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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1916)
PAC3 rouB D.ULT ROGUE RIVKI. COURIER WKRNKMDAY, JI NK 81, 11. l7Fr?0MII AHb I fCA ' . " THE NEW VICTOR RECORDS FOR JUNE v , bow In stock - 35 IVpnlar Song, - Including "Fair Hawaii She Sang Aloha to Me," "My Drrwnjr Chlnn Lady." 20 InstrumoaUl Numbers, In cluding lUnd, Orchestra, Marimba Mid Accordion R ' cords. 14 Vocal Numbers, Including 3 new Children's Records. 3 Red Seal Records by Culp, Gluck and McOorniackV Com in And hear them tlcsic an J Photo House ' SUnton RoweD, Prop. . COMING! The great Paramount six-reel feature, Tho Golden Chance," with Cleo Kldgley and Wallace Reid. STAR Theater ; AMISEMEXTS TONIGHT . - Bijou Stanley and Lea. -f ;. -v - Star Hasel Dawn. : COMING EVENTS June 24, Saturday Pomona grange meets at Merlin. Sept; 19-20-21, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday Josephine county fair - and celebration. - - - - - - NOTICE TO BEET GROWERS The, Utah-Idaho Sugar company, who are the successors of the Oregon Utah Sugar company, beg to an nounce to the beet growers of Jack son and Josephine counties that they will modify their contracts for the crop of 1916 as follows: For all beets polarizing 12 per cent and over sugar content and 80 per cent purity, delivered at the fac tory or on cars, 5 per ton will be paid. This does not apply to beets from Sutherlln, or those that hare to be hauled by trucks. 780 . UTAH-IDAHO SUGAR CO. NOTICE Sealed bids will be received until Wednesday, June 28, for grubbing and -burning the brush on the ball park In Grants Pass. Address all bids to W. G. White, secretary of the Josephine County Fair board, Grants Pass, Oregon, . F. D. 4. 780 Mrs. C. Rowan left last night for Corvallls, Mrs. A. E." Newman, of Merlin, spent Tuesday in town. H. R. Sloan left last night for Port land to attend to business matters. See the new shipment of ladles' silk and lingerie waists. Mrs. Reh kopf. 775tf Mrs. Mattle Mitchell returned to Merlin last night, after spending the day In town. Victor Ehorn left last night for Portland to look after business. i 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. T. MeKInstry spent Tuesday tn Medford attending to business. Mr. and Mrs. A. Aubery returned lsst night from a trip to the south. Mrs. M. Murphy went to Klamath Falls this morning to visit for a few days. Mrs. Lloyd Turnbull arrived today from Bandon to spend several months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Murray. T. H, Mitchell left this morning for Klamath Falls and will be gone all week. , Fay Riser left this morning for San Francisco, to be gone during the summer. Miss Mabel Whipple returned to Hornbrook after spending a few days tn town. George Sorenson returned this morning from Ashland, where he had been attending to business matters. Mrs. T. J. Brtnkerhoff went to Med ford this afternoon to visit for some time. Samuel MatMs returnel to Rn;m River this afternoon, after a day in town. Harry Short spent the diy in ton. returning to Rogue River this after noon. Mrs. J. M. Isham and daughter, Arda. went to Drain this morning to stay for a short time. F. W. Streets and daughter, Alice, returned last night from a trip to the south. ( Mrs. H. H. Basler returned this afternoon from Ohio, where she has been for some time on account of the sickness of her father. George Lundburg and family re turned from Portland, where they have been viBltlng. The trip was made by auto. Dr. L. O. Clement will leave for Portland tonight to attend the Pacific Coast Oto-Oththalmological society. He will return Sunday morning. T. M. Stott. late of Portland, is now with the Twohy Brothers company tn this city, being auditor for the new railroad, succeeding Mr. Woodbury in that position. Ponton at Merlin- ; , Pomona grange, of Joaephlus county, will meet at Merlin Saturday, June 24. Closing Out Rale See closing out sale of Jewelry In this issue. ' 778 ChrlMians Win' In a one-sided game last ntght the Christians won from the Baptists 8-0. Frye and E. Smith formed the bat tery for the winning team and Doug las and Q. Smith for the Baptists. The next game will be Friday, between the Presbyterians and Methodists. Will II. Wllwm Coining Thursday, to buy old clothing, shoes, etc. Drop him a card or ad dress No. 1S52, care Courier. 