Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1941)
“V ' CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Clackamas County News PROFESSIONAL CARDS L. D. MKADE, Editor and Publisher Published weekly on Fridays at Estacada, Clnekama County, .Oregon. Entered in the postoffice at Estacada, Oregon, as aecond-c.das matter. DR. H. V. A D I X Physician and Surgeon Physiotherapy— X-Ray Radium, Tel 5941 > Gresham, Ore Dr. H. A. Schneider DENTIST Phone Sandy 151 Sandy, Oregon O. D. E B Y Attorney at Law General Practice Confidential Adviser Oregon C ity-:- Oregon S. E WOOSTER Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and Rentals Tel. 77*3 Estacada, Ore. ( Dr. Thomas B. Carter ( Veterinary Surgeon Phone Gresham 210 Dairy Herd Inspector for Multnomah County Gresham, Oregon i 1 I _ _ _ _ ----------------------------------- Attorneys-at-Law Telephone Gresham Z82 P o w e ll Blvd. Gresham, Oregon C. DON PLATNER, M. D. Physician and b u rg e o n C lackam as C o u n ty B an k Bldg., Sandy, Oregon O ffice Hours, 2 to 5 P. M. Evenings, Saturday and Sunday by Appointment Phone Sandy 441 PANKRATZ SU B S C R If TION RATES In Clackamas County, one year $1.50; outside the county and in the State of Oregon, one year $2.U0; outside the State o f Oregon, one year $2.60; foreign $3.00 a year. Subscriptions are payable in advance. A D V E R T IS IN G Rates for advertising made known on application. Adve.risers will please take note that to insure insertion o f advertisement in t e issue o f the Tuesday noon. Assistance cheerfully given in tl.e prepa.ation of copy, current week, advertising copy should reach this office not later than ment the disunity being evidenced by strikes in defense industries or in the production o f materials necess Borrowing from the thot o f Lin ary to the steady maximum output coln as expressed at Gettysburg more o f these industres that three quarters ago it may now But it is not Hitler, Mussolini or it may now be said: “ Eight score and five years ago Stalin who is directing the course of our fathers brot forth on this conti- / this nation, nor are Nazi, Fascist or nent a new nation conceived in liber-1 Communistic agents or sympathizers ty and dedicated to the proposition assumed to have a voice in either of the antagonistic labor orgnaizations. that all men are created equal.’’ It is President -rranxlin D. Roose Then it was the crisis o f a great civil war, now it is the crisis o f total- velt who is the executive head o f thu itarisan threat from without our own naton and also commander in chief borders that is “ testing whether that o f its military forces. S H A L L S T R IK E S IM P E R IL T H E N A T IO N ? or any nation so conceived, can long endure.” i In these crucial days when the fate o f our nation hangs in the balance, when millions o f people in Europe have already been deprived of liberty o f thot and action and when the sur viving remnants o f democracy are fighting desperately for self presei- vation a small minority in the United States is permiitted to wreck havoc with the national program o f war materials vital to defense and aid to Britian. I f Hitler were at the moment di recting the affairs of the United States in his own interests he could ask no greater show o f sympathy and cooperation than is now being evi denced by the numerous strikes in essential defense idustries, the vio lence associated with the Bethlehem Steel and International Harvester strikes, the internal dissension in the ranks of organized hhor and the re- ve .u.i ii rncl.ei ring methods used in collecting exorbitant fees and dues in connection with construction work on government projects. I f Nazi, Fascist and Communist hirelings were seeking a way to wea ken this nation in its determined course to safeguard itself from ag gression and also to give all possible aid to Britian and the other embat tled democracies they could pursue no more effective course than to fo- Paint & Wallpaper Store Sign Painting Pictura Framing Glaaa Tal. 4 6 7 8 L. L. JONES & SONS M ONUM ENTS Gresham. Ore. M onu m en t and M arker D isplay Richard Sponhauer o p p o site new P o s to ffic e , Gresham . R oy B oh a n n on , M gr., T el. 245. Agent for N orth w estern Mutual Pire Ina. Co. Aetna Fire Ina. Co. Estacada, Oregon Tel. Estacada 84-1 S. E. LAWRENCE