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About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1914)
SUFFRAGISTS WHO HAVE INVADED THE WESTERN STATES NEWS OF IHE WEEK General Resume oí Important Events Throughout the W ord _ .n r — —-■— _ _ _ — The Governor's » i A N o v e l l z a t i o n of Alice Bradley' s Play 'Ey GERTRUDE STEVENSON Experts estimate Germany’s daily war cost at $5,000,000. It is declared that Australia is mo- ; bilizing an army to aid Great Britain. Illustrations from Photographs of the Stage Production Copyright, VJli (Pu blication LUgbu> Ue&orved) by Ou vlü lio lauco. j| “ Say, haven’t you got any clothsi, Mary? Haven’t you any of the things other women weur at night—silk or lace or ruffles or— whatever they are ?** "Yes, I ’ve got 'em,” Mary replied. Indifferently, "but it’s too cold to wear ’em, and those silk stockings you told me to buy— I can’t wear them, either— they tickle my toes. Satin slippers made me uncomfort able, and—” she finished with a bub bling lictle laugh, "I guess I wasn’t made tor those things, Dan, dear. I'm too much of a home body.” Her very self satisfied complacency nettled her questioner. The very sight of the darning needle in her fin gers maddened him. "Good God, Mary,” he exclaimed, "can’t you ever stop this eudlees mending? Haven't I begged you, day and night, not to mend my socks. I won’t wear Bocks all over dams— they’re uncomfortable.” Just a suggestion of a smile played around Mary Slade’s sweet mouth us she answ'ered: "They’re yours, Dan. It’s the only thing left that I can do for you— now. I can’t bear to see strangers touch your things— ” and her voice trailed off in a wistful sigh, a sigh which might on any other occasion have made its appeal to the earnest-faced man now gazing at her so grimly. The lightness of her tune showed how little she realized the seriousness washing. She way heart-broken be cause she couldn't personally superin Mrs. Adams has been appointed as- Daniel Slade sat reading the evening tend the making of Dan’s coffee. Her J sistant United States attorney at San newspaper in the handsomely ap(»oint- life was incomplete because a hireo j Francisco. ed library of his spacious home. To cook made the bread that was served FCanadian troops have embarked for all intents he was a man at peace with on the table and because Dan never England to aid the British in the Euro the world. He had money and power. seemed to miss the evenly brown pean war. He hud advanced from a penniless loaves that had been her especial Harry^Thaw has leased an estate in miner to a millionaire figure in the pride in the old days. I Manchester, N. H., where he will business world. At fifty his were the j Mary Slade was us commonplace as spend the winter. fruits of a well-spent, energetic life. a cup of boiled tea. She was a plain, ordinary, everyday woman, who loved Two unidentified victims o f the Handsome and immaculate in his per a simple, unpretentious life, with the wrecked steamer Leggett were or fectly tailored evening clothes, he fit ted into the beautiful room with its neighbors dropping in for a word or Left to right are: Miss Hose Winslow, Miss Lucy Burns, Miss Doris Stuveus, Miss Ruth Noyes, Miss Anna dered buried at Newport, Oregon. rich tapestries and oriental rugs with two, exchanging recipes for muiHns McCue, Miss Jane Pincus and Mrs. Jessie Ilardy Stubbs. These women are the "war squad" of the Congressional The Montenegrins are within artil- all the ease and naturalness of a man and debating the proper way to sea Union for Woman Suffrage who have left Washington to work in the equal suffrage states. They will appeal to | lery range o f the Sarajevo, the capital born to culture and wealth. son a stew. their Toting sisters to withhold their support froqj the Democrats, because of the attitude of the present adminis of the Austrian province of Bosnia. There was neither charm nor com Every now and then his eyes wan tration toward equal suffrage. Misses Winslow and Burns are to establish headquarters in San Francisco, Misses dered from his newspaper to the fig fort for her in the vista of rooms open The will o f Mrs. Frank Leslie, w ife Stevens and Noyes in Denver, Miss McCue in Seattle, Miss Pincus in Phoenix, Arizona, and Mrs. Stubbs in Port of the late publisher, bequeaths $2,- ure of his wife sitting at the other side ing out from the spacious library. The land, Oregon. 