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About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1897)
$ 1 0 0 < ) W A S H IN G T O N 00 ¡All. or your share of it, if you find the pissing word. |Schillings Best tea is not only pure ¿„j ¡t •? .... because it is fresh-roasted. What is the missing word? Schilling'i Ticket L Best tea at your grocer's; take out the Yellow U , s one in every p a ck a g e ); send it with your g u « * t0 address below ¡August 3 1 st. I On« wori1 Ji*owec^ f°r ea c^ yellow ticket. If only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars U find it. the m on ey will be divided equally among them If [ Evfry one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping U at the end o f the contest. Those sending three or more in one EWill receive a charm ing 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it. Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay S ,5o each to the two persons S send in the largest num ber o f yellow tickets in one envelope between , ,j and the end o f the contest— August 3 1 st. |Cut this out. Y ou won’t see it again. B 8 Address: SCHILLING' S BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO. I r man hits some peculiar train of Worm.n llnvr ltfKhla. ¡btwiiicli lie falls hack upon when Finland is a paradise for women— at [one. This to a great degree least for those of the sex who are desir ous of being placed upon the same 1 man. plane as men socially, politically and industrially. Nowhere else in the civ ilized world are the Bexes so nearly upon Por/Ar/t an equality as there, anil the experi ment lias proved an unqualified success. Tor more than 25 years the gymnasiums |... Portland, Oregon • . . have admitted both sexes, and in the jistrong , l l . b . , Prin. J. A. W esco , Scc’y University of Helsingfors there are now 200 women students. There are [BUSY W O R L D O F B U S I N E S S flourishing clubs of women, le employ moot to hundred« o f oa r graduate«, and two ||u Ihoutamls m ore. Rend for our catalogue. About 1,000 are now employed in post- Learo «bat aud bow we teach. Verily, offices, railroad and telegraph bureaus »BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS and other departments of the public ser- More than 900 are engaged as L I T E R A R Y , *ice. norm al, busi- teachers in schools of various grades, _ _______ ness, m usical, ingieal ami preparatory courses. State and it is not uncommon to see among ■ lor normal course. T w enty-eight in their pupils young men of 18, who are is, 327 students. Location beautiful, tin the suburbs, with all the Advantages preparing for an academic or eommer- (tit city ami none o f its dismivantag %. cial career. At least 3,000 women are nsaloons and immoral places. Boaru- Fifty-two of the 80 poor- tconnecicd with school. G overnm ent in business. »firm. Exptnar« for year from $100 to houses have women superintendents, lool opens September 21, 1897. Cata- and all the dairies are managed by ltfret'. Address, |.V an 8 coy , I). D., University Park, Or. women. Y //fy A NY COLLEGE ti&XX: Jc. classical and academ ic training, CONFINKWKNT AM* HARD W ORK jog year will record som e new features: Indoors, psrticnlsrly in the sitting posture, Jltr businc"- college, under the leader- «re far more prejudicial to health than execs- hregular business college man. 2—Elc- sive muscular exertion in the open air. Hard iiml advanced German taught by an sedentary workers arc far too weary after office ■ born and Vmerican-educated Ger- hours to take much needful exercise in the FMilitarv tactics, in volvin g the regu- open air. They too often need a tonic. Where 4» first-class m ilitary school in dress, can they seek im igoration more certainly and ■ drill. Opens Sept. 15. Send for cat- agreeably than from Hostetter’s Stomach Bit- ters, a renovant particularly adapted to re \ Wallace H o w e Lee, president. cruit the exhausted force of nature. Use also for dyipepsia, kidney, liver and rheumatic Ailments. khe, mm s itlfMELT, [Lame Back, ilriad Back, flitch in the k, Lumbago ail back ■b'tj are in- tntly relieved r. J * soothing, warming, invig- 'nK current penetrates tht Jmed tissu-s, sends the ►blood bounding through your », relieves the pain, takes f the soreness, warms, tones and strengthens, re-enforces na ture and y The rarest metal is didymium, and its present market prioe is $4,500 per pound. The next costliest metal is barium; its value is$260. U B A KXK1S CANNOT KK Ct RED bv ||)C»I »Iip liciion «, «» they cannot reach tlie dU eaxd [luriion nt the -ar. There ia only one wav to cure deafnc - and that is by conatltu- tiohal