Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1897)
Bids for School Building. SH AD Y HKHOK. Bids will he received up to noon of Mr. Snyder pen t to Portland on busi es«, Friday. August 20. August > 8 . .897. buj,d ‘ n* story frame school house in district 28 of Washington county, Oregon. Specifica tions may be seen at the residence of the undersigned, miles east o f Gaston The directors reserve the right to rejec Mm. Lis. Jackson was up from Glen coe Sunday to see lier old home. Samuel Johnson tt reshoil first this j«a r . W e learn he had a good yield. any or all bids. N ellie and Lura MeC’oubrey were visit i n g Mr. Kschman’s one day last week. F . M. H i l l , Chairman of Board of Directors of School District No. 28 of Washington County. Miss Mary Northrup is at home just •pow. She is to commence school on iforede Ridge in the near future. _ _________ _ __ _ N o -T o-B ac fo r F if t y Cents. Guaranteed tobacco h a b it ■•>». * • * » • men snout, blood l>ure. S0e. U A ll d r u g s » » No-To-Bac for Fifty Ceuta. Harry Hall threshed his grain on Thursday, the 10th. He had 000 bushels of grain and Steve Meek did 4he work w itl his machine. Millions of men who are daily “ Tobacco Spitting and Smoking Their Lives A w ay” will be glad to learn that the fa mous guaranteed tobacco habit cure, that has freed over 400,000 tobacco users in the last few years, have put on the market a fifty cent package of their great remedy. This will give every to bacco user a chance to test No-To Bac’s power to control the desire for tobacco in every form and at the same time he benefited by No-To-Bac’s nerve strength ening qualities. Every tobacco user should procure a fifty cent box at once from his druggist or order it by mail. You will be surprised to see how easily and quickly the desire for tobacco dissap- ears. Any reader can obtain a sample and booklet free by addressing the Sterl ing Rem edy Co. Chicago or New \ ork j atul mentioning this paper. The Connell Bros, threshed grain on th eir bonanza farm the second time on Monday, August 23. W e understand 4hat their grain is turning out well. arsh »Memorial Hall of Pacinc University. Quarterly meeting of the United 'Brethren churct convenes August 20, at JRiady. All are cordially invited to -Come and bring your baskets well filled 4er the picnic at 2 o ’clock. The hot weatl er still continues with • o prospect of rain. It is rather an un usual thing for it to last so long at this «eason of the year. The result will •■urely be short, late crops, especially po tatoes. No man or woman can enjoy life or accomplish much in this world while .coffering from a torpid liver. D eW itt’s Little Early Kisers, the pills that Ck'unsc f l a t organ, quickly. J. C. | ■Clark, druggist. Wanted—ftn Idea Hg&t Protect rour Ideas; they may bring you weaio W rite JOHN WEUDEHBURN & CO., Patent At to. nevs. Waablogt. D. C.. for theii Jl.Suo prise o f f * and list o f two hundred luventlous wauted. T H A T C H K it. Mr. Victor Fuqua has purchased him self a new bicycle. When B ab y was sled, we gave her C ustom Mr. and Mrs. Sears were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes last Sunday. There was quite a tragedy occurred in ■'Thatcher last Saturday night. Mr. E. A. Shaw catne over to see if there was •netting at tlffe church and going home In the woods which he hud to go through, •II at once there appeared an object ill Iro ■it o f him and as it gave a growl, Mr. Shaw became very much frightened and thought it must be a wild animal ot aouie kind so he thought it best to de fend himself und the only weapon lie bud in his possession was his walking J . II. ACKKKMAN. «ane, he struck at whnt he supposed to This is the third successive instituU be u wild auimal and to his fortunate conducted by 1’rin. Aekermtin in this surprise struck Vic Fuqua. It was V ic ’s comity itttd the te.mhers would gladly dog that gave the growl and poor Vic welcome him many more times. .Mr. got the blow. Ackerman was educated in the public schools of Wisconsin and . omtuenced Running sores, indolent ulcers and teaching in '75, since which time he Inis similar troubles, even though of many Iteeit continuously in the work in ¡til year’s standing, may b e cured b y using grades of schools, excepting a year s|H-iit P e W itt’s W ltc. Hazel Salve. It as student in the Milwaukee Normal goodies, strengthens, ami heals. It is school where lie was graduated, limit' - B e great pile cure. J. C. Clark, drug- diately after this in ’81), he came to gist Oregon. Foilr years he has been princi pal of a Portland public school, four F lit. The Rev. Mr. Hughes, o f Hillsboro, years superintendent o f Multnomah and family ate rusticating on Gales county and also for a year in each jiosi- tion superintendent of the East Portland O eek . Eddie Koos and a gentleman friend schools and assistant city superintendent of Portland. Prin. Ackerman is now in cauie up on their wheels Iroui Portland, charge of the Harrison street school with Oil a visit to Eddie's father. twenty assistant teachers and eight hun Mrs. W ill Roos and baby Angie, with dred pupils. He has been engaged in ■ lady friend Miss Inez Snell aM of Port- institute work ever sin -e he came to tin- band, are visiting at Mr. Chris. Roos. state and this present summer has in Mr. Fuller, o f Kansas, is out on a structed teachers in seven counties in visit to his daughters' Mrs. E li Smith, of Oregon. Fir, and Mrs. Myra Hrullaml o f Mc Minnville. school, Portland, five years later pro- > e 1 to bo head of tl e Atkinson school and the year after again advanced to a similar position in tl e Park sol ool where he now is. This sc I ool is the same size as Prin. Ackerm an’s, the tw > Iteing the leading schools of the city. .tic past four years Prin. G o t lias >!.;n an ti-tive and popular institute instructo . H IL L S B O K O . C. K. Deichraan is now a fully btedged I Quite aa interesting lawsuit occurred Mother Esquire Hicks Mondsy, concern- ^ a g an Action for damages for alleged | H ir ^presentations in tlte sale of a riMsae Jn Igniewt was rendered for plain- Cure of Chronic D iarrh oea. Prof. Heritage completed the high school at 111 and three years later re ceived the ilegrec of F>. S. from Bryan, Ohio, Normal college w here the folio • ing year he taught higher matlimeti s. This |H>sition he resigned and for tlir - • and a half years travell - 1 nsc.v-.eert bass with an o|K-ra company. Then ha ac cepted su|>erintendency of F.dmr, O lio , public schools where he inaugurated fin- system of teachers for each branch in stead of for each grade and in the day each instructor taught his study in every grade. After two years Mr. Heritage was elected musical direct.», at Valpa raiso, Ind., Normal. The past two years 1 e lias been dean of t ie cm is vaiory of music ... W illam citc U nivo.sily, Salem. Prof. Heritage’s latest, teachers have been Gottsehalk . of Chicago, and Carpi, <.f Milan, Italy, in voice and in theory Frerck and Gleason of Chicago. In the larger tow ns of Oregon he has given over twenty five concerts and sang the bass role in the oratorio of the Creation at Salem and Gladstone Park and in the F.lijnh at Salem. As an institute in structor 1 e has appeared in several counties and has had charge of music in the Summer Educational institute at New.sirt and for the past two year» at the state teachers’ institute and the Gladstone Park Chautauqua. The evening session of the county teachers’ institute was held in Marsh hall auditorium with an audience of a I .out three hundred. Short, hut able and interesting addresses of appropriate 1 ». A . OROI T. Three years ago Prin. Grout attended character were made by Rev. Mr. Star an institute in this county hut since amf Prin. Ackerman and Prin. Grout. then has been engaged elsew here though Prof. Heritage in 1 is magnificent bass the school workers would have been sang "G rand old Ocean” and. in response glad to have renewed his acquaintance to encores and nspiest, several other earlier and hope again to la» under his solos as enthusiastically received, among instruction. Canadian Isirn, he was whiet the most popular were “ Stutter graduated from the St. Thomas. Ontario, ing Jim ” and “ The Same oh! Tt ing Over Model school in ’»0 and in ’84 from the Again.” Mrs. \llen sang a pretty solo Ottawa Normal school, the three years “ Tis not True.” Charming violin solos interval lieing spent ill gaining experi by Miss Nicklin. of Salem, were another ence in district schools. Five yeurs feature. Prof. Heritage as soloist and more he wras principal of graded eel »*►!