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About Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1941)
r i ACKAMAR COUNTY N E W S DOVER CO M M U N IT Y CLU B W IL L M E E T ON A P R I L 2 5 T H • — /V-— HlllllllillllllllUllüillllillfH® A l o - ting of the Dover community club will be held on Friday, April 25th. A very intertairing program is being prepaied for the occasion and eveiybody is cordially invited to at* tend. Supper will be served following the evening’s program. J.C. Colley county coordinator for thi- N. K. Clackamas electric comT puny was in this Olfttilct Monday re garding the wiring of the houses that hope soon to be using electricity. Lora Pearl Kiir< spent the week end with her aunt Lora Allen in Port, land. She ana Her aunt returned home Sunday. We Strive to be what our friends think we are and avoid What critics might say we are CARROLL FUNERAL HOME DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE GRESHAM, OREGON Phone 247 FRIDAY. ATRIL 1«, 1941 Thursday was a holiday for the Dover school children hut school wat resumed Friday. Ralph DcShuzcr visited his fath er Joe 1 ) -Shaker the past week. Richard Mudrow who has been in the army less than three months was piomoted to corporal the first week in April. He was one of three to be retained at the Portland recruiting office. Nine men were transferred to San Francisco from theie. Mr. and Mis. A. R. King and Ray were Gresham shoppers Sutuiday. A fine new garage has been er ected on the Crosby place while a new house is being built on the O’Brien place. Those in the know pi edict that the! | strawberry harvest will be well un- ! der way before the end of May, bar ring any cold snap. At the present i many fields are blooming though not yet in full bloom. The sale of plants is past due to the early season. Clyde Updegrave sold a fine lot of runners. ilo iiio d p liii^ AND CELEBRATION OF OUR LARGER AND FINER STORE Saturday, April 19th Eagle Creek - Oregon Special Prices on All Groceries, Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, Hardware, Etc. All Day Demonstrations of GOLDEN WEST COFFEE N E W F L O U R E S C E N T L IG H T IN STA LLED A T BANK F ree E nla rg em en t at D a v i d s o n ’s SUNSHINE BISCUITS H & D CANNED FOODS (Free Samples) A new flourescent light has been installed in the Clackamas Co .in y bank at Sandy over the depositor’^ desk. Just another service of this friendly bunk. Drug Store, Giesliam,, with any 6 or 8 exposure film finish at reasonable price of 25-c.—Adv. S a le FREE GROCERIES Ask about them FHEK M ol ion I*ic*lures Two Great Pictures, “Tobaccoland, U. S.A.,” arul Fred War ing in “Pleasure Time.,, both March of Time productions. Soil S a v i n g P r a c t i c e s Be sure to visit our store Saturday and Bring the whole family, Get R e su lts a t N e w b e r g at the fO R D TRUCKS ON MAIN STREET . __farms and on r— t-r £ “ S iS s • S E s — 5 = - * - a truck k Trucks deliver. continues vxTZ&akt&zsz- opoUrity o n c e you try rd Dealer today. - £ | fO E B TRACKS AND Soil conservation practices tried out in cooperatiion with local land owners in the Newberg region in the last few years are snow mg more value from year to year reports H. N. Magnus of the soil conservation service. Not ail of the practices ex perimented with are of equal value he said, but some have proved both practical and economical. On the former Whittaker walnut orchard at the top of Rex hill wherq erosion had become sera us diversion of drainage water and contour culti vation plus heavy seedings of inter cover and the use of straw mulch on steeper areas have combined to prac tically stop erosion and have increas ed the annual growth of the walnut trees. Frank Peters of the Chehalem mountain district reports that culti, vation on the contour has not increas ed his work because though more turns are required the tractor works more efficiently because there is less shifting of gears. Arrangements may be made with county agent Rex Warren or with officials of the SCS office for in spection tours of the '’arms where various methods have b e n used since 1936. Come in and see our special buyi in 9x12 linoleum run., .