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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1922)
WIT MAUPIN GROW Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 8, NO . 13 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. IANUARY 5, THE YEAR $1.50 watch n&n MAUPIN Wapinitia Carl Powell is now employed . by Julius Shipflin. John Calvarly is moving to Estacada for the winter. John Hackler was married in Vancouver on December 30. Geo. Burnside is hauling logs from the Ben Richardson place to Hedin mill. Mr. Burnside will use the lumber for new building on his place. Mr. Cyr has moved his family to Maupin, where he will be em- ployed as clerk at Shattuck's store. Mr. Herbert Levis is clerking at Hartman's store. Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Sinclair are moving to J, I. Wests place where both will work this yfar. Mrs. Anna Smith, who has so long been house keeper for Mr. West, has moved to her home on the Peterson place, Arby Magill of Wauiic was over and spent three days with the Eubanks last week. J, I. Parker went to Wamic Monday to visit with his sisters- R. W. Richmond made a trip to Maupin Tuesday. . Gotleib Teschner hauled a load of freight over from the depot , for Hartmans store last Friday. R. W. and Everett Richmond are cutting wood with a gasoline saw up on Spencer's place for Jim Maddron. John Lewis has charge of the Pool hall during Mr. Evicks sick ness. . Mr. and Mrs. David Sharp and Melba were down from Pine Grove Friday. Bill McClain has cora,e down from his homestead and is enjoy ing few days in Wapinitia. The people of Pine drove met at the school house Friday night for a sing. They plan to hold ike meetings every Friday night. Mr. Bigbee spent his New Year vacation in Portland. Dr. GrirTer of Dufur came to see Pearl Evick Thursday. About a dozen Indians from Yakama came thru here Thurs day, going to Simnasho to cele brate -the coming of a New Year. Al. Dunning was in Maupin Thursday. Rev. Matthews and Harold Stanton were over from Simnasho Thursday. M.. and down in a Mrs. Hedin were fine new cutter on Thursday. The new has arrived. High School piano Wainic News New Years day dawned cloudy' here but the sun came out in the forenoon and a lisht wind blew from the south west melting the snow and it seemed for a while King Winter had lost his grippe; but at night the temperture low ered and froze heavy ice- Snow' is falling today! Pearl and Irene Chub came up from Hood River Monday spend ind the vacation week with their mother, Mrs May Chub. The Christmas dance given here Monday night drew a large crowd of people, many coming from outside places. Percy Driver went to Maupin Wednesday for medicine for Nao ma Magill, who had an att ack of 'pneumonia, Irma I). Munier accompanied him, being on her way to Warm Springs Agency to take up her school after spending her holidays here and at Smock. Alma D. Brittain, of Tygh went to Warm Springs Agency Wednesday whereshe was award ed the position of laundress. Dr. Dake came up from Port land Wednesday, spending the week at the A. E. Lake home. Guy Brittain, of Tygh, went to Bend Wednesday. Roy Herick, of Silverton spent New Year Party Enjoyed Given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B- Dahl a party which was enjoyed by all. The old year was spent in playing Five Hun dred. At 12 A. M.. the bells were rung, guns fired, refresh ments served. The New Year was welcomed by music, songs, and dancing. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Clark Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dahl, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Hauser, Mr. and Mrs. E. Karlen, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Pybrun, Misses Clara Hauser, Alta Weber, Messer. J. S. Pierce Fred and Will Weber. the latter part of last wek at the Dick Palmateer home'. Noah Kinwortby came over from Friend Thursday remain ing until New Years day with his mother at the Dick Palmateer home. Vi!!i? Willard went to Dufur Wednesday. His sister, Miss Leona ; eeompained him home1 after sp' ding a few days with Miss Verne Martin at that place. The gills had been, employed at the cannery in The DaUes. J. R. Woo leock returned Sat urday for a vneks stay at Smock. Smock gave a New Years dance at the Frank Shoo1 house Friday night. Many were in attendance Rev. Allie Pratt conducted services at the clinch New Years day. Mr3, Josie Lake fntertained with cards New Ytai eve. the guests remained until midnight watching the old year He and witnessing the birth of il-p New Year. A lunch was served. Mrs. Jessie Woodcock find children of Smock spent J week at the Frank Driver hu e Clifford Palmateer and Wi U Willard attended the dance oi. Smock Friday night. Kcbekahs Install 0.1 Wednesday evening J in i ary 4th, 1922, Wapinitia Rebekah Lodge no 194 1. 0.0. F, installed the following officers: Violet Crabtree, N. G. Lelah Davidson, V. G. Lottie Donaldson, Sec. Ica Derteick, Treas. Franci3 Talcott, Con. Bertha Stovall, W. Lydia Frrley, R, S. N. G. Margaret Wilson, L. S. N. G Vena Kaiser. R. S -V. C. Dee Talcott, L. S. V. G. Lester Crabtree, 1, S. G. Roy Crabtree, 0. S. G. Graee Chalmers, Chap. After in3ta!!atk n refreshments were served. Around Maupin Don't forget the Pendleton Woolen Mills robes and blankets at R. E. Wilson Co. j House for rent Mrs. Sinclair. Wapinitia Oregon. Write orca 1 15F2. Reduced prices in Ivory Fyra lin at Maupin Drug Store. Mr and Mrs. Harvey Mnin and daughter Miss Irma, spent! New Years at the Bill Murr's home in The Dalles. They it turned to Maupin Monday. John McCorkle, and son On en were in Maupin Tuesday. Leonard and Harry, Weburg are, visiting their mothe.- and sist"M in Maupin this week. B. F. Turner, our postmaster is suffering from an abscess iu his ear. Mrs. R. W. McCorkle is on t he sick list. Portland Painless DeiitM, 30.r, Second St. The Dalles Orejnm, All work guaranteed, W. T. . Slat ten 1, D. S. Proprietor, j Get your supply of woolen blankets at Wilson's. j Sid Wil m mid Harold Ruther ford were in Maupin Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aubery left l' i t?r)ay for Fossil where they will work in a hotel. Bo n to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Head, January 1st, a son. Floyd Kelly vW in Maupin Sunday. The Misses Ica T) rthick and Phyllis Fkcber who spent the holidays in Portland returned heme New Years day. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Tinpl and daughter Corrine, attended the dance at Wapinitia , Mpx Years evening and spent Bun- day at the R. M. Cant-well borne. E. A. Cyr and family, who for the past three .months -have resided at Wapinitia, have return ed to Maupin and will be enipoy ed in Shattuck Brother atoia The II. F. Wojdcick family mo"cd into their new bungalow last week. Bud Hollenbeck, and the Rust brothers were business cal'ers at the Maupin State Bank Friday. Jack Kelly? was in Maupin Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F. 'M. Confer and daughter Hazel, were in Maupin Saturday. Rev. Walter and eon Jeste returned from The Dalles Friday where they had been having den tal work done. Godlieb Teschner brought a load of household goods to Mau pin for E." A. Cyr. P. J. Olsen was in Maupin Saturday. Vina' Ayers left Friday for Monmouth, where she will attend Normal school. , Job Crabtree was a Maupin visitor Friday. Jess Fleming was a Maupin visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Shepflin were business callers in Maupin Saturday. M. F. VmLaanen retrtn.ed from The Dalles Saturday v. here he had been having some duntal work done. ' Sam Winchester, who was call ed to Enterprise by the serious illness of his father, is back to work again. Mrs. J. H. Woodcock and little daughter bene n turned from Hood River Saturday where they have spent the holida s. Dewey Bothwell went to Port land Friday to receive niedienl treatment; I C LIS AN ROOMS Wasco County resident will appreciate a pleasant home and delicious meals w hen in The Dalles if you make your headquarters at HOTEL QBAR Mis. N. W. I THE DALLES tea ota iLcii S FUNERAL HOME 1100 Kelly Ave. The DaUes, Ore. Plume Main 3-151 BLACHSMITHING Horseshoeing, Wheel and Wood Worll, 5hcr Grinding nt Rr-asonnble Rates . F. MARTIN Pay your bills by CHECK And You Will Always Hae a RECEIPT Maupin State Bank We Strive to, Merit Approval v.. R. W. McCorkle is spending the holidays with his family in Maupin. Carl Powell' was in Maupin Friday from Pine Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Snodgrass were in MauDin Saturday. Mrs Mary Cunningham was in" Maupin Saturday. Miss Amy pavidson from The Dalles, spent the week end here with friends. Lewis Derthick left Monday Lr Corvallis to resume hU studies. NEW MANAGEMENT Flinn, Prop. OREGON anon