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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1920)
THE MAUPIN TIM ES Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1920 VOL 7, NO 4 THE YEAR $1.50 "It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's F. M. Jory all Staple Groceries Fresh Meat Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Butter-Nut Bread Doughnuts and Buns House Dresses Woolen Goods HATS HATS HATS "It Pays to Pay Cash at JoryV HILL'S GASH STORE Your Money Goes Farther At Hill's" Why stay in the same old rut year after year? Do you know when you have a bill charged you pay for having it charged? Do you know you also pay the other fellows bill; that doesn't pay at all. The credit system could not exist if it wasn't run that way, Why pay the other fellows bill? Will alsocarry a small supply of fresh meat. We have a full line of groceries includ- ing Great American Coffee, Karo Syrup ,Fresh Apples, Oranges, Banan as, Nuts, Candies, Cigars, Tobacco, Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes. Meat Market in Connection With Store ' S. N. Hi Wapinitia Oregon Get your Thanksgiving Turkey 1'or Sale Chopped barley, at Cyrs. George Claytnire. Get your Fresh Bread daily at Andy's Place We now handle the Butter-Krust Bread Try our Hazelwood Ice Cream It's Refreshing Home Cooked Meals Breakfast 7 to 9 A. M. Dinner 12 to 2 p. m. Supper 5:30 to 81'. M. Short Orders) all Day Fresh Meat at all Times II. ANDERSON, Prop. . Big Turnout Great enthusiasm was shown for the election here Tuesday. The highest number of votes were cast of any election since Criterion was made a separate preefnet. Loyalty to the demo cratic administration was dem onstrated by a vote of 87 for Cox and 66 for Harding. About a dozen wrote Jheir names ? in for constable and fifteen wrote in the name of W. H. Williams. 0. B. Derthick was named eleven times for Justice of the Peace. However, he may not have to qualify as E. J. Fischer has four years of i is term remaining. The county return? show Senator Nickels'en. District Atty Galloway, Coun I y Clerk Ct'ich to", Coroner Ikuget, F. L. Pe-t'-r hi for treasurer and L. B. Kelly for commissioner, elected over their opponents. j Tygh Valley Q. C. Morrow left for his new J home at Bois4 last Saturday. Mr. MoiT"w rented his garage to Jones who will run it during the winter. Z. A. Wmkinfl left for Kent last Monday. A number of our youiiK people attended the dance ttt Wainic last Friday. Tygh Vall'-y h hool lias been growing so fast, ihat the school board at a pppcial meeting held Oct. 19 decided to hire it new teacher. At present e have three teachers, Mias Blanehard, primary; Mr. JJlanehard, inter mediate, and H. S. Nediy. high ' school. Supt. A. E. Gronewald vitited our school Oct. ilO, and sctined pleased with the grade of v, rk done by the pupilu. A prtriotic play, The Call ol the Colors will be given by the school pupils Friday, Noyeinber 12th. An invitation is extended to the people of the neighboring towns to be present. Two grades, the ninth and tentu, are represented in our high school thus far. A cordial invitation is extended to the young people of Tygh Valley to take advantage of the new stand ard high school. Iiitereuting. courses are to be offered; basket ball and volley ball teams ar6 to organize in the near future and contests of all kinds are to be arranged vith the neighboring schools. , Lets get together and make Tygh Valley high school the winning school of Southern Wasco county. Be sure to attend the school play, basket social and dance at Tygh Friday No?. 12th- Ladies please baskets. A nice assortment of Ivory Pyralin, on display at the Maupin Drug Store. Muller-Cook Miss Florence Muller of Tygh Valley very quietly surprised her many friends Wednesday when she became the bride of Lester Cook, a weathy farmer of the Grass Valley section,- The cere mony was read by Rev. Father O'Rourte at his residence in The Dalles, and witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Guy Reddington, brother-in-law and sister of the bride. After a visit in Portland, Salem and other valley points Mr. and Mrs. Cook will be at home in their handsome modern cottage near Grays Valley. School Notes The pregiuni given by the School Literary Society last Fri day was a succes". Several par ents and friends were in attend ance. We wish we might nif'et more of the patrons at these; meetings. The next program will be given November 26tk By accident Winifred Kaiser's name was omitted from, those deserving special mention. For your Savings Campaign we have enrolled 25. Just half enough. For your health crussde we have enrolled 24. About 5(V pnr cent. -These figures are-a little disapointing, Exams Thursday and Friday of this week. Do not forget the box soi'ial for the piano fund November 20, A. M. Winn. Prin. PEACES At the Church Services Nov. 7. , Suuduy school 10 a. m. Preaebiog 11 a. ua Preaching 7:30 p. iu. Thy second quarterly meeting will commence Friday Nov. 12th 4ud will continue over Sunday, ivith a tukiionary service Sun day at 2:30. All. are cordially invited to attend all of the 4cv icea, H. A. Waller. PATRONIZE Maupin State Bank We Strive to Merit Approval Local Items WILL FOLLOW THE DOWNWARD TREND jnst as fast as the market will justify it. and we do not expect to wait until our nresent stock is sold b?fore we reduce prices on goods in stock. Reductions have already bean made on many staples. All shoe prices have been reduced 10 per cent, Ginghams Outing Flannels and Percales, regular 45 and 30 cent values reduced to 35 cents, Overalls and Khakis reduced 50 cents per pair, and other item9 will lie reduced just as fast as the market shows a decline that will justify it. We d-'siro' to protect you at all times. However we ask that you do not expect too radical a reduction at once, as it lake. i, in the jn. of cotton irnk for example, four or six months for cheaper cotton to reach the consumer tli rough the regular channels in the m tu'.'e I ai'lide. We verify thU "statement by calling jour aiteution to the Hour market which still holds high as compared to the present price of whent. SHATTUCK BROS. The House of Better Service ' "A Sal IPJms to Trad" " Ford Prices Before the War In 100 105 and 6 Ford Touring Cars sold for $2,000.00 F. O. B Detroit, The new price is $440.00 F. O. B Detroit and the present Ford Cars are the best cars the Ford Motor Com pany ever made. Regardless of 140,065 orders on file for immediate delivery and millions of dollars worth of high priced raw ma terial on hand, the new Ford prices were fixed on a pre-war basis in an American Legion dance ut Maupin, November 13. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mallatt of Bakeoven and Mr. aud Mrs. K. L Ilauaer of Tygh went to The Dalles Tuesday for a couple daye visit. Any one having hogs to bhij notify Job Crabtrce or Dolphus Ma.yb.ew as we have half a cai load and want to ship No' ember 15th. to 20th'. A. C. Martin is erecting a building on the rear of his lot for a garage and woodhouse. How about a flash-light foi winter's use. Two cell f-rual) ii29$1.00, complete with battery Two cell large complete $1.8r Three cell complete with batter $1.75. This is pre-war prices. Maupin Drug Store. The freeze of Sunday night. worked a hardship on most of the flower gardens of Maupin Mrs. W. H. Williams lost her chrysanthemums and a water stand pipe in their yard burs ted Let us f'gute with you on j oin painting and wa'l paper. Maupm Drug Store. Oregon Trunk freijjht train. have been reduced to one trait a week, the night train handling the txta freight. Several of the young people from here attended the dance at Shaniko Tuesday night- Jory's have a lot of fine, home grown tomatoes on gale. How - i that for November? effort to bring the business of the country and the cost of living to nor mal again. The war started in 1914. Compare he new Ford prices, now in effect, with the 1914-15 prices. ,.iHv.S!S - Sedan, vi'li starter, o'.ip'.', ytilk. ;1hi ((t, Newin;o WIM'JIS Fotd Piirei Ford Trim $300.00 $110.00 395.00 410.00 440.00 490.00 795.00 755.00 without starter 745.00 750.00 without starter AH Ihs a!;-n v )mrv ore V. O. B. Detroit The new Fmu prices are a cut to (he limit. The new Oregon allotment of 1176 Ford cars per mouth assures you of reasonably prompt delivery. You wantoncyou need one place your order now and &et one. F ISC Garage Maupin Sole livpnscnlativvs GANNETT MOTOR CO., Authorized Dealer ''Every Oregon Driver Needs a lord Enclosed Cat"