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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1918)
à Y ~lA 3far?at droit? iExprroa AN IN D E PE N D E N T W EEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 3 The Original Patriots Honor Dead Presidents KOKEST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. ‘Ai, 1918 SO C IA L N O TES n uu*nmmmMW»mmm'amvwaewtr. | on the qualities o f mercy, which Portia Many Outside Guests tells “ BlesHeth him that gives and P. U. Freshmen takes." There are few people in this world w) Bet upon being Horry, that Were Entertained they In Colonial Play will not respond to a nmile, from uh the little child on the threnhold o f life Monday whh the nth anniver- A very pretty and Impressive Marsh Hall was well-filled Fri I^ast Monday was "guest day” to the aged grandfather with hia bur patriotic program was iriven at sary of the marnaKe of Mr. and with the members of the Forest den of years, all all are lonesome for day evening last by students and K . 1 Mrs. A. A. Hall and in the evening a smile. friends of Pacific University, who K of P. Hall last rriday alter- I they celebrated the event by en- Grove Woman’s club and many dear friends, the tonic o f a smile had gathered to see the annual of those invited from other towns is My more potent than all of the tinctures noon under the auspices of the tertaining at cards Mr. and Mrs. were in attendance, especially and extracts of the ages, both to the entertainment of the members of ladies of the local Relief Corps in C. (). Roc, Mr. and Mrs. ('laude from Cornelius a n d Thatcher. smiler and the smiled upon. Too many ! the Freshman class. honor of the memories of Presi Smith, Mr. and Mrs C. N. John Miss Manche Langley was leader of uh feel about our troubles as did the The entertainment opened with dents Washington, Lincoln and son, Mr. and Mrs J. W. Hughes for the day and presided during old lady who was a professional invalid, a piano ?olo by Carl Peterson, who, as we often say, enjoyed poor McKinley. Mrs. Jenkins Walters, I and Mrs. Susie Hatfield. The the program. health; when asked regarding her physi after which Marvin Woolfolk de patriotic instructor, presided and hostess served a very nice lunch Miss Eleanor Peterson delight cal condition the dear trouble-coaxer livered the class prophecy and announced the numbers. The I to her guests, of course. ed the audience with a piano solo, replied “ Oh, it seems like I might feel i Miss Gertrude Porter favored the pretty first was a selection by the fife Gertrude Porter and Beth,,. do , feel . well ,, , this , . morning, . . but ... when , . I Saturday was the sixth birth t Misses well I feel ho so bad to think how audience with a vocal solo. Gladys .___ , n _____ . ......i • and drum corps, followed by a day anniversary of Master Edwin Crandall favored the audience*. bad I'm going to feel after awhile." Barr then explained the playlet prayer by Comrade J. T. Butler. Secour and his mama, assisted by w ith a vocal duct, Miss Bagstcd And there you are. Why weep over the "A Mount Vernon Fantasy,” Judge W. H. Hollis then de Misses Evelyn Patton and Irene gave a reading, after which Miss ! possible sorrows of a possible tomorrow written and directed by Miss Bag- livered a splendid talk on the life wh*?• *.f *!e wou,d jU8t ..dr.y our Robinson, entertained eleven lit Langley delivered an address on and look about ever so little we would sted, with Misses Sadie McCoy, and works of President M cKinley; | “ Smiling ” tle boys and girls in honor of the find something that is well worth a Eleanor Peterson, Evelyn Patton, Comrade W. J. R. Beach read an Beth Crandall’s vocal solo was smije today. “ Tomorrow? Why, tomor Camilla Mills, Margaret Morgan, event, those invited being Misses original address on the splendid row I may be with yesterday’s Beven Gladys Kee, Arline Barnum, I^ela Alice Johnson, Alice Inlow, Har greatly enjoyed by all, as was the thousand years." work of Abraham Lincoln and violin solo by M i s s Catherine riet Helen Hughes, Helen Daniel* | There are many people who hold that Barnum, Audry Tour and Alice Rev. A B. Patten delivered a fon, Margaret Hines and Merle ! Davis. the business of life is far too seriouH Bollinger taking the various parts. very eloquent address on George The refreshment com mittee,1 and weighty to ever be made light o f; The acting was so uniformly good Stage and Masters Edward John Washington. ______ W. _ C. __ they hold that laughter is only for that to particularize would be an son . Bruce Brookbank. Don and Mesdames P. L. Schultz, The audience then stood and Stanley Caples and Tommy Nor- Benfer, and A. E. Gardner and ch'*dren and idiots, and feel that a joke 1 injustice. To the small boy, how- be as much out of place on their sang “ The Battle Hymn of the I ton. The rooms were decorated | Miss Abernethy, served fruit would bps as in a ledger or on a tombstone. I ever, Miss Bollinger’s interpreta Republic,” after which Herbert in the national colors and the salad, oatmeal crackers and tea. They do not believe the assertion of tion of the old colored Dinah was mastery that Wit the hit of the evening. B. Deuel 1 gave two very appro y()Unf{ters were served with a nice The Congregational church par- ?