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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1918)
t Jxtn'üí Ükmip Tfaüpvtm A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R SMILEAGE BOOKS FOR SOLDIERS Everyone in Forest Grove who hus u friend or relative in the army should purchase one or more Smileage hooks during the cam paign which is now on. Forest Grove’s quota is 150 hooks and these must be sold within t in• next few days. Your dollar spent for a Smileage hook will bring a hundred dollars worth of comfort to the hoy in the service. Pa triotic League will handle cam paign here. Questions and Answers Q. W’hat is a Smileage Book? A. A Smileage Book is a hook containing coupons entitling the holder to admission and seat tick ets at Liberty Theaters, Liberty Tents, and auditoriums under the management of the Commis-ion on Training Camp Activities in National Army cantonments and National Guard camps. By whom are they issued? A. By the Military Entertain ment Council of the Commission on Training Camp Activities, Washington, I). C. What do Smileage Books cost? A. Smileage Books are of two kinds: The first costs $1; the sec ond $5. Q. How many tickets does each hook contain? A. The $1 Smileage Book contains 20 coupons; the $5 book contains 100 coupons. Q Are the hooks to he in scribed by name to soldieis? A. There is a space for an in scription to soldiers by name, hut this is not necessary. Q Are they transferable? A. Yes, to soldiers in uniform Q. How many theaters have been built? A. One permanent theater, seating 3,000, has been built in each National Army cantonment. Two chautauqua tents, heating 1,800 each, have been erected in each National Guard camp. Q. Are Smileage Books avail able for use by civilians? A. Civilians a r e allowed in in these entertainments only when accompanied by a soldier friend with Smileage coupons. How much money does the Military Encampment Council hope to raise from the sale of Smileage Books? A. The goal for the drive has been set at 1,000,000 Smileage Books, but if a million dollars’ worth of smiles are good for our soldier boys, why won’ t two mil lion dollars' worth be better? Q. How can I get these Smile age Books to the soldiers? A. Send them by mail. Ivet the next letter you send to any camp contain a $5 or $1 book; think of the laughter in those cou pons. And, of course, if you have a boy, son, brother sweetheart or w m H No. 7 KOREST GROVE, OREGON, T H U R S D A Y , FEB. ?1. 1918 Vol. 8 L.J.SimpsofL. Prominent Coos county farmer, stock breeder, banker and Red Cross and W a r Stamp booster, who has decided to run for the Republican nomination for Governor of Oregon. husband of your own in camp, you will see that he gets on«*. Q. Under what authority is the Smileage campaign conducted? A. Thu authority for this cam paign is that of the United States Government. (¿. Who sup«*rvises the hand ling of the financ«*s? A. The accounts are audited by men from the War Depart ment. Q. Where can I buy a Smile- age book? A. Thru the Red Cross ladies or from B. J. Simpson, W . J. Mc- Cready or W. C. Benfer. Kchckahs Entertain Three score or more Rebekahs and as many invited guests en joyed an evening of music, drama and fun at the I. O O F. hall last night, followed by a nice Hoover lunch. The program consisted of a vocal duet by Mesdames Benfer and Sherrett ; a tableau of George and Martha Washington (Ivan Curtis and Mrs. Sylvia Bernard); a vocal solo by Miss Margaret Curtis and a playlet, “ A Patriot Girl,” with Mesdames Templeton, Wehrley, Parsons, Buxton and Hatfield and Messrs. Carl Curtis and H R Bernard taking tin- parts Then came a flag drill, with song, by eight ladies in white, followed by a tableau of the same • ight ladies. Accompanied by Russ«jll Beals, Newton Shipley favored the audience with two numbers on the violin and after this came a beautiful tableau of George Washington and thirteen ladies, the later representing the colonies. With another tableau. "T h e Goddess of Liberty,” and a vocal solo by Dr. Nixon, this ex cellent program came to a close. Assisted by ladies of the lodge, Mrs. Humphrey, representing the Golden Rod Milling company of Portland then served a dandy lunch, the breads and pastries be ing made according to the Hoover specifications, using largely flours other than wheat. The lady cer tainly knows how to bake good breads and cakes. A silver offering was taken for the benefit of the Y . W. C. A. Hostess House fund. Miss Jeanette Little and Mrs. Winnifred Aldrich are largely re sponsible for the excellence of the program, as they planned it and trained the performers. Red Cross Activities Old King Booze Dr. Walker Painfully Injured I.arge quantities of supplies, I^ast Friday evening, while Dr. M l* I i. Ci. J have been recently received from C. E. Walker and Paul Schultz .»13. KI FI J4 L d S l M iH K l Conwliu. and also from Ihe Curtisi w ered rjviw ^ t h o o M ^ W f f , ; u ■ in the doctor s car, they collided Louis Albert Banks Monday Avenue club. Through the splen with a south-bound Southern Pa- night told a crowd which almost did co operation of the various cific car and Dr Walker was badly filled the M E. church that old bodies of women working inde- jammed oyer the