778 Mooae Band Will Play The Moose band is to play Sunday afternoon at the tall park tor the game between - the Klamath Falls club and the home team. Laborers Will File Lienv The SO or 60 laborers who bad been employed by the Southern Oregon Construction company upon the Irri gation ditches are preparing the papers, through Attorney W. T. Miller, and will file Hens against the company this afternoon, according to the attorney. The claims of the men amount to about 13,000, they having received their last pay checks on May io, and the most of them having ceased work on June 10. Action was contemplated by the men several days ago, but upon the promise of cash by today the filing of Hens was delayed. Payment not being forthcom ing, it is now proposed to take legal action to protect the rights of the laborers. Baseball with Klamath Falls Plsns are being made to make the game Sunday the starting point of a winning streak for the Grants Pass team. A number of new players are being asked to don the uniform, and it is quite likely that several will be here to fill the weak spots In the local team. The batteries of the two teams will be Bigbee and Clark for the visitors, while Pernoll, Cornell, Osborn and Baker will form the Grants Pass battery. Bigbee is from U. of O., and is reputed to be one of the best pitchers in the state. Have Commenced Action Action has been taken by George Mollo against the Rogue River Orch ards company to recover approxim ately $7,500. The case Is In the hands of 'Blanchard ft Blanchard of this city and Attorney A. E. Reames of Medford. Closing Out Sale- See closing out sale of Jewelry In this issue. 778 .Mr. Miller Return R. B. Miller, of the Twohy Brothers company, arrived home this morning from Portland and Tacoraa. At Port land he saw Judge Twohy, who reach ed that city yesterday from his ex tended trip through the east. Robt. Twohy had arrived several days ear lier. The Twohys are expected to come to Grants Pass within a few days, when further developments In railroading are anticipated. Englewood Dairy. Phone 222 The pure milk dairy. 92tf. Sugar People Visit Medford Messrs. T. P. Cutler. W. H. Pyper snd Geo. Austin, of Salt Lake city, Utah, accompanied by Alex Nibley and E. N. Austin, of this city, visited the beet fields In the Medford dis trict yesterday, the visitors expecting to leave on their return to Utah to day. About 500 acres of beets are growing In the territory tributary to Medford. It is understood that the sugsr company people are ready to build a factory In the upper portion of the valley as soon as the acreage for. the one here Is filled and when 5,000 acres of good beet ground Is assured for the new factory. Notice The Angelo Studio Is preparing to go out of business in Grants Pass. Prints from old negatives or new can be obtained for the next few weeks at reduced prices. 776tf I Envelopes printed at the Courier 1 office. i Utah-Idaho Company Moves The offices of the Utah-Idaho Sugar company are being moved from the ground floor of the Public Service building to room 203 on the second floor of the same building. The sugar company will hereafter have offices of its own, It having heretofore shared office rooms with other organ izations. Paul Kirker, who has been with the company and with the Pub lic Service company, will go with the sugar company to Its new offices and will hold the position of cashier. The jengar company Is not connected with either the Public Service or the Southern Oregon Construction companies. Letterheads at the Courier. NEW TODAY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two issues, 25c; six issues, 50c; one month, $1.50, when paid In advance. When not paid in advance, 6c per line per Issue.) PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Masonic Temple. Office phone, 174-J; resi dence. 