* and Mrs. Allen, Miss Blanche Garrison in two small towns. Than in *W he and Mr. Truvor as cborns sang beauti came westward and taught hit first fully " Is e Gwine Hack to Ifix ie ” and school in Oregon at Damascus, tlaeka- “ OM Black Joe.” mas county. The next (all he was Rlpona Tabules; at druggists. elected principal ol th? North lentral Kipans Tubules cure liver I roubles. Wanted—An Idea ROSEBUKG M AIL DAILY le a v e — I A rrive— Portland....... 8 :K 0 a, in Rosehnrg..... 5.7,1. Roseburg...... 7:30 a. in I Portland....,’.'.ij,,; D IN IN G C A R S on OGDEN RC PULLMAN BUFFET SLEE AND S E C O N D -C L A S S S L E E P IN G ( A ttached to a ll through trains. W est Side Division. B etw kkn P o rtlan d M A IL T K A l N D A I L Y 7 80 a 01 hi | 1 1 L b ? r in J 1 1 l.v 9 10 1 a m « 12:15 p p. m m | A r Cnm-«i and (E X CE P T MU i , . Yi. Por* Limi h »n U in \ r Fi'ie*»t On G ròvp F«»re*-t I.V ih.rVHll'B OurvMlIi Lv At AH’iinv hid ' C orvH ll> «• m u ff wji of the Orejion Central A Ka te n r**ii- ad X P K »8 S T R A I N D A I L Y (EXC F 4:60 | lv _ Hort'Mhfi 6:29 |».m | l.v 7:»» 1. 8 IN i . au Ar • ' Ar Direct con n ertln n at -an Kram Leo im ; dental and O rien tal an d P artfic ma l sh « linns for JA P A N and C H IN A . >alli ir application. Haies and t ic k e 's to E iste ru poia» Kumpe. \lso Ja p a n . C h in a, Houmil i [ A u stralia, ean be ob taiued from v\. r. i Agent, Forest G rove c. A s s II. i G M AK\H \ I i H K. K O E H I A R , M anager Portm nd. Orevon. 22538 G old Protect your ideas: thev may bring you wealth Write JOHN WEDDEKBURN ft CO., Patent Attor Washington, D. C., for their $ 1.800 prize oiler In 1862, when I served my country as Devs, and list of two hundred inventions wanted a private in Company A, 167th Penn sylvania Volunteers, I contracted chronic li.arrlioea. It gives me a great deal of trouble ever since. I have tried a dozen One year ago last February different medicines and several promi cent doctors without any permanent re I was taken down with Sciatic lief Not long ago a friend sent me a 1 finally had sample bottle o f Cham berlain’s Colic, Rheumatism. Cli > 1 era and Diarrhoea Remedy, and to resort to crutches. I suf alter that I bought and took a 50-eenl fered excruciating pain. i bottle; and now I can say that I am en tirely cured. I cannot be thankful took Vitae Ore and am with enough to you for this great remedy, and 1 out pain, and can sleep as well recommend ii to all suffering veterans My kidneys 1 in doubt write me. Yours gratefully, | as 1 ever could. H ■ try Steinbergcr, Allentown, I’ a. were very had and bothered Sold b v j- C. Clark, druggist. II. A. HERITAGE. Forest fires are raging. Men are woi k- dng hard to save buildings and other property. Mr. J. J. Patton came very •ear lo. ing his house, and had it not been for the timely aid o f the neighbors it would have been burned. 4 J. M Wall returned last Friday even- from v trip to Mt. Hood. John re- Marts a fine tins* and says the ascent of t t r mountain la full of interest hat not ,.without some dangers. Remarkable SH K IM F F ’S S A LK . Scappoose. The Rock creek trestle between here - ’sad Reedville burned out Wednesday aright tnd caused some delay in the A To heal the broken and diseased tis sue.--, to -»ootlie the irritated surfaces, to I instantly relieve and to permanently cure is tl e mission of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. J . t \ Clark, druggist. Beu A. Collins who lias been staying «p o a his homestead the past teu days, re turned to his work on a dairy ranch at Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bryan returned Madnesday evening front a few daya out in g at Long Beach. FRANCISCO L ai Arrive— P o r t l a n d ..........