000,000 to the cause o f woman suf of the richly carved table. The tiny, brocaded chairs were straight and unimposing little woman in her badly didn’t rock. They were high-posted frage. cut, dun-colored gown was the one in and stilted compared to her own low- Bombardment Near A n t Noting the success of aviation in the congruous detail in the room. She seated little rocker in the cottage. European war. Uncle Sam is said to be was like a shabby little prairie flower When she sat back in them, stiffly werp Renewed With Vigor increasing the efficiency of the U. S. suddeniy transplanted to a conserva and awkwardly, her feet didn’t even London— A Central News dispatch aviation service. tory where brilliant orchids and lovely reach the floor, but dangled restlessly from Antwerp Thursday says: Twenty Eastern Star delegates and roses bloomed all about her, her faint above the priceless rug that was one “ The Germans again bombarded members were injured when a plat little fragrance overpowered by their of her husband’s new’est purchases. Alost and set the town afire. Fierce All big crises in life are the re form in Kansas City collapsed, precip heavy sweetness— her delicate loveli fighting is raging at various points ness completely submerged by very sults of trifles. It took the merest itating 400 persons. along the whole lin e." contrast with the radiant beauty of incident to crystallize Slade'« thought The official statement of the Belgian The 38th German casualty list made her surroundings. into action. Mary had picked up a general staff, as received here from public, contains about 8000 names. It To Slade’s critical eyes, the dowdy portion of the paper after it had Antwerp, says: includes three major generals, one little figure, with the work basket in dropped from her husband’s hands “ A vigorous German bombardment killed and two wounded. her lap and her head bent over the She started to read the printed page of Forts Woelhem, Wavre and St. Invaders Proceed Without Further A resident o f Maubeuge, who had stocking she was contentedly darning, with all the serious importance of a Catherine, which was continued French M ilitary Men Expect Im been made prisoner but later escaped, was an actual eyesore. He had fitted little child trying to do something Diplomatic Controversy; Con portant Move by Foe Soon throughout the night, abated at 8 states that Maubeuge was three-quar up a magnificent home that would very big and grown-up. sul Instructed to Leave. o ’clock in the morning. The assail Invaders Pushing North. Suddenly her eyes lighted with have made a perfect setting for a prin ters burned by the Germans. ants did not succeed in silencing the cess, and his wife’s appearance had pleasure and a tender smile of pride guns of the Belgian forts nor in any Italy is ready to make a protest to not changed a particle from the days and delight illuminated her features. Tokio— It is officially announced that way lowering the morale of the gar Paris— Thursday was the 19 th day Turkey against the abolition o f the when they lived in a tumble-down cot In turning the pages she had sud risons of the forts. capitulations at Constantinople, ac of continued hard fighting along the German infantry at Tsing Tau deliver tage and he worked in the mines in his denly discovered a picture of her hus “ A t no point did the German in cording to a Rome dispatch to the shirtsleeves. With the getting of vast band, under which she read a simple ed a night attack Monday against the fantry dare to move against our first 150-mile front from the Somme to the Havas agency. Moselle and yet there is no definite in amounts of money he had acquired a but significant line: Japanese, but were repulsed. The lines of defense. Only one attempt dication that the historic battle is "Daniel S. Slade, a Possible Gover By order of the military commander veneer of manners and tastes that at Germans had 48 killed and the Japan was directed against Forts Liezele and nearing a finish. of the province of Brandenburg, Ger times failed to conceal the rough and nor.” Bresdonk. Our troops, holding posi ese five killed and eight wounded. There are, however, evidences that many, the Vorwaerts, organ o f the So brutal instincts of the real man. His "Oh, Dan,” she cried, happily. "Isn't The cannonading on land and sea in tions between these works, allowed the Germans are receding before a cial Democratic party, has suspended social horizon was enlarging, but this a fine picture of you. I could “T h i s Is Some of Wesley Merritt’s the enemy to advance until they were T i n - H o r n Tooting W ritin g.” the vicinity of Tsing Tau continues. forcible and sustained pushing from publication indefinitely. . within it his wife seemed to find no almost imagine it was going to speak within close range, when the artillery the allied armies, especially on their to me.” Four Japanese shells hit the German place. He wanted, beyond this and of the situation— how little she under The Dardanelles have been closed to boat litis, which retired into the inner and infantry, working in a remarkable western and eastern wings, while the Then she paused a little wistfully stood how inadequately she ^jas fill everything, to climb the political tree navitgation, according to a dispatch combination, showered the attacking harbor after an exchange of shots. center, where the Germans are more and pick the fruits thereof. His wife and doubtfully before she aeked: ing her position as his wife. She column with a hail o f projectiles and strongly entrenched than at any other from Constantinople to the Reuter seemed not to know that there was "But do you really want to be gov loved her husband with the devotion Pekin— Without further diplomatic bullets, which threw their ranks into point with heavy artillery, remains al Telegram company, London. The dura such a thing as a political tree to ernor?” of a slave and the reverence of a wor tion o f the closure is not stated. controversy, the Japanese are proceed disorder and compelled a hasty retreat. most stationary. "Want to be?” climb. With herself, her husband and shiper at a shrine, but, like many an ing along the railway to Tsi Nan. This attempt cost the Germans dearly It is generally concluded by French News from Petrograd indicates that her work she was contented and Slade caught his breath as he re other good woman, she wanted to In short, the m ilitary men that some important Their troops at Kei Hsien, who occu and was not repeated. within a week a new Russian army happy. peated her question. show her affection in her own way pied the station there, have been rein events of the day confirm the confi move must soon be made by the Ger 1,000,000 strong will join the present Want to be— when every aim and and not In his. Because she wanted The wives of other men of his po forced. The Chinese have not with dence of the Belgians in the power of mans, who have found it impossible to “•armies in Poland and Galicia for “ Rus sition were social queens noted for ambition the last few years had been to do for him with her hands, she drawn from the line, but are not op resistance of their natural redoubt.“ stem the advance of the allies, though sia’s principal attack on Germany.” their beautiful gowrns, their entertain made In the one direction, toward turned a deaf ear to his pleas that posing the Japanese march. they offered the sternest and most des It is officially announced at Vienna, ing and their clever wit. He alone the one longed-for goal—political she use her head. She wanted her One Chinese was killed by the Jap European War Hurts Re perate resistance, sacrificing thousands according to Rome dispatches to the was shackled to a woman he would power! Want to be— when years be husband to be happy and comfortable, anese when they took over the Kei public ot Panama, lo o of men daily. Exchange Telegraph company, of Lon have been ashamed to introduce to fore he had turned his eyes on the but she wanted to make him happy Hsien station. The German wings appear to be Panama -L ik e nearly all the Central don, the Austro-Hungary army concen his friends. Only he was tied to a governor’s chair and had been bat and comfortable according to her own The Chinese foreign office proposed wife he could not force either by tling grimly, silently, persistently ideas of what ought to make a man and West Coast South American coun folding back on the center, leaving trated at Cracow numbers 2,500,000. to Japan that China assume control of pleading or argument to enter into toward that end ever since! Want to satisfied. She had seen him rise grad tries, Panama is suffering from the them some loophole for a backward the railway line which is owned by „ \ J 7 / mu A German bullet is said to have the life which meant so much to him. be— when that was hie one ambition, movement by way o f Rethel. __ __, J effects of the European conflict. The ually at first and then by leaps and Germans, . expel all German employes .. .. . K . , .. . , been the cause of the death of Prince The Germans’ main supply base at ' r j hi r i m t i n n tr ir r a u n f o r l i t it i a is de Tonight as he rehearsed in his the one thing he had yet to achieve! bounds. Now that he had become situation here u is u aggravated, from the district and guarantee that Adalbert, the German emperor’s third mind his many unsuccessful efforts to Juniville, which is protected by heavy He sighed wearily to himself. That wealthy and successful she wanted to clared, by a lack o f financial surplus, there will be no further transfer of the son, also, it was found that other Ger make Mary advance and take an inter Mary could ask that question was the masses o f troops, as it is absolutely and it has been found necessary to pro- decide for him that he ought to let road until the war is ended. The Jap man officers died from a similar cause. est in his life as it was now, rebellion best proof of how- irrevocably they [Kise the discharge o f many govern essential that this place shall be held well enough alone. To her it seemed anese have contended that it was nec for the revictualing of the German had drifted apart. Living In the same A report received from Munich esti surged in his heart. He had struggled foolish to bother about being gover ment e">ntoyes and the stoppage o f essary for them to occupy the railroad, armies in Northeastern France, ap house with him, eating at the same mated that 2,000,000 men, and women year after year to attain his present practically all of the public work. nor, absurd for him to fret about the as otherwise it would be used by the pears to be placed in a somewhat pre table, day after day at his side, the are idle in Germany, and that the num standing, his present position in the way she dressed and did things. There is no immediate possibility of Germans for the transportation of war securing additional revenue from im carious situation with its single line ber o f unemployed is increasing daily. W’orld, and Mary, the one loved thing little woman knew no more of his So, for awhile they sat In silence supplies for Tsing Tau. of railroad. real self or his ambitions than the port duties. Under treaty agreements A lack o f raw material, it is said, is of his life, Insisted on hanging like a and the fire dying down left the room The American State department, up The line of battle has changed con merest stranger. millstone around his neck. the cause. with the United States the republic chilly, so chilly that Mary started up on the advice of the American minister 'It's a nice story about yer, Dan,” Why, oh, why, couldn’t the woman cannot increase duties beyond the 15 siderably since the beginning of the The London war information bureau progress? Why hadn’t she developed Mary went on, all unconscious of the to get a shawl. Halfway to the door, to China, Dr. ¡.Paul 'Samuel Reinsach, actual contact between the two great per cent which is already imposed. . . , . . . who arrived in Pekin Wednesday, has Ever since the outbreak of the Euro- f.rrme?“ whose numbers and real posi- has made it known that Indian troops as he had done? Why was she com struggle going on Just a few' feet away she was peremptorily called back by instructed Willys R. Peck, the Ameri pean war imports have steadily de- tlon8 2* 18 not e m it t e d to make pub- were landed in France last Friday placently sitting there satisfied to re from her— the struggle between the her husband, who, ringing for a maid, The point of landing was not revealed, main just as she had been twenty heart of a man that calls out to the dispatched her for the wrap, while can consul at Tsing Tau, to withdraw dined, those from Europe having al lie. The front now presents sinuous Mary, humiliated and with something from the Kiau Chau district. The le but it is presumed that the troops dis windings, loops inward and outward at companion of his youth, the sharer of of the air of a martyr, went sighing most disappeared, while imports from embarked at Marseilles. gation sent the message by wireless. various points in a country which his joys and struggles and the brain the United States and other neutral back to the big, uncomfortable chair of a man that demands the glory of to resume the mending that was such It is officially announced by Austria- countries have not increased sufficient everywhere is wonderfully adapted to defense. power and the fulfilment of ambition. Hungary, says a dispatch from Rome ly to make up the deficit. an irritation to her husband. English A id Belgians in "But, Dan,” questioned Mary’s to the Havas agency, that General Recently Ernesto T. Lefevre, secre "Why can’t you learn to be waited Delending Citg of Antwerp tary of foreign affairs and one o f the Fireworks Plant Blows gentle little voice, “ who’s The Gover Von Auffenburg, commanding the first on, Mary?” her husband asked, not un nor’s Lady?” London— The Morning Post’s Eng president’s trusted advisers, stated kindly. "Other women do.” Up; Five People Killed Austrian army, is ill. It is said the "His wife, of course,” snapped Slade. general has contracted cholera. lish correspondent in Antwerp makes that a general reduction of govern “ I’m slow— slow and old-fashioned,” Chicago — H. B. Thearle, president "What does it say about You?” the following statement: ment salaries was in contemplation. of the Pain Fireworks Display com the woman answered, quietly, but with The historic annual banquet held by He reached over and took the paper “ The Belgian field artillery is co This, however, he said, cannot be done pany o f America, was killed here with the New York chamber of commerce, an air which plainly showed that she from her hands, leaned forward ea operating effectually with our heavy without the sanction o f the national four o f his employes in an explosion has been postponed on account o f the was perfectly satisfied with herself gerly toward the light and frowned artillery. Our infantry is entrenched assembly. A measure is said to be in and fire which destroyed the company’s war, and the president of the chamber and that she thought he ought to be. as he read: on the narrow bank o f the Nethe, op preparation for this purpose. " I ’ve never been with women who suggests the members give the price plant. "Should Daniel S, Slade, the ex posite the main German forces. Two Considerable dissatisfaction is mani knew how to do these things. You John Costello, office boy, thrown o f each plate ($20) to the Red Cross. miner, ex-town marshal, ex-sheriff, ex- German attempts to cross the river fest in commercial circles over the de through a door into an alley, may die. didn’t know' any such people until United State« marshal, ex-land boomer An Antwerp dispatch to the London have been smothered by our artillery.” j termination o f the administration to Firemen thought that several bodies lately. I don’t want to know them,” and multimillionaire, arrive, it will be Daily Mail says: “ King Albert is to The dispatch is the first intimation carry to completion the proposed Na might be under the debris in the she concluded with an engagingly con interesting to see the governor’s lady be seen constantly in the danger zone. It is pointed out flooded basement fiding smile. that English forces have gone to Ant- tional exposition. dusting the gubernatorial chair—prob He is reported to have ascended in a werp and are co-operating with the that the immediate abandonment of "But 1 can’t go everywhere alw'ays The first explosion occurred in the balloon to survey operations. ably the only occupation congenial to The Belgians in the defense of that city. this project would materially aid in steel and concrete .vaults of the Pain alone,” Slade expostulated. "A man’s this kind-hearted and plain little enemy shelled the balloon but the out the country’s finances building, in which $5000 worth of A dispatch to the Central News from straightening wife ought to go with him and meet ... , woman.” Antwerp says: and probably would make unnecessary firework8 were gtored The vau,tg shells fell short.” the right kind of people—otherwise "Dusting the gubernatorial chair,” “ The Germans have been repulsed. , he’s an outsider. What do you think of 8 «Jnsiderable sum were guppoge<i to ^ fireproof and to be Eighteen steamers o f an aggregate Slade repeated mockingly, cut to the They asked for a two-hour armistice at high interest, I built this house for? I don’t work " ______________ able to withstand any explosion. The tonnage o f 29,581 have been sunk by quick by this public allusion to his to bury their dead but Belgians refused in the mines any longer with my I vaults were blown to atoms. Adjoin- German warships during September, wife’s plainness and lack of social to comply. hands. I ’ve got to use my head. I Mine Is Thought H ine. ¡ng office buildings were shaken and according to a London board o f trade graces. “ The Belgians have destroyed all don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t Rome— Details of the destruction of damaged. Many persons were injured report, while nine steamers were de That simple little phrase, stinging the bridges over the river Nethe. The dissipate— keep yachts and horses—or a fishing boat off Rimini by a floating by broken glass and by being trampled. stroyed by mines in the North Sea in as it was brief, was as a match flame Germans unsuccessfully attempted to women. A man’s got to do something. The explosion, it was thought, might the same period, 75 lives being lost. to dry timber. It was all that was mine show that the fishermen mistook rebuild the bridges.” I’m going into public life, and I want have been caused by a spark from wir Secretary Bryan, for the United necessary to bring the hot rage surg the mine for a wine cask, which they A dispatch to the Exchange Tele to entertain here. You’d have me sit ing which Johnson, the electrician, States, and Ambassador Bakhmeteff, ing through him to the boiling point. sought to recover. Throwing out a graph from the Hague says: back and take it easy and— rust!” was adjusting. for Russia, signed a treaty binding The sweetness of the little woman’s “ Refugees arriving here from Ant line, they drew the supposed cask to “ You deserve everything you’ve got, the two nations to submit all disputes expression, the tenderness of her eyes werp say that the position of the Bel ward them and when it touched their Dan.” answered Mrs. Slade, inconse that cannot be settled diplomatically “ Crush E n g l i s h S a y s Kaiser. whenever they rested upon him, the gian forces is excellent and that the orafI Hn explosion occurred. The boat quentially. entirely losing the point plaintive softness of her voice meant London- -The Times Thursday says to an international commission of five German ndvance has been steadily was blown to pieces and all the nine of his tirade. "You struggled like a members for Investigation during a nothing to him then. Through angry men were killed. Members o f other that it is able to give from a thorough checked. The forts are admirably re dog. Nobody knows, only you and period o f at least one year, during eyes he saw only the lack of smart sisting the heavy German artillery fishing crews in the vicinity were ly trustworthy source the text of an me. W e’ve been through It together ” ness In her somber brown dress, only wounded by flying splinters. Experts order issued by Emperor William to which hostilities may not be com fire. ” “ Well,” demanded Slade eagerly menced. the note of absurdity she struck amid say that hundreds o f mines from his army on August 19. It follows: and hopefully, "why don’t you march the exquisite surroundings of the Austria are floating towards Italy. She Was a Shabby Little Prairie along with me then, Mary?” Man Is Killed by Slap. A Petrograd dispatch to the Ex “ It is my royal and imperial com Flower Transplanted to a Conser room he had furnished for her. He His wife turned to him earnestly. mand that you concentrate your ener change Telegraph company, London, Dixon, III.—James Sinn, a druggist, thought of nothing but the sorry spec vatory. 100.000 Horses Wanted. gies for the immediate present upon states that the Russian moratorium For a moment Dan Slade thought the of Morrison, and manager of the Mor tacle she would make at a brilliant St. Louis— An order for 4500 cav the single purpose, and that is that has been extended for a month. years ago, hopelessly behind the dinner or smart function where beau woman he loved was about to rise to rison . baseball team, was the occasion. . . , . held . to the airy horses and mules was placed with you address all your skill and all the tiful women in fashionable chiffons A dispatch from Rome asserts that times? Wh.teside county grand jury a few days ..... dealers by representatives of the valor of my soldiers to exterminate (TO BE CONTINUED.) And if she wouldn't advance— why chatted freely and easily of men and ago for murder. During the ball game Frenoh government here. This was first the treacherous English and walk the minister of the interior has an between the Morrision and Charlotte, the largest order for army horses re over General French’s contemptible nounced that 15 new rases o f cholera should he consent to be held back by things In the progrese of the nation. Humor. "This is some of Wesley Merritt’s were discovered in the Budapest m ili her? If she wouldn't go on with him la., teams, Dorsey Palmer, who was ceived here since the Boer war. This little army.” Once upon a time In the Adlron- —he would leave her behind. The tinhorn tooting wriMng,” growled dacks, or the Maine woods, or where tary hospital. intoxicated, mistreated a young son of order, which is to be filled within the thought and the resultant decision Slade. "D----- n his dirty work!” Sinn’s and Sinn slapped him with his next ten days, will cost France approx you will, a deer was accosted by a The operators o f a German Zeppelin had their birth suddenly but positively German Ships Captured At her husband muttered to him hunter. open hand, fracturing his windpipe. imately $750,000. Rrepresentatives dirigible dropped a bomb into a school- in the man's mind. He would make London The admirality announces self, Mary had calmly resumed her Palmer fell from the seats to the o f the French government, who made "Can you direct me to my hotel?" house at Bielostok, Russia, killing the ground and lay there during the 13- the purchase, declared they would re that the British cruiser Cumberland children, according to a dispatch from one more argument, one last appeal. endless mending of sock«, long years asked the latter civilly. The deer died If Mary wouldn’t meet him half way, has captured off the Cameroons river is of thrift and saving making it impos laughing. inning game. His death was discov main here six weeks and were author- West Africa the Hamburg-American Petrograd. Eleven children were re Mary could stay behind with her ever sible for her to throw away even a ered at the close of the game. "Pardon my discourtesy, but the hu ni'd to buy 100,000 horses at an ex liner Am fried and the following mer ported killed by the bomb. lasting darning and her eternal knit well-worn pair in spite of the fact mor of me being mistaken for a guide penditure of about $12,000,000. chant steamers: The Max Brock, ting. She could wash and cook and that the need for repairing had long is too much!’’ protested the beast with On the anniversary o f Sedan, accord $10,000 Resort Destroyed. Kenapa, Amsinck. Paul Woerman, ing to a story published in the London •tew and sew. If she liked, but she since passed. its last breath. Aberdeen, Wash. The Pacific Beach Prince Adalbert Lives. Eran Woermann, Henrieta Woermann, Daily News, the people o f Berlin hung couldn't do It In his mansion. Slade found himself looking at the It Is not always easy for a rule hotel, located at Pacific Beach, a fash Berlin Stories appearing in the for Aline Woermann, Hans Woermann and But Daniel Slade was no more un little woman who had been bis wife to work both ways without hardship out bunting everywhere, but Emperor ionable summer resort, 16 miles west eign press asserting that Prince Adal the Janete Woermann. A ll were in William ordered its removal, on the comfortable at having her there than for twenty years, through lean years — Puck. o f here, owned by Carl Cooper, was bert. the third son of Emperor W il good order and most o f them contained Mary SlAde wa» at being obliged to and hard years, a« faithful and pa burned to the ground Sunday morning, liam, had died in Brussels, are declared general cargoes and considerable quan ground that it was premature. live In thli great, elegant house, with tient then as later, when success first Certain of It. with a loss o f approximately $10,000. to be untrue. Prince Adalbert is in tities of coal. The European crews The American embassy building in 1U crowds of servants and its routine, began to come his way, very much as Sandy was being entertained at a The place was insured to the amount the naval service, and when last heard have been removed as prisoners. Paris was severely shaken by the ex absolutely foreign and well-nigh hate he might have scrutinized an entire Soho restaurant, Ix>mlon, and the din o f $7600. The fire, which started soon of was acting as navigation office' plosion of one o f the bombs dropped ful to her. She knew she didn’t fit stranger. For a moment the tragedy after 6 a. m. in the second story of the aboard lApton Hospital Ship at Havre. into that city Sunday from a German into her surroundings. She realized of their present state caught at his ner consisted of rich and fanciful the dreadnaught Prussia. dishes. building, enveloped the entire hotel in Prince Joachim has been wounded and H avre- Sir Thomas Lipton’s yacht aeropalne. Ambassador Herrick re her own Inharmony. Her attempt« to soul, and he felt the infinite pathos "W ell." he was asked, "what will flames within a few minutes. Mrs. Prince Oscar suffered an attack of Erin, which has been transformed into ported the incident to the State depart- look natural and feel comfortable of the woman's predicament. A softer you have next?" Sterling, o f Walla Wslla, fainted in an heart trouble, but, beyond that, it is a hospital ship, has arrived here. On ment by cable without comment. The were pathetic. She felt lost without note came Into his voice as he asked "Ah?" repiled Sandy, thought fully. upper corridor. Carl Cooper, however, said that all members of the imperial board the Erin were the Duchess of State department will take no action the task of overseeing the Monday's slowly: "I think I’ll hev Indigestion/" picked her up and carried her out. family are well. Westminster and several nurses. | on the report. JAPS BEAT GERMANS 1 Attach Repulsed Witt! Com paratively Small Eoss. J Well-Entrenched Center Holds Firm in Undecided Baitle. C H A P T E R I.