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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1916)
WEDNESDAY, JINK HI, 11)10, DAILY ItOflUE lUVfcll COURIER IMHTIUtT OLKRK'M To (lit County School Superintendent of Josephine County, But of Oregon: I herewith transmit te you, m required by law, tbt annual report of the ai'boola In District No. 7, la your county, for the year ending tba third Monday In Juna, 1910. GENERAL 8TATI3TIC8 . Census Number of persons over four and upder 10 roaldln In district November 13, IMS .. Teachers Number of teachers employed during tbe year Number holding certlncste of Inatltutt attendance during the pant school year Number of schoolrooms In operstlou during tbe pat school year ..... Eurollmeut In gradea above the eighth ' MISCELLANEOUS Numiter of scboolhouscs In the district -.. ... 6 Number or sc hool bouse built during the past ichool year..... None Number or montba' public school taught during tbe pait school year...... , 9 Number of legal voter for school purposes In tbe district at the time or making title report 1864 LIBRARIES Total number or library booki on band 8000 Total number of library book purcbaaed during tbe paat school year.... 150 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Cash on hand at time of making last annual report ....I 0,402.68 Recelnta Received from County Treaaurer from Received from County Treaaurer from Received from County Treaaurer from Received from tuition....- Received from county high echool fund Received from all other aourcea Total Disbursements Paid for teacbera' wages....- ..... Paid for rent of roonn and alte ...... Paid for fuel and achool auppllea Paid for repalra, Improving ground, and Janitor work . Paid on principal and Interest on. bonda and warranta... Paid for Dlatrlct Clerk's salary.... - Paid for all other purpose ...... ToUl .....!........... .. Caah on band...- ........ Total 142,217.85 Amount of bonded Indebtedneaa $86,000.00 GENERAL . Number or acrea In achool grounda - ...... 18 Eatlmated value or schoolbouses and grounda 8 118,000.00 Eatimated value or achool furniture and apparatus....... 8,000.00 Amount or Inaurance on schoolhoues and other property 78,000.00 Average monthly aalary or male teachera 112.00 Average monthly aalary or remale teacbera 76.00 Number or mllla dlatrlct ta levied v 7 H Valuation or taxable properly In tbe dlatrlct. 2,925,670.00 , CERTIFICATE OF DISTRICT OFFICER8 We hereby certify that we have carefully examined the booka and account of the District Clerk, aa required by Section 191, page 82, or the School Law of 1916, and hat we have round the aame to be true and cor rect to the beet of our knowledge and belief. We further certify that this report la an exact copy or the annual report In tbe Dlatrlct Clerk'i Record Book, and we believe the aame to be full and correct. (Signed) L. D. HALL, . Chairman of Board. (Signed) SARAH CLEVBNOER. Director. (Signed) J. P. TRUAX, Director. (Signed) EDW. 8. VAN DYKE. Dlatrlct Clerk. CHICHESTER S PILLS . Ill ta H.4 M KikV twxn, MMd Ml Hy U.K.. V T w. liar ifiMr. . ln m Sr4. iwfe.t, A l rlw 4 SMD BY DRUGGISTS tYfRYWTRf The Way ef It How are wbool trouble going)" "In the umiiuI wyby the board." Haltlmore American. v. A Regular Attendant "Do you go io huicU regularly?" "Yen; regularly once a year."-Ds-trolt Free I've. Patting th Werd. .We may not believe one-lnilf we hear, but w don't ucsltute to tel It all.-rhllailelphla Wegruph. ' . Not Vy Accomplished. (innUl-My doit know a much aa I. :faUllno--XVli" don't you gel aa In tellljicnt dogV-ClilfiiRO Herald. Thtt W All. 1 "Dlii .viiii imIki' - tiuytttliiK on your promise to iwyV. "Ob. t'i I raised miillc!"-Hultliiioi'e American. t Ancient Troy. The nlie of aw lent Troy Ilea 11 ween v tl;e Dardanelles and the Arabian gulf ; In Aln Minor. v pa Ha a Daughter. ' VII1lt-ra. w lint come uflor a mil , Jinn? Mr. Itoxlcttfb-The fortune bunt-' ef. my eon.-notion Tranwrlpt . Wattr at Gibraltar. Tbew In eo III tie writer on the lock uf lillirultur Hint tbe miiily In ln I'lcnm'il by fondcimtnit dew. America' Gift. Miil.e, toluK'co ii ml iottitoc mo the llnec grew I (mtliicts of tlie null which Amerlcn gnve the world.. , Cnoouragement. : Hlio-Ycx. 1 love iIok'm; Ilo-Thcn I'd lll to Imi h dog, tSho-Xovcr mind: you'll grow.-lluivuni I.iiininou. On the Safe Sic'e. "WIihI In ii Hiifeiy umich?" "MurrytiiK KM to cmciiiw bivach; of inonilHe niilt."-Kichnii!o. Preferenoe. ' Mimi incit llko to mco theniHolveit In print, but women don't They prefer hllk or an tin. Cooking Beef. ' Itccf when boiled Iohci nearly one pound to every four pound and when rousted elghtecii ounce. , ' Sheep In India. Bhot-p UNcd a licimt of burdeu In north India carry twenty pound weight apiece.' . . . ... Job printing of Very description at the Courier offles. A.N.MAI, REPORT Male Female Total 616 628 1144 16 24 11 28 20 272 district tax 115,144.87 county ichool fund 10,708.10 Btate school fund...... 2,188.60 80.00 4,676.00 168.40 ..f42.817.5 ...822,418.26 66.00 ... 1.681.17 ... 1.806.67 6,684.67 ... . 280.00 641.84 812,788.40 , 8,628.66 T DRILL FOR PRIZES Lo Angeles, June 21. Executing military maneuvers with the skill and precision of trained soldiers, crack companies of Knlgbta Templar short ly after 10 a. m. today began com petitive drills for' trophies aggre gating $14,600 In value before thous and ot enthusiastic spectators at tbe .'amphitheater here. The first 1rlw Is a beautiful libation set, valued at II5.000. iReacb cities were host today to jknlghta of' the cross and crown and exhibit drill teams were taken to ;Catallna Island. Ladles of the grand I encampment were taken on special .trolley cars to beach towns near Los Angeles and visited the Soldiers' Home at Bawtclle, the Palisades of Santa Monica, 'and viewed the attrac tion at Ocean Park, Venice, Redondo Bench and Long Beach. U)OHIIOIIKMKN HONOR MEMORY OF DHAt PICKET San Francisco, June 21, Long shoremen at every port on the Pacific coast quit work between the hours of 10 and 11 a. m. today to honor the memory of Thomas Olsen, strlk Ing picket, who was shot Sunday. It Is alleged he was killed by non union negro laborera. Four thousand San Francisco steve dorrs crowded Into St. Anthony's church, where a solemn high requiem mass was celebrated. After mass, officers of tho union serving aa pall bearers, and many othors accompani ed tho body to Holy Cross cemetery. . As a result of the killing of Olsen the lonKhoremen have Informed the shipowner that the strike along the 'entire const will he declared In full force again unless all non-union steve dores are dispersed before 6 p. m. today, Many of the non-unlonlnts are kept on barge moored near the 'wharves. ' ' Man. What ft piece of work Is tnanl How noble In reasonl - now Infinite In fac ulty! In form and moving how express and admirable!' In action how like an angel! In npprehcutdon bow like a god' The beaut." of the -world! Tln parngim rrn want." r trie -V1 Bn,Bmh!(,(ltn, KNIGHTS EMPLAR v WITNESS TELLS OF NORTH SEA BATTLE Berlin (via Wlrelesa to gayvllle), June 21. Enatgn Frommann, young observer aboard tbe Cernian flagship In tbe recent naval battle off Skagerak, today gave tbe United Press the first eye-witness story of the engagement; "In tbe morning the Oerman fleet cruised northward from - Wllbelms- haven," said tbe Oerman ensign. "At four In tbe afternoon our small cruis ers reported sighting an English arm ored cruiser followed by dread naughts. "The Welsbaden and Frankfort were the first ship, to report tbey were engaged. At 6:40 our guns began firing. I observed off to the east four ships of the Queen Ellxa beth class. I could see that the English had the best ships In action at that time. "Big ahell began whistling around us, bursting In tbe water. 'At tbe be ginning the English markmansblp was poor. Tbe enemy aalvoa fell a hundred yard away, Some fell with in 10 feet of us, but our ship waa not touched. 'Throughout the battle we ateamed along at 10 knots In a course parallel to the English, who Jeter turned east ward, so tbe distance between us de creased continually until we were less than sis mile away. While the battle waa In progresa we cruised over a great part of the North sea both fleets continually moving at full speed, with the battle front stretched out t least a hundred miles. "I saw Abe G-Sl sink. It was one of Englsnd's latest ships. A salvo of 16-centlmeter shells hit It aim ultaneously. Tbe crew at once be gan to seek the boats and got away, Then we watched theG-81 turn over, her smokestack dipped and aa she plunged we read tbe number 0-31 die tlnctly. About 7 o'clock I saw the smokestack of another English ship aboot Into the air. She waa ot the Defence class (cruiser of 14,600 tons). "The most thrilling Incidents oc curred in the night engagement fol lowing tbe day battle. After dark the English dreadnaughta were re ported steaming away, so our torpedo boats were sent Into the fight. At 10:18, while steaming southward. our searchlight turned upon an Eng lish armored cruiser quite near. We Immediately fired four salvos. In two minutes the English ship waa ablate. Her magazine caught fire and the sea was lighted by a ghastly white-green flame. A few seconds later she disappeared. We believed this waa the last of the cruiser Black Prince." "None or the German sailors slept or ate during the battle." the enHlgn said. The worst reature, rroin the sailors' standpoint, he said, was that when the gun opened (Ire, especially In salvos, the powder flew In their eyes, making observations oi one s surroundings difficult. It was En sign Frommann'a opinion that the English dreadnaughta retired first. TWICE PROVEN. H you suffer backache, sleepless nights, tired, dull days and distress tng urinary disorders, don't expert nient. Read this twice-tom lesu monv. It s uranta fasa evjoence doubly proven. Mrs. Amelia Iempke. 4uz r ti Grants Pass, says: "I can not tell you how much I Buffered from rheumatic nalns. There were times when could hardly get around aa I was o stiff and lame. At night I laid awake for hours on account of tbe pains which went from one part of my body to another. I got up In the morning feeling so stiff and lame that It was all I could do to keep up. I tried many rheumatic medicines and also liniments, but without getting the slightest relief. , Doan'a Kidney Pills helped me from the start and almost before I knew It I waa free from the trouble." A Itr Statement On March 20, 1916. Mr. Lempke said: nVhat I have said In my form er statement regarding my expert ence with uoan s Kinney ruis is a fact and I nm glad to confirm It whenevor anyone asks me." Price 50c. nt all dealers. Don t simply ask for a kidney remedy got Ooan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. lempke hna twice publicly rec ommended. FoHter-Mllburn Co., Prop., Buffalo, N. Y. 1 The Ptlloan. No one would lie likely to Imagine that so henvy unit. In fact, apparently ungainly a bird ax a pelican Is a king among sonrliiK Mrd. After much flop ping when these givat blrdn have av.k quired headway the broad wing are spread, and In um.lextlo circles they mount skyward, with only an occa sional flap of tliiwlng. often passing heyoiid the luntle ot uiic-'m vision. Job printing -of every description at the Courier tfflo. Classified Adw&g 40 ACRES 4 hi miles from Grants Pass, no Improvements, for sale at 140 per acre. Under ditch sur vey. Address No. 1418, cars Conner. 6i7tf FOR SALE Six-room plastered house, close) tn, lot lOOslOO, good had. Address No. 1418, cars Courier. 6S7tf MURPHY farm for sale, 78 acres 10 miles from Grants Pass, on banks of Applegate river, some) bottom land, much upland under ditch, with water right Address No. 616, oar Courier. 707tf. BLUB PRINT Plata of Grants Pass for sals at Courier eflloe. 11.60. 88 FOR SALE Registered Guernsey bulls from high producing cows. River Banks Farm, R. 2, Grants Pass, Or. ' 764U FOR BALE Three-ton Velio auto truck. The price is right Leonard Orchards Company, Grants Pass, Or. 764tf REGISTERED H0L8TEIN toll calf, born May 22, 1816. Btre, Clover idge Segis Korndyke, Advanced Registry backing. Dam, Pomona Hengerveld Doo. Fine individual Price reasonable. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Route 1. 766tf FRUIT RANCH FOR SALE 86 acrea on Applegate river, seven miles from Grants Pase. Best of soil. Bearing orchard of apples, peaches, cherries and strawberries, choice varieties. ; Gravity irriga tion; aibundanoe of water. Has a five-room houie and other out building. Thl Is a money-maker right from the start The Adjust ment Bureau ot the Portland As sociation or Credit Men, J. M. Warnlck, Route No. 4, Grants Pass, Ore. . 788 FOR SALE 30 Angora goats and line two-year-old Red Durham bull and Durham cows, milk and beef tyne. Grave Creek Ranch. 769tf FOR SALE Good saddle, not hurt by wear; also young shoata and an Excelsior motorcycle. - Phone 602-F-ll. "' 778 AM AKXIOUS to aell my bungalow at 720' Meade street Will consider any reasonable offer. Write S. E. Halverson, 224 South 36th street. Billings, Mont 781 FOR SALE OR TRADE for small one-seated automobile one vacant lot in Glendale. Write or see Clifton Besls, Days Creek, Ore gon. 788 FOR SALE 2V4-lnch Gould pump, had very little use; also 3 h. p. Westlnghouse motor, a bargain. Douglas Wood, phone 606-F-2 783 TO LET ON SHARES Two brood sows and 12 pigs, thoroughbred Duroc Jerseys, eligible to registry. Or will sell for cash or on terms. For particulars Inquire of C. D. Thompson, county agent. 778 Mining blanks at tbe Courier office. TO RENT FOR RENT Six-room cottage, newly papered and painted, bath, hot and cold water .boiler installed, 614 North Second street. Inquire W. S. Wood. Palace hotel. 778 FURNISHED five-room cottage tor rent, close in. Inquire at 215 C street, or phone 168-R. 775tt LOST LOST On Sixth street, Friday, medal with name "George C Wynne." Finder please return to Courier office. 775tf MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water .put up In 5-gallon glass Jars and delivered at your door, tretih, pure, sanitary. Telephone 293-R and water wagon will call. DURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial tests as- ' sure that this water la pure. De livered In five-gallon bottles '.V. E. Beckwtth. Order by phone, 602-F-S. ' 459tf WlLUAMIl6bGr praTcticai "painter. Wood finishing and enameling in . any color a specialty. Room en ameled 12.50 and up. Estlmatea . on request. Can refer you to many satisfied customers. 208 Foundry street. 788 VETERINARY 8URORON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian Office tn Wlnetrout , Implement Building. Phone 11S-J, Rcsl- . dene phone 806-R.' WANTED WANTED Girl to work. Inquire by letter or person. Mrs. Anna L. Baker, Prop., Belma, Hotel. 780 WANTED Five-passenger Ford in first-class shape, or other light car. Hare equity In modern home and some cash. Can we trade? Ad dress No. 1255, care Courier. 778 WANTED To buy, or rent tor the season, three-horsepower gasoline engine. Address No. 1257 Courier office. . ' 778 TIME CARD The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (Too Oregoa Caves Boats) Effective Monday, May 1, 1816. Train 1 lv; Grants Pass. 7:00 sun. Arrives Waters Creek 8:00 swm. Train 4 lv. Waters Creek.6:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Paau..6:00 p.m. Daily except Sunday. AH trains leave Grants Pass from tbe corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite ths Southern Pacific depot For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company. Public Ser vice building, or phone 111 lor same. Train will stop oa flag at aa? point between Grants Pass ai Wale'- Creek. Pascz -erriee every da) la tba week. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent ot Josephine county, Oregon, irlll hold tba regular examination ot applicants for state certificates at Grants Pass as fol lows: -.. ' Commencing Wednesday, June 28, 1816, at 9:00 o'clock a. m., and con tinuing until Saturday, July 1, 1916, at 4:00 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Forenoon Writing (Penmanship), Music, U. S. History, Drawing. , Wednesday Afternoon ' Reading, Physiology, Manual Train ing, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Course ot Stody tor Drawing; Methods la Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon ; Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology, Methods (n Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art Thursday Afternoon ' Grammar, Geography, Stenography, American Literature, Physics, Type writing, Methods In Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate, Education- Science of. ' 1 Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography, Physical Geography. English Litera ture. Chemistry, Education History of, Physical Culture. , . Friday Afternoon School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government Education Child hood and Adolescence. Saturday Forenoon Geometry, Botany, Education- School Administration. Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping, Education Methods. , LINCOLN SAVAGE, 788 Co. Supt. Odd Way to Reet There Is nothing, says a medical Jour nal. that will rest you so quickly as to sit on a straight back chair and. lifting tb feet from 'be floor, push them out In front of ; u as far as possible. stretch tbe and, put the head back. I open tbe month wld and make your self yawn. . Gave Him Tip. "Old they plve you tip?" asked a resiauraut proprietor of a new waiter who had jmt served his tint custom ere, "Tea, wirr," was the reply. :'They told me I hud bettlier go and carry a bod!" Eavesdropping. Belle She wouldn't stoop to listen ing to conversation Hii-oukU the key hole of a door lleulnh I know It. A party telephone wire l good enough for lier.-Youkerx Stntexinan Inevitable Conclusion. "My wife Is not at all foud of so ciety." "Oh, she does, doc she V "Does what r - "Her own dressmaking." Victory. "How happy the bride look!" ' "She hn a right to look happy. HI friends have been laying odd of 3 to 1 that she wouldn't land liln."Ex change. ' ; ' , :Sh Got It. Jsck As our eiiuiit:emrtit is to hf n secret. I won't Fire you an engagement rlim nt rvsotii ,1111 Oh. I'cmiM tnu It on my rind! hand: ' PBTCIOAKS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D.Pr actios limited to dlsaasea of the aye, sac, noie and throat ' Glasses Ittsst Office hours 112, 1-6, and oa ap pointment Office) phono 62; dene) phone 868-J. S. LOUGHRIDGI. M. D., PbysMaa and surgeon. City or country eaUt attended day or night Res. phone 868; offlos phosa IS! Sixth and H. Tula Building. 1. P. TRUAX, M. D., Phystclaa and 'Surgeon. Phones: Office, 111; residence, 124. CaXa aaswsrsd at all hours. Country calls as tended to. Lssdeburg Bldx. DR. ED BTWATER Specialist oa diseases of ays, ear, bom sad throat; glasses ftttsd. Offloa hours: 8 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. a. Phoater Res, 214-J; Office, 217-J. ScaattA Building, Grants Pass, Oragoa. DR. F. D. 8TRICKXR Diseases of children and general practloa. Tas l&sa w. Ofiaa: jaasoaio suite- A, A. WITHAM. M. D., PhysscUa aa - Surgeon. Ofloa: Ball BuDfisf, corner Sixth and I streets. Paoasr Office, 111; rsMdeava, 1884. Hoars: v tn. to 4 p. m. DR. H. WABBXN MCE. OsteosatUS Physician. Chroade aad asnosa diseases tpecUlty. Rooms 1 aad 2. Landbarg buQding, oppoatta tost office; phono 149-R. Bssddsncac Colonial hotel; phone 167-J. Til DENTISTS . C. MACT, D. H. D., First-class dentistry. 169 K South Sixth street Grants Pass, Oregon. . BERT R. ELLIOTT. D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. Marguarlta H. Elliott dental assistant Rooms t and 6, Golden Rule building. Grants Pass, Ore. Phono 265-J. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON. AttenMr-at-Law. Practice la all State and Federal Courts. First National Bask Big. COLVIQ ft WILLIAMS AttorsTS- at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Ca. Building, Grants Pass, Oregoa. E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practice In all courts. First National Bank Building. EDWARD EL RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Offlc Masonic Temple Grants Pass, Oragoa. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Lew County attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn BIdg. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-atrfiaw. Grants Pass Banking Co. hulldlag. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oreguo. V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-t-law. practices in state and federal courts.' Rooms 8 and 8, am Golden Rula store. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Franco. Belgian school ot violin playtac. E. R.' Lawrence, 216 I street PRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. AM kinds ot drayage and transfer . work carefully and promptly dona. Phone 111-R. Stand at frtegkt depot A. Shade. Propr. F. O. Isbam, drayage and tranafet Safe, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and tore. Phone Clarke 4b Holman, No. 6a. Residence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do wa. Transfer Co. Phone Bunch Bros. 16-R, LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84, A. F. A. If. Stated Communica tions 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Visiting brethren cordially invited. A. K. Cass, W. V. Ed. . G. Harris, secretary. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, NO. 78. 1.O. CO. F., meets, every WeeV " nesday eve' In 'I.O.O.F. hall. cor. 6th and H. Sta. Visiting Odd Fellow cordially Invit ed to be preaent I. V. Howell, X. G.. Clyde Martin, Secretary. ASSAYERS E. R. CROUCH. Asaayer, chemist metallurgist. Rom 201-203 PasV dock Building.' Grants Pas. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS PAPERHANGINQ, graining, paint ing. For the beat work at lowest prloes phone 295-J. C. G. Plant. South Park street. ,