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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1916)
DAILY tUAllH B1VKB COCWKn UT.ItNMMAV, JVXK St, IBS. Pica two Daily BoQ6 Elver Courier. ladepeadeat Republic Nawa paper. United Praaa Leaned) Wirt Telefrapa Serrlea A. 1. VOORJIira, ?. and Prof. WlLfORD AUJB, Editor Entered at the Oraita Put, Ora . Poetofflee M second-el aea mall mtiur. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1.01 Oae Tear Three MobIbi l.ll Da Moat .11 Payable la Advance WEDXKRnAr, ivsit at, iie. OIUBOOX WEATHER , . Tonight and Thursday partly 4 cloudy and occasionally threat- 4 tutor, wtatarly irlnda. NEW 1NDU8TRY OPENED. The first shipment ot ohroralc Iron Ort ever ant from southern Oregon rent forward from Water crck, th terminus ot the saw railroad, Tues day night. . Tht shipment was billed through to Naw Torn" city, and la the first of many shipments that are ex pected to follow as fast aa the ore can ba hauled to the loading atatlon. Forty tons constitute a carload, and H has to be hauled from 10 to 10 tajlee by wagon before It can be load ed upon the car. The present ship ment la made by the Manganese Com fatty of California, which has had omerous camps established through oat the Illinois valley daring the sea ton opening np the deposits of thla ort and hauling It oat for ehlpment. It It said that 00 tons, or 18 car loads, are now on the dump at the mines or at Kerby awaiting hauling to the railroad. The opening np ot thla new Industry waa made possible by the great adranre In the price of this ore, the bulk of which had here tofore been Imported from Europe. It as found cheaper to ahlp the ore by Teasel serosa the sea than to trans port It across this country by rail, nenre the deposits on the west coast were not developed. The ' freight across the continent la greater than the former prices paid for the ore. Chrome ore la used In connection with other Irons In the making ot aome of the higher grades of steel. ROUT. TWOHY ON EASTERN PROSPERITY. There have been rumors from Port land that the firm of the Twohy Brothers company would embark In the buslneaa of building wooden ships, and that a ship yard would be oper ated by them In Portland. The re Ian of Judge and Robert Twohy from the esst has put new life Into the rumor, though Robert Twohy, In an Interview Tuesday, denied that definite plana had yet been made. He eald, however, that proposals made them were under consideration and that announcement would be made The Finest Water White Homey KINNEY & TRU AX GROCERY Quality First G KERBY I aued a call for a mass meeting of proteat against United States occupa tion of Mexican territory. The call for the meeting mentioned the "in terventionist tendenoles of the United Statee southward," vaguely hinting that Interventionists In the United States threatened the safety of other Latin-American republics. The Argentine papers are divided In their sympathies. LaNaclon, the most Influential newspaper In Argen tine, attributes Mexico's plight to outlawry which Carrama la evident ly unable to prevent. While prac tically admitting the existence of a strong nucleus of sympathy In South America for Mexico, LaNactoa adds: "But the attitude ot the United States deserves trsaqull view as long aa It maintains a guarantee ot Mex ican territorial Integrity.- The newspaper Rasoa publishes a review of the situation under the headline: "Mexlco'a Calvary." The Union suggests that possibly other nations may he Interested, mention ing no namea, but evidently meaning Japan. The newspaper Argentine saya that Mexico la simply suffering the consequences ot anarchy. .1 KIU.KD IX CANADIAN KXPIiOttlVK Pl.AXT Parry Sound. Ont, June 11. At least five men were killed and 10 In jured In an explosion at the Cana dian Explosive Company, Limited, I plant near here today. The total dam age Is not known. Thla Is the second fatal explosion at the plant thla year. The cause of the explosion waa un known. . 1 a KKI.KA.SK OF CiElUIAN OKMCRKD BODY OF SLAIN RANCHER GUARDED Brownsville, Texas, J una 11. Fesr Ing an attempt would be made by Americans to obtain by force the body ot Wm. Browne, wealthy Amer ican cattle dealer, murdered la Mats moras, three hundred Mexlcana left Matamoraa today and encamped on' the site where the body waa burled. A detachment of Infantry waa sent from Port Brown to a point oppoalte the grave to observe the movements of the Mexlcana. Browne, whoae body waa found In the JUo Grande, on the Mexican aide yesterday, with a bullet bolt In the head, waa last seen alive In Mata moraa Saturday night. The authori ties In Matamoraa have refused per mission to exhume the body, saying they are awaiting Instructions from Mexico City. Rreaklng up of the punitive expe dition that crossed Into Mexico near here Saturday waa begun