££!*‘ 1 literary are sisters. They would priate readings, Mesdames Sher- The admission was free, which 1 luncheon. lors were decorated in the national not be witty for the world, it is un rett and Benfer sang "Keep the colors and potted plants and were dignified, and their minds become stale, probably accounts, in part, for Mrs. H. W. Danielson yester very pretty and pleasant. like a piece o f old rubber—if stretched the big crowd. What? Home Fires Burning,” and Mrs. day afternoon entertained ten lit for a funny crack it’s busted. True, Frank Crabtree gave a reading in Min* l.angley’ i' Address wholesome wit never hurt real, native NOTES A N D P E R S O N A L S tle ladies and gentleman in honor a very pleasant manner. , thin„ to he di«Pity- A kind 8mile »■ elevating of the sixth birthday anniversary Our subject today is some Then nine young ladies from Mrs. E. L Will had her tonsils rather than otherwise. It is only false of her daughter, Helen, the guests smiled at There are times, o f course, faces that are afraid o f checking. removed today. Pacific University gave a very pretty marching drill, each girl being Misses Betty Clark, Mar- when it is not the kind thing to laugh, Wisdom in th* gasoline for the engine Mrs. Martha White is quite ill carrying a flag of one of America's i g*aret and Mary Ellen Mertz, hay though my theory is "don’ t keep a good o f life. Wit is the lubricating oil. with heart trouble. is true that exclusive attention to allies, with Miss Gertrude Porter i Brod, Aileen Giltner, Lucile Ryals, Hmile dow n ." But today no one will the It lighter things of life is hurtful to Mrs. Frank Allen had her ton representing "Columbia.” After Blanche Britton and Susan White mind a bit if each auditor goes from the character and distructive of earn- sils removed Monday. the marching, Miss Porter stepped land Masters Edwin SeCOUr and j here and says, " I had to laugh at the Neatness but it is not a requisite to one’s M r. and Mrs. E. D. Stout have program today." If you feel inclined being in earnest that one wear a per- upon a platform in the center of William McCieady. petual frown. 1 have often thought, returned from a visit to Seattle. to confide in a friend “ That program the room and sang "Columbia.” Mrs. H. R Kauffman last made me sick ," why, it’s not for me to that, since it seems inevitable that the Twins were born Sunday to Mr. When s h e h a d completed her Thursday entertained thirty little | landscape must be defaced with bill plead with you not to voice this senti and Mrs. August Romeik of Gales boards, I wish that they would adver song, Miss Beth Crandall stepped boys and girls in honor of the I tise a free commodity once in a while ment, but allow me to BUggest that Creek. beside her and sang the Marsel- seventh birthday anniversery o f ; that we might be confronted with laise and when she had fini-hed her daughter, Clara. The young | when that statement is made, don’ t go and Paul Abraham of Vancouver red letters, ten feet high, “ TRY A on to describe just where you are sick, Mrs. Fred Jones stepped to the sters enjoyed a picnic dinner and barracks is at Dilley with a case SM ILE -G R O W S BRIGHTER WITH of mumps. north center of the hall and sang played games until all were hap just when y» u jus» .began to feel that U SE.” way and juat what your doctor says Build for yourself a strong box. "The Star-Spangled Banner.” pily tired. Mrs. Phoebe Ward visited her about it and how much already you Fashion each part with care Then the large audience former! a have had removed, and so forth, ad in And when it’s as strong as your hand daughter, Josephine, in Portland circle around the hall and the G. finitum. They do say that misery loves yesterday. Mr. Nelson’s Platform can make it. company, but company don’ t love Drop all your trouble in there. A . R. veterans marched around Ed. Strauss of Mosier visited Mr. Nelson of Hillsboro has an misery. the "colors” s i n g i n g "Rally Hide all thought of your failures. his brother in-law, H. W\ Daniel nounced hia candidacy for the i If we could only realize how like a Of each bitter cup that you quaff; Around the Flag, Boys.” With son, Tuesday. Republican N o m i n a t i o n of mirror this old world is, how like a Lock up your heart aches within it. the singing of "God Be With You Mrs Prill of Mosier is visiting County Recorder. In his plat looking glass the faces o f our friends Till We Me-1 Again,” one of the form, Mr. Nelson pledges himself and how quickly a smile begets a smile! Then sit on the lid and Laugh. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Tell no one else its contents, There was nothing more truthful ever Never its secrets share; prettiest patriotic exercises ever H. VV Danielson. to a clean, economical business-1 written in rhyme than Ella Wheeler seen in the city came to a close. When you’ ve dropped in your care and Mr. F. E. McBride was operat like administration of the office. ! W ilcox’s “ Laugh and the world laughs * worry, with y o u ." She »ays "The echoes re- ed on at the local hospital Mon That I have not and shall not W. H. Hoskins Dead Keep them forever there. day for appendicitis. make any pledges or promises o f I 8uun(f t° a joyful sound but shrink Hide them from sight completely. - - ‘ - from voicing care.” W. H. Hoskins, aged 73 years, That the world may never dream h a lf; Next Monday night is the date appointments in consideration of In the spirit of unselfishness we Fasten your strong box seturely, a former resident of this city, for the roaring farce comedy, my support of my candidacy. passed away at his home at St. i ,, - - • . , , , , T should be smiling and cheerful, because Then sit on the lid and Laugh ! ' ’All a Mistake,” given at the 1 our smile may cheer others who prob Helen at an early hour Sunday 1 "um'nated and elec ed ably have greater burdens than ours, j Star Theater, under the direction Pioneer Woman Dead morning, after an dine«» of several! Pre,fer lh a t. " V han,,8l ^ On the other hand, we should endeavor of Mr. and Mrs. F W. Jones. Mrs. Rachel Cornelius, widow ! to keep smiling __________________ on our own account, month.,8 Deceased came to this i1 __________ ___ Not haunted nor infested with from entirely selfish reasons, because. of Benjamin Cornelius, died Fri- country from England when four fice unhampered b y pre-election it keeps us young and beautiful, and day morning at the home of her ' spooks, a five-room dwelling, years of age. served in the Civil pledges. i for those o f us who have never been son. Dr. C. W . Wilson, 718 Wayne good lot; can be purchased by war and came to Oregon in 1908. I shall appeal direct to voters £oun& a,]d beautiful, it’s well to avoid street, Portland. Funeral services paying $10.00 per month. No A year ago last fall he and Mrs being old and crabbed. We may sometimes tell our troubles were held Saturday afternoon at interest. J. N. Hoffman. Why Hoskins went to California, where | ¡° r ,thf}r 8,upP „°i\ 8-tf Ihev st.-nl si, month, T W t h e n d elected I shall give to to some one very near and dear to us 3 o ’clock from the residence, with pay rent? they spent six months. They then them the best that is in me in and thereby gain surcease of sorrow, | interment at Riverview cemetery. Mrs. Norton has received a went to St. Helen?, where their the way of a satisfactory admin but to sow them broadcast is only to Mrs. Cornelius was born in card from her son, Jimmy, stating son, Blaine, is practicing dentistry grow a new crop unless we are fortu- ! istration of the office. Mr. Hoskins is survived by a nate enough to sow them on a field o f Lafayette, Ind., June 10, 1833, that he and Taylor Graham have That l a m a Washington smiles, nice kind smiles, then the her parents being William Mc arrived safely "over there.” They widow, two sons, Blaine of St. County man, having been born in warmth o f the smiles makes it too hot Kinney and Ann Walter McKin went about the same time the Helens and Will of Dakota, and for sorrow seed». 1 like the sentiment one daughter, Mrs. Fannie Bird Hillsboro. That I have helped o f the chup who had the reputation, ney. In 184 5 s h e crossed the ! Tuscania was sunk. i build up our County by paying my of Regina, Canada, who had been Rufus Cheney Monday received among his friends and neighbors o f be- plains with her parents, and set just share of taxes. Ia m a Re ing a great optomist and one day he tled in Washington county. In with her parents for six weeks a censored letter from Lieut. Has publican and believe in the prin was caught on the railroad track and 1851 she was married to Benjamin prior to her father’s death. kell Ferrin, stating that Haskell cipal of the Republican party, and both feet cut off. His