renteUi«-» l»* atne'<- IS caused by an In flamed <,ondition o> the muenua lining ot the Eustachian tuts-. When this tube gels inllain ed von have a rumbling -ound or imperfect hearing, and »lien it is entirely closed denfne.s is the result, and unless the inflammation can lie t a k e n out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten arc caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. , We will give One Hundred Hollars for any case of deafness (caused bv ealarrhttliat cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars. frt' . p j rH iJ tE Y £ CO., Toledo, O. Sold bv druggists. Hall's Family fills are the best. A German doctor of reputation pre scribes aluminum as a cure for rheuma tism. _______ \Ve will forfeit $1,660 if any o f ou r p ub lished testim onials are proven to he not genu ine. T he P iso C o ., W arren, I a. Cures Perm m eutly. L it e r a r y N o te . & Howard, Ainsle Company, New It is worn while York, announce in theft sterling little you sleep, and magazine, issue of August, a change of can be regulated. name from The Yellow Kid to The Real about it in Yellow Book. This departure is made the little book in view of the improved and more gen “ Three Class.-s of Men,” free by eral character of the contents of the mail or at the periodcal, which will hereafter appear - physician’s advice but once a month. The Book « i ll be '-*,l or address as large and spicy as ever, stocked from cover to cover with pictures, jokes, sketches, verses and short stories, hor P^Mhingtnn S t., P ortlan d , Or. varietv and excellence of materia . in I mention this P ap e r. view of the price, 5 cents, The ie llo » Make m oney by guc- Book is unique.____________ 1 I electric BELT CO. IT resttul speculation in Chicago. We buy and sell w h ea t there oh mar- lbrJ, '** made on a small |T m future«. W rite for Bes: of reference given, Sev- ithn*n< ° n { he C hicago Board of •wioronrn K n ow led ge o f the busi- Hook mis £ r o . f t’ hieago Board , OfTVf-t m Portland, Oregon, pNWtle, \N asn. 60008 S r“ ..“ » E J ^ m p le t e line of Gymnasium i bo«Mi« on the Coast. ’ « w o rk s made to order . Athletic Catalogue. * F IN C K C O ., San Franelaco, C a l. There are about 100 grains of iron in the average human bod.T amJ ? e t j o important is tins exceedingly m quantity that its diminution is attend- ed witli very serious results. England is trying submerge.) cannom O a k e n Imams 21 inch«* thick and the ^ . 1 of a ship protected by « h ^ - n c h - o f boiler plate were pierced by a solid shot from one. _____ A medical authority asserts that death »««• * ■ "“¿r Vbr ». » .ir J - — * * v w « « a « +-W W * ye s c io u s n e s t e n s ue»-____________ T E E T H I N G .” 1 # ’ ■ ¡M ix « S T » c r sh o u ld a lw a y s b e J It s o o t h e « the c h ild , s o ft - « ¡»«in care« wind e o lle .a n d is T^r*n t y c e n l < K - * When the electric « « [* * ? 4 London was ,8 *R i >* ran be saved wltb- a d j u s t e d . __________ ___ ______ o«t tbelr knowledge by ARTI JAG, the marvelous rnre for the drink habit. ^ All drngglste, or write rJdnotion Rew Yerk Cltr. usual amount of a» ® laoly mailed free . questions like.. o the cnminal ol.i . f ‘ MOTHERHOOD, tle r a a r k a b le W i l l P o w e r. I The late William 8 . Groesbeck, of Cincinnati, never took another law case M rs. Finir ham D ecla res N o W e after his defense of President Andrew > N o e d D esp a ir. . • • Johnson. “ The brilliant speech which ( There arc many curable causes for won that case,’ ’ says tiie Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, “ proved the sterility in women. One o f the nuu-t man’s remarkable will and intellectual common ia general debility, accom (lowers. He had been so ill as to he panied by a peculiar condition o f the confine«! to ilia bed, anil on the day o( blood. - \. Write freely and fully to Mrs. Plnlc- the trial, while lying in lied, lie jotted down on a sheet of fools«'ap paper the ham. n or addresa Is Lynn, Mass. She main points of hia defense. lie was will tell you, free o f charge, the cause driven to the tribunal in a carriage, o f your trouble and' w hat course to . . , of flies. It is the digestion of food rath unable to walk, and spoke extern|>ore take. Believe mo, under right con^L- er than eating it that Alls the milk pail. for (our hours and a half. At the cloee tions, you have a fair chance to become Yet we have known farmers who out article X I was voted u|ion, and the the joylnl mother o f children. Mas. down shade trees in the pasture be president acquitted of the other arti L ucy L yti . e , 235 Ilenderoon St., Jersey * - cause. as they