Licensed Electrical Contractor H O T P O IN T MAJOR E LECTR IC A P P L IA N C E S R l. 2 , Estacada, Oregon Tel. Estacada 9 7 -3 L. A. CHAPMAN M O R T I C I AN WILDWOOD REST HOME offers the best o f care to aged and invalids at from $30 a month and upwards Tel. G re the m 4374 Gresham, I Oregon Evelyn M. Lawrence Notary Public Agent for Aetna Casualty and Surety Co* Capitol Fire insurance Gp. Accidbnt and Health Insurance Tei.. 97-3. Estacada, Ore Estacada, Oregon Calla attended Day or Night Telephone 5 6-7 and 88-51 W. W. SIEMENS DR. C. E. STEWMtT Oregon Alarmed by the outbreak o f sub versive activities marked by explo sions and wrecks, strikes in vital de fense industrial plants, sabotage in airplane factories and other distur bances, James R. Bain, Oregon’s hard hitting district attorney asks news papers to cooperate in combatting growing fifth column menace Recent reports o f the Dies Commit tee state that tests o f new type plane- uncovered definite evidence o f tam pering, and there have been unre ported crashes that were fatal tc plane and crew. “ The strike situation in the North west is rapidly spreading thru the bassic wood and maritime industries Wood and timber are vital to the de fense program and shipping is essen tial for transporation” points out Dis trict Attorney Bain. Publicity is p. real weapon for combatting underco ver activitiies is like the rays of to properly operate my farm is the cry o f many farmers. DO YOU KNOW Gresham O ffice, Phone 2 88 83 W . 1st Street, Gresham DR. L. W. GRIFFITH A complete optical service Complete X-R ay laconic Bldg., Eqnipn Estacada, Ore. Eyes examined Glasses fitted Broken lenses duplicated Eyeglass frames repaired while you wait. W. invite comparison of sorvico. quality and prico We do our own grinding MACK MACKENZIE Candeal Carpeetry, Repairs, __ Plumbing and Painting „ Upholstering and Furnltnrn Repairs TeL 8 4 -4 1 , Estacada VISION OPTICAL CO. on Powell Blvd, oppoaita Gresham Theater Tel. Greshem 217, or there are numerous opportunitier to trade farms for homes or equ ities in homes commanding goo- rents or A SMALL BUSINESS that will give you employment THE GREAT DIFFICULTY most i cople unwilling to adjust tc circun tnnres. Perhaps we can help you. O ffice Portland B E A . 2978 Actually has 6 9/io cu. ft. food storage space M O D E L M -6 ^ Free Parking. $ 1 5 4 .7 5 Your own Terms in Reason Delivery 5716 S. E. 92nd Ave., North of Foster, Lents PORTLAND, OREGON Celebrating Their 30th Anniversary All Through the Month of April TOO OLD O ffice Hours 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phene Estacado 3 -18 This OVERSIZE “SIX” A . W . M ETZG ER & CO. X -R A Y S E R V IC E DR. H. M. KRAMER DENTIST IB LACK'S in Lents for Furniture and Applianees ATTEND THE G. E. Electric Cooking Demonstration and School WeiliH’silav. April 2 3 Gresham Theatre - » 2 p . m . Gresham School is conducted by Esther Nuemberger, nationally known home economist, assisted by May E. Millay, home economist for the Portland General Electric Co. AN AFTERNOON OF ENJOYMENT AND INSTRUCTION E XPE R T W atch Repairing Gresham, the surplus says chairman Steen. a searchlight in a dark alley, it scares could use it The final proclamation o f market the rats, he claims National figures show that whea) ing quotas must be made prior to growers aie cooperating well with May 15 and will probably follow the D R I V E R 'S L IC E N S E IS the wheat adjustment program. Tho May crop report. Already the tenta B O O S T E D T O $ 1 .5 0 indicated acreage this year will be tive date for such a referendum if somewhat less than 63 V4 million ac called for has been set for May 31 Word has been received here this res which is remarkahly close to the week from the office o f Secretary of If the quotas are prooclaimed and ap acreage allotment of 62 million ac State Earl Snell that when Oregon’s proved by growers, ail farmers can res. The heavy prospective surplus sell all the wheat grown on their 490,000 drivers renew their drivers has been brot about by the stoppage licenses for the 1941-1943 license AAA acreage allotments. In other of practically : II exports following periiod they will pay $1.50 instead of words, AAA cooperators will have several favorable production years. the $1.00 charge o f the past. Cur nothing to worry about under