steering wheel. king Alcohol was on his last legs pendently and the work done at bruising his left chest severely and and that one more good fight was the Sewing Unit Thursday after tearing some of the ligaments of all that was needed to put him noons, shipment of com i , j a large . . __ „ . his right side He was very ill up under the ground. Ten years ago nleted supplieswas recently made to Monday noon, but is now so there were three dry states, three by the Forest <rov<- branch con- far jmproVe«j that he is chafing to years ago there were nine and to- sisting of: get fiack t0 work. M r. Schultz fj ay there are 27. If 36 state leg- 37 doz. hdka 1 was not in the least injured. ¡statures can be lined up for pro- 32 ambulance pillows The S. P. freight depot hid the hibition this fall the entire nation 6 doz. hospital shirts t red car from the occupants of the vvill be dry— forever. He declared 92 pillow cases «i prs. bed sox auto and they were almost on ' that he had just returned from 48 nightingale» ’ the crossing when they saw their South Carolinaand passed through 19 prs. hospital sox 1 dange*r, so the doctor steered to many towns where the schools 44 suits pajamas ; the right and was going with the 1 were closed for lack of coal, but 3 split pillows 2 doz. tray cloths l S. P. car when he struck it. His rjch black coal smoke was rolling 5 doz. napkins auto was dragged about 50 feet, from all the brewery and distillery 3 doz. hdkf substitutes but did not get under the wheels smoke-stacks. While the food ad- IK wash raffs i of the electric car. ministration was (very properly) f> ambulance pillows 3 arm »lings Walter Taylor, wh^Tas injured the public to eat oats corn- 12 surgical pads cer i * . i______ when an auto • in which he was rid-1 mea meaL . etc., etc-» to t0 conserve conserve bread cer- 3 rolls muslin eals, the breweries were today K N IT T E D A R T IC L E S ing in Portland Feb. 13th went consuming 200,000 bushels of bar 29 sweaters ¡down an embankment, is recover K helmets ley per day in the manufacture of ing nicely from his hurts at the 19 firs, sox | beer, and the brewers had enough i home of his parents in this city. 20 prs. thumbless mits barley on hand olast six months 2 scarfs He suffered a sprained back, a 155 eye bandages He declared that when the bruise on the hip and painful cuts 4H bath mits National Guard was mustered in on his left hand. 162 cup covers $ ;for duty on the Mexican border, 4 wash cloths 60 per cent of the members were Methodist Church Services M r» W. K. Curtis very kindly The regular services of the church physically unfit and that 75 per- donated a fine feather bed which will be held next Sunday beginning cent of the unfit Were SO because is to be used in making hospital with the Sunday school at 9:45. Preach- 0f alcohol. Also that the liquor pillows. The local branch hereby "L Z Z ™ * “p - S - f " interests were spending thousand, expresses its grateful appreciation ' meeting and the Young Peoples to Mrs. Curtis. A I-O for the kind , rieties at the usual time. Prayer meet- ■ 1 of dollars trying to get booze ad mitted to the camps and canton- of feathers by Me.,,lame, TOciety I Missionary society w i ll 1 ments where American soldiers cren. ' S a m e “ ' Thom“ ? H u m S ^ c T a . nd Durham h a v e K. Curtis. Johnson i . r t t b a t e « tnritsK l. ■ « « . > ’ • l s , m o re . dangerous than . , , f a f ’ : Sunday School board will be held next He secured a number of month- used with the feathers. Wednesday evening. ly five-year pledges for the fight We wish to make a c k n o w l e d g e - 1 a g a i n s t the saloons. The M. E. ment of the receipt a P a ir <)f new pa8tor ¡8 ™ the ground. Sunday School won the flag given scissors, donated by Mrs. Luch- Rev John Ebert of gisseton, South for the most votes cast by those anan. Dakota, has been appointed pastor of ; m the audience A ls o to expr*. J» OUr thanks to this church for the rest of the eonfer- Mrs. N ic h o lso n for the g ift o f an ence year and expects to be here to fill IN MEMORIAM ambulance pillow pillow ciuu and two cases the P ^ P '1 the first Sunday in March. l j Re v’ Ebert comes highly recommended. . Whereas, It has pleased our for same, to Mrs. Hamer for two Hs hjis bee ambulance pillows and four cases, years and is a graduate of Morningside heavenly Father to retnove from and to Mrs Frank Vandehey for college of Sioux City, Iowa, and^Gar- our midst our sister, Grace New- two ambulance pillows and four rett Biblical Institute o f Chicago. He ton Parsons, we, the officers and has a wife and three small children. members of Forest Rebekah lodge, cases. extend to the bereaved family our Christian Church The three quilts which were sold by guessing the number of Service, next Lord’s Day: ls i" cere a n d la stin * >" beans in a jar, brought returns as Bible school 9:45 a. m.; Communion this, their hour of great sorrow. “ ’Tis not the whole of life to live, follows: The one at Smith’, fur- ’ E ^ . 'T u " Nor all of death to die. niture Store $J.o5, won by Mrs. ; jor^ Intermediate and Young People Beyond this vale of tears Hamer; the one at Caples Store t>:30 p. m. Song service and sermon at There is a life above. $12.25, won by Ruth Burlingham, :30 p. m.: subject, "T h e Chief of Sin Unmeasured by the flight of years. and the one at Anderson's $15.50, ners and How He Found Christ.” Don’t forget the School of Methods And all that life is love.” won by Mrs. Hurley, These have at Portland Feb. 25 to March 1. An A nna M. T empleton , been «donated by the winners to j opportunity, if you can possibly go, to Learn to Laugh S ylvia B ernard , study Bible School activities under Rehearsals a r e b e i n g held the Red Cross and their dispo ! specialists E dna Ross, in the work. I f you want to nightly for the Red Cross play sition is again being considered by be mart efficient in your department, Committee. "A ll a Mistake.” It is going to the committee in charge. be sure and go. Joe Lilly of Gales Creek is ill Everybody welcome. be one of the funniest farces ever The Congiegationalists last Sun with pneumonia. R. L. P U T N A M . Minister. put on in Forest Grove. day voted 45 to 17 in favor of If you want to have one big long laugh, come to the Star federation, the Christians put in Theater, Monday night, Mar. 4. so much time di-cussing the ques See Miss Lena Duyck and Her tion that they didn’ t have time to bert Deuell in th«*ir matrimonial vote, hut will probably do so next The Methodists have mixup and watch Miss Iva Conger Sunday. not voted on the question and, try to fix things up and incident On Aug. 16th the Express pub-! succumb to its force. Your letter since a pastor has been assigned ally get into a worse mixup with lished a letter from his Satanic ° f abdication will go down in his- her fiance, played by Bert Doane. them, they are very likely out of Majesty, Lucifer H. Satan. to tor,y as a statepaper of more than the scheme. r,... ... t n • ¡ordinary force, for which you See R. E. Burns, as the old and ’ the mi u u Mrs. i«ia .u .u u o i « » - . Kaiser Bill, an<^ he following fiave our imperial appreciation, captain, who really causes all the Mr. a and E. . t E. i . u Lyons Tues- trouble. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. day evening entertained Mr. and , is the la s e r’s reply to Satan’s of- You showed very good judgment Jones as a funny dude and comic Mrs. Byron LaMont. Mr. and ! fer to abdicate in the kaiser’s when you said "the pupil has be- old maid, who also do a Mrs. F. Crabtree, M r. and Mrs J favor. Both articles were written come the master.” As we are the specialty, introducing the New E. B. Sappington. Mr. a n d M rs .jfiy Louis Syberkop, of Creston, jPUP*L w® , £ ? u. ^Pf rem' n^* York character s o n g success Fred Ramsey, Dr. a n d Mrs. / _ K ing us of the truthful old proverb: "When He Is All Dolled U p.” Phoebe Ward. Mr. and Mrs. H u g h ,low a* p .. . m Ton a 1Q1fi “ If the pupil does not become Pottsdam, Jan. 8, 1918. | greater than the master, the world Then there is Miss Evelyn Pat Smith. M r. and Mrs Freer and _ „ must come to a standstill. In ton as the Irish servant girl, who Mrs. Barto at five hundred, fol To Herr von Lucifer H . Satan, Infernal Regions. 'consideration of your faithful ser- thinks they are all crazy. lowed by a nice lunch. M y Very Dear Satan: Your le t - ! vices in the past I appoint you Ray Jackson will give a solo Mr. and Mrs. S. L Carlyle re ter of June 28, 1917, is before us, for the present chancellor of our and Herbert Deuell a reading. Altogether, it will be some big ceived a letter the first of the wherein you so graciously abdi kingdom of hell, and you will take fun night and all for the Soldier week from Arnold, Neb., stating cate your throne in our favor, your orders from us direct. that Arthur Mills, who was in- which we have accepted with full A tten tion !!! You will at once Boys’ fund. jured ten days ago by being hit knowledge of its importance, and establish a secret wireless com A. B. Todd returned Friday by the crank of a gasoline engine, will assure you beyond doubt munication between hades and from Newport and reports un was resting easily and, apparently, that the infernal regions will lose the celestial regions. I have reas- pleasant weather up to the time improving. nothing in frightfulness by the on to believe that English in he left. Mrs. Todd and the child change o f administration. W e ; fluence is being brought to bear in ren are still at Newport, but will The party who lost a lady’s fully appreciate your good sense that locality. Inasmuch as it is return Saturday. watch between 3d avenue, south, and diplomacy in abdicating be to his own interest, Gott is still and the S. P. depot can recover fore the crash, for the day has ar mitt uns. But there is a lack of The February meeting of the same by calling at the Book rived when German power and in- efficiency and thoroughness con Brotherhood has been postponed Store. I ________________ fluence will encircle the earth; for trary to the German idea; quick from Feb. 26th to March 5th, M r. and Mrs. Fred Rowersox 1 only by German efficiency can the and certain counter action must when a meeting for the Boy Scouts will be held at the High of Monmouth spent last week end universe progress; for such is the i take place at once, with the J S. Buxton family. German idea that all things must I (Continued on Page Five) School. KAISER BILL REPLIES TO HIS : : DEAR FRIEND SATAN : :