expressed it, the cows cles. Since that time Mr. Groesbeck City,N. J.,certainly thirhsso. Shcaays: . * “ I am more than proud o f Lydia E. . • would lie in the shade all through the lias lived a life of quiet aud retirement, day, only eating at night and morning, ig 1872 lie built Elmhurst, a noble PinUhum's Vegetable Compound, and when air is cooler and the grass is like house of superb proper' ions, command cannot find words to express the good , . - ly to be moistened with dew. ing a river view o f unsurpassed beauty. it haa done me. I was troubled very A • » badly with the leucorrhoca and severe 1 9 D ryln c Wet Grain. A bulletin (No. 7) o( the division of wom b pains. From the time I was • A11 who are used to handling either entomology of the United States de- married, in 1382, until last year, I was •• brick or tile, know that wbeu thorough (tartment of agriculture says thut in under the doctor's care. Wo had n o j ¡¡w ly dry they will absorb a great amount France and Pennsylvania an industry children. I have had nearly every , b r s c g ' i i g N e w ly P l o w e d f a n d . of water without being saturated. Ad- lias recently sprung up, which consists doctor in Jersey City, and have been '. When land is plowed for wlntergrain vantage Is taken of this fact by grain of the farming of spiders for the pur to Kelvin Hiwpital, but all to no avail." after midsummer it needs all the mois dealers and farmers, who place dry I saw Mrs. Pinkliam's advertisement ture that the soil when plowed, and a bricks which are easiest to handle ami pose of stocking wine cellars, ami thus in the paper, and have used five bot- • securing almost an immediate coating good deal more, to make a good seed least likely to break among dump grain ties o f her medicine. It has done more - l»ed. The turning of the furrow expos to prevent it from heating. It Is sur of cobwebs to new wine bottles, giving for me than all tlio doctors I ever had ; es a much larger surface to the air. be prising wlmt an effect this will have If them tiie ¡ip|iearanee of great age. This It lias stopped my pains, and has sides making a hollow beneath, which a very few bricks are interspersed industry is carried on in a little French brought me a fine little girl. I have village in tiie department of Loire anil also helps to dry out the soil above It. through the heap. Each brick will al*- been well ever since my baby was born. Karly in spring, when the land Is cold, sorb fully half a pint of water If It is near Philadelphia, where “ Epeira vul I heartily recommend Mrs. Pinkham'a this large exposure to the air. which is dry to begin with. This will dry out garis” and “ Nephila flumipes” are medicine to all women suffering from - then wanner than the soil, may be ben the surplus moisture out of a good raise«! in large quuntitU'S and sold to sterility." the w ine merchants at tiie rate of $10 eficial. Even then we never wanted to many bushels of damp grain. Tills No. 3 5. '* 7 . let the furrow lie more than one or two might be used in mowiug away damp per 100. This applu-ation of entomol N. P. K. t:. days without putting in the harrow hay or grain in the bundle, though In ogy to industry is one which will not HEN' w r i t i n g t o N d v « r t u « r a , p l e a m e n t i o n tliia pwpor. to break up the clods formed by the ueltlier of these positions is there ao be highly commended. plow, and which. If they dried In that much likelihood of injury ns there is state, could not be made Into a good where threshed damp grain is closely seed bed that season. But in late sum confined in bins. mer if It Is necessary to plow, the rough Forirhnm fo r th e Silo. furrow should be dragged over as While no kind o f grain as feed can quickly as possible. It will press the furrow down, causing weeds and stub supersede corn In cheapness and vnlue, WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE ble to begin to rot. The roller also Is a sorghum is a formidable rival to It for EXCLUSIVE UsE O F THE WORD “ C A S T O R IA ” AND help to this. But It is better to run the fodder, especially when put up in the “ P IT C H E R 'S C A S T O R IA ,” AS OUR TR AD E MAkK. smoothing harrow over the rolled sur silo. It stands drought better, which is likely to make it popular In the arid I, DR. S A M U EL P IT C H E R , o f H yannis, M assachusetts, face, so as to roughen It. The compact j ness o f thp soli brings moisture to the portions of the West, where corn often was the originator o f “ P IT C H E R 'S CASTO RIA ," the sam e surface, and the roughened surface fails. The sorghum hsr too tough a stalk to feed green, but when cut and that has borne and does now y / P T T X " on everU j makes a mulch wldch prevents too rap put In the silo there is enough fermen id evaporation.—American Cultivator. bear the fa c s im i le signature o f YciAcJtl/U wrapper. tation to soften the stalks so that they This is the original “ P IT C H E R 'S CASTO RIA ," w hich has been can !>e eaten. The sweetness of the F o r P ic k in s : G o o s e b e r r i e s . i It is the habit of our American sorts sorghum furnishes carbonaceous nutri used in the homes o f the m others o f A m erica fo r over th irty o f gooseberries to grow In a tangled ment Just as does the starch of corn years. LOOK C A R E F U L L Y a t the wrapper and see that it is j mass of branches close to the ground. grain, and In even more palntnhle form. j the k ind you have alw ays bought s n f s / , -r on Wherever cane sugar is made in- the . South the workmen who attend the a n d h a s t h e s i g n a t u r e o f wrap ! grinding always grow fat from the p er. Mo one has a u th ority fr o m m e to use m y nam e except sugar they eat. ryt ‘ w AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. j G le n n in c A fte r G rain H iirveat. It Is a great mistake to let any stock, except poultry, glean Hfter the grain harvest has been gathered. The poach ing of the soil nnd Injury to young clover, caused hr other stock running over the fields, more than offsets what I good the stock can gain by gathering | i the wasted grain heads. There are i very few wasted heads in modern grain ! ( harvesting, except such as are beu! , down and cut off with too little straw to be gathered in the bundle. If al C.OOSKmtRHY FICKINO M AP I EAST. lowed a free range, the fowis will gath Tin- reault is moat dlflcnlt picking aad er most of the grain, and they will pay scratched hands. The flrst picture 1 >est for it. as grain so gathered al shows a simple plan to obviate the dltti- ways sets the hens to laying again. culty. If one has many hushes this T r a n s p l a n t i n g V e a e t n b ’ ea jilan will prove especially advanta In setting out cnbbnge and celery tli“ geous. The stout wire ring is put under the low lying branches and hooked. top should he shortened severely so as Then the three wires nre hooked into It. to lessen evaporation. This will male a very vigorous growth, beside prevent ing the setback which a withered leaf on a transplanted plant always gives. With each transplanting there will come a large mass of roots. *fo that aft er lieing twice transplanted the calc » IK K K I N O . bage or other vegetable will grow with the wires drawn up anil hooked over out any t*ereeptible chevy. If the the stake that is stuck down in the weather is not suitable heel the plants middle of the hush. One can then reach in. covering tops anil all for two or under the bushes very easily.—Ameri three days. Then the riots will be ready to grow at once. can Agriculturist. f l r a n ' t i e ’ tier t h u s H « j . It is undoubtedly iuserious loss to have so much of the hay crop Injured by excessive rains, as has l>een the case the present year. Yet this may be In part made an advantage to farmers If it turns their attention to grain ns a cheaper source of nutrition than even the Itest hay can be. More than this. If given with enough hn.v or straw or cornstalks to distent! the stomach, grain Is l>etter feed, because more eas ily digested. In the coarser fodder so much of rite nutrition goes to sustain animal heat or tile processes of diges tion, that comparatively little Is left to make flesh or milk or fats. The knowl edge that some grain with hay makes cheaper nutrition is not half so widely extended as It ought to lie. If It were, there would he a itetter demand for grain and It would sell nt better prices. B a rn O at th e Rtnm na. The Centaur Company P resident. M arch 8. 1897. of w hich II. Fletcher of for is , Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life o f your ch ild by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), tiie ingredients o f which even he does not know. The Kind You Have Always Bought »• B EA .f T H E FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. ▼ H « C I N T A U M C O M P A N Y . ........ 11 M U R N A V • ▼ M I T , N E W T O U R C IT Y ......................................... ■ ' ■ ■ ------- 'J \ ifc ik ik & ifc lk ik ik ik lk ik ik lk ik ik lk ik ik ifc lk lk ? k lk lfr .ik ii* A ptrfrct t TF* «f tke hlvhest order of «xctllence in msnnfsctBr«.