today. Troop K, Third cavalry, waa ordered from the camp on this side back to Brownsville. The other unlta will return to their home stations to morrow. Army officers today began recruiting scouts for probable service In Mexico. CARRANZA GOVERNMENT '.Continued Prom Page 1.) Washington, June 11 A Bruce Beilasky, chief of the United States bureau ot Investigation today order ed the release of Frederick Grieae, Uernian banker of Mexico City, ar rested at EI Paso yesterday on a charge ot fomenting border disturb ances. The release was ordered be cause ot Insufficient evidence. PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, June 21. Todey'a mar ket quotations were: WheatClub, 8S; bluestem, 96. Oats No. 1 white reed, 25.25W 26. Barley Feed, 27. Hogs Beet live, 8.10 8.25. Prime steere. S; fancy cowa, 6.50; later. As these two astute represen- bMt calves, 8. Spring lambs, 8. 75 Si 8.85. Butter City creamery, 2; coun try, 27. Kggs Selected local extras, 25 126. Hens, 14; broilers, Ki20; geese, I Off 11. Copper. 2S4. i . " 1 tatlvea ot one of the great Industrial v. V.-- ....I .......... t I weeks of late In the east, and have absorbed much of the commercial situation, the following statement made by Robert Twohy Is of Intercut : "The east looks for a close race between Hughes and Wilson. We found the biggest men divided as to which would win. I believe there will lie more oratory and less mud In this campaign than usual. "There Is less of the feverish buy ing In the cast now, and one banker we mot eald he considered the un derlying Imslnps situation as 'soft.' Outside of the Industries affected by the war there is really nut such great prosperity as we have been given lo nndprstand out here." SOUTH 1 WATCHES MEXICO Buenos Ayres. June 21. Alt South ' America today focused Its attention -en the Mexican-American crisis,! awaiting eairerly General Carranra's I move, in reply to the United States! note. 1 14 The Utfb-Amerlcao association Is- liiiter than rutting XUX SOLVKXT rxxvr roviKK for painful corns and aching feet THE 2 Ftm 2.V CLEMENS Sells Drugs Store period ot revolution, rebellion and Internecine atrlfe. No better evidence of thla attitude could be found today than In the statement of the high administration official mentioned, who aald: "Thla government still hopes for peaceful settlement; we are even yet far removed from war or Interven tion. But even should It become ne cessary, through some overt act of Carrama or his armed forces, for the punitive expedition to take up a more serious task, whom would our armed forces set out to fight!" War department officials aald that, In the event of real trouble, they ex pect no more than two or possibly three real engagements. But there would still be left the more serious work of policing and pacifying the country south of the Rio Grande. It would not be a matter, they say, of taking two or three strategic posi tions by force ot arms, and then treating with the established govern ment for pence, for they are con vinced that one or two victories for American arma would break any hold Car ran xa has on the Mexican govern ment. War and navy officials today aald ft would be a small matter compara tively to blockade all of Mexico. But they asked, "whom would we block ade?" The population already Is nesr starvation In many sections, they de clared, and to put Into effect a real i blockade simply would mean further suffering for those this government j wishes to relieve. There would be no government with which to trest 'ss to lifting of such a blockade. For theee reasons, administra tion officials are even more deter mined to go alowly. It was frankly admitted and emphasised that the ad ministration will strain lis powers to koen out of Mexico. Although many officials Mleved real atlon. If It comes at all. will not come for aeversl weeks, it was expected that all haste will be made to get the militia to the border as soon as practicable. Except the men from those statea In the far south, the militia men must be acclimated. It was expected that after the mllltla I men reach the border a period of walt'ng will follow while Carranta Is i given a final chance. Fraternal fellowship and good will were demonstrated on Saturday night. June 17. by the Golden Rule Lodge, No. 78, 1. 