the rent licenses June 30 with the new wheat quota system. Thru the use of conservation prac permits being required ou the first Farmers who have overplanted al day o f July. lotments will have to store the excess tices o f defei red grazing ranchers iq Under the act passed by this years or pay a penalty on it.. Marketing the 1939 AA A range program reseed, legislature a “ motor vehicle accident” quotas are a guarantee that all wheat ed more than 25 million acres o f fund is established in Oregon. Along with the one dollar fee for each driv growers will share in taking care of rangeland. er’s license the secretary o f state is now required by the new law to col lect an additional 50 cents which goes into this fund which will be used to pay hospitalization expenses for in digents injured in automobile acci LOWEST PRICES and FREE DELIVERY dents.. There has been no change in the examination requirements for driv ers licenses this year and drivers holding current licenses may renew them without submitting to any ex amination this year. Those not licen sed during the current period 1939 to 1941 will be required to take the law examination the eye test and the drive test. Persons over 70 years of age regardless of whether they holtl current licenses or not also must take these tests. Renewal application forms will be available about May 1 while the 1941-1943 drivers wili not be valid until June 15. “ The determination o f America . . . must not be obstructed by unnec essary strikes o f workers, by short sighted management or by deliberate sabotage . . . Let me make it clear that the nation is calling for the sacri fice o f some privileges but not for the sacrifice o f fundamental rights. That kind o f sacrifice for the com mon national protection and wellfare C rop R ep ort S h ow » B ig for our defense against the most W h eat S urplus L oom in g ruthless brutality in history; for the Latest crop reports on the condi ultimate victory o f a way o f life tion o f winter wheat in America em now so violently menaced.” phasizes the necessity o f a vote on And President Roosevelt has said: wheat marketing quotas according to “ Wise labor leaders and wise busi Will Steen chairman o f the Oregon ness managers will realize how neces- AA A committee. esary it is to their own existence to The April crop report indicates make common sacrifice for this great that spring and winter wheat produc common cause.” tion plus the present carry-over wili Germany has no labor unions. Rus add up to nearly 1 % billion bush sia has no labor unions. Italy has This is about twice as much no labor unions. The privilege ol els. groups to organize and bargain col wheat as America noimally consumes lectively and the “ right” to strike in two years. Other great wheat pro as accorded only to people who arc ducing countries also report big sur plusses o f unsold wneat making the adjudged capable o f self govern export outlook darie even without ment and who evidence willingness considering the war conditions whic) to proceed in orderly manner, to ex have cut o ff practically all chance f ercise their privileges and rightss un shipping wheat to countries whic der the law. The time is again at hand for ev ery Ameriican in whatever capacity he may serve to at least temporar ily put bickering, greed and self in terest in the baeground and to once more become “ dedicated to the great task that lies before us . and to highly r esolve that this nation, undet God, shall have a new birth o f free dom . . that government o f the peo ple, by the people and for the peopli shall not perish from the earth.” — Mansfiield (Ohio) News-Journal. Musical Supplies Film Developing Chiropractic Phyeiotan Specialising in chronie and n s t - vous disorders of the Stomach and Intestinal Tract A recent statement by President Roosevelt bears repeating for the emphasis it merits:: FRIDAY, APRIL 18. 1941 The MF.YFRS SERVICI GRESHAM, ORE. Souveniers for All W h o Attend— M A N Y FREE GIFTS Inspect the 1941 G. E. Ranges,, Refrigerators and Water Heaters Join the G. E. National “ Roast of the Month” club. Your opportunity to win a G. E. Deluxe Electric Range or a complete Electric Kitchen. Remember the date. Wednesday, April 23rd at 2 P. M. aft the Gresham Theatre. A . W . Metzger Powell Boulevard - Co. Gresham, Oregon