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About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1907)
>5 B A TTLE ON S T R E E T C A R . Washington Countjr News Issued Each W eek SM ALL Q U IT S IN 1 EARS. Striking Telegrapnera Hiss Former Leader from Platform. Busy Readers. j 1 Bib) Con Juni Ch ri Pm Fi ftu vice You. •erv Th Bist ( XI LJ) i.l A dise lh* r you . Ci t cure Pills betti sifep i y MSv I »Itr *r«f tnd •• TK»» rnii i For cents. New 1 Sutes Rer uke r Killed and Three Injured Over Transfer. OPEN UP MISSISSIPPI Text ol Speech by the President at Vlcksbary. FARMERS ARE HELPED PRIMARILY a Condensed Form lor Our « ih Man Ban Francisco, Oct. 21.— As a result Chicago, Oct. 22 — Followed by jeers of trouble over a transfei slip on a Polk OREGON FOREST GROVE. and hisses, S. J. Small, former presi street car of the United Hai I r« a «Is sys University’s Great Growth dent of the Commercial Telegraphers’ j M ONEY IN CRANBERRY MARSH. tem Saturday evening, one mau war University of Oregon, Eugene The union, left Ulrich’s hall in tears Sun- ------ registration of the University of Oregon shot and killed, another so seriously «lay afternoon. He did not get the c o o s Bay Farmers Add New Crop in the departments at Eugene, exclu wounded that death w ill probably en vindication which he sought at the That Brings Profit. sive of the School of Music, has prac sue, utul two other men less seveiely hands of the rank and file of the local Marshfield— The growing of cranber- tically reached the 400 mark. The injured. I d When the car left the ferry to pass total enrollment in all departments at union. . I ries is , . proving to be one , of the most . As Small left the had he appeared profitable farm crops for Coos county, the present time is between 760 and out Mission street, oti its way to Polk, broken-hearted and declared he had Several ranch owners for a number of 80J. At the beginning of P '^ d e n t it was packed with passengers, inclini Next Session o f Congress Wilt Be «•«ven uo the tight for restoration to his years past have raise«! the crop with Campbell’s administration in 100. the ng men returning from work, and wo A Resume o f the Less Important but Asked to Start Improvement former posit ion His successor, W. W. profit, but it was not generally taken < attendance was 224. The present ftesh- men and children who bad been across Not Less Interesting Eventa The crowded condition of o f I his Great River. Beattie of Washington, who was vice up until the pa-t year. Now quite a ■ man ci8ss numbers almost as many etu- the bay. o f the Past Week. rjresident of the organization, was for- ! number have cranberry marshes. den s as the total enrollment at that the car made it difficult for the eon mallv recognized as the new head of | Land which is known as peat or veg- time. If the present rate of growtli ductor to collect far« s and, when Polk stieet the union He announced that his pol- etable bog is required for the raising continues, it is expect, d the number of was reached, both lie and the im- Vicksburg, Miss , Oct. 22.— A lte ra of the crop, and nearby there must be students next year will reach 600 In omfortably crowded passengers were in fortnigtit spent in the canebrakes, and The United States pension roll is icy woul.i lie an aggressive one. When the meeting opened, President an unlimited supply of fresh water, | the departments at Eugene exclusive of a condition of irritable nervousness. rapidly deceasing. joking bronzed and vigorous, President — be piacej under control, j music. The university offers no high The man wtio started the trouble, ac Roosevelt puiil a flying visit to Vicks Mulai Hafig has inflicted a crushing S m a l l , who had been waiting in an which can There are, however, many such tracts ' school subjects, the requirements for cording to his own admissions to thy burg this afternoon. ante-room for a chance to be heard, was defeat on the aultan of Morocco. invited to ¡the platform. Hardly had of land in the county, and cranberry ; entrance being the completion of the police, was John Monger. He said that The president was introduced by Con Hundreds of persons have been ar he ascended the steps ___________ when he paid his fare, early on tile gressman John Sharp W illiam s. When to the platform, growing promises to be one of the m ost! four-year high school course rested in Kansas City for violating the when a number of strikers got up ami important of the farming industries o f 1 trip, he had asked the conductor for a Mr. Williams saiil that Theodore Roose Sundayclosing law. left the room. The others hooted and the community. Suspend Enrolling Fee, transfer. Brown was busy ami told velt was president of the whole country W. IX McFarlan. who is the pioneer ... ............ ____________ ______ Klamath Falls— In order _ to „ get addi Monger to wait awhile. Monger re — Dixie laud ami Yankee land alike— T h e' Wallings have been released hissed so that the words of the former from jail and the Russian police admit president were drowned. In a pathetic .cranberry man of the Pacific coast, has ¿jona| iftnc]s under the Klamath project peated his request several times, and the demonstration was notable. When way he appealed to the older mem hers followed the business in Cooe county igjgne(j up, the Wateruser.«* annociation Brown failed to hand him the slip they made a mistake. the president arose to reply the big of the union saying that he had child *or Inany years. He has a Six-acre | ha8 voted to suspend for the next 90 Finally Monger concluded that Brown row«! accorded him a noisy demonstra The Western Union claims that a marsh which has never failed to yie d ¡ j a..8 enrolling fee of 65 cents per ren and that they should not he dia- did not intend to give him the ticket, tion that lasted several minutes. number of its striking operators at Chi graced by the branding of their father a large crop. He has never made less | acre> charging only the assessment fee and struck at the conductor. The lat cago have applied for reinstatement. In his speech here the president said: 1Q cenig per It i„ hoped thus ter dodged the blow and struck back at as dishonest without one bit of evidence than $200 an acre clear profit, some “ It seem to me that no American The British freighter Queen Chris and without a hearing. seasons the net amount has been great-¡jQ inHUre ttie betginning of the Clear Monger, striking him in the face and president could spend his time better ar. Those familiar knocking him down. tina, bound from San Francisco to Thia appeal, however, had little ef ei. Excepting at harvest time, when |-ke dam next than by seeing for himself just w hat a Portland, struck the rocks near Cres fect, although a great many of the help is needed in picking, one man can ! with conditionl Bay that no difficulty It was at this juncture that the rich and wonderful region the lower cent City, Cal., and will be a total loes. strikers afeer the meeting liad adjourn atteml to a marsh of 15 or 20 acres and j wi]] |ie enco[intere,i in securing the ad- shooting commenced. At the same Mississippi valley is, so that he may go have time for other farm woik, as the ditional land. A resolution was drawn time some one threw off the trolley and A number of indictments have been ed agreed that Small had been treate«l crop is flooded during the winter and up, protesting against the recent action the ear came to a standstill. The stop back, as 1 shall go back, to ^Vasliington, returned in New Mexico against coal shamefully ami at least should have with tlie set purpose to do everything needs no attention. The yield on the of the reclamation service In leasing page of the car, coopleil with the noise that lies in me to see that the United mine owners charging them with hav been received with common decency. Coos county cranberry marshes this It was voted to assess broker and the Clear lake reserve to sheepmen, as in the rear, led the motorman to lie- States does its full share in making the ing obtained their lands from the gov leased wire operators two days’ pay year is particularly good. it is feared that when the attempt is ieve that his mate was in danger and, Mississippi river pracli«ally u part of ernment fraudulently. each week in lieu of calling them out on made to take sheep on a range where revolver in hand, lie pushed his way the sea coast, in making Da «leep chan Minnesota’s attorney general has strike. Correspondence Work Success. cattlemen have always ha«l control se through the crowded passengers. nel to the Great i-ukes from the Gulf. been fined $100 for contempt by a University of Oregon, Eugene— The rious trouble will arise. United States District court. The case I wish to sec the levees bo strongly built demaml throughout the state for the FO LITE TO WOMEN. RAILRO AD S GAIN. w ill be appealed to the highest court as to remove completely from the minds correspondence work now being offered Hill Buys in Astoria. and states’ rights will receive a test. of «lwellers of those lower regions all by the University of Oregon is greatly Rcbber Makes Demands Only on the recent- Reduced Passenger Rate in Nebraska apprehensions of a possible overflow. surpassing the expectations of its most , Astoria— . . . . The announcement , Wheat may go to $2 per bushel. Men Passengers. meeting of the I advocate no impossible task. No Swells Earnings. sanguine supported. In a number of j ? “ adeJ“ a" nual The German emperor is to visit Eng Salt , Lake that the lifficult task. The people of Holland, Salt Lake, Oct. 22.—The Murray towns the teachers are forming clubs! nlon a t, ®a Omaha, Oct. 21.