0. O. F., of Grants Pass, whose membership, to the num ber of about 28, visited Kerbyvllle Udge, No. 55, bringing with them ten membera from other lodgea of Oregon, California, Pennsylvania, Idaho and West Virginia. Degree teama from the second and third degrees brought the necessary para phernalia and conferred the aecopd and third degree upon aeveral can didates who were ready to receive them. The vlaltora were Indeed wel come and were tendered a hearty re ception by the Kerbyvllle lodge. After the work of the lodge waa performed a banquet was served In the I.O.O.F. banquet room, where nearly 70 people enjoyed the feaat. Sisters of the Rebekah degree, under the auperln tendence of Sister Delia Payne, pre pared and served the banquet, which waa a complete success. Following are the namea of those who visited the I. O, O. F. and aha red In the banquet: From Golden Rule Lodge Isaac Best. W. I Ireland. Paul R. Blanchsrd, Em 11 Gebera, P. E. Mae farlane. T. T. Dean, C. H. Wiley, Geo. Crawford, P. Q. Isham, Luke IJtly, Robt. Sexaner, Eugene Cary, I C. Raaye, T. P, Jayne, E. E. Blanehard, Geo. W. Swlnney, Geo. M. Flint, Harry Coiigle. R. P. Davla, J. K. Manuel. Geo, T. Klphart. W. II. Ryan, R. E. Bratton, H. T. Day. G. L. Wooldridge. I. V. Howell. Fred W. Reynolds, l C. Huntley, Clyde Mar tin. A. A. Wltham, 8yramore, No. 129. Hayward, Cal.; Geo. II. 8mrth, Royalnslng. No. SOS, Pennsylvania; R. P. Tillcy. Sunset. No. 81, Msrsh fleld. Ore.: J. II. E. Cramer. Samari tan. No. 2, Portland: T. E. Hall. Woodvllle, No. 217. Rogue River; S. M. Leonard, Fossil 110, Fossil," Ore! A. E. Grsn. Gem Valley. No. 5. Malad. Idaho; C. J. Howard. Medford, No. 83. Medford. At the annual school meeting, held on Monday, the 19th. Wm. Gllmore was elerted In the place of Wm. Wlmer, whose term expired, snd J. F. Stlth was re-elected to aiicceed himself. The clerk's annual report waa read and accepted. Aa there waa nothing special to be considered at the meettntt. the attendance was not very large and the meeting was a short one. Mr. and Mrs. John Wlttrock re turned on Saturday from Portland, where they visited the rose ahow on a honeymoon trip. They are now at home In the Anna Fenster bunga low on Main atreet. Mrs. Max Tuffs, who has been visit- dosing Qui Sale CIRTMST.Ct of which I have no control nvake II Imperative that I leave (Jranta I'mm, I therefore offer my entire stork ot Watches lUnga, Jewelry, Cut Glsa, Hollow-warts In fact everything kept la a up-UMlate Jewelry .tore AT AND lli:UV XsHT. Hale will atari June VI ami np to ami Including July 8. You -a not afford to ml this opportunity. Anticipate your wants and buy early. Nothing rearnrei). J. W. DIAMOND CO. (H)J ti Street Waste Paper Baskets (We have them la aJcl4 wire, lacquered etel ami la woven bamboo. Also whlW ed towel baskets for the ba Demaray's or brown Japan white rnaaei- bath room. Drug aed Stationery Store In borne people In Portland, also returned on Saturday.' Miss Trscy Stlth, who went as a delegate to the (irand l.odg O E. S. and also took In the rose, ahow In Portland, arrived Saturday. Hert lwls, who has spent the win ter In Alaska, returned to Kerby Sat urday, Dr. A. A. Wltham and wife, of Granta Pass, former old time friends of J. Q. Wllllts and family In Lake county, Oregon, spent Sunday with the latter In Kerby. Letterheads at the Courier. AHMIi'H 8TAMltl OIL TIUKD IX) MAINTAIN I MPOUM Plllt KH WaHhlnitton, June 21. Admission Hint the Ohio Standard Oil company has sought wherever possible "to maintain uniform prices," featured today's session of the federal trade commission's bearing to learn reaaona for aoarlnic gasoline prices. W. T. Ilolllday, attorney for the company, aald efforte to maintain uni form prices were made on advice of counsel and because of diversity of Interpretations of the Clayton act. pending some definite opinion or the act. Location notices .- Courier flic. Mining blanks at the Courier office Such tobacco enjoyment as you never thought could be is yours to command quick as you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a pipe or a home-made cigarette! Prince Albert gives you every tobacco sat isfaction your smoke appetite ever hankered for. That's because it's made by a patented process that curs our bite and parch! Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality 1 .1 11 gfKgsajaagfjgvVMBMgfMgfgawanta n. . .-wmm,'0WVr jj mmffi - ami w ---1 -II 111 LiiiMTi 1 lt L til t 1 M rS Om Ik tmw aMi J I I I ' : i thto Mf n4 Ma fvl I ,1 I nunud Jul. I i VI 1 ll: I 1 A Jul. K I SOT,- hkk ha Mil ArM mmm MM ! whan ea Mfca4 aWwal v. ."V 4jluuailMkM 1.B c21.'.':.' 8 kmm tht national joy moA has a flavor as different as it is delightful Fou rumor Uted the like of it! And that isn t strange, either. Men who think the? can't smoke a nlna nr mil a rette can amoAe and will tmoAe If they use Prince Albert And smokers who have not yet given P, A. a try out certainly have a biff surprise and a lot of enjoyment coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply. Prince Albert tobacco wDl tell its own story I BJ Pn'itc AXsrf eswyi aeAere raeecco fa aaV fat Hppyfdhf, 5c; tidjrd iNstaf tOtf gSHa)gfltaSiMW 0SMa? aW kmif-ptmnd fte aanW afar naf fAWcerSjawguae jpaytaftaf Cryit&i" jffanQ swaSgtW iar iatA ammgmubtmt imp IM Ifmp Ik Mtce an awe h caaewt' fvsaseaaeanst R. J. REYNOLDS TODACCO CO, WIrtoa,m, N.t U