Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1941)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS FRIDAY, APRIL 1*. 194? FOR SALE. Red raspberry plant.- FOR SALE. Road gravel and drive $3 per thousand if you dig. Edw say gravel for sale at pit or deliver Maertens, rt. 1 Estaeada, Ore. ed. Deep Creek Gravel Co., r t 1, ,box 101,, Boring, Ora. DEPENDABLE USED CARS \ £ ! N, i* '" -1 t. K. /* V ;/f sim ple - DIRECT TRANSMISSION Follow the simple, direct path o f power transmission as shown by the arrows above. Benefits: im x * ¡mum engine horsepower at the drawbar—fewer moving parts— less wear. - HESSEL Implement Co. Grssham, Oregon 'W ES T A T H E A T R E OREGON ESTACADA, WANTED. 20 strawberry pickers. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Watkins were 3 miles east o f Eagle Creek grange Easter dinner guests of Miss Salenr ■•Where You near RCA Sound” the "M efio Voice of the Screen" end hall on Dover road. Will be ready to Haight of Portland. __________ see the Best in pictures____________________ _ pick in about a montn. Phone 16-2 or Frank and Henry Bennett from call at farm. A. N. Orke. Camp Lewis spent the week end with Friday and Saturday, April 18 and 19 Double Bill their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Ben Cesar Romero and Charlotte Greenwood in We want giain or feed sacks at nett. Easter Sunday a pot luck din. "TALL, DARK AND HANDSOME" once. We have a large contract to ner was seived to fifty relatives ami fill. Bring us all your sacks now and friends in their honor. Plus Roy Rogers and Gabby Hayes in Zane Grey’s great western at regular intervals. Tunnell & Sauer, Mrs. A. J. Ault entertained at a thriller , ? Curtinso'ile Oregon. birthday party Saturday in honor of “ THE BORDER LEGION” her sister Perle Crose. Present were You don’t need much money if John Halbery, Mrs. F. Berg, Mrs Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, April 20, 21 and 22 you buy a place from me. 40 acres. 5HEARER CLAN HAS A. E. Byron, Perle Crose, and Zaidee Errol Flynn and Brenda Marshall in 13 acres been cleared, oldish bam GATHERING LAST SUNDAY Berg. “ FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK” fruit, well water. $1260. $160 down. Where there’s peril, there’s Errol plus plenty o f thrills and laughs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shearer o f Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wilkinson, Mr. 3 acres on loop highway, fair house Also Cliff Edwards and his Buckeroos, Mexican Jumping Beam; some nice timber, $460, $100 down Springwater entertained at a family and Mrs. Ray Wilkinson, and J. J and News. gathering at their country home Sat. Wilkinson were dinner guests at thg Lots of other good buys. Geo. Beers urday alternoon, April 5, the event home o f Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilkinson Wednesday and Thursday, April 23 and 24 Bargain Nights Sandy, Ore. Deing in honor of the 84th birthday o f Gresham. Bob Burns and Una Merkle in of John Shearer, brother o f Edward “ COMING ’ ROUND THE MOUNTAIN” Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warner enter- OREGON MUTUAL FIRE INSUR Shearer who entered into the festivi* Starring Bob Burns, Una Merkle and Don Wilson. The comedy ANCE CO. has LOWEST RATES. ties as well as other younger members tained Easter Sunday dinner at the hit o f the season. Plus cartoon. home o f Mr. and Mrs. A. Radfoord. No assessments, why pay more? As of the clan. It was also the first Dirthday of Judith Shearer daughter Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A, sets over $918,660.61. Ask THORNE o f Mr and Mrs. Wm. Shearer o f Port Radford, Mr. and Mrs. W. Radford,, Mr. and Mrs. B. Corley, Billie, Jack r iim i m i im i i ii i i i i i i m i i i m i m H i i i H i i i i H i i i i i i i i i i i i ii m im i m m m m i i i i n i ii m m i i m i A WALRAD, Agents. Gresham.—Adv. land. ie, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Caldo and Birthday cakes marked the centej SAWS hammered at my shop or of the dinner table also decorated Miss Florence Revenue. at your mill. Robt. Jonsrud. Tel San in spring blossoms. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilkinson of dy 20x2. Our Prices Mean a Real Saving to You The afternoon was enjoyed in fly Portland were Easter Sunday dinner ing kites, “ horseshoeing” and other guests o f the former’s mother Mrs. If there is some accessory you want or need for your car and G. S. Wilkinson. Dependable Used Tractors, sports. s you are hesitating about getting it because o f the price, just drop m Mrs. P. Hauglum entertained Mon. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tractors and Horse drawn Shearer, John Shearer,, ,Mr. and Mrs. day afternoon ten ladies in honor of = at our store and let us show you how far a little money will go in buy, Implements Wm. Shearer and children, Margaret, Mrs. Rose Brook’s’ birthday. E ing auto accessories here. Our prices defy competition anywhere. L John Deere tractor with plow $450 Mary ami Judith o f Portland, Mr and The Cottrell ladies aid will meet G P John Deere tractor on rubbet Mrs. Gilbert Shearer and children, Roy and Barbara o f West I.inn, Mr. at the home o f Mrs. A. J. Ault, Mrs with extra steel wheels and 2- For Greater Tire Service at Le*s Cost Equip Your bottom tractor p lo w ............... $475 and Mrs. Edward Shearer and son A. Brown assisting, Wednesday after E car with ZENITHS. Get our Prices. noon, April 23rd. Edward Jr. o f Springwater, 10-20 I. H. C. T ractor................$175 “ 30” Caterpillar “ 10” Caterpillar, Hi Clearance. CARD OF THANKS NOTICE Graveley Cultivating tractor. | Save on Auto Accessories | C. M . Sparks H a rd w a re C o . Hessel Implement Company Gresham, Oregon From April 23rd until tice the Wade Feed Mill on Wednesday, Thursday FOR RENT. Farm house with gar o f each week only.— W. den spot 3 miles from Estaeada, Renj — Adv. reasonable. Inquire o f J. H. Tracy,, Estaeada, Oregon. The Zm n ■ v \ \ » I is SN High ÆC -e and it’s time now to plant S W E E T CORN BEANS CARROTS A small garden will contribute a great saving for the family lar der besides the treat o f delicious home-grown vegetables. Lawn Seed of all Kinds Poultry Feed* that make strong healthy chicks and laying hens FEEDS, EXPLOSIVES FERTILIZERS Bring Your Farm and Home Problems to Us SEE US FOR WEEVIL BAIT Osburn Bros. Tel. Gresham 5168 Rt. 9, Box 369, Portland Cor. Birdsdale and Baseline CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CUSTOM SAWING We will do custom sawing at reas onable rates or will saw on shares. Shingles and rough lumber for sale at all times. Water Wheel Shingle Co., Estaeada, Ore., Tel. 38-31 We want giain or feed sacks at once. We have a large contract to fill. Bring us all your sacks now and at regular intervals. Tunnell A Sauer, Currinsville, Oregon. FOR SALE. Cook stove. Price $10. J. J. Marchbank. Tel. Estaeada 25-4. U se d C ar Specials 1940 PONTIAC Delux« Coup« Under seat H««ter and Defrost«* $775.00 1938 PONTIAC 4-door Sedan Heater and De fro*t«r . $595.00 V IO L A WANTED. Elderly man to work on small ranch. One that can handle a team and milk four or five cows. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Trimpler, Mr. and Will pay $16 a month now or morq Mrs. Harry Traylor, Andy Byers,,, if man is satisfactory. Harold Shel- Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lankins and dau- hamer, Eagle Creek. Tel. 22-4. ghiter Eldonna and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lankins and daughter Doris attended FOR SALE. Victor spring oats re- the card party at the Harding grange < i i ackc-u i tid y to go $1.66 hall Saturday evening. per 100; Gray oats sacked $1.50 per John and Casper Brugger o f Port-, 100. 2 new horse collars 21in.; one land visited at the Ben Tannler Sr. 6 mo’s old Guernsey bull calf $25 or home Wednesday. i Miss Jean Sandblast and a friend 1931 Chevrolet sedan, good car $65 Miss Betty See stream o f Monmouth — o— were home for the week end. 1930 Oldsmobile sedan ............... $65 Miss Rosalyn Bettis was honored wiith a bridal shower last Saturday 1929 Chevrolet coupe, a good cheap car .................................. $46 TRUCKS 1937 International D-2 pickup, re- condiitioned ........... $475 1936 PONTIAC 4-door Sedan Heater ............................. - $395.00 1935 Chevrolet pickup ..... $325.00 G eo rg e K och ORIENT GARAGE Tel. Gresham 4748. Orient, Oregon T»l. Sandy, ,431, Sandy, Oregon GEORGE Mrs. Roy C. Maxwell recovered long enough to be brot to her home in George last Saturday. For all the expert care bestowed in the hospital tha lady intimates that home, the green hill and the lovely mountain views have it all over the sanitary walls of a hospital. U sed C ar Bargains 1930 Chevrolet piickup, a good buy ................................ 1936 Chevrolet sedan We wish to express our sincere and E Estaeada, Oregon heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors for their sympathy and as 'r i i i ii i i i i i i i i i m i i i m m i i i i i i i ii i i H i iiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH m sistance at the death o f our beloved husband and father, son and brother. Mrs. Coon P. Boyer and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Hawkins, Mrs. Hattie Hunt, Henry Boyer. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lamb and trade for heifer. Fred Wade, 2% The way prices are beginning te miles east o f Eagle Creek Grange Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Traylor o f go up, sugar for instance, looks like Portland spent Sunday at the home a repetition o f the last war. Million! hall. Tel. 16-32. o f Mr. and Mrs. Harry Traylor. aires to order over night, inflation or Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Lenzie and SEE Harold Shelhamer for paint what you call it, makes hard lines for children Jean and Donald o f Portland ing, papering, kalsomining, carpen spent the week end with Mr. and the farmer whose income does not try, plumbing, plaster patching and Mrs. Earl Lankins and attended the boost with war labor or profiteer. Wonder if our president will be able house raising. Estimates gladly gi card party at the Harding grange to sit on them hard enough so that hall Saturday evening. the little people will not suffer hard ven. First class work. Eagle Creek. Ralph Bateson and son Donald of ship. Oregon. Tel. Estaeada 22-4. Seaside and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wil Think it is a good idea to makj son of Vernonia spent Wednesday night ?t the home o f Mr. and Mrs. the garden and home canning of var Ed Bateson. ious food stuffs a larger project than Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ficken were Sun. ordinary. We must go back to pioneer day dinner guests at the home o f Mr. ways and be self-sutainlng rather and Mrs. John Osborne at Estaeada. than dependent upon the many tea DEPENDABLE Mrs. Harry Traylor, Mrs. Ed) tured prouucts. RECONDITIONED Trimpler and Mrs. Earl Lankins at the meeting o f Pomona grange USED CARS & TRUCKS tended at Warner grange at New Era last ruRTER W ednesday. 1941 Willys sedan, heater, clean $769 car ......................................... Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartholomew The stork seems to have a special and son Bobby o f Estaeada visited landing fiield in Porter. Last Wed Sunday with Mrs. Bartholomew’s pa- 1941 Plymouth sedan, heater and de nesday he arrived to Mr. and Mrs, enls Air. and Mrs. Ben Tannler. froster. George Orr while pnroute to Oregon Mr. and Mrs. itldon Lankans and City and left a fine girl. Mother and 1940 Chrysler sedan, heater and de daughters Gwendolyn and Eldonna baby are doing nicely in an Oregon froster ............ $975 and Mis. Ernest Evanson Sr. spent City hospital. Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings had a pleas Emery Powers at Gladstone ant Easter surprise when their daugh 1939 Ford tudor sedan, beater. Very George Dairy and Jack Mattox of ter Vera Van Houten came home for clean car .................. $535 Portland visited Saturday at the Ed a two weeks visit front California Several from this community kept 1938 Willys sedan heater $37E Bateson home. Mrs. L. S. Tenney and James, Elva Easter by motoring to Bethel church 1937 Ford sedan radio and and Elina spent Easter Sunday with where they observed communion ser vice and feet washing. heater ...................... .................. $398 .no fon n ei’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shibley at Springwater. Bro. Joe Yoder and wife from Mo. — o— 1936 DeSoto sedan, very clean Mr. and Mrs. Carl Arnold o f Port- ! lalla had charge o f the Porter Sunday school Easter Sunday. car ............................................ $425 and visited Sunday with Mrs. Nora Cecil Luckey, wife and daughter Lankins and Mrs. Ellen Simmons. 1935 Chrysler sedan, good car $325 Sunday dinner guests at the home and Mrs. 0 . E. Luckey o f Hubbard were Tuesday visitors at the O. E 1935 Plymouth sedan,, heater $345 o f Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bateson were Wisner home. .vlr. and Mrs. Ernest Evanson Jr. of itediand. Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodes o f Gar 1932 Ford tudor sedan, an A -l field returned home Monday after car ............... ..... .......- ................$75 staying two weeks at the Wisner CO TTR ELL home where Mrs. Rhodes was caring, for her mother and baby sister. 1931 Buick coupe $75 1936 PONTIAC 4-door Sedan Heater ..................................$375.00 1937 DESOTO 4-door Sedan Heat«r .......- ........ .......... — $495.00 further no will operate and Friday M. WADE.' $65 $325 1930 Chevrolet 1 u, ton truck,, haa flat bed ...................................... $125 1935 Ford V-8 1V4 ton truck has flat bed ......................... $175 Heaael Implement Company Chrysl-r PlyastHk International Trucks PHONE 22$ Gresham, Oregon USED FARM MACHINERY K lrac Model W tra ctor....... $250 t. sed Tractor plows, single and tandem. Handeman Garden Tractor and Implements. Mowing Machine, Walking Plow, Riding Cultivator Used Tractor Tandem Disc EQUIPMENT COMPANY FARM SURER HIGHWAY A T GLADSTONE Phone Oregon City 2-7891 P. O. Box 127 111111111111111111111111111 h 11111111111111111111111111111 m 11 , 1D40 Plymouth 4-door sedun 1937 Ford coupe 1939 Dodge coupe, radio and heater 1937 Dodge 4-door sedan 1937 Plymouth 4-door sedan. Com pletely reconditioned, new paint, radio and heater. 1936 Plymouth sedan, completely re conditioned. BROCK WAY & NELSON D odg. and Plymouth Dealer. Tel 207 Gresham. Ora. afternoon at the home of Mu. Wm. Breen .She received many beautiful and useful gifts. Misses Freda Marks vardson, Hazel and Margaret O’ Brien and Betty Burgess served ice cream, cookies und coffee to sixty guests. “ Love is fun,” thot the girl, “ and even though he is King o f the rackets he is smooth, he is gay, he is exciting and life is short.” See Cesar Romero and Virginia Gilmore in the roman tic comedy “ Tall, Dark and Hand some” at the Esta theatre Friday and Saturday, April 18 and 19. Se cond feature stars Roy Rogers and Gabby Hayes in Zane Grey’s grea* western thriller "The Border Legion’’ GO-WEST WEEVIL BAIT Strawberry Root Weevils appear on the surface of the ground as early as April, tho usually in May or June. Properly baited fields if badly infested should increase strawberry production 30 to 50 % . E ffe c tiv e R ain or Shine Try G o-W est for the control of Slugs, Earwigs, Sow Bugs, Grasshoppers, Cut Worms. Ready to Apply...No Mixing The killing agent is non-poisonous to warm blood ed animals, pets, unless taken in large quantities. G re sh a m S eed & W. First Street F eed LES WALRAD C o. Tel. 5403 Dr. J. W . Herns DENTIST Weekly or Monthly ^Payments All Branches of Dentistry Practiced O ffice above Burmeister & Andresen's store 7th and Main Streets Oregon City, Oregon Rooms, 10, 11 and 12 Tel 4041 R e v e re n c e , D ign ity, B eau ty Our aim has always been to make every service, regardless of price, one of reverence, dignity and beauty. Every wish of those we serve is carried out in every detail. Gresham, Or t Phone 208 The World’s News Seen Through $100 FINES LEVIED IN TRAFFIC CASES Four motorists arrested during the past few days on Clackamas county thorofares Monday were found guil ty in sept rate justice courts but were given similar sentences o f $100 fines and a suspended 30 day sentences. They were Arnold Russell Carlson,. Oswego sentenced by Judge Harry Gardner, Oswego; Joe Bronson, Scott* Mills by Judge W. H. Case, Molalta; John A. McRae, route 1, Boring by Judge G. W. Thiessen, Milwaukie and Hart Rasmussen, Oregon City by Judge Paul C. Fisher, Oregon City. T he C hristian S cience M onitor An International D aily Newspaper is Truthful—Constructive— Unbiased— Free from Sensational- ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Idzal Newspaper for the Home. T he Christian Science Publishing Society One. Norway Street. Boston, Massachusetts Price £12 00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 29 Cents. N a m e ---------------------- ----------------------------—----------------------. . . . Address----------- SA M P L fc C O P Y O N REQ U EST /