** w BREAKFAST COCOA g W alter Baker & Co.’s ’ ff'*ctn th • Milk Flow. Deferring the watering for an hour or two invariably cause« a slight shrink age in the milk, and a deterioration in Its quality. Allow a cow to go wlthou* Its regular food for a short time, and she grows restive and anxious, and every one knows what a disastrous ef m fect tltis has upon the milk flow. j| kk Absolutely Pure— Delicious—Nutritious. Costs L e ss than One Cent a Cup. Be ture aura that yoi you get the genuine article. ■* * * î at *7*o. ^ 14 DORCHESTER. M A SS. ^ ---------------------------------------- ....B y .... t M W A L T E R B A K E R A CO. L td . F a r m N o te «. Good size is always an important item in a breeding ram. Flow the ground for wheat and then apply a dressiug-of manure. The beat sheep are the most profit able under all circumstances. An excess o f food Induces indigestion, and is worse than a spare diet. Flan to feed the milk cows liberally— that is, all they can eat and digest well. When prices for any kind of stock is low, then is usually a good time to in vest. There Is no advantage in digging the late potatoes until the weather becomes Chus. * ^ lO W E R ...FOR.. M* P R O F IT ijjj Power that will save you money and make you money. Hercules Engines are the cheapest power known. Burn Gaaoliae or Distillate Oil; no smoke, fire, or d ir t For pumping, running dairy o r farm machinery, they have no equal. Automatic io action, perfectly safe and reliable. Scad far illustrated catalog, To get rid o f stumps in a Held, the contrivance shown In the illustration is an advantage. It Is made o f sheet +•> iron, supplemented by cool. two or three lengths of A small flock of sheep well caret! fot ordinary fl-lnch stove will bring a better return than a large pipe. The lower part one neglected. »♦ must be large enough Too much o f the stock goes to market ♦< » to slip over the stumps. In an unmarketable condition to make A hole is dug between the most out o f It. the roots or at one side | It is a mistake to sow grass, clover, Hercule* Spedai partly under the stump, Bay St., San Francisco, Cal. 1 2U serrisl horsepower) large enough to build a wheat or rye In the fall without a thor fire. After the Are is ough prepaiatlon of th« soil. Have the Price, only t!M . 4 >♦ once fairly started, the surface in a fine tilth. To make farming moat profitable and cylinder Is slipped over the stump and the to realize tbe lsrat price«, all products stlmp S T O V E , pieces of stove pipe are should lie marketed In the most attrac added. The whole arrangement acts as tive and finished maul er. ALIVE VITI So far as can lie done, the feeding of , stove and the whole stump Is burned Quickly, Thoroughly, Forarar furati H K A l) < 'unifilare, in from 17 minuti*- hour* by •'•HUXM M’H TAPE WORM out completely —Orange Judd Fanner. ail stock intended for market should ** a . . . HPKrlFIO,” requiring no previous or IF be pushed so that the fattening can be a . i k . I that « n o t Ml , t*r treatment, such a* fasting, -lam p * m i n . U m m m I. bq o U S h a d e tn r Cow«. done before cold weather set* In. fanm.n .Id Vaa (ml Ha j dieting, and the taking of naiipeou« im i The fact that with good pasture a arend th . a m 4 » t. ta*I * jM.iwonniiH drug*, rauaing tiopnin. «white«* Better resulta can lie secured with • n d l n o , ti., moa know | discomfort or r»od after elTarta. eow is able to eat as much in a few both clover and timothy If tbe condi I«»«» voam ff a b a i Maona noa j time, meal« or detention fmm bNFijme minutes ss she esn d lg e « In sever»! tions are such that the seeding can be la hod,. aUod .ad Mort. I Tble remedy ha« NF.VICU fatM »fitWK I>ra». « d I o n i «ndod hours I* not properly appreciated by done this month, rathe* than later. t f . l j obitori, «a b it « i U (’ A R A N tK K I). Over *M)Un raver •»Mr«. most farmers. If It were they would I rar«fully treated «inee 118ft. Write f«*f froa Tbe most productive and ferrHe j information and oueation blank. Add rent, ,t least provide shade trees In their M ilo« or tort, m m t ir .d b, «bl* m o k n l AU m . om n i m i n r ro., farms ran easily he made poor, and • a b B O T tH M . o t (ho Wdr « W H a d HrOHtb- pasture lot. or. better still, have a cool, A fsok a k r, W a « h . reod Writ* lor o n book. wKk .ig n U M M nod i A u d it o r iu m b id . darkened room where, after eating her a rundown farm can be built op. ac i r i d i Orel oo o I od. b o . U»or U U / d u m a F i t . « « rnrnd n o till the cow can lie and ronteutadly cording to tbe management giv e« by % t) Hercules Gas Engine Works TAPEWORMS“11 “ Sn *___ ^ .(..b lis h m e n t _ HATCHET. W eakness of M en J ' n ^ i COUNTY chew her cud secure from Ike attacks \tnS. EME MEDICAL CO., I »or book i>Mk T Market di . ooa m \ . <4 $ * %