— Instead of the new land In pomp. stage, used for the conveyance of pas ami carrying on work under the direc-, co“ pan>’ had Purchased water frontage two-eent railioad fare law having re- a little nation, took two-thirds ol tiieir Kansas City theater owners will fight sengers on the line between Bingham tion of the university instructors. The \ a?d ,erm',nal« . h« e ,18 no'v supplement duced the rates in Nebraska, it lias act country out from under the sea, and Junction and Sandy was brought to a nterest is not confined to teachers, 1 ed hy authentic information that the ually increased the average rate per they live behind the dykes now and Sunday cloeing. halt by a maskeil robber early this however, for many young men and wo H ill interests have not been idle. A. mile in this state, according tc the re have lived behind them for centuries in The Oklahoma legislature has nettle«! morning at Lovedahl. The driver and men who have foun«l it impossible to B. Hammond, who owns large tracts of port of the Union Pacific iailrotnl, safety. down No business. the male passengers in the coach were attend college are taking the work. To water frontage between Warrenton and which has just been filed with the “ W ith one-tenth the effort we, a Prominent Pittsburg people are fight ordered down from their seats and when begin with, only a small number of Fort Stevens, has stated as a positive State Railway commission. And in much greater nation, can take the in fact that the H ill interests purchased ing the foodstuff trust. the robber faced them with drawn re courses are being offered, such an Eng comparably rich bottom luiuls of the 2,200 acres in that vicinity at the time stead of the railroads having a fear of The recent race riot In New Orleans volver they readily complied with hiB lish Classics ami Shakespeare, English President H ill visited in the vicinity. the two-cent law, they have been Lower Mississippi out of the fear of be demand for money and valuables. History, Pedagogy, Algebra, etc., but laughing in their sleeves over the di ing flooileil or even being overflowed was due to religious fanatics. Only $12 was obtained from the others w ill be added from time to time. The property includes 1,800 acres version they have creaetd by kicking by the Mississippi, and wtiile I do not owned by the Flavel Land company, as Bishop Potter has shocked Richmond party, it was said today, but the driver, like to say in a«lvance what I intend to well as the personal holdings of Ham against the passenger rates and drawing by inviting a negro to dinner. who had a considerable sum of money Bulletin on Oregon Fir. attention from the high freight rates do, 1 shall break my rule in this ease mond. The purchase price is said to No new cases of the plague have been in his possession, managed to sequester University ol Oregon, Eugene— What be $800,000. charged in the trans-Mississippi coun an«l say that in my next message to reported in San Francisco since Octo it under the seat of the stage while his promises to be to the lumbering inte congress I shall advocate as heartily as try. passengers were climbing down from rests of the Pacific Northwest one of the ber 16. The annual report of the Onion Pa I know how, that the congress now Locators Form Long Line. their seats. The purse was overlooked most valuable bulletins ever published Joseph Chamberlain, leader of the by the robber. Lakeview— The list of applicants to cific, which has just been tiled with the elected shall take the first steps to bring is the bulletin to be issued next spring commission, proves on examination to about that deep channel way and at house of comnicni, seek» to place his The women passengers, of whom hy the department of forestry on the purchase government land who are wait be a brief in behalf of the two-cent tendant high and broad levee system, son in his place. ing in line before the United States there were a number, were not molest strength of Oregon fir. During fare. Since the new law was enacted, which w ill make of these alluvial bot J land cilice has increased to 80 in mini- The value of stocks have shrunk $.1, ed. Sati h tie« 1 that he had obtained past two years a most thorough and ex-1 her, and is growing steadily. Before the Union Pacific ami other Nebraska toms the richest and most populous and 000,000,000, but the whole country ex everything of value that his victims haustive series of tests have been made J October 28, when the lands included in railroads are charging full two cents most prosperous agricultural land, not possessed, the bandit, after permitting by J. B. Knapp, engineer cept W all street, is prosperous. in charge at the restoration w ill be subject to entry per mile, as permitted by law. No ex only in this nation, but on the face of them to return to their seats, took a Scliwartxchild A Sulzberger, big Chi place alongside the driver and roile the University of Oregon testing sta in the land office, the number of peo cursion rates, no reduced fare, no com ttie globe, and, gentlemen, here is the cago packers, are to erect a packing with the party to the end of the ptage tion. In the preparation of the report, ple in line is expected to surpass the mutation tickets of any kind and in reason I am particularly