* : < v p . m sau Francisco 7 s . Han Krancl*co8:00 p. m Portland a#. Above trains atop at all Hatton, s , , ' Portia d and Sa cm, Turner. ]* son. Alhanv, Albany Junction, s,,' Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Irvin.' gene, Drain», Oakland and all j Kuseburg to Ashland In. ltialve. Leave— THE GREAT Forest Grove Public School. /A good portion o f the threshing is «tikue and wheat and oats are turning Out well considering the dry weather we had in the forepart o f the season. Editor Oault o f The Independent was so the sick list the first o f the week. PORTLAND AND SA N When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Rev. Porter, o f Oregon City, preached Ilia farewell sermon last Sunday evening at this place. have Trains l¿eave p0 land Daily. Express When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria Mr. Thomas Uunce was home on a visit last week. He is engaged in rail- aoud work. L. L. Whitcomb and aon Fred ( M l to the coaat for a few daya. OK TI1E When she oeeame Miss, she clung to Castoria. Those that have prunes are busy en gaged in picking and shipping them this week. rieputy sheriff. V IA 21 - 2 2 1 Oregon. Alex. Brehner is helping Harvey ■*orthrup with his harvesting. Wm. McOoubrey is assisting Mr. Ilickenbot- |om with his. EAST AND S01JÎI1 THE SHASTA ROUT SODTIIERNPACIFIC C B y v irtu e o f an execution , decree and order of sale, issued out o f the C ircuit court o f the state o f O regon, for W ashington county, in favor o f F red V ollan d again st H erm an Gunther and A u gu sta G u n th e r for the sum o f $24.00, costs, and for the fu rth e r sum o f $930.58, United Sta te s gold coin, w ith interest thereon at the rate o f 8 p er cent, p er annum from the 19th day o f J u ly , 1897, anil th e furth er sum o f ($100.00) one h un dred d o lla rs w ith interest thereon at th e rate o f 8 p er ceti^ and for the cost and e x p en ses of sale and o f said w rit. Now, th erefore, by v irtu e aud in pursuance o f said ju d gm en t, d ecree and order o f sale, I w ill, on Mon lay, th e 13th d ay o f Septem ber, 1897. at th e south doo^ o f the court house, in H ill boro, W ashington county, Oregon, at the hour o f io o ’clock a. m ., of said d ay, sell at p u b lic auction to the h igh est bidder for cash, the fo llo w in g d escribed real p rop erty, to-wit: A ll o f th e northeast q u arter o: section sixteen (1*) tow n ship th ree (3) north ran ge three (3) w est o f W illam ette m eridian containing one hundred and i\ t y (160; acres, situate in W ashington count state o f Oregon, to satisfy th e hereinbefore nam ed sum s, and f- r the costs and ex p e n se s o f said sal*-. Said p rop erty w ill be sold subject 1 dc.v ■<.ion as p er statute o f O regon. W itness niv han.l t - is n tli d ay o f August, 1897 » W D. BRADFORD, Nher.tro f Wu hltigr.m County,Oregon. A Jlen R. Jo y . A tto rn ey for biintiff. 20-24 a n i » S ua COUNTRIES O F B R IT IS H C O U V A N I) K A S T E R N O REGO N ARE A LL R E A VÌI vi» T h e 0 . ii. No C h an ge of C ars b e tw e e n PO RTLAND . f l l A K K it < me very much, and that is all “ n" U o K A S l! removed. I now feel as well S h o r t e s t L i n e t o SpoM as I ever did. You can inquire of any bus C o n n e c t i n g w ith iness man in town and he will A L L H A I L R O U T E loj tell you the same as I have T R A I L , R O 8SLA X ! said in regard to my afflic M A R C U S N ELSO N» tions. I will publish more a l l K o o t e n a y M in i" testimonials that reside in O r e Cam ps . . . gon soon for the good of the Low Rates a n d T h r o u g h Ti human family. l'o r Pamphlets and Detailed Io I keep Vitae Ore on hand mation, write to Try it. It cured me, and it W. H. HURLBURT. General P msspiif r % w ill cure you if you use it ac O. R. A N . **o J cording to directions. P . j N E LSO N !.