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About Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1941)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1941 A . W . M E T Z G E R & CO. Celebrating their 30th Anniversary Sale Invite You - One and All - to a Delicious and Complete FREE BREAKFAST Saturday, April 19th, “Top of the Morning” Triangle Pancake Flour 9 lb. sack 39c 8:30 DRIP OR R EG U LAR GRIND G o ld e n ^ West § ' Coffee ’ 2 lb. can HI HO BUTTER CRAX Package - 1 9C TREAT YOURSELF TO Swift’s Tomatoe Juice 3 5 oz. 2 4 oz. glass jar 23c cans 2 27 oz. FREE BREAKFAST cans 39c 25« BY T H E M A K E R S OF Triangle Oats or Wheat W ith Vitamin B 1 27c 53c Large Package 19c 1 lb. can to 1:00 P. M. LET’S CELEBRATE AND MAKE IT A PARTY Bring the Whole Family to A. W. METZGER & CO. for a Tea Barden Drips Syrup p* Golden West Coffee A. M. .' ang T e J B T R E A T YO U R SELF TO Swift’s Premium PREM 2 This is the Free Breakfast Menu - - I Sie cens 15« I That Delicious Pure Pork Luncheon Meat Shurfine Mayonnaise qt. - 5 0 « Dole’s Pineapple Gems Can 1 2 -0 7 , ,WI™ ™M!“" Pint - 23c Shurfine Grapefruit Juice 1 qt. 14 oz. can *¿ cans for 3 5 c the Servings are More than Generous Swift’s Tomatoe Juice, Triangle Pancakes with Butter, Tea Garden Drips Syrup, D ole’s Pineapple G em ’s, Swift’s Broiled Prem and Golden W est Coffee E A T Y O U R FILL. is invited - This is not sample size, but a real honest-to-goodness FREE its FREE BREAKFAST. Everyone Come and get it S A T U R D A Y , APRIL 19th 8 :3 0 A .M . to 1:00 P . M. A. I*uwell W. Boulevard METZGER. ®> CO Gresham, Oregon NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 6616 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County o f Clacka mas. Probate Department.' In the Matter of the Estate o f Heiji Okamura, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed Admin istratrix o f the Estate of Heiji Oka- r.iura, deceased, by the ( ircuit Court o f the State of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Clackamas, and has qualified All persons having claims against said eitate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law ra- quired, to the undersign <1 at Boring Oiegon, within six months from the date hereof. , Dated and first published April 11th, 1941. Date of last publication May 9 1941. „ ASAYE OKAMURA, Administratrix. Cooper & McAllister, Attorneys, Gresham, Oregon. N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F S SAXE On the 19th day o f April, 1941, at the hour of ten o’clock A. M., at the front door of the Court House in Oregon City, Oiegon, I will offer for sale and sell to the highest bid der. at auction the following de scribed property located in Clack amas County, Oreimn, to-wit: SEW of Section 28, T. 2 S-, R. 6 E-, W. U . gai# u mad« by authority of Chapter 401, Oregon Laws 1937 re o f most crops. On about 17 percent lating to the sale o f real property o f the irrigated area of the state how acquired by any County in this state ever the shortage is expected to be for delinquent taxes and in com pliance with an order of the County come critical. These peicentage figures are bas Court of Clackamas County, Oregon dated March 14th, 1941, to me di ed on records of irrigated lands by rected. districts in the state engineers office The Minimum price for which said real property may be sold is Five and are not issued as being accurate Hundred and no-100 Dollars and bbe as to detail. They do indicate how terms shall be Cash. ever the general conditions o f water FRED REAhSECKER, Sheriff \ supplies in the state in i elation to to- Rv CT ount>:- Oregon. | tal volume o f irrigated says Work. By George O. Jewell, Deputy. . • First pub. March 21, 1941. | The figures do not include the lm - gated areas of the Wilamette valley Last pub. April 18, 1941. or the coast region. W a te r F ou n d A m p le fo r 55 In general the regions with ample P erC en t o f Irrig ated L a n d . irrigation water supplits are south and east o f a line diaivn from Upper Appioximately 55 percent o f thi Kamath Lake to the western border irrigated lands of southern and eas o f Wallowa county. tern andsouthem Oregan for which water forecasts are made will have S la te T y p in g C ontest is A p ril 19 ample water for iirigation this seas- son according to a summary made The usual keen interest is being by R. A. Work, Medford, in charge shown in the niinteenth annual state of snow surveys and irrigation watci typing contest and the tenth annual forecasts for the soil conservation shorthand contest to be held at Cor service and the Oregon agriicuitural vallis April 19 under the auspice« experiment station. o f the secretarial science department About 45 percent o f the irrigated says jj j Vance head o f the depart, lands will experience various degrees ment Valuable prizes donated by type o f shoitage this year with some 28 ( writer companies will be awarded in percent expected to have a mild short addition to banners and cups for win. age which will permit the maturing 1 ners in the various classes. M attress M aking A p p lica tion s IN S ta te Pass 1 0 ,000 With application hy the first week Red Soils A r e a T o H old in Match, Marion county led the oth ‘O pen H u it s e ” on M ay 2 2 Surplus raw cotton from the south ers in the response to the program. An “ <>pe n house” field day at the ern states will roil into Oregon thrvj Malheur county where the actual mat out this spring and summer to meet tress making work was started first Red Soils experimental area here in the needs o f the mattress making cen has application for 1249 mattresse} Clackamas county has been arranged ters thruout the state where thous o f which 480 have been made. In for M ay 2 2 according to announce ment niadu b.y J. J. Inskeep county ands o f Oiegon families have applied Deschutes county the progiam is un agent. Turn DeArmond superinten for the privilege o f making their own from the surplus cottoq der way with 509 applications and dent o f th*e area for the Oregon agri- being distributed free thru the AAA j approximately 300 mattresses made. cultinal experiment station will be and surplus maiketing administra Klamath county is also started with prepared all day to show visitors over tion. ; 329 applications and about 100 made the station. Individuals and groups Officials o f the OSC extension ser so far. Both Jackson and Josephine will be welcome any time during the vice in charge of the mattress mak county families have turned in an day as there will be no single tours excess o f 700 applications. made. ing project report a far greater res The Oiegon granges are cooper ponse in many counties than was anti, The red sods experimental are« clapted when the project was under ating in the progiam by making tha was i-stab.lished by the legislature taken. Already applications in 25 grange halls available as centers for two years ago to study methods of counties have been made for 10,078 making tin- mattresses. Certain speciaj rehabdiitating the depleted red hill mattresses which will require some machinery is supplied to each center soils o f western Oregon. Considera- 15 carloads o f raw cotton. The pro and in errh case local instructors are ibie progress has already been made ject may be extended later to other trainiri by the extension service to says Inskeep.. counties. help in the actual making o f th« •Altho applications are accepted mattresses. Those who have complet only from families with a stated min ed their mattresses so far are en-, B ir d In H and imum annual ca.-li income the exten thusiastic about the high quality of Otis Clark wa* pitching sion service emphas.zes the fact that the product according to the exten practice in a pregame w Norman, Okla. He stuck this is not a relief pioject but ins sion leaders. Experience in other in the air to catch a hi. stead is a means of disposing o f huge states states has shown that these The ball bounced out of stocks o f surplus cotton white at mattresses will remain in excellent but he caught a bird tha the same time increasing the stan condition for years if given proper :rfi after the ball, appare dard o f living in rural homes. care.