¡>4.95. Also hundreds of other b:> .’gains in house hold goods of all kinds. No mattei what you need you can buy it for less here. Why spend moie when you can always get more for your money at Tobaison’s Second Hand Store on Powell Blvd., in Gresham, Oregon. —Adv. ----------o---------- METZGER CO. OFFERS FREE BREAKFAST Everybody is coidially invited to come and enjoy a free breakfast next Saturday, April 19th from 8:30 to 1:00 p.m. at the A. W. Metzger & company store in Gresham. Following is the menu and it is understood that the serving will be more than gener ous. Swift’s tomato juice. Triangle pancakes with butter, Tea Garden syrup, Dole’s pineapple gems, Swifts boiled I’rem and Golden W^st coffee. The advertisement of A. W. Metz ger & company elsewhere in todays issue o f this newspaper says this will be a real lionest-to-goodness free breakfast with no strings attached. Everybody is invited to “come and get it.” Their 30th anniversary sale is con tinuing thruout the month of April at the A. W. Metzger & company store and next Saturday some mar velous values are being offered, par ticularly in the grocery department. Prices will be found in the A. W. Metzger A company advertisement elsewhere in todays issue of this news paper. F ree E n la rg em en t at D a v i d s o n ’t Drug Store, Gresham., with any 6 or 8 exposure film finish at reasonable price of 25-c.—Adv. ELWOOD Hob Cooke Motor To. “‘Your Ford Dealer” Estacada, Oregon Chester Snyder from Fort Lewis Wash., was a week end visitor at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs.W. H. Snyder of this place. Miss Nina Ostrudu and her niece Clarice Ostrud of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stahlnecker and son Low ell, Mr. and Mrs. Uyene Stahlnecker and son Eldon visited at the Evert and Irwin Stahlnecker homes Sat urday. Little Janet and Norma Westlund celebrated their birthdays Tuesday evening by having all the school chil dren in for dinner. A full course dir* ner was served and one cake with 8 candles and one with 6. Games were piayed and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all. w,___ Eagle Creek Store EAGLE CREEK M j . and Mrs. J. J. Janssens and children Joe Jr., and Renee were Sun day visitors at the Westhind home. A party and shower was held at the v>. » j . s>../iiei home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Snyder and Mr. and Mi’s. Edwin Iiodgkiss Saturday night both couples having been very recently married. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received. Lunch was seived at midnight and a good time was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. John Myers and dau ghter Doris were guests at the Jag, min home Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and Sam Boger we>e week end visitors at the home of Mr. Brows. W. J. Slaughter just returned from a trip to Texas, having been called there by the illness of his father. Mrs. Cora Fitch and Mis. Myrtle Jagmin were Portland shoppers on Tuesday. GAftFIibLD OREGON Gresham Packing Co. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT We are now contracting for youngberries, boysen- berries, loganberries, red and black raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries and currants. prices guaranteed. Market R. I. MacLaughlin & Co., Owners Telephone Gresham 277 Gresham, Oregon Mrs. Sarah Smith and granddaugh. ter Laverne and Gien Smith all of Paramount’s hillbilly howler star Goldendale, Wash., visited at the Ladies aid meets the third Wed- home of Mis. Hector Anders Friday ring Bob Burns, Una Merkle, Jerry lesday of the month. and Saturday. Mr. Smith returned Colonna, Don Wilson and Pat Barrett home Satuiday and Mrs. Smith and (Uncle E zra))) will be shown at the St. A l o y s i u . C a h to lic C h u r c h Laveme will make an indefinite stay Esta theatre on bargain nights Wed Confession Saturday from 7:30 with her daughter. nesday and Imirsday, April 23 and Hector Anders and Wallace Atch 24. “Coming ‘Round the Mountain” is to 8:30 p.m. ison visited over the week end at a roundup of feuds and fun with plen Mac,as will be said as follows: home. Sunday Hector Anders’ wen ty of backwood romancin.”—Adv. Estacada all guests at the home of Mr. and Every Sunday at 8 a.m. Mrs. Leonaid Anders in the Porter E M M A lSABfc.z.1. K A N D L E D I E S i Sandy district. Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Leah Atchisoon visited over the F U N E R A L S E W week enu at the home of her sister W elch es Byron Anders. 