341-R. Miss Harris. tt We Sell sad Guaranty iamiatma ROGUE RIVER HARDWABJB" ' The Mg Red Front : ""1 D .1 r,ft. n X & Thurs. I Daniel Frohman presents HAZEL DAWN In it I'liramount combination of laughs and thrills, entitled " MV LADY l ' hd0.. ' etOtO t AVeI1 - " fill llilil! I!1 1 ' ii-A w?t ... v..; . VSmo rz'Ji'ihiJi jf Wa HJonf UAH lo ,ee ran8e 'n operation. Mrs. Clara II C W dill j OU Darling, demonstrator and expert in dotriet tic science, will show you how" td use gas economically; also "stunts" in hot weather cooking. ' DatesJune 26-27-28-29-30, July 1, 1916. . ' Grants Fass Hardware Co. rat AT YOUR SERVICE . School Hoard Organlura The school board met' last night and organised tor the year, Geo. Lundburg, newly-elected member, be ing seated. Dr. Truax will 'be the presiding officer this year, and Attor ney E. 8. VanDyke was re-elected clerk of the hoard. Receive Fine Stock A young Jersey bull wss received today by express for the Ardencralg ranch. The animal Is registered and was sent from the Oak Springs ranch, one of the large farms In the Willam ette valley. The Ardencralg herd consists of fine Jersey stock snd the new addition will maintain the standard. DIXIE i Hunt for Hogue's liody The body of John Hogue, who was drowned In the Rogue Sunday night when his boat became fouled In the net, hai not been found, and the Ash em en have now commenced a rys tematio search for It. A permit from the fish and game commlss'on has been obtained for the use of dynamite In the eddies of the river wnen the body may have become lodged, and the powder will be exploded 'i, the hopes of raising the remains. Rev, Frank Gloeckner and wife and .daughter were out Sunday. Mr. (Gloeckner led Sunday school and gave a very interesting talk, which was enjoyed by all present. I Mrs. Lydla Dean and niece called at the Dixie ranch Monday evening on business. Mrs. Louis Lucke and family wit nessed the rose show Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knox attend ed the Murphy dance Saturday nlgbt. Miss Gladys York', from Applegnte, is staying with the Knox family for a few days. r Mrs. Falvey, from Griffin Ferry, visited with the O. A. Baldwin family : Sunday. ... PORTLAND (XHTLE8 WKI AMI lll liniEM GO TO WAR OLD HK(tND OREGON INFANTRY 18 RKVIVKD Portland, June 21. -A revival of the jold Second Oregon Infantry Is under way today. At a meeting of Spanish American war veterans last night, arrangements were made to ' start drilling at once. Judge Oantenbeln was appointed colonel. Portland. June II. Two "war brides" today stifled back tears as their uniformed husbands boarded (tains for the mobliliatlon camp of the Oregon national guard. Miss Margaret Ground chose a real military setting for her romance. She was married to Sergeant Ackley of Company E at the armory, Regimen tal Chaplain Gilbert officiating. When her husband's coinpsny arrives at the border, Mrs. Acktey declares she will follow him. BIJOU -:- Tonight A Hmanhlng Rig Hit Also Burton Holme' Travelogue COMING! Watlaee Rdlnger, In "The Gentleman of Leisure.'! Stanley and Lea Direct to this city from TUB PIOKFORD, Portland, breaking tli.t Han FranrlHoo-Portland Jump. Musical noveltleA of all kind. Hawaiian specialties. This Is one of th beet and high priced M'1h we lisve ever hooked. Holbrook Blinn and Vivian Martin "A RutUrfly on the Wheel" An unuiually attractive picture s Animated Weekly,., , , lOand 20 tVnfs - Note. Please come early Mtfclact wlll.uU'kly All.UienMM CASH PAID for Second-hand Clothes WILL RK IX GRANTS PASS Thursday, June 22 PAY ('ASH FOR SrHUXh. HAND SUITS, COATS, HATH AND SHOKS, AIJHO SKCOND. HANI) THI NKS. DIM)P MK A CARD AND I .WILL CALL. MH.Wuson ..JUi.'l .VtllttU 'lOJtUU'J JlU IN