Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1914)
Piano Contest f o r a New Subscriber NÜ. t OF 1,000 V lei ESTACADA 2,000 V lei VO L. S Piano Contest For a Renewal of Subscription E S T A C A D A , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R i. News Cary’ s for General Merchandise Meet your Friends here CARY MERCANTILE CO. ESTACADA, - - - OREGON. Do you need help? Our new FULLER and J O H N S O N Pump Engine * will pump your water, run your churn, separator, wash ing machine and feed cutter. Call in and look over our line of Plows Engines, and Pumps, M a c h in e r y . W e also carry a full line of H A R D W A R E , P A IN T S D O O R S , W IN D O W S and R O O F IN G . B ER T H . F IN C H Estacada, Oregon How does your cow average in a milk te s t? Good, clean, wholesome Led, is the first essential. H orses should die of old age, not disease Good, clean, wholesome feed, is the first essential. Healthy swine, bring highest cash price Good, clean, wholesome feed, is the first essential. We sell only Good, clean, wholesome feed FOR Cattle, Stock and Poultry C o n su lt us on lumber prices; before you decide to build. ( W c can make delivery too.) Estacada Lumber and Produce Co. $ 2 a day $ro a week The Hotel Estacada M O DERN C O N V E N IE N C E S One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Local and Tourist Trade Solicited Palace Meat Market We handle only the best of meats Lard, Bacon, Sour Kraut, Pickle?. A com p'ete line of fresh and salt meats. Fresh vegetables in their season. Fresh E g g s and Butter. ___________________________________ FRED I0RG, Proprietor Waterbury and Chapman “ The Busy Store" and the Leading Grocery Store of ESTACADA, OREGON Phone, Main 76. POP, Wholesale and Retail R . G . M ARCHBANK CONFECTIONERY SMOKING ARTICLES LIGHT LUNCH ICE CREAM TOBACCO CIGARS ESTACADA OREGON TRADE AT THE ESTACADA HOME BAKERY for Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods, C.T S. St H- Trading Stamp..________ Confectionery G. H. LICHTHORN, Prop. All I ask Is a chance to figure on your Plumbing and Electric Wiring CHAS. M. SPARKS, E.t.c.da, Oregon Fire Insurance SEE A. F. SPARKS Pacific States Fir"« Insur.Mcr Co, From All Notes Sections 1 9 .4 $1 A YEAR CLACKAMAS IN S GEORGE COMMUNITY FAIR The George Community Fuir Miss Helen Bartleit attended a held at the Club House and Pavil- ! patty in I’c*tland last Friday. ¡on at George was a grand su c-1 Estacada State Bank FIRST ON COUNTY EXHIBIT The Clackamas County Exhibit Fair won the first prize, which means the winning Herbert Freeman of Portland I P «°P le of th.e communities of o f a few hundred dollars, credit spent Sunday in itstaeada. ¡G eorge and Bissell, about 200 be ed to the County Fair Fund, for j ing present. future use. Miss Nina Taylor will open her The opening program was in I . . . .. . ... i The Exhibit, which was col- school at Currinsvillc Monday. the form o f speeches dealing iected b R M standish ofE sta- „ Mr. , and Mrs. c „ Henry Beers „ of with tne welfare, upbuilding and ca,ja ja conBjdered the best that Oreshani spent Sunday at the home i progress o f the community, past, bas ever been up as a County John C,then.. present and future J he speak- j Display> Hereafter the other Miss Klughlcr of New York is e ” " ere H‘ C- Stephens, as' counties will have to look to their the colors as Fast Clackamas and visiting at the home of Mrs. Pyle, 1 Chairman, who *P°ke work and organization o f the on Terrace Addition. Clackamas County are out to win Club and Fair; H. Joyner, a® | all prizes that are offered. Miss FTcho Git hens of Alspaugh President and Organizer, as well This Exhibit is to go to the began her school on the 21st at as Originator o f the Club and | I Portland Land Show from Salem Hogan' j Fair Association, spoke o f the so watch for the prize winners Mrs. ITarve Mattoou of Viola progress o f the Club up to the there was taken to the hospital at Oregon , present time. The organization ------------ City, to undergo an operation. is composed o f and represented, Social Events the families of the com-! . .• • , c , . . M ist Gertrude Grimm was an by all ... „ „ , ,, ; A reception, in honor of the high ; munities o f George and Rissell. 1 . , , , , , Kstacada visitor a few days last L , .,,, . , , 1 school and teachers, was given by 1 he buildings have , been built ,1 F.pworth I.engce r .. Mctho- ,, week. , , by J the of . the a novel system, the members! . , ...... The «¡ebon! comineoctd roinme-icrd donating 1 .• Jk » in . cash , and , #9.00 „ (list church on last Friday 1 ne Highland Miguiana sciiooi #6.00 ,, evening , Mondav witu with Miss Kadiaci Rachael ! • . accorn|,llsh the work , l . he , J program was well arranged last Mouday with Miss aioutlay m work 1 to , . „ , ' , . _ . . and all, who attended, reported a Retd as teacher. | of making a Community home. ^ tjme Airs. Lester Hale, of Currinsvillc, #1,000.00 has been spent so far i visited with her sisters in Portland, in the expense o f buildings and ! Extensive preparations are be additions, to the present time. j inK made by the members o f the Saturday aud Sunday. Prof. Fitts o f the O. A. C. was I Christian church for the reeep- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kitching, of Currinsville, spent Saturday in next as speaker and was also the itio11 to 1)0 K>ven Friday night judge o f all exhibits. All exh ib-! At this lim ~ the>' w>11 entertain ortlaud. itors received blue ribbons with the teachers, the Hign school Miss Dora Judd o f Eagle one exception, and that was a students, and friends o f the Creek, is attending the Trades red one. Next year will see church, in honor o f the new min School in Portland. ister and his wife. more and better exhibits. Mr. Cross, Agricultural Expert A birth notice was received o f Garfield - Porter - Tracy a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. o f the P. R. L. & P. Co., sjioke School Reception Rav Hamilton, at Garfield, Sept. o f the progress done by his de 24th. On Saturday evening, Oct. 3rd, partment among the fanners of a reception to the Teachers o f the Paul Worner was over from Ore the communities near. Mr. Werlein o f the Railway Co., Garfield, Porter and Tracy dis gon City, visiting at the home of his pareuts, last Saturday and Sun last but not least, spoke o f the tricts, will be given in the Gar optimism and co-operation among field Grange hall. All parents. day. Mrs, Annie Paulsen aud children the farmers and stated that he | citizens and tax-payers are in- Af Stanfield, Oregon, are visiting at had yet to find a community that vited. There will be music, ad- the home of Mrs. Paulsen's father, stuck together and co-operated dresses on live topics and helpful more for tneir home community discussions. It is hoped that the F. J . Harkeurider. than the people o f George and entire neighborhood may be pro J . A . Reid, of the Spriugwater Bissell. He dwelt upon the fact fited by this “ get-together” eve district, is building a new house on that swine, sheep and horses were ning. Light refreshments will his property, adjoiuiug J. H. Con not in evidence, but next year be served by the ladies o f the w a y ’s in South Kstacada. will see all those and then some. Garfield Dorcas Society. Among those, who attended the The Garfield Band furnished Farewell Sermon quarterly conference at Portland pleasant music throughout the last Sunday, was L . Hale of Cur- day, and the George Choir fur Walter Givens, after a ministerial riusviile. nished some excellent vocal selec career of nearly four years, gave his tarewell sermon iu the Christian Mr. and Mrs. Lan g, uf Portland, tions. The agricultural, horticultural, church last Sunday evening. Mr, and some friends motored out to poultry, live stock (mostly Jer Givens stated in the morning that Currinsville Sunday, and spent sey), fancy work, canned goods the day with Henry Gilhens and and culinary oxnibits were all he was going to preach the best family. fine, Prof. Fitts commenting up sermon, that he had ever put forth, on the fine display in the horti- in the evening. Whether this is The Annual Missionfest of the cultural department, Bissell had true or not, everyone, who attend- Presbyterian church of George, an extremely line display in a ! e(j _ enjoyed the service very much. Oregon will be held next Sun separate booth. and gained many new thoughts. day, Oct. 4, 1914. Everybody in Luncheon, as served by the ladies o f the community, was The subject of the sermon was vited to come. commented upon as the best “ The W orld's Greatest C riticism s". Dwight Walter, who for some there was to be found anywhere. time.past has been working with a In the afternoon, sports o f all R e b e cca s F a m ily -A ffa ir surveying company 111 Washington, kinds were indulged in. The fat Hebeccas win kinfHy notice lhat ... , „ ... . has returned to his home in Cur men s race, three-legged race, women's race, girls’ race a n d ; there will be a lamily-al.air at rinsville. nail driving contest were all j the next regular meeting, Oct. 14- | You will be royally entertained Next Sunday the Eagle Creek drawing cards. * In the evening, the exhibits 1 Dining committee: Mrs. Nellie Sunday School will have Rally Day exercises. Mr. Hayes will w-ere auctioned off to the highest j Currin, Mrs Clara Hicinbothom, bidder, and the First Annual Fair and Mrs. Lula Sparks. conduct the morning services. o f the George Social and Com Entertainments: I) Eschelman At 2 o ’clock the Rally will take mercial Club earne to a close after place. The evening services will a big dance, which lasted into and Bert Byers. be conducted by Mr. Montgom the wee hours of the morning, and then the thoughts o f next Change of Train Schedule. ery. Everybody welcome. year’s better and bigger fair will | Taking effect Sunday, SepL T h e Reisland home on the G ar come up for discussion and plans. Among those present from out •’('bowing train.-, will be field road was totally destroyed by fire Monday afternoon, causing a of the community, were Messrs, discontinued on the P. R. L. & Hunt, Townsend, Werlein, Cross P. Co.’ s Estacada line: Trains loss of about #1.000.00, partially and Kelly o f the P. R. L. & P. 'leaving Estacada at 10:55 A. M. covered by insurance. Both Mr. u°.Li a# i w ‘ Cary and J. W. an,| 2:55 P .M .; trains leaving and Mrs. Reisland being away from Port and at 8:4> A. M. and 12:45 home at the time, the canse of the Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop o f Gar fire is uncertain. field have arranged for a meeting P. M. An added train will leave Esta o f the railway officials, and peo Th e many friends, Mr. Rees ple of Garfield for Oct. 6th at cada at 6:3») P. M.. arriving in The swine Portland at 8:10. The late train has made in Estacada, will be the Grange hall. pleased to know that the conference question from a practical stand Saturday night will be on the point will be discussed in all h is seen ht to have him continue its branches, and results are same as usual. his work here another year. Mr. sure to follow. Everybody come. Mr. and Mrs. Rees were Portland cess and all through the optimism i visitors Saturday. j and co-operation o f the th rifty Rees is not only an able preacher A meeting at the Sandy Fair bnt he is more, a real minister to will be held Oct. 2nd and 3rd. the people. and the spice of optimism, pro- Mrs. F J. Harkenrider and gression and co-oj>eration will be daughter Lena left last Saturday dealt out to that community, by the railway officials. for Fort Wavne, Indiana, to lie g-ne about three weeks. Mist Boosters o f optimism in this Harkenrider, for the past two years, section a re hard to beat w hen has been employed in the office a t , t h e f ■ R.^L. & I . Co.^officials^are I in the field, and a better feeling the Portland, Eugene & Eastern 1 j o f confidence in the several com- R R. office, and is now en joy ing a j munities visited is a result o f 1 th eir optim istic view s. Gravel Here Soon There is supposed to be three cars o f gravel on the Estacada tracks, Friday, Oct. 2nd, but whether they are for Estacada, Springwater, ( 'urrinsville or ( lar- field is not known at this time. The planking on Main St. from 1st to 2nd and on 2nd from Main to Broadway is being torn up preparatory to the laying o f the gravel on these streets. Make it YOUR BANK Deposit your money here at any time. Draw out your money at any time. Make use of our checking service. N o matter the size of your account. F o r safety, leave your valuables in the vaults. W h en you want to borrow monpy, either short or long time, let us help you. W hen you want information on good invest ments, let us help you. F or your insurance, our service is of the best. F eel at home to avail yourself of our conservative banking service. LLR0Y D. WALKER. President THOMAS YOCUM. Vice President IRWIN D. WRIGHT, Cashier Interest paid on time deposits. Hold it up to the light and sec the hole in it Exam ine your old coffee pot, tin dipper, tea kettle, milk pan, wash basin, or any of your metal kitchen ware and see the light shining through that hole in the bottom. It probably only rusted or burned through, but you need a new one anyway. Our new line of FRENCH BLUE F.NAHELED WARE is not all gone yet. Remember, every piece is tagged and numbered, and you may also win the prize, a $50. Steel Range FR E E FRENCH CLUE ENAMELED WARE is much superior to the ordinary gray enameled material and costs very little more. A full line of kitchen utensils are made in this ware. Call at the store at once, as there are about 100 pieces left, then the lucky purchaser gets the F R E E R A N G E . *» Estacada Furniture Co. Green Trading Stamp*. UNDERTAKERS -JL W h en you wish to renew your Magazines, or subscribe lor others, either singly or in clubs, the E S T A C A D A PHARMACY will be pleased to serve you at Publishers Prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Do not be deceived by travelling agents, as some o f our Estacada citizens have been recently. Ask for our catalogue. Special Subscription Offer DAILY & SUNDAY OREGONIAN (regular price, #8.00 per year) ESTACADA PROGRESS (regular price, $1.00 per year) $ 7.40 DAILY OREGONIAN & ESTACADA PROGRESS $5.80 EVENING TELEGRAM (regular price, $5.00 Tier year) ESTACADA PROGRESS (regular price, $1.00 per year) $ 4.75 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE (weekly) I regular price, $1.50 per year) ESTACADA PROGRESS (regular price, $1.00 per year) $ 1.60 WESTERN STOCK JOURNAL (regular price, $1.00 per year) ESTACADA PROGRESS ( regular price, $1.00 per year) $ 1.50 No votes given with these offers. Our Sacrifice Sale Goes Merrily On All previous records were broken Tuesday and Wed nesday. The First and Second days o f this Sale hun dreds o f eager customers thronged our store. It w ill pay you well to come in each day* for we will continue the Cut and Slash prices all this month. Each and Every 50th purchaser will get a Brand New Dollar Bill f Rf E during entire sale. Cary Mercantile Co. ‘ ‘ Y our S t o r e ”