11:15 every Sunday. Mrs. Emma Isabell Handle, 86 life, Alfred Gastenau’s father of Seat long resident of Clackamas county tle is a visitor at the home of his S e v e n t h D ay A dvantiat son and family at the fish hatchery. died Thursday afternoon at her hum, in Beaveicreek. Bom in Elwood on The Garfield district are proud to Sabbath school at 9:80 a.m. announced that Miss Phyllis Maurer January 14,1856 she had never re Preaching at 11 a.m. won first place in Clackamas county sided outside the county. in an essay contest, the title “One She was the daughter of the late C h u r c h of C h r i s t and Indivisible.” John and Diana Hughes Scott who Mr. and Mrs. Ed Collins brot Mr. Bible study and worship as usual Dice home Sunday for a short visit. came here by oxteam in 1853 and He is still very weak but is getting were the iirst settlers in Elwood, each Lord’s day at the church of along nicely. His index finger on May 8, 1876 she was married to th^ I Christ west of the grade school be his left hand was amputated. > late Matthais E. Handle. They lived ginning at 10 a.m. on a 110 acre farm which he had CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES home-steaded when a boy of 19. Mr. E a t a c a d a M eth o d is t C h u r c h u » RE SIN, DISEASE, AND Handle died in 1939. DEATH REAL?” was the sub. Surviving are one son C.C. Handle; Sunday school at 9 :50 a.m. Ject of the Lesson-Sermon to all of Beavercreek, a daughter Mrs. Al Public worship at 11. Sermon sub Churches of Christ, Scientist, on berta Laurence, Montana, a grande ject “The Man Whom Many Think Sunday, April 13. daughter Mrs. Arthur Redaway and They are Like." The Golden Text was, ‘ The Lord two great grand children all of Ore Violin solo. Hymns of the Sun.” is my light and my salvation; whom gon City. by Miss Audrey Avis Aasen accom ahall I fear? the Lord is the strength Funeral services were hild last panied by Mrs. Gastenau. of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Ps. 27:1). Saturday at 2 p.m. at Oregon City, Epworth league 7 p.m. Among the citations which com Interment took place at the Spring- prised the Lesson-Sermon was the water cemetery. H IG H SC H O O L SLOGAN following from the Bible: “Beware of false prophet«, which come to CONTEST you in sheep’s clothing, but inward ly they are ravening wolve*. Ye Some Oregon high school student «hall know them by their fruits is going to be famous as a "slogan P re sbyterian C hurch Do men gather grapes of thorns, or izer” ’this summer. The "Show Boat” figs of thistles? Even so every good which the Forestry department sends Thomas C. Duncan, Minister tree bringeth forth good fruit; but over the state giving shows in school:, a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil grange, and other gatherings will cay St. J o h n ’s C h u r c h , C e o r g e fruit.” (Matt. 7:15-17). ry priuM^a-Iong either side the for Church service at 2 pm. first and The Lesson-Sermon also included est firt^irevention slogan which the third Sundays of each month. judges consider best of all submitted the following correlative passages in the slogan contest now under way from the Christian Science text S p rin g w a ter— in Oregon high schools. The state has book. 1 Science and Health with Key Morning worship at 10 a.m. been divided into eight groups of to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Junior Endeavor at 10 a.m. counties. A personal prize of $5 and Eddy: “Jesus strips all disguise Missionary Society meets the «•• a school trophy will be awarded for from error, when his teachings are the best slogan from each group. A tond Thu r day of each month. fully under;..cod. By parable and argument he explains the impossi Ladies aid meets the fourth Thurs grand prize of $10 and a grand tro phy will be awarded for the best slo bility of good p oduring evil; and day of the month. gan of the eight group winners. En he also scien lilcally demonstrates E agle C reek— tries enn be submitted until April this great fact, proving by what are 28th. The rules will bn found on Sunday school at 10 a.m. wrongly called miracles, that sin, every high school bulletin board or Morning worship at 11:15 a.m. sickness, and death are beliefs— can be obtained by writing to Slogan World Fellowship Circle meets the Contest, School of Forestry, Corvai- Illusive errors—which he could and "irst Wednesday of the month. lia. did destroy" <p343:14). Chinches