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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1918)
sâ ^ A , m Ú W B t (&xmt ì£xpn8B A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R Vol. 3 FOREST GROVE. OREGON. TH U R S D A Y . FEB. Eugene Lewton a Hun Victim 9 14. 1918 lier Writes of Trench Home Life Patriotic League Appoints Chairmen 'Miss Perry Ward of this city There was a meeting of the ree nlly leceivid a letter from Central Council of the Patriotic Piene Milk r, a Portland boy, League at the office of Judge *'% W T É Hollis last Monday evening, at wbh tlie H21 U infantry, now which time a chairman was ap quartered n Franc- . The letter pointed for every school district is dated Jan. 17lh and is as fol in the county Each of these lows: chairmen are to select a committee •J ear P ir y : * of four to assist them, except that I la v e leceivid a whole bundle | in Forest Grove and Hillsboro the Ä. of etter» in the last two days. committees are to consist of ten Howev»r, it is impos-ible f< r me members each. Following are the lo answ r but three of them a chairmen: week as that is all we are allowed Dist 1, J C Bechen; 2, A Cel to write per w ik. The mail 1 re lars; 3. Finis Brown;4, J I Marsh; ceived wa- full of wishes for a 5, Harry Underhill; 6, Robert M eriy Christmas and a Happy Thompson; 7. N A Frost; 8, Al Louis Albert Banks will deliver N- w Year and here it is the mid bert Hanley; 9, E W Haines; 10, dle of January. The letters I a lecture, entitled, “ Making Un F E McBride; 11, Glenn Staple- Graham and Norton Spam! write may not prove to be as in- cle Sam a Safe Leader for Democ ton; 12, Geo Henricks; 13, C T racy,” at the M . E. church next Sixty-five years a g o today L. M. Graham last Monday tel- tere.stmg as those I have written eh. Î 4. 1853) George VanNort- heretofore but you must remem Monday nignt, at 7:30 Admis Powne; 14. John Parsons; 15, H egraphed Congressman Hawley, E Inlovv; 16, Arthur Knox; 17, at Washington, for tidings of his wirkand Miss Lucy Goodnouiih ber that the cen-of ship restrictions sion free. C Johnson; 18, B K Denney; 19, son, Taylor Graham, and on Tues were unitetl in marriage a Ellis are very strict and mud be strict T A Goodin; 20jt, John A Chap send you some'kind ville, Illinois Nine yea - later of a souvenir day Mr. Hawley rep ied that Tay ly complied with An officer of man; 21, S A D Meek; 22, Roy P IE R R E .” lot’s company (A ) of the 107th George enlisted in the 12«h II i our company must read and cen from here soon. Chandler; 23. Chas Tigard; 24, regiment, Michigan engineers, did nois cavalry and served until sor the letters we write. Mrs A Hoffman; 25, C Johnson; not sail on the Tuseania. As 1866 '1 hey have raised an in- “ I h ive been in F*ance now 26jt, A E Robinson; 27, Henry tercsling family of nine ehildien: Taylor and Jimmy Norton are loi g enough to g-t acquainted Chsa. O’ Neil of D.lley was in Bush; 28. J H Hoffman; 29, J B in the same company, their rel W A of Seattle, Orville of Sher with some French people and atives are considerably relieved, wood, L L. of this city, John of have had an oppor urihy to make this city on business Wednesday. Im lay; 30, J P Hines; 31. C F feeling that their vessel escaped Port'and, A^a and Fred of Sum- use of my French. Wha I have Mrs Harvey Baldwin is recov- Grabel; 32. H VV Scott; 33, Fred Bowlby; 34, M gr Box Co; 35jt, rnerfield Kas , Mrs Mabel Greg- the submarines Norton’s cousin, seen of the coun'iy has vi ry fav- er'nK nic^y from her recent ill- John Winters; 37, Jay L^wdy; 38, Kingsley Hendrix of Beaverton, j ory of Vermillion, Ka<., Mrs. Jei* o'ably impressed me. Everything ness* Hert>ert McDonough; 39. Mrs A sie Burrows of l^iFayette and has an air of pe-manence. The, is among t he missing Mrs. H. T. Buxton spent the B Flint: 40, G A Plieth; 41, Sam Mrs Viola M ott of this city buildings wiih th<* exceptions of week-end with her parents at Raffety;42. Noah Baker:43, John ; Both Mr. and M , rs. VanNortwick :he auny store houses and like McMinnville. , , , , lie a m i» n m u - i. u u rcs <m u iif.e Dooiand; 44, L L Crawford; 45, I ;irT !n d h<a,th and Pr°mise to : u mp;,ri,ry buj|, iUi.s, are of stone M rs. Bertha Howard was con- R W Rasmussen; 46, I G M cCor celebrate many more anntver- or concrete. Most of them have ,. ficed to her home several days mick; 47, S S Sterns; 48, C E i saries. they have lived in thi date roofs and the chimneys are this week by illness, Hedge; 49. E L Maples; 50, W W The Hah* of War Thrift Stamps city nine years. capped by “ chimney pots as ihev Jaquith;51, Earl Hollenbeck; 52, will provide fur ds to equip our are called in Ei gland In the Ottice Shearer last week pur- army t»nd navy for the punish provement bonds, in the sum of i country the farmhouses and out chased _ his wife a new touring J N lx)udon; 53, W J Griffin; 54, Chas Tons ten; 55, C E Korn; 56, ment of the Huns for rinking the $500 each. bindings often la v e thatched Chevto'et asa birthday present. C Buhman; 57, William Thurston; Lusitania and the Tu*-cania and Recorder w a s instructed to fs. It is also common to see; Ernest Edwards of Heppner is 58, J B Adams; 59, John Lof'is; for the terrible crim-s committed write the Warren Consttuction Dutch windmills, especially visiting his uusin, Mrs. L. R. 60, VV P Brooks; 61, John Tan- against France, Belgium and S« rb company to make some repairs in along the coast. B tit'o n o f this city and Mrs. A. nock; 62. E S M ay; 63, B W A r ia. Cut out a ft vv useless habits the Fust Avenue paving, and “ The interior of the houses is D. Dilley of Watts. men trout; 64, Nel Johnson; 65, and lend your money to Uncle Mayor Paterson was authorized very interesting, at least to me. I J S Lilly; 66, V S Abraham; 67jt, Sam at 4 per cent, compounded to endeavor to force the company Having been called into military have hnd occasion several times J A Johnson; 68, J H Hutchin quarterly. It's a good investment. which laid the A strict, West Pa to enter a neighboring farm hou-e. service, I take this opportunity to son; 69, Chas C Bateman; 70, E What good is your money if we cific avenue and Gales ('n e k road thank my friends for their patron In the kitchen was a tegular old- the war : Stamps (25c or $5) pavir g to put it in fepair. age. Mrs. Hawke will remain M Mays; 71, R C Ogelsby; 72, J fashioned fire-place, with a crane can I e purchased at any of the here for the present and anyone F Johnson; 73, Herschel Clutter; The Woman’s club complained and hooks for suspending kettles following named places: me will please 74, ‘ C C Arns; 75, Fred W ilcox; of gatbage being swept from busi- and pots. At one side was , th , e who is indebted to ____i 7i 76, D L Smith; 77. Otto Vogel; First Nnt’l Bank The 1‘oitolfke nes- houses on the stnets and the poker and tongs . an don th em an - ' !,lla t st‘ lle .w' i(h 78, J N Hayden and Geo Westing- W. F. Schultz Co Forest Grove N’at'l complaint was referred rul to the'th-piece the I was a hand bellows for Ur. L. Hawke. house; 79, F M Loftis; 80, John (tank Shearer & Son . committee on pubic health an<l blowing blowing the the fir**. te ll. ll1 . M . r . and Mrs. John . I. . h fire. The The neonle people te . . letcher McFee; 81, Martin Larsen; 82, GolT Broa. Caplet* & Co. police. me that it is common in the 0* la,.s c,tY observed their 52u A G Hoffman & (to. VanKuughnet & Mayor Paterson reported h a v-1 country to see aspinning wheel at wedding anniversary last Sunday. Phil E Lewis; 83, J W K yle; 84, ( ’lias l.ittler Re*ler ing spent $1.199.84 on attorneys wo*k. They say that the home- They had expected some of their Paul Henschktl; 85, H P Roberts; K F Burlingham Ottice Shearer Gordon & Gordon V 1 Fuqua and witnesses in the sewer lawsuit spun is much better cloth than children to be with them, but 86, W R Hudson; 87, A F Orn- duff; 88, W F Hall; 89, H E H T Giltner G G Pateraon '¡nee the last meeting and the the manufac •tured. All the women daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Nellie Vtn- .John Anderson Copeland Air Mi*- Thompson; 90, C F Wilson; 91, bill was accepted and placed on here are experts ____ nent . of ' i^oria, B. C , did not icrls at knitting. The M .1 Alitiott Cread y Geo Beal. 92, J O Feck; 94, E W file. The trial will run from two three women who live in the arrive until Tuesday, and another (' V B Runnel I () M Sanford Livermoore; 95, S B Lawrence; C S McNutt H R Bernard to three weeks lunger. house I h a v e mentioned sit daughter, ^ rs* Eva Sargent, of 96, John Schmeltzer; 97, W P t’ac. Barber Shop G H Baldwin Ed. L. Sayers, city electrician, around the kitchen table at nigth Gales Creek came and a good time Claude K Smith R P Nixon Vanderzander; 98, Ray Randall; asked that his salary be increased and read and knit by the light of wa' enjoyed by ail. Among other W C Benfer Chaa Hinea 99. L Gilpin; 105, Jap Raynard; from $75 to $100 per month Re a kerosene lamp. The oldest of «uests were a granddaughter, Brady Chowning J .1 Wirta 106, Thomas Bailey; 107, F W M S Allen & Co. W F II art ram pf ferred to light committee. the three has a <^on who was Mrs. Ray \ incent, and a great- Liveimoore; 108, C Vankleek; Good Inveatmt Co. News-Times Office In response to published invi wounded at Salonika. In fact, i t ,grandson. Wilton \ incent, both 109, Mrs M McCollough. Ask any agent for particulars. tation for bids for wood, J. C. would seem that every man in 1 of Gales Creek. The constitution was presented, Peterson offered the city 75 cords the family had served his country amended and adopted and will be of second growth fir at $4.25 and and served it well, to judge from sent to all chairmen. Chairman _ i ( A . Si is 100 cords at the numerous pictures of men in Frost of the Savings Stamp com $4 75. Bids were considered too uniforms, decorated with cam mittee reported that the school high and laid on table. paign badges and medals which children of the county were mak With all members present, the she has shown m . ing good progress in selling and city council met in monthly ses-1 “We have already exported the “ There are two dear little child whole sion Tuesday night. of the surplus of the 1P17 wheat purchasing stamps. The sales in ren living at the house. The other harvest, over and above tlie normal de this city are being managed by On complaint of Councilman J Hawke, a motion passed that th e( Fcod Administration Declare« It 1« an night they recited ever so many mands of our own population. It Is Postmaster Wirtz and W. J. Me- children’s verses and songs. They necessary, therefore, for the food ad Cready, w h o Tuesday placed sheriff's attention be called to the Absolute Sin to Waate Food— Food plied me with a 1 sorts of curious ministration to restrict export of wheat agencies with 35 local business fact that local confectioners w ere, Has Become Sacred. questions about the wonderful so ns to retain in the Unite*] Stutes houses. School children are also violating the state law by con country of America and I showed sufficient supplies to carry our own selling stamps here. The local ducting punch bpard gaming de Rumpe is ill sending nn insistent (hem as near as I could on the people until the next harvest. schools have taken more than vices, with both cash and mer- j “Therefore all exports of wheat __ www%%_ I cnl* f,,r ,"on' "** mus* 11 small geography m a p where I chandise as baits. Dr. Hawke from now forward are limited entlrl.v $400 worth of stamps and Hills called attention to the fact th a t1 li Uu " ar ls to K" ,’11 ei?i,’,,‘n,iy- If came from. They listen* d and to volume of saving made by the Amer boro has done almost as well. these games gave boys their first w*> <*nf it nil w«> «iinnot ship it. and wondered at what I told them ican people In their consumption of Mayor John M . Wall, J. E. 4 W e are faring fine over here, wheat nnd wheat products. lessons in gambling. The recorder tlu* food ndndni.stn-tion tins already Reeves, C. S. Kiden, N. A . Frost, “We continued wheat shipments for C. E. Wells and M . H. Stevenson will notify Sheriff Applegate. tried to picture how much Unit wheat T h e rain has been persistent and (Hillsboro has already stopped ia needed t«v i .< > who win starve if (he mud annoying, but, as we December ns far ns our situation al were in attendance from Hillsboro. the.» do not K* t n. ih>* food udminiatra- have fine warm quarters, we do lowed. but even with nil the conserva the operation of these games.) tion si.u. s. not mind those things. Our food tion made we were still unable to toad Dr. Hawke presented his resig Cecil W. Creel, in charge of the several hundred thousand tons of food nation as councilman and, on , on your pnr, In ; . d conservation some ,S hne a,nd ,W? .h oI,e SOOn start stuffs urgently required by the allied entomological station in this city, fund to improve and main- nations during the month of December returned last week from Washing motion of Councilman Hines, sec out boiiicw l'l'po in the world inimt suf-, ft* r an * > *M;,l statement Lain it. I am working as dining alone.” onded by Councilman Todd, John ton, D. C., whither he had been The f ..d administration room orderly and have charge of HERBERT HOOVER. called to consult with department A. Thornburgh was elected to fill declares. j has mas: i d the proid* ¡n of Amert- the bread served and the mess heads regarding steps to protect the vacancy. on'» food In i h ii wn.v that every hall. the crops from insect and other Councilman Hawke was then ounce of fo o d '*'.•» e*1 nml kept In "Arthur Brodersen, Bob De- The members of the Forest pests. The department instructs excused and the remaining mem the currents of mid« g o e s to an empty Shazer and Harold Inglesare fine. Rebekah lodge will give a patri- agents all over the country to bers gave him a vote of thanks for ■tomuch In E his services and wished him luck “It Is nn ni .ni te sin to waste food. They have received some pack- otic entertainment on next Wed- transfer all their energies to the ages from Forest Grove. I have nesday evening, Feb. 20th, at I. food cereal crops, instead of pay as a physician in t h e signal Food tins I *><•"». c » ¡«-red. “Food un :im If nonna some despaired of answering even a few O. O. F hall, with Hoover lunch ing so much attention as formerly service. body's II'**. and you cannot escape re of the letters I receive, but yours after the program. Each member to forage crops. Mrs. Creel and On suggestion of Treasurer sponsibility. will not be unanswered Remem- is entitled to invite one guest and little son stopped off for a visit Sparks, the council ordered the “There Is no '»•:»•*;*» of food among her me to the folks. Tell Buster a silver offering will be taken for with relatives in Salt I^ke ar.d ar calling in of four 1911 street im- the allied nations." she is not forgotten. W ill try and! the Y . W. C. A. war fund. rived last evening. Amongth«* Americans who jer- i hcd on Fob. fith, when a Ger man submarine Hank the trans port Tuscuni.t, wuh Theodore Eu gene I<i*wton, fftn of Mr. and Mrs. J. E lew ton of i he 11 ill ide dis trict. ’Gene L> wton was 26 y< ars of age and w ,*» a buglet fo com pony F, 20: h engine* r.s, enlisted at Portland last N o v e m ber. He was a very popular young man and much genuine sorrow is felt ii*. this city for his grief- stricken relatives. The body was n coveted and buried on the Scot- tsh coast. V / Married Sixty-Five Hears NOTES AND PERSO NALS Buy Thrift Stamps to Punish the Huns lo-c City Council Protests Punch Boards offered AMERICAN SAVINGS WILL MEASURE WHEAT EXPORTS EUROPE NEEDS FOOD Rebekahs to Entertain