friends said Cornelius, whose family crossed , Ferrin had arrived in England. Deceased was a good citizen, a above all am an American and “ W’ell, Jim will certainly be blue now; Even the date of landing was loving husband and a kind father believe in the principles of my ho sure won’ t find in this accident any the plains the same year. They lived at Forest Grove un erased by the censor. I thing to be thankful for or cheerful and had many friends in this city Co'untry". I about," but when they called upon Jim til 1880, when Mr. Cornelius died, It will be "All a Mistake” if who will be pained to learn of his 1 1 and with long faces condoled with him, then went to Portland with her W. M . NELSON. you fail to go to the Star Theater ! Jim remarked, smilingly “ Oh, well, it's death. funniest not so bad just having my feet cut off, children, and had since resided in Monday night. T h e Funeral services were held at ‘ ‘Brotherhood Meeting” , that city. | they were always cold.” | comedy ever put on by local tal- St. Helens at 10 o ’clock Tuesday The next meeting of the Broth In Milton’ s Paradise Lost we read She is survived by four children ¡ent. Good specialties between morning and the body was cre erhood will be held at the High j "Smiles from reason flow, to brute de- mated in Portland Tuesday after School auditorium next Tuesday I nied.” We have seen things so funny Mrs. Sarah C. VanHorn, Dr. C. the acts. Seats at Littler’s. W. Cornelius, Tillie F. Cornelius Mrs. Sherrctt will give a "500” noon. evening. There will be a supper that we thought they would make a and adopted son, Harry C . Cor i dog laugh, but had the dog been pres- party at the Laughlin hotel Sat Mrs. Ellen Scott and daughter, by the ladies of the Christian ' ent he would have viewed the situation Kate, of this city attended the church, proceeds to go to the Ar with serious mien. When a brute has nelius, and a granddaughter, Mrs, urday evening, March 9th. A part i F. F. Brower. of the receipts will go to the Bel services. menian relief fund, and then gratified those few appetites which minister to the support o f the species gian relief fund. Admission, 25c. there will be an address on Boy “ Planning the Horae Garden” and o f the individual, he may be said Program, Cards and Lunch A Hoover lunch will be served by Scout work by Scoutmaster J. E. to have attain«! the summit of hap Neal C. Jamison, county agent, Mrs. Humphreys and prizes will Saturday evening of this week Brockaway of Portland, as well as piness. above which a thousand years will be one of the speakers at the there will be a program, cards short talks by local Scout officials. o f prosperity could not raise him a next meeting of the “ Conserva be given. The public is cordially iifvited. __ 8-2 (500 and Rook) and lunch at K. All Boy Scouts are urged to at- step. But for man, her favorite child. Nature has had a more liberal pro tion” committee of the Woman’s of P. hall for the benefit of the tend and the public is welcome. Red Cross Election vision. If he has only guarded against: club, to be held at Langley hall at French and Belgian children * 1 .* i „ j *■-- g 0»c iocjc next Monday afternoon. The first annual meeting of the Thrift Stamps and War Saving, & Program starts promptly at 8 Portland Chapter, American Red He will explain many things of o ’clock. An evening’s fun and Certificates to the value o f $ 13,- experienced but little o f that felicity Cross, embracing the counties of value about planning and caring 204.08 have been sold thru the ' o f which he is capable. good lunch, all for 35c. You are Forest Grove postoffice to date. There are pleasures of the mind far for the town garden. Everybody Clackamas, Columbia, Multno invited. $2,000 worth having ¿been sold j *b°ve *ny physical enioyment. In fact, is invited to attend this meeting. mah, Tillamook, Washington and ¡w e can smile mentally when there is Remember, the entertainment yesterday. — Yamhill counties, will be held this Bought yours? not a smile upon our lips, but to hold in A seven-year o!d daughter of (Thursday) evening, at 8 o'clock, by the faculty of P. U. Conserva mind a good thought makes the soul Mrs. F. Small of Orofino, Idaho, smile, to voice a kind word makes the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hinch is at at the Central library, Portland. tory at Marsh hall this evening is for the benefit of the local Red is visiting her sister, Mrs. Blanche angels laugh. A smile is one o f the the local hospital, suffering with All auxiliaries are requested to large ingredients of mercy, and takes appendicitis and pneumonia. Richards. send one or more delegates. Cross branch. , " K LL