\ COURSE, General Agent, F. K. W ATERS. Forest Grove, Oregon WATERS & B A orti a m PROPKIKTORS OP AGENTS WANTED. Taken in time. Vitae Ore in an infalla- Feed Chopping C H O P P IN G O N X H U P .W ble cuie tor diphtheria. C fS T O M G R IN D IN G A 8PKCIA TMr. I,a Course is personally known DEALER'» IN to me as a reliable man, and the story of Hay, Grain and all kind» of H’.our»«*! his suffering and cure is well known to Land Plaster, Seeds, Rock ^alt, Sack* the citizens of this community to be true. Twine. —Editor. ] Wood sawic • done as cheap as thee*, (•oodt delivered in any part off', E.lnr;iia Vonr Itowc-ls ttnh < :i»«-i.r •:.. r-V U foil, -T’ ilriimilstsri V •-•»¡“ 'nation toe. . u III.. C. r C. fund former money FOREST GROVE, S ll K R I F F ’S S A L K . Don't T'rfmrco S|»if a ini Smoke L»«r I * To qu it tobacco *-i^ilv foreve By v irtu e o f .01 e , .ltio:>. .le r r r c and order o f netic. full of life, n o n e and ' 141 u l e . fiM i.d ju t ..1 .lie C ircuit L o u it o f the stale t.cdsiiiis Why riia iu lip ria iii'a Due. the wonder- w«»rU« r. tbnl >-t Oi ejtun, for W hi e..m lt>, in favor ,<t the 1 Itnleia .mil llj irrln ie.i ::.-in- strong. A il druggists. Wk* or #1. Oregon M ori* ^ Company Limited and Heuni.-i teed Booklet and sample free_ i ’.I v 1» the Best. I).C . M errell. M ary M e n . I, W. S e v lje and •Sterling Remedy C a , Chicago or 1» G. W M iller for the sum o f cos s, h h . i tor 1 Bet-ituse it affor.l-. almost instant the further sum o f | j 67 o . > s . iu I'nited States gold | re!iei in ,-a»i? of pain in the stomach, Hacklen’s Arnica Sal* coin, .vith interest thereon at the rate o f n in e * 1 colic ami cholera morbus. p er cent, per annum from the .oth day o f July, i The Best Salve in the world Because it is the only remedy that Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, SW iSyr and for the cost and expenses o f sale and o f said writ. neter tails in the most severe cases of F e v e r Sores, Tetter, Chsppf Now, therefore, by viitue and in pursuance o f dysentery ami chronic diarrhoea. Chilblains, Corns, and said judgment, decree and order o f sale. I will, 1 tions, and positively cures ri 3. Because it is the only remedy that on Mon ay the loth day o f September. 1897. at ! pay required. It is guarantee«! will cure chronic diarrhoea. the south door o f the Court House, in Hillsboro. perfect satisfaction or mone2 ' Washington county. Oregon, at the hour o f to 4. Because it is the only remedy that Price aj cents per box. ror o '.lock a. m . of said day. sell at public auction will prevent bilious colic. Chaa. Miller. to the highest bidder for cash, the following j- Because it is the only remedy that described real pr-petty, towit: The southeast ANTED—HEVE « AL FA iTH f quarter o f the southwest quarter o* section will cure epidemical dysentery. Women lo travel lor re»l^» twenty-four and the northeast quarter o f the fi. ¿.«.-cause it is the only remedy that li»he<l hon-eiii Oregon. 8 al»r * northwest quarter o f s cti >0 twenty-five All in can always be depemfod upon in case of *11 weekly and i n S e * ? ? "v ™ Hei,-ren«e. Encloae township one south o f range two west o f the cholera infantum. velopa. The National. 8tar Bull«" Willamette meridian containing eighty acres __________________ . < Because it is the most prompt and \ more or lean. All situate in Washington county, ' Oregon to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums, most reliable medicine in use for bow and for the cnats expenses o f said sale el complaints. Said property will be sold subject to rrdem p 8. Because it produces no bad results lion a-- per statute of Oregon Witness my hand this iSth day o f August 1* Because it is pleasant and safe to take |<V7- W. D BRADFORD. 10. Because it has saved the lives of Sheriff o f Washington County, Oregon. more people than any other medicine in Snow and McCamant. Attorneys for Plaintiff *■-*$ W B ric k fo rS 160,000 Good ft Cheap L Th* 25 * nd 801 J- C. Clark, druggist. f«>r »ale B . IT*. C a tc h Yard I ®Ue