glad to be able I think any house at Portland. The plant will cost line, where be dismounted and escaped considerable collateral data w ill be number who preceded any previous fact nothing less than a straight two- to advance such a policy. used, and Mr. Knapp is now in Wash restoration. Most of those in line are cent fare ticket is sold in Nebraska. policy which t nds to the uplifting ef $600,000. under cover of the darkness. ington preparing his material. But the report which has just been any portion of our people in the end applicants under the timber law. The Hague conference has ended. made public shows that last year the distributes its benefits over the whole Must Extend Original Taxroll. Bourne Offers Prize. average passenger traveled In Nebraska people. But it is far easier, originally, The Ford jury is not yet complete. Fruit Men Form Union. Salem— The Oregon Supreme court Washington, Oct. 22.— Hon. Jona Eugene— At a meeting of a number at the rate of 1.96 cents for each mile, to put into effect a policy which shall n' President Roosevelt lias killed a than Bourne, Jr., of Oregon, United has handed down a decision in the case a rate actually lower than that which at the moment help the people concen bear. of Lane county fruit growers steps were States senator, lias taken a unique step of Waterhouse vs. Clatsop county, taken to form a fruit growers’ union for is now charged by the railroads under trated in the centers of tiie population Governor Hughes, of New York, says to test the sentiment of the country on atlirniing the «leccree entered by Judge the new law. an«l wealth than it is to put into effect ! the purpose of mutual protection and he will not be a candidate for presi the presidential situation. Through McBride, in favor of plaintiff. County a policy which shall help the «lwellers 1 to facilitate the shipping and hamlling dent. the National magazine, of Boston, he Clerk Clinton proposed to deliver in the country and the tillers of the T A F T ’S DELPHIC W ORDS. " j of fruit. A committee consisting of the sheriff a copy of the assessment soil. In a tiattle between police ami ne- has offered a cash prize of $1,000, open the following was appointed to draft roll for 1907, and this suit was brought “ Now here we have a policy whose groes at New Orleans one wus killed to American people, for the strongest Says He Witt Probably be Private Cit and ls>Bt written argument in support to enjoin that action. The lower court | 2d,®®n?iitut*°n and to prepa:e first and direct benefit will come to the on eaoh side. articles of incorporation: George A izen In Tw o Years. of a second elective term for Roosevelt held that under the act of the legisla man on tiie plantation, the tiller of the One man was killed ami two hailly The prize will be awarded March 15 ture of 1907, the taxes for 1907 should Dorris, Dr. H. F. McCornack, Frank Manila, Oct. 21.— A ta banquet given soil, the man who makes his fortune Chase, O. Holt and M. H. Harlow. wounded in a war between Chinese 1008, the contest closing one month he extended on the original roll and in his honor in this city Saturday from what tie grows on the soil. tongs at Philadelphia. earlier, and three judges will be named not on a copy. night, Secretary of War W illiam H. “ Mr. Williams 1ms said that in our PO R TLA N D M ARKETS. Taft made a most significant statement. lay we can sink all mere party differ Small has given up the attempt to shortly to pass upon the arguments. Do Not Need Rate. retain the preaidency of the the strik Wheat— Club, 87c; bluestem, 89c; He was referring to the fact that he ences. Since I have been president I Americans in Russian Jail. Salem— The State Railway commis valley, 87c; red, 85c. had already visited the Philippines have found, aye, most of the time I ing telegraph operators. three times and in expressing his in have needed to sink them, because the St. Petersburg, O t. 22.— W illiam sion has received an answer from C. A. Oats— No. 1 white, $28.50; gray, The steamer Tartar collided with the English W alling, of Indianapolis, his Malbouf to a letter inquiring as to the tention to come here again, he said: differences of party are of small im- $27.50. ferryboat which runs between Vancou wife and sister-in-law, Miss Rose advisability of putting in a low rate on “ I hope in another two yenrs to visit portance compareil to the great funda Barley— Feed, $28 per ton; brewing, ver and Victoria. The vessel will prob Strnnsky, were arreste«! in this city to apples from points west of Albany on Manila again, but then I probably will mentals uf gooil citizen-hip upon which $29; rolled, $30031. ably be a total loss. He says the come as a private citizen.” night by a force of gendarmes because the Corvallis & Eastern all American citizens should be united.” Com— Whole, $32; cracked, $33. The ¡United Statea signal corps has of their association with several mem amount of fruit in that district, to the The significance of Mr. Taft’s re The president saiil he agreed heartily Hay— Valley, timothy, No. 1, $170 best of information, is inconsiderable, hers of the Finnish Progressive party just won the l.alim cup by sailing a 18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothv, marks in relation to the chances of his that the constitution of the United balloon more than 420 miles. The They were still being held at the gen lie added he was inquiring and if he $23; clover, $13; cheat, $31; grain nomination for the presidency next States represents a lixe«l series of prin larmee’ headquarters at a late hour. / found need of the rate he would con hay, $ 130 14; alfalfa, $13014. ■tart was made from St. Louis. year, did not seem to strike hie audi ciples. Yet he said that, in the inter representative of the American em sult with the proper authorities and Fruits— Apples, $102.50 per box; ence. The secretary's speech was re est of the people, it must he interpret- William son s app««! to the United establish it. cantaloupes, $1@1.50 per crate, ceived with much enthnsiasm by the e«l, not as a strait jacket, not as laying States Supreme court has been tiled bassy appeared at the headquarters in their behalf. peaches, 60e@$1 per crate; water representatives of the Filipinos pres the hand ol death upon all develop He was convict«*! at Portland for com Dalryirg in Klamath Country. plicity in the Oregon lan«l frauds. A t melons, le p e r pound; pears, $1@1.75 ent, when he declare«! the government ments, but ns an investment designed Capture Mexican Bandit. Klamath Falls— The Bonanza cream per box; grapes, 4Cc©$l .50 per crate; was anxious and ready to help the busi for the life and health and growth of torney General Bonaparte will person Mexico City, Oct. 22.— Special die ery i«ai«l the farmers of Klamath coun casaba, $2.25 per dozen; quinces, $10 ness prosperity of the islands. the nation. ally argue the case. Mr. Taft devoted the day to an in patches to this city report that the ty hist month $714.31. This is consid- 1.25 per box; huckleberries, 708c per The general condition of Emperor leader of the gang which last week stole ere«l a very good showing, taking into pound; cranberries, $10010.50 per spection of the schools of Manila. More Pow der for Japan. Francis Joseph is not quite so good. ♦ 1ft,000 worth of bullion from the pre consideration the fact that the creamery barrel. New Turk, Oct. 22.— Japan is man Marconi's wireless system lietween cipitating room of the Kuanajnara Con has been established but a few months Oppose Pulp Export. Vegetables— Turnips $1.25 per sack; ufacturing more munitions of war at Ireland and Nova Scotia is now open solidated Mining A M illing company and that this section has always been a carrots, $1.26 per sack; beets, $1.25 Ottawa, Oct. 21.— For some time the present time that at any time dur for commercial business. •attle country and not a «iairy country. lias been captured after being wounded per sack; cabbage, 101 i4c per pound; there has been a strong movement in ing the war with Russia. Under peace W ith him was taken all The creamery is now paying 25 cents cauliflower, 26e0$l per dozen; celery, Canada in favor of a radical change in Americans in the Philippine« are three times. Japan has one more arsenal anil one In his confession for butter fat, hut not getting al it can 50c@$l per dozen; corn, 85c©$l pei the fiscal condition governing the ex more naval base than it had under the anxious for Taft to make a declaration the stolen bullion. hands. of the administration policy towards he implicated 40 persons. port of pulp wood to the United States. sack; cucumbers, $1 per sack; onions, exigency of war. Both the arsenal and the islands. 15020c per dozen; parsley, 20c per This movement, which has for months the naval base have been established Good Water for University Prairie Fire is Raging. dozen; peppers. 8@17c per pound; been growing in force and intensity, within the last six months and at each Another suspect has l>een artested in University of Oregon, Eugene__Eu pumpkins, 1 0 1 V per pound; rad culminated in the demaml of a deputa place «lay and night shifts of laborers Itarneeville, Minn., Oct. 22. — A eonnootion with the robbing of Ameri prairie fire is devastating the northeast gene has just voted to issue $300,000 in ishes, 20c per dozen; spinach, 6c per tion from the pulp and paper manufac are being w.jrke.L Poit Arthur or ()y- can mail of gold «lust in Alaska. ern part of Wilkins county, Minnesota, water bond« f««r the purpose of securing pound; squash, (ail '« c per pound; to turers of the Dominion, who came to roju, as the Japanese have renamed The jury for the second Ford trial and three farms have already been wip- a supply of absolutely pure mountain matoes, 2505PC per box Ottawa and petitioned the government | the . place, __ w is ___ the new naval base where haa not tieon secure-l. Indications seem e«l out. The damage thus far is esti eater. A stream in the forest reserve that the exportation of pulp wood from there is so much activity Onions— $1.60(92.00 per sack. that Heney w ill not call Uuef in the mated at $50,000. Potatoes— Delivered Portland, 75e0 Canada shculd he piohibited and the Thus far all efforts will he tapped and the water brought ooming trial. to check the progress of the fire have thirty-five miles by a gravity system. $1 per hundred; sweet potatoes, 2 '4e supply conserved. Stamping Out the Plague. The H elnie* have been driven from twen unavailing, but all the farmers in This w ill insure to the students of the per pound. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 22— At a joint Dangerous Fire in Des Moines. the New York stock exchange on ac tiie vicinity tonight are plowing the University of Oregon pure water with- Butter— Fancy creamety, 30035c per meeting of the city and state health Des Moines, la. Oct. 21.— Fire in here last niirht, it was decided count of heavy lueses due to an effort to country In an attempt to stop the ut the necessity of boiling It. pound. flame». corner copper. Veal— 75 to 125, 8 tj0 9 c ; the plant of the Standard Oil company to a-k the state boar«! of Oregon to co Mult Apply in Person. today threatened for a time to do ser operate with Washington health an- 125 to 150, 7 \ e ; 150 to 200, 607c. Six police dogs are on their way La Grande— The U Grande laid Pork — Block, 75 to 150 pounds, 8 0 ious property damage and to result in thoritiea in the handling'of the bubonic Preaidant n Snubbed. from Belgium to New York. In many o f the cities of the old country doge are Jackson Miss , Oct. 22. — Declaring other is in receipt of instructions from 8t*c; packers. 7V*08c. ,.In th* Pl«n‘ were tanks plague, which has ma«le its appearance Poultry — Average old hens, 12(J$ »ontaining thousands of gallons of oil in Ibis city. One ease has been report- that Presilient Rooeevelt is . cruel the commissi «met of the general land fonnd a great benefit. office that hereafter all applications for 12^e per pound; mixe«l chickens, 110 and gasoline, and if the fire had leach- | e.l, that of a Chinese who .lied nearly bear-chaser, Governor Vardanian Mulai lla fig 's army is marching on ter« I ay announce-l that he would not tv- the sale of inflated tracts must be ma«!e 12c; spring chickens. 11 Vj0 12c; old «1 these a horrible explosion would a week ago, bat the city health orticera Oaaa Rlance where an attack on French in Vicksburg to«lay to welcome the in person by the applicant at the lami roosters, 8 0 9 c; dtessed chickens, 13@ ¡ have ia\e occurred. occurred. The firemen put up a have adopted prompt measures to sup- troops Is to be made. Heretofore applicants could 14c turkeys, live. oM, 16c; yiitmg, desperate tight, however, and succee«ied ! press any threatened danger, pregulent to Mississippi. )|e will go to office. make out their papers before a notary [ 18c . geese, live, 809c; ducks. 12^0; in getting the fire under control. The A passenger train left the rails at Memphis so ttint he may not be in the p ’geons, $101.50; squabs, $2(«T3. damage has not yet been ascertained. Shrewsbury, England, killing 16 per- state at the same ti tie as the president. public. Leak in Mare Island Dock. Eggs— Fresh ranch, candled, 35c per aons and injuring many. San Francisco, Oct. 22— The massive Mothers’ Congress Delegate Wanted dozen. Valuable Quartz Stolen. Hurricane in Norway. «lrydock which the government is hav President Small «lefies the telegraph Salem— A letter has been received at Hops— 1907, 7)»01O c per pound; San Fnacisco, Oct. 21— Some vandal ing constructe«! at the Mare island navy Trondhjem, Norway, Oct. 22 — A vio Operator’ s executive board *to depose the govern r’s office asking him to ap- olds. 4 ^5c. stole from a cabinet at the minera •yard sprung a leak Friday, and in or lent hnrricane baa been raging over him and promises a fight. point a delegate to represent th - s tate! W ool — Eastern Oregon average beet building at the University of Califor der to save the structure from almost the province of Singmark eince last at the Mothers’ congrees to be held at * m __|__________ b quartz and other spe- Much of the old French machinery at Thurs«iay. nia gold bearing Many fishing boats are Washington, D. C., next March. Pres 16022c per p ttnd, according to shrin complete .le-truction it was necessary age; valley, 20022c, according to fine- cimens valued at $1 000 the Panama..-anal Is being use.I which missing an«) tip to the present time The faculty _____ to blow out the entire front of the deck, ident Roosevelt is named as one of the ness; mohair, choice, 29030c per is stwrehing for I had bsen thought entirely useless. •even lives have been lost. clews to the thief’s i ! The cost of the being «ìir tv tors of the congress. — ' dock, • “ ' “ I which i is b u r iiig p mud. identity. I built by contract, w ill be $3,000,000. NEWS OF THE WEEK J OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST One