Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1914)
P o u ltry — and Dairy Produce o f all kinds w ant*!. Writ* for our CASH OFFER $500,000 Bonds Voted by Roseburg for Coast Road N O R T H W E ST M A R K E T REPORTS. W inch ester Portland — Wheat trading in the Pearson-PageCo. •‘JJK&S RotteburK—By a vote o f more than struct the railroad and operate the j country was limited, not only because three to one. the voters o f RoHet/urg same for a term o f years. o f the extreme prices asked by farm “ L E A D E R ” «nd " R E P E A T E R ” have authorized issuance of bonds in The voters also voted to repeal the ers, but also owing to the congested the sum of $500,000 with which to as occupation tax and rejected issuance o f TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES condition o f the docks here and at the sist in the construction o f a railroad bonds for park purposes. The superiority o f W inchester L arva assortm ent. Sue Rose burn and Coos Ray. cial Prices. RENINcW between The councilmen elected were: Wil- Sound ports. u4 S u m PNEMIIN. SIS Up Concurrent with^votin« the bonds, the liam Hargreaves, S m o k e l e s s Powder Shells is ward one; U. R. Machines shipped on Local buyers on the Exchange hid approval and guaran voters elected a railroad commission Shambrook, ward tw o; A. J. Geddes, undisputed. Among in te llig e n t lower for club and red wheat, offering teed by Home concern. W. S. Hamilton, ward Write for samples of composed o f 10 prominent business ward three; 94 cents for the former and 88 '<1.89 shooters they stand first in pop work, stating make men o f the city to handle the improve four. cents for the latter, but for forty-fold, __ preferred. ment. The election was one o f the most u larity/ records and s h o o t i n g TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 351J WuE. Si . I' wi I uh I. O i bids were advanced half a cent to 98 j The bonds are in reality a bonus and spirited events held here in years and cents. Bluestem was unchanged at q u a litie s . A lw a y s u se them the $500,000 will be paid to any com notwithstanding that only taxpayers $1.021 bid. N E W H OTEL HOUSTON pany or any individual who will guar were allowed to vote on the bond is Weakness was in evidence in the For Field or Trap Shooting. D »v . Houston. Prop. H. H. Thorsnss. anteed under sufficient bonds to con sues, more than DOO votes were polled. oats and barley markets. For spot horoughly modern "lui Rooms ôfëôm ü irt.^ liisl- Thoroughly erate Prices. l e « . Thros minutas walk from Union oats, buyers offered $25.50 and for Ask Your Doalor For Thom. I/o pot. Writs for rotas. 72 N. SnA Si. HJRTLAiiii UK November oats, $26.50. For barley, $20 was bid. Mill feed was unchanged. »»5 0 0 0 S 4 0 80 S 0 5 S 9 C C Î Wheat — B id: Bluestem, $1.02ic per bushel; forty-fold, 981c; club, The Paper Strategists. 90c; red Russian, 88c; red Fife, 89c. DENTAL HEADQUARTERS While the war lasts mathematical Oata — B id: No. 1 white feed, Depends Upon Your Training warriors will balance corps against FOR OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- buying and selling purposes, how to $25.50 per ton. People from all part« of corps and ship against ship in the vallii— Agricultural exhibits at the feed and manage the different herds, Uregon and Waehinif- Our oouraea In Shorthand. Pan- Barley— B id: No. 1 feed, $20 per ACQUAINTED WITH FIAT LUX newspaper columns, but in a real war ton constantly visit our manahip. Business Training and and the fundamentals of breeding for ton; brewing, $20; bran, $23; shorts, state fair were the basis o f agricultural all the paper strategy counts for noth office for dental treat Telegraphy will equip you for a improvement was part o f the work. Secretary of W estern Senator W as ment. Our skill is ac successful business career. $24.50. ing. That poor little Prussia, in 1756, instruction in the boys' State Fair knowledged, and our In the afternoons the lessons will More Concerned W ith T w o Lady could not possibly make head against Millfeed— Spot prices : Bran, $25(0 FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 7. promptness in finish« camp and school at Salem. dealt with the subjects o f soils and crop 26.50 per ton; shorts, $28 m 28.50; F riend s Th a n C orresp on dent jin«r work in one day Austria, France, Russia, Sweden and j when required is appro« The students were two boys from production. This group o f young boys rolled barley, $28. Saxony was as demonstrable on paper ciatad by out-of-town each county in the state, who from practically every section o f the There Is one young man In Wash as that two and two make four But patrons. Corn— Whole, $38 per ton; cracked. Dr. Wise is a false- ington, acting as secretary to a sena the Seven Years’ war was decided by won scholarships in this school state were taught methods o f culti- $39. tooth expert. There is a factor quite outside the range of tor from a western state, who will be with all expenses paid, by superior vation of standard crops and the treat “ALW AYS ONE BEST' B U S IN E S S COLLEGE. Hay— Eastern Oregon timothy, $16 in every calling, and work in one or more o f the industrial ment o f soil best calculated to retain @ 17 per ton; grain hay, $11@12; al more careful In his correspondence in mathematics— namely, by Frederick, Fourth Street. Near Morrison. Portland. Or. Dr. W ise lays claim to with a vial of corrosive sublimate in the coming months. He is a diplomat club projects. The instructors were fertility and moisture. The lessons falfa, $12@13.50. I this distinction in Ore his pocket, and in his heart a black gon. 27 Ye«rs‘ ftpetirtwe We Guarantee Positions for All specialists from the Agricultural col dealt with the s u b je c t of selection The English hop crop is turning out and prides himself on his tact, but In determination to fight while he had What we can't guar Our Graduates. lege who were elected for this o f seeds and plants, the classes and to be larger than was estimated. one case this spring his diplomacy a regiment left, and then commit sui antee we don’t do. work because o f their interests in the types best suited to local conditions Every cable received in the past few was just one too many. LOW PRICES FOR HIGH-GRADE WORK. cide. Revolutionary France had no Write Us, No Trouble to Answer. 15.00 The senator has frequently been the show on paper, but in fact overran all Good Red Rubber Plates, each work o f young people s well as for and local markets, and the most suc days makes the quantity greater. The The Best Red Rubber Plate*, each ................7.50 their high degree of proficiency in cessful cultural methods o f growing cables estimated a yield of 500,000 recipient of letters from people who Europe. In recent times our brush 22-Karat (¿old or Porcelain Crown 5.00 their subjects. them. The classes o f crops in cw t., and a cable sent by one o f the sign some nom de plume, as “ Pro Bono with Spain is the only war that has WISE DENTAL (XX L0SSE$ SURELY PREVENTED shown the least respect for the pro Publico,” “ Anon,” “ E Pluribus Unum" In the forenoons lessons were given cluded the common field crops, special largest London firms said the crop by Cutter’» Blackleg Pills. Low- RELIABLE PAINLESS DENTISTS. and similar phrases. Recently a let grams laid down for it in advance. If priced, fresh. reliable; preferred by in subjects relating to the domestic an nitrogen gathering plants, and fruit Phones Main 2029. A 2029. would be 600,000 cwt. Either the the Spanish army in Cuba had been Western stockmen because they pro the farm. The lesson and garden plants. In all this work English merchants were badly fooled ter came In regard to the senator’s capably led and really determined to 122Vii Third Street. Failing Bldg., Portland, Oregon tect where other vaeoinu fall. imals o f Writ* for booklet and testimonials. covered the subjects o f horses, beef, vote on the Panama tolls question S. E. Cor. Third and Washington. the exhibits at the state fair together by the size o f the crop before it was 10-doae pkge. Blackleg Pilli $1.00 fight the ending would have been the 80-dose pkge. Blackleg Pills 4.00 cattle, hogs, sheep and goats, and with the methods o f production that picked, for they estimated it then at and the cataract of advice was signed same, but the story would have been Ua* any injoctor. but Cutter's best. How to judge the value o f secure the best results, were made 350,000 to 400,000 cwt., or they are simply “ Fiat Lux" a translation of different. If war could be determined The superiority of Cutter products Is due to over II poultry. Germany’s Invisible Aeroplane. years of specialising In vaoolnes and serums only. which would be: “ Let there be light.” on paper there would be no war, for the different classes o f livestock for an integral part o f the instruction. Insist on Cutter's. If unobtainable, order direct. trying by means o f these big figures to An invisible aeroplane that may play “ Now. this secretary did not think a nation fights only when it has some THE CUTTER LABORATORY. Berkeley, California get prices down. The market in much about the signature, evidently. hope of winning.— Saturday Evening no inconsiderable part in the Euro pean war was invented by a German London has gone off badly. A cable His head was bothering more with the Post. Mapleton Soon to Have Jack Grant, of Dallas, engineer and demonstrated shortly be quotation being 50 to 90 shillings per Real "One-Hoss Shay." Modern Electric Plant Is State’s Finest Baby cw t., equal to 10.71 to 19.29 cents per problem of how to take two gftls fore the great conflict opened. In down the river on the same boat and The original "one-hoss shay” is now stead of having cloth fabric or other Mapleton — That the natural re Salem — With an almost perfect pound. keep them friends, and also as to the at the Berkshire museum of natural visible material used Tor covering This break in London prices is not state of an extremely flat purse. But history and art. This shay was fea sources of Oregon can be efficiently score, Jack Grant, son o f Mr. and Mrs. the planes this aeroplane is construct tured in u poem. The old chaise was brought under control to the better D. J. Grant, o f Dallas, was awarded a only a severe blow to the English hop habit was strong and he ran off the MEN S A WOMEN'S ed of a sort of transparent celluloid L 1 SHOES presented to the museum by Francis gold medal for being the finest baby growers, but it is also carrying down following letter, ÉL W. that is also fireproof. These celluloid *2.50. *3. *3.50 W. Rockwell, who owned it for many ment o f mankind is being demonstrat entered in the'eugenics contest at the hop prices on the Pacific Coast. The wings let the light through, leaving “ Mr. Fiat Lux, Sjnithville, Ky. My $3.75. *4. $4.50 years. It was formerly owned by the ed successfully by R. H. Clow, the state fair. Doris Lee Gordon, daugh best price reported in the local market only the light framework of the ma ç Æ l t and $5 00 Dear S ir:— I was glad to get your let late Amasa Rice of Pittsfield and his Mapleton capitalist, in the near-com- ter o f I. J. Gordon, o f Portland, won is 13J cents. chine apparent, and when at a height BOYS SHOES The market stood at ter and note carefully its excellent son, Robert A. Rice, has told Mr. of 3000 feet it is practicably Impossi *2 25, *2 50 / that figure just before the war. A fter advice. It is always a pleasure to Rockwell of Oliver Wendell Holmes' pletion o f his electric light and power the girl baby first prize, scoring a *3.00 1 *3.50 ble to detect the aeroplane at all. The frequent visits to examine the old plant that will serve the people of fraction o f a point less than the Grant hostilities began prices started climb hear from you or any of your family, machine is fitted with a silent motor, Over ing until they touched 18-19 cents and i All Sizes child. and I recall with pleasure meeting chaise during his residence in Pitts which is also valuable in enabling an •nd airman scouting over an enemy’s po Now they are back you on the occasion of my last trip too 1 5 0 There was no perfect child as last a fraction over. field, 1848-18*5, and it is believed that Mapleton and the near vicinity. Styles L Widths Some months ago Mr. Clow con year, when Jane Kanzler, o f Portland, again where they started. These low Smithville.’’ this Is how Mr. Holmes gained his in sition to escape detection. A further ' fasst ‘«No«-* " spiration for his famous poem, “ The ceived the idea o f a water plant for was so credited, but the judging this prices, if they are maintainel, will advantage is that the aviator's view As the senator happened to read One-Hoss Shay.” Mr. Rockwell writes Mapeton and summarily put in a small year was far more accurate and the give the shorts an opportunity to cover this over when submitted for signs is not cut off by the planes.— Ameri* that this chaise Is over 100 years old. can Boy. scoring closer. More than 175 babies their sales at a profit. Thousands of ture, it never was sent—and the sec It was formerly the property of Sam dam in a canyon on his land about one- bales o f Oregon hops were sold short uel McKay, one of Pittsfield's first half mile west o f the town. From were entered as against 80 last year, for October delivery at 14 to 18 cents. retary is congratulating himself that : E lectio n Day, 1920. it was not.—Washington Star. citizens In his day, 1793-1834. In the there he piped the water to the con indicating the interest that is being "W here are the women going to?” Two individual sales o f 1000 bales taken in this feature o f the state fair, sumers. Inventory of his estate one item was Said Files-on-Parade; YO U CAN SA VE M O N E Y BY The water from the canyon will now which was inauguarted three years each are known to have been made “ One gig and harness, $130.” Useful Art. “ They’re going to the voting booths,” W E A R I N G W . L. DOUGLAS SHOES. within thifc range of prices. An active Mr. McKay was interested in othei serve two purposes, but to conserve ago. _________ For 31 year* W . L. Doufrlaa ha* guaranteed in* The big policeman said; The man in the automobile duster value by having his name and the retail price covering movement in the near future forms of transit, for record shows every drop o f available water Mr. all so smartly and goggles confronted an artist paint •tamped on the sole before the shoe* leave the fac "W hy are they School Land Point Won. tory. This protects the wearer Rgajnst high prices that “ S. M. McKay, Lemuel Pomeroy Clow has erected an immense concrete can therefore be looked for. dressed?" ing a picture by the roadside. for inferior shoes of other makes. W. I.. Douglas and T. A. Gould wore Incorporated dam, the largest in Western Lane Eggs — Fresh Oregon ranch, case shoes are always worth what you pay for them. If Eugene— Judge Harris, o f the Cir Said Files-on-Parade; “ Say,” said the motorist, “ I’ll giv< you could see how carefully W. 1.. Douglas shoes are with a capital of $240,000 ns the Pitts cuit court, overruled the demurrer of count, 32Jc per dozen; candled, 33@ you five dollars for that picture just made, and the high grade leat hers used, you would i hen “ They hold receptions at the polls,” field & West Stockbridge Railroad county. understand why they look better, tit better, hold their The big policeman said; the defendants to the amended comr 35c. From the dam Mr. Clow has laid 15- and wear longer than other makes for the price. as it is. Don’t put another stroke to thai/e company." Mr. McKay gained the title If the W. 1« Douglas shoes are not for sale in your “ For the women are receiving and Poultry — Hens, 13@13J cents per plaint in the case o f the State o f Ore inch prepared wooden pipe to carry the vicinity, order direct from factory. Shoes sent every "colonel" as one of the governor’s mil it." they’re casting votes today, where. Postage tree In the t\ 8. W r it e f**r lliita- turkeys, young, 18 @ 20c; itary aides.— Pittsfield (Mass.) Cor water down the canyon to his power gon against F. A. Hyde, in which the pound; “ I am really very flattered by youi t r a le d t 'n l u l o * showing how to order by mail. And they’re serving tea in pretty W. L. DOUGLAS, 210 Spark St., Brockton, Mass. respondence, Springfield Republican. house, which is located in the business state seeks to recover school lands al ducks, 10 < gllc; geese, 1 0 @ llc . offer,” replied the artist, “ but why not gowns of mauve and silver Butter — Creamery prints, extras, wait until the picture is finished?” leged to have been fraudulently ob section o f the town. If* f: Y O U * OW N D B I G G I S T WILL TELL YOU Practically the entire town has been tained. The case affects thousands o f 35c per pound; cubes, 30@32c. And they're buying votes with tickets “ Can’t. I need the canvas to mend Try M urine Eye Rem edy for Red, W eak, W atery A W a r Qflctionary. Pork— Block, 10$@13c per pound. acres o f school lands in Oregon and to a nearby matinee. a busted tire with.” —St. Louis Post- Eyes and G rauulated E yelids; No Sm arting— wired but light will not be available Destroying the morale—Getting the For that’s the way they work it in the Veal— Fancy, 12}(813c per pound; Dispatch. it-Eye Com fort. W rite for Book o f the Eye for several days, as Mr. Clow has been may come to trial in the circuit court enemy’s goat. mail Free. M urine Eye Rem edy C o., Chicago. morning! ” » forced to wait for the Southern Pacific in Eugene within the next few months. rough and heavy, 9@10c. Evacuate a position—To beat it. — H afvey Peake, in Truth. Judge Harris recognized the de Vegetables — Cucumbers, $1.50 per to put in a culvert before he can cross PROO F. To delete— To cut out. The theaters and the weather man their right-of-way on the new Eugene- murrer to the original complaint hold box; eggplant, 7c per pound; peppers, To recounoiter— To give the once Yon Can Gel Alton’ * foot-Ea$e fREC. seem to have a well-defined working Marshfield road with his last few ing that the state in waiting for more over. W rite A llen 8. O lm sted, Le Koy, N. Y ., for h agreement. than 10 years after the filing upon the 6c; artichokes, 85c@ $l per box; to lengths o f pipe. A strategical maneuver— To hotfoot b e e »am ple of A llan's F oot-j^ i-e. It cures sweating, hot sw ollen , a ch in g foot. It makes It. Mapleton can boast o f being the lands had procrastinated unduly. The matoes, 30(ri60c per crate; cabbage, new or tight shoes easy. A certa in eu ro for The rose by another name; the kais only unincorporated town that has a state in its amended complaint blamed l i e per pound; peas, 1 0 @ llc ; beans, Official news bureau— The Ananias corn s.In g row in g nails And bunions. All drug er calls the recent retreat of his ar gist! »ell It. 2 oc. D on't accept any subetltut«. club. the Federal government for the delay. 6 @ 8 c; corn, 75c@ $l per sack; celery, water and light plant within itself and mies a "practical maneuver.” A bayonet charge— A stick-up. 50@85c per dozen; cauliflower, $1.25 not owned by a corporation. C h ica g o ’s Good Exam ple. A bombardment— Tearing off the Grand Jurg'Action Asked. @ 1 .7 5 ; asparagus, $2.26; sprouts, 10c Mt. Clow has set a flat rate o f 25 Chicago reports a marked revival It was a temperance cantata, "A Sa lid. per pound. Salem — Governor West announced loonlesH Nation,” and yet the musical cents a lamp for residence purposes. A private dispatch— Highly imagin of business during the last few days. Onions— Yellow, $1@1.25 per sack. Trades seriously hit by the European The entire cost of the project will ag that the evidence obtained by Miss score was full of bars. ary fiction. Green Fruits — Apples, 75c@ $l.S0 Fern Hobbs, his private secretary, in gregate about $6000. The aviation corps— Military high war are said to have shown a pro her investigation o f the charges per box; cantaloupes, $1 @ 1.50 per nounced activity and the inference is fliers. In its probe of wireless wrecks the against M. J. Gersoni, district attor crate; casabas, $1.25(0 1.50 per dozen; A moratorium—I. O. U. 30 days that the fear which the beginning of government will pull all the wires pos Charter Flaw» Caught. hostilities occasioned and which im longer. ney o f Tillamook county, had been pears, $1@1.60 per box; peaches, 45(o sible. mediately oppressed business is pass Salem — Allegations that a charter turned over to the grand jury. The 65c; grapes, 75c@$1.50 per crate; provision to give Salem a business charges against Gersoni are incompe cranberries, $8.50 per barrel. The arm chair strategists have con ing. It ought to be.— Brooklyn Stand War Is going to kill off the derby ard. cluded some one miscalculated in the Potatoes — Oregon, $1.35@1.50 per hat, a report says. That’s bringing it form of government prepared by a tency, failure to attend to his duties present war. Only one guess is al committee o f citizens provided for the and gambling. right to headquarters. sack; Yakima, $1.50. Made in A em rica. lowed. election o f two mayors and that it took Governor West said he had asked The “ made in America" idea «s bo- Hops — 1914 crop, 12 @ 13ie per away from the city the right to con for the official’ s resignataion, but that pound; 1912 crop, nominal. ing eagerly seized by many of the re tract for light and water were made at he had declined to give it. Putnam Fadeless Dyes color in tail merchants in the city, in con Gersoni W ool— Valley, 1 8 i@ 2 0 )c per pound; j a meeting o f the city council. spicuous positions in many stores are cold water. was appointed by Governor West when Eastern Oregon, 16@20c; mohair, 1914 signs which ask the customer to re It was freely admitted that the in the county attorney bill passed at the clip, 27c. quest American-made goods, and to strument contained technical flaws, last session o f the legisalture became Give it Up. Cascara bark— Old and new, 4c per favor American products so far as the and as a result it was referred to a operative. pound. To the Editor— In a fight between comparative qualities will permit.— committee composed o f three council- Cattle— Prime steers, $6 .7 5@ 6.9 0 ; the Austrian battleship “ Nyiercgyhazy Boston Advertisers. Tom—Gee4 But she’s homely. men and three members o f the citizens' Charts o f Cities Ready. choice, $6.500/6.75; medium, $6.26(8 Dick—Homely! Why, an amateur Sctatmar” and the Japanese battle- committee to make the necessary cor A United States government engi Salem— John H. Lewis, state engi 6.50; choice cows, $60/6.15; medium,! photographer would flatter her If he shlh “ Noguchi Hyuchlmacuchi ’ which rections. It was declared that be neer has patented and dedicated to in your opinion would win? $5.25 @ 5 .7 5 ; heifers, $5.50 @ 6 .5 0 ; Who Suffered As Many Girls cause o f the necessity .for making cor neer, announces that topographic maps calves, $6@ 8; bulls, $3 @ 4 .7 5 ; stags, took ber picture. the public easily transported appara A SUBSCRIBER, tus for mine rescue work in cases rections the charter probably would prepared by the state, in co-operation i $4.50©6. Do— Tells How She where the regular hoisting apparatus with the United States geological sur Envious. not be ready for submission to the The One W ho Suffers. Hogs— Light, $8(8.8.05; heavy, $7@ has been damaged. Found Relief. Chatting In front of a motor mart people at the November election and vey, c f Portland, Oregon City, Boring, 7.05. F ig f—The way of the transgressor the tall blonde said to the short that it would have to go over to a Mount Hood, Halsey, Eugene, Blalock is hard. Sheep — Wethers, $4 @ 5 .4 0 ; ewes, Sterling, Conn.— “ I am s girl o f 22 special election or the next general Island, Umatilla, Telocasset, Sumpter, | bnltiette: Fogg— Yes; but the trouble is it is $3 .50 @ 4 .50; lambs, $50/ 6. years and 1 used to faint away every election. Ironside Mountain, Baker City, Mitch "Whadyethink, Mayme says she Is generally hard on somebody else.— ell Butte, Klamath, Ashland, Crater month and was very going to spend her money for a new Boston Transcript. Seattle— Butter is so plentiful that machine.” Lake, Grants Pass, Riddle, Roseburg, weak. I was also Bum s Buildings Rising. "That so?" the short brunette bothered a lot with Shears to Rip Seams. Burns— The work o f rebuilding the Coos Bay and Port Orford are ready. prominent jobbers predict that the Copies may be obtained from the di market will not move in either direc quizzed. "I thought she usually had female weakness. I district destroyed by the August fire Recently patented shears for rip rector o f the United States Geological tion for at least a month. The public her sewing done by a dressmaker."— j ping seams work in the usual way but read your little book purse is not favorable, it is asserted, Youngstown Telegram. A Function Greatly Assisted * Wisdom for Wo has begun. Judge H. C. Levens has Survey, Washington, D. C. have vertical cutting edges that prer to any fancy prices at this time, and I men,’ and I saw how let the contract for the erection o f a Ject In opposite directions from the By a Well-Known | so greater caution is being observed in | o t h e r s h a d been one-story stone building, 50x100 feet, Desperation. arms. $10,000 School Occupied. increasing the cost o f the staple. helped by Lydia E. so constructed that it can be later ex Remedy. “ How long Is that orchestra going to Molalla— Classes a re now being held Caught in the Act. Pinkham’ s Vegeta tended one or two stories more. He in the new $10,000 school building at Dealers declare frankly that the people play In the grillroom ?" asked the nerv will not pay any more for butter than ! ous stranger In a large city. ble Compound,. and expects to have it completed for occu Molalla. Alkali Ike— And so Slippery Sam The attendance shows a they are doing at present. decided to try it, and pancy by January 1. All its floor space “ For several more hours," replied died with his boots on, eh? marked increase over last year. A l Excessive insurance and exchange the clerk. "D o you want to leave a it has made me feel is already leased. George Fry and C. Broncho Bill— No, he died with my though a new district was made with rates, it is expected, will bar New ca lif” like a new girl and I am now relieved A. Bedill will also proceed at once to boots on. That's how he came to die in the former district, the enrollment — Boston Transcript. England imports as long as the war o f all these troubles. I hope all young reconstruct their stone buildings north "A what?" on the first day was 148, against 123 of the All business ™ houses girls will get relief as I have. I never »• —» postoffice. * -« « • • "-. «■. . ^ | , . ____ D _____ continues, and the end o f the conflict! "A call. Do you want ua to wake you The Parent-Teacher* as- „ now M remote that jobbers have Nail-H olding M achine. felt better in my life. ’ ’—Miss B ertha A. damaged by the fire are being repaired. Iasl y?ar- ------------- s o c/a t/^ lm /t spring urged more effec- pr. cti„ |ly al)andoned Jny hope of up?” P kloquin , Box 116, Sterling, Conn. “ Great Scott! No I 01 ve me some For the convenience of carpenters, there has been invented a machine thing to put me to sleep!” Thresher Start. Blaze. ^4 o O O ^ L ^ w J ’ voted for* T new bri" * in* in the forei* " 'r e Maasena, N. Y .— ” 1 have taken Ly which, held In one hand, feeds nails Baker — Sparks from a threshing building. This new edifice, erected at is no incentive to do so at this time, dia E. Pinkham’ s Vegetable Compound Into the position in which they are to Perfun ctory Trouble. -I?,.**0" ? and I highly recommend i t If anyone machine engine did severe damage on a cost of $10,000 is o f the one-story I.— M ost reader* will ho Interrrfs.f to n or* be driven with a hammer held in the .. »...n g to n creamery creamery firsts are *nd W“ hlnKton "That speech you made placing me other. clearly understand why ansljMl» of urine n wants to write to me I will gladly tell the Mrs. Luther Ison farm. The sparks California bungalow style. being turned out at a greater rate than In nomination was a splendid state so Important. In tb** use of M. K X. t>» started a blaze in the stubble at the her about my case. I was certainly in purify the blood. It« Action i* a stimulant the trade can absorb. Ira Astoria Building Started. ment of the case," said the grateful to the myriad of tine blood \e«*ela that a bad condition as my blood was all turn separator and the straw stack. Tax es for Sanitation. Eggs — Select ranch, 41@42c per candidate. make up tho constructive tissues of the Astoriia— The com er stone of Astor- ing to water. I had pimples on my face McCullough saw the flames and pulled The Venezuelan government has de kidneys. All tb«» blood from ail over the dozen; Chinese, 18 @ 22c; Eastern "Yes." replied the old campaigner. elded to use 1 per cent of the import body must pas* through the kidneys. They and a bad color, and for five years I had the engine to safety, and the men ia-s new Y-oung Men’s Christian asso- Aprils, 29c; local Aprils, 32c; fresh "It was a line statement. But we’re as tester* and assay era. And a< cording duties collected for a fund for sanitary net been troubled with suppression. Tha fought the fire with water, sacks and oiation building was laid this week to what they allow to pas* out in th<» urine, ! Eastern, 30@35c. going to have a dickens of a tlm . purposes. both us to quantity and material*, the doctors called it ’Anemia and Exhaus j other improvised methods. The sepa- , with appropriate ceremonies, and in health of the kidney* and the quality of the B utter—Washington creamery firsts, proving It.” tion,’ and said I was all run down, but I rator wa* destroyed, but the feeder and the presence o f S large crowd o f spec- Is determined. The catalytic energy A giddy young maiden named Whitten blood The | tator*. The gtone waa laid by Mra D cubes, 34c per pound; do. bricks, 36c; forced by s. s. s. i* shown ta tic urine. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com | moat o f the belts were saved. Acted frivolously like a kitten. It la also demonatratsd In tha skin And W rong T im s fo r F ru it. 35c; Oregon, 30 _ pound _____________________________ ____Kra,n wa" "light, but a number K. Warren, who donated the site for d t y creamery bricks, brought me out all r ig h t” —Miss a* the blood continue* to sweep through A young man named Green, She— A proverb says that fruit Is L a TISA M y r e s , B ox 74, M asaena, N.Y. ! ° { , a c k 9 belonging to Dr. Ison and Mr. the structure. Addresses were m a d e , ^ s l c ; jobbing basis, 36c; storage. the kidneys tha dominating nature of Wanted her for his queen. Melvin were lost. gold In the morning and lead at night, But In answer she gave him the mitten B. B. H., acting a* 1t does through all the by a number o f men who have been ac-1 1 fresh Eastern, 32@33c. avenues of elimination, ahow* a marked Y o u n g G ir ls , R e e d T h is A d v i c e . meaning that It's bad for one In tbs tively identified with the association’ s Wheat— Bluestem, $1.04 per bushel; decrease of disease manifestation* as dem onstrated by urine analysis. Thl* assist forty-fold, 98c; club. 93c; Fife, 90c; I evening. I suppose. I Girl* who are troubled with painful or Baker Mau TrV ¿ “ ‘ »S tr e e t Cam. work in this city and vicinity. I could tolerate the butcher ance Is a greet relief to the kidneys. Thu He—That's right! Look at the red Russian, 88c; Turkey red, 98c. “ Q- Irregular periods, backache, headache, Baker— A movement is under way And the orders that he brings. body waste* are more eveulr distributed to Ontario Has Tax Fight. Oata— $30/»/31 per ton; rolled bar trouble Adam got Into eating an apple the emunctorle*; their » llmlnatlon Is stira It he wasn't temperamental dragging-down sensations, f a i n t i n g ' n Baker for the establishment o f an nlated by the tonic action afforded the And so fond of cutting things. spells or indigestion.should immediately auto-truck streetcar service to serve Ontario — Proprietors o f the two ley, $26/i/27c; rye, $40; middlings, $35 after Ere.— Boston Transcript. liver, lungs, skin and kidney*. Thus, In (836; shorts, $290/31. case* ef rheumatism, rvstltl*. chronic sore seek restoration to health by taking Ly- ! Went Baker and South Baker, connect- newspapers and the two leading mer throat. huskLnes* o f voice, bronchitis, asth Feed— Bran, - $28(8 29 per ton; chop. An Admirer of Silence. | Jobs you can have: Working on one dia E. Pink ham’ s Vegetable Cooipounc'. inK these points with the businese dis- cantile companies o f Ortario were sum ma sod the myriad of other reflet Ind!-a- "I guess Jawklns and hla wife of those trawlers whose duty it is to tlona of weak kidney action, first purify ________ ___________________ \ trict and giving 5-cent fare in the city moned before the board o f equalisation $31(832; rolled barley, $26(827; al The proposal is indorsed by the Com- at Vale to show cause why their tax falfa meal, $20; alfalfa molasses, $22; haven't spoken for six months. L guess discover German mines in the North your blood with 8. M. S . *<> It will enable N o . 41. 1S14 P. ft . U . the tissues to rebuild the cellular strength | *ea ______________»______ I mereiai club, and it probably will be assessments should not be raised, whole com , $38(839; cracked com , $39 they'll separate." and regain the normal health A. 8. 8. Is prepared by Th« Swift Specific "V.' do they want to separate Tor! j carried out by a coterie o f business This action was takes at the instance 40; feed wheat, $34(835; straw, $9. .127 Swift Bldg.. Atlanta, r,* . and If The dentists have discovered a new Co., ] men, who are also considering a pro- ; o f the Vale Enterprise, and is accepted you have any deep-seated or obstinate blood Hay — Puget Sound, $14 per ton; People who can keep still that, long W H E N "T itle# to ftSvertiecrs. plena« W*y, 1 , , '°J’ ,he pl*ln . ferhapo th .y trouble, writs to U*«ir kiedkal iHpt. i*« Umm tkto p a p a r . _______________________ I posai to establish a motor-truck freight as an incident o f the county seat fight Eastern Washington, $170/18; alfalfa, ought to appreciate each other.” V > ^ tpply it when presenting their bill. free advlca* j line to Eagle Valley. , just opened. $13@14; wheat hay, $12. 0 Smokeless Powder Shells p S fi SUCCESS- Prize- Winning B oys Study State Fair Exhibits Free BLACK LEG IN STERLING LIVES A GIRL Helping Kidneys By Clearing BIcod