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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1920)
,1 The Maupin Times Ip----- . PL E, WBLSGN CO. NOTICEOR PUBLICATION Depart tni'iiL uf lln' Inferior U. S. I.iiikI OI1ic Ml. The Ditlk-H, Ore gon, Oi'tlior 1, JOT). Notic In liwrhy Kivmi that AIM V, I'iBloy, of Dufur, Oi''U"M, wlm mi Ocliplipr 11, 11)15, imi'lo A'lilitiorml llnnieHlcHil tflitry No. UI6WJ, for wl 2 Mtt l 4, Ken, IB, mid wl-Z nw 4, Sw'liim aa, Tuwimhip H south, Hhh(? 13 l"l, WillHiiiPltP Meridian. Iihb lileil nolicfl uf intention to mile lliri'c ypi' piuuf, to eHlnbliuli claim ( the linifl above ikucilbed, before ileKwlur and Kereivpr. Utiitod States Land Office, ft The Dulles, Ore KOii. on tin' 3rd day of Dw?nilr, HWl Cliiimuiit nmn"H Hit wilneHHca: Willis Owliitmn, of Krlnd, OrKon, .1. 8. F rainy, of TIm' PhIW-b. Oregon, M. M. Glavoy, of Dufur. Uri'K"". F, A. French, of The Didk'H, Oregon. 11, Friuik Woodcot-lt, Jleglhtcr. Published every l'iiUy at Mnuijiti, .lensiliiie ft. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: One year, fi.V'f ix nicjiillit, 75 cents; three months, 50 Kntcicd as seiiind cliiss mail mullet September J, lyM, l the post office nl Maupin , Olefin, un der the Act of March 3, i7V. Wamic News NOTlCr. I'OK I'UnUCATION )i!iiiirl.iiii'iit of I lie inferior. U. S. f. 11 nd Ollii-u til The Duller Ore jfon, October M, V.)W. Notice m hereby (jivon Unit, Hen F. It i-lmrdnon . whoso ;oat-o(n addrotw is Wnpinitiu, Oregon did on Urn J:ttli day ot January 1920, tile in I bin offii'i' Sworn State ment mid Application No. H2I238, to purchase the NBl-4 sul 4, Section 35 Township 5 Koiilh, lianae 11 East, Willamnlle Meridian, and llio limber thereon, under the provifdons of the act of dune 3, ItjVH, "d actR ?menda tory, known us the "Timber and Stone I.hw," at audi value as might be fixo by appraiaement, and "'at, pnisnant to siieli application, the land and timbei tliereoi) have been appraised, One Hun dred Twenty-flv Dollars the timber estimated 5ti M board feet at fl.SO pei M. and the land $30.(10; that snid ap plicant will offer final proof in aujport of his application and sworn statement on the 10th day of January, 1921, be fore Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon. Anv csrsun is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a nnntit ot. aril' tirnfe btfors Ditent issues, bv filing corroborated affidavit in this 'office, alleging: facts vhich would defeat the entry. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE EUR Ft'BL'.CAIlON Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, October 19. 1920. Notice is hereby given that Grover Franklin Douglas, of Kaskels. Oregon, who on October, 5, 1920, made Additional Homestead Entry No. v2!2ii, tor S"rl-4'Ei-4, bee, 28. Swl-4NEl-4. Sl-l.NWl-4.rwl-4K'l 4 KW1-4SE1-4, Nl 2s'.v Section 33, Township 7 south, Ranee 11 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, United States Coimii!9'.oner, at Maupin, Ore gon, on the 9th day of December, 1920. Claimant names a witnesses: B. A. Marx, of KaUla, Oregon, Owen I. Brown, The Dalles, Oregon, W. O. Ward, of Kaskela. Oregon, John Farre, of Kaskela, Oregon. 11. Fiank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR TVBLICATION Department of the Interior V. S. Land Office at Ibe Dalles, Ore goo, October )9tb, 1920. Notice ia hereby given that James L. Maddron, of Wapiidtia, Oