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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1920)
THE MAUPIN TI Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 7, NO 5 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1920 THE YEAR $1.50 COMING MOT Thursday November 18 Hast the well Known Western Star ng DBiii i n The Preacher and the Bandit and Rainbow Comedy HOTEL MAUPIN Under New Management HILL'S GASH STORE ' Your Money Goes Farther At Hill's" Why stay in the same old rut year after year? Do you know when you have a bill charged you pay for having it charged? Do you know you also pay the other fellows bill; that doesn't pay at all. The credit system could not exilt if it wasn't run that way, Why pay the other fellows bill? Will also carry a small supply of fresh meat. We have a full line of groceries includ ing Great American Coffee, Karo Syrup ,Fresh Apples, Oranges, Banan as, Nuts, Candies, Cigars, Tobacco, Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes. Meat Market in Connection With Store S. N. Wapinitia Oregon Get your Thanksgiving Turkey at Cyrs. I"or Sale Chopped barley, George Claymire. Get your Fresh Bread daily at Andy's Place We now handle the Butter-Krust Bread Try our Hazelwood Ice Cream It's Refreshing Home Cooked Meals Breakfast 7 to 9 A. M. Dinner 12 to 2 p. m. Supper 5:30 to 8 P. M. Short Orders all Day Fresh Meat at all Times H. ANDERSON, Prop. Local Interest Mrs. Marie Criger of Portland formerly of this place visited friends here last Friday. Mike Creager was a Dalles visitor the last of the week. Jack Staatsand Mr. and Mrs. John Confer were passengers to Madras Friday night. Attv. Dufur was a Dalles busi ness caller Monday. Mrs. W. H. Staats visited at Dufur Hood RiverandThe Dalles last week. Mr. and Mrs. Staats are p'a ning to move to Port land for the winter. Goo. Woodruff was a Manpin caller Wednesday. He recovered his ear which was stolen at The Dalles some time ago. A lone seventeen year old hoy had driven it from there to Walla Walla. Willis and Vernie Norval and li. and Mrs. Al Uillii were Maupin callers Wednesday from Winnie. A nice assortment of Ivory Pyi liu, on display at the Maui'Hi Drug Store Mrs Mary M Disbrow of De 0refc6n, ncconipanied y; serin horn i uesday and will be a guest ;ii this d't'ice forsolne time. J. P. Abbott, H, N. Dodge Mi ami M ri .1 S. Brown were ii Manpin li.nn Wayiliitla Friday Matipin e perienced the first enow of tin: season following y unusual cold spell. Frank Gilliam of Dalles visited B. L. Turnei h few days thii week. The men are eonsius. Don A Slog ( (ill was in towi yesterday and reports excellent Btieccys in preserving cgs h water glass. He si ales that thej had during the low ui iocs of eggi in May and June put down 3t dozen eggs, which when openet recently are lound tolmve kept perfectly and could not be dis tinguished from fresh eggs. Get your Xnias cslem ai'8 al the Maupin Times. Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Wriahl oi Outlook Washington in xakima Valley stopped in Maupin lsl night on their return trip from visit in Indianapolis and dift' i ent points in Virginia and North Carolina. Mrs. Wright stated thai this is her .seventh trip across the continent being the second by auto. They own a large hay ranch al Outlook and formerly a twenty six acre fruit orchard at Natchez Washington. Come in and sec our very com plete line of handsome Xmas gift calendars sold at cost al The Times, Dr. L. H. De Janvier accompa nied her sister Mrs. W. 0. Miller home from Portland, making a short stay in Maupin and then going on lo Redmond to investi gate opportunities for a chiro practic practice there. Decorated 42 piece Chini Dinner Sets $12.00. Maupin Drug Store II. A. Muller mads a trip to Maupin Wednesday. Mrs Sarah Camber stopped over night with her niece Mr?. W. O. Miller on her way to Tacoma to visit her daughter Mrs. Grace Castor. Charles 'raw ford and wife of Wamic wre in Maupin Wed nesday. H. B, Lindlv came in from Bakeoven Thursday. School Notes A Basket Social al Slmttuck's Hall November 20th Saturday night. The proceeds to be applied on paying foe a piano for the school. The Ladies are ALL earnestly solicited to bring baskets, the not quite so young and the not yet quite so young as well as the young ladies married or not married. The baskets of the little misses from about the 7th. grade down will be auctioned off in a separate lot for the especial pleasure of the little masters ol the community, I must assuredly beg pardon for using language that led some to believe that I hey were not in cluded In the invitation to bring baskets ll was a much regretted blunder on my part, By order ol the committee all arc not onl) invited but solicited In bring baskets and be pre; nl for h pleasant social evening, The cIsbs leaden for the Lud. month are 5th. Ira Kidder, dlb.- Helen Wcberg, th.- Winifred Kaiser' 8th. Ari bur Philmlec. Freshman Hazel Williams. Sophomore Mabel C.yr. Junior Lester Grofoot. Senior Lewis Deri luck. Those deserving special men lion from the I rammer Roomari Winifred Kaiser, Jean Wilsoi iiid Helen Weberg. From tb Hi Hazel Williams, Jess Walter, Lorrain Stovall. Mabi I Cvr. A. M. Winn, Prin. PRICES Many attractive coat at The Times. calendars at PATRONIZE Maupin State Bank We Strive to Merit Approval Smock Items 1). M. Stancliff went to Mosier Monday. J. C. Brad way was a business visitor in Maupin Monday. Alonso Parrisb is a visitor at i he J. M. Farlow home, the gentlemen being cousins. Election passed off qoietly. A number ol ladies voted theii preference tor their husbands) for the candidate named. Special election next Saturday at the school house, lo vote on b school tax. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mgyfielo and daughters Mary and Ver; were Saturday and Sunday visit ors in Wamic at the items o Mrs. WihiH Mayfteld Itoberti A ho has been quite ill. A little baby uirl came in 1 1 1, home of Mr. and Mrs. Mijrmi Duncan to gladden their hem Monday November htn. All hi doing well, luteresl In the Sunday Sehoo is reviving with the approach ol winter, Mr. Eadsle preachini jplendid sermons, The greai pity is more people do not conn out to hear him, WILL FOLLOW THE DOWNWARD TREND jnst as fast as the markel will j utify it. and wt do not expect to wait until our present stock is sold before tie reduce prices on goods in stock. Reductions have already been made on mtny staples. All shoe prices have been re lu ;ed 10 percent, Ginghams Outing Flannels and Percales, regular 45 and 60 cent values reduced to 35 cents, Overalls and Khakis reduced 60 centl per pair, and other items will he reduced I as fast as the market shows a decline that will juatifi it. We desire to protsct you at all times. However we ask that yo i do not expect too radical a reduction at once, as it takes, in t'i li P sotton g)lj, for exam K four or six months for cheaper cotton to reach the consumer through the regular ihannela in tta manufacture I article. We verify thii statement by culling our iti lention lo the flour market w hich still holds high iscompared to I he present price of wheal. SHATTUCK BROS. The House of Better Service Ford Prices Before the War In 1904-05 and ( Ford Touring Cars sold for $2,000.00 F. O. B. Detroit. The new price is $440.00 F. O. B. Detroit and the present Ford Cars are the best cars the Ford Motor Com pany ever made. Regardless of 146,065 orders on file for immediate delivery and millions of Jollars worth of high priced raw ma terial on hand, the new Ford prices were fixed on a pre-war basis in an -jflbrt to bring the business of the country and the cost of living to nor mal again. The war started in 1914. Compare the new Ford prices, now in effect, with the 1914-15 prices. Dr. L. B. De Janvier. Graduate f Pacific Chiropractic College General Drugtesa Method Chronic Diseases A Specially. I will maintain an office it Manpin if possible to regittei six patients by Tuesday evening; register or phone the Time:.. Mesdames Elsie Beckwith, Lottie Donaldson, Susan Kellj and Vena Kaiser are conducting e Red Cross drive and judging by the profusion of buttons and placard:" it has Urn w'dy successful. The broken flanks on the I tec I hrtdiie is neiiitf replareri with new under the supervision of P. .1. Olsen. Sell. Miller and family moved in from Criterion yesterday for the winter. E. H. Ashley bob Arthur and Myrtle Britton were- over from ffffh VVnJiif .dny. New 1120 1911.1913 l'nrd I'riirs I'nul Prices , '!,.; - i -; - - $360.00 $410.00 Runatottt - 395.00 440.00 touring - 140.00 190.00 Sedan, wi h darter, 795.00 755.00 without starter Coupe, with itarter, 743.00 750.00 without starter All Hi above prices are F. O. B. Detroit The new Ford prices are a cut to the limit. The new Oregon allotment of II7( l ord e;irs per month assures you of reasonably prompt delivery. You want one yon need one place your order now and get one. Fischer's Garage Maupin Sole Hi i HCHlativen GANNETT MOTOR CO., Authorized Dealer "Every Oregon Driver Needs a Ford Enclosed Car"