country solvent. Letterheads that will please you, at the Courier. BOYS MEET AT EUGENE LAST OF THIS MONTH The twelfth annua western Ore gon older boys' conference Is scheduled for Eugene on November 30th, December 1st and 2nd, under the direction of the Interstate execu tive committee Young Men's Chris tian association of Oregon and Idaho. With the conference on a war basis taking as Its theme, "The Chal lenge of War." other state organiza tions have felt the great need of GREAT BU UN LOSS Flame! Shirts XOW, W TIIKItl H' 0K TlllNM MOHK THAN ANOTIIMl A M H I.IA AITHM I VI NK IT' ;MI Flannel Shirt tmY m.m:i. miiiits vk num. ltK .MA UK KNI'M'IAM.V HHt tiikv auk Mini: a nawn. SMIUTH KIHUI.I MH MUr t't M NI7.K. I'Ult'KI AT $2 to $8.50 IT nam NOT III NO HIT YH It TIMK TO HKK Til KM. PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. dsh Clothier Paris. Nov. . More than 60.000 buildings have been demolished In France and more than 100,000 more or less damaged by bombardments and Incendiary fires during the war. according to statistics completed up to the end of May. Sixty-three buildings Vlnssed as hlstorliAil monu ments had been destroyed. The total number of communes that had suf fered from the Invasion was 1.223. NEW TOD AT WKTrS AKK VK TOKIOl'H II V TODAY'S OHIO UKT1KXS Cincinnati, Nov. 9. The wets are leading by 2,634 In the Ohio elec tion. Results are yet uncertain. "Honolulu, Nov. 9. Ex-Queen Ltli uokalanl of Hawaii Is reported to be dying. Championship Game Grants Pass High School vs. Ashland High School Saturday, Nov. 10 High School Field Admission 25c SCORES OF THE SEASON: (it TODKK 20-fiKANTS PASS ASHLAND O (MTOttKK 27 (iltAXTS PASS 32 MKDI OKD NOVKMDKK :i ASHLAND 4K MKDKOKI) O THIS IS TT1K K1IS.ST TIMK Ci HANTS PASS KVKit HAD A (III B AT THE VALLEY CHAMPIONSHIP. nME OI T AND HKLP T1IK piYH WIX. ' Game Starts at 2:30 i CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 35 words, two issues. He: sli Issues, 60c; one month, 11.50, when paid in advance. When not paid In advance, 5c t'er line per Issue. ) PVBUC STENOGRAPHER Mrs. R. S. Bush. 109 North filxtb, phone 141-R. tf ELECTRIC VACll'M CLEANER for rent. 60c tor a half day. Bush Electric store. f tf Kbit SALE or trade Bull calf nine days old. V. O. Hough. 521 West Rogue River Ave. 109 CracKcrs for Less 1ULR SODA CILM KKIIH, I'KIl I.U. IU I.K OYSTKIt I KACKMW. I'KIt Ul IV ALL S5c PAt'AtiK 4 H)DS ... ALL I.V I'ACKAOK MNHsH. 2 Mll IfcV GINfiKIt HJI.1 l Ml - - ' KVKIIY IMV PltM'KH The Basket Grocery 417 0 STREET FOR RENT Five-room bungalow, 069 North Sixth. Or will, sell. Small payment down, balance In monthly payments. Mrs. J. E. Hair. SI 2 Washington, Boule vard. 109 FOR SALE About a dozen White Leghorn hens, excellent strain, f with good laying record. W.'L. Ireland at Rogue River hardware. 105 UH NTV TIIKASI KKU'H t'ALI. KOK (iKNKHAL WAUIUNTS All Josephine county general war rants Issued prior to July 1st, 1912. and protested prior to that dute; ure hereby called In, and are payable at the county treasurer s office on or af ter the 10th day of November, 1917. on which dute Interest lll cease. r.KO. 8. CALHOI N. , . County Treasurer. I lit! 603 O Street.' 4 COMING EVENTS 4 Nov. Ml, Saturday Children's story hours at publln library tit 10:30, Miss Lorcne Courtney storyteller. Nov. 14, W'ednesday Representa tive Hawlcy visits Orants Pas. Nov. 10-17. Friday snd Saturday First annual corn sbo OranU Past. Nov. 11-17, Sunday to Saturday Army Y. M. C. A. week. ' More Evidence PmvliiK thn Merit of .Magic Charles, .Mee, APi'legate, Ore. The MukIc tius Is great. Wish I had got It before. With that In I went to Grunts Pass and back on two gallons of gas. That means 33 miles pur gallon. - Am also frea from carbon now. - Are you a general ageut? If so do you want tin agent in McdfordT If you do I would Ilka to take It Please let mn know and what prices you will wholesulo It to me fur. Ilav several parties worked up over It now. Bliss llolne. Be patriotic and save some gaso line by using Magic Motor Gas. gold with a money back guarantee. A classified ad brings molts Calling cards at the Courier. An Expert Stockman Buys our MEATS AX K.XPKKT MKAT Cl'TTKK PKKI'AltKS THKM rYH THE ClSTOMKH. THAT IS WHY Vol' KT THE HIGHEST 'OIALITY OF MKATS AT THE CITY MARKET 4011 (1 STREET PHONE 32 We carry a full line of Plumbing Accessories iii-l-'ie . Install Richardson & Boynton Co. Furnace. K.XPKKT Kl KNACK HKPAIIIS ( CALL HOH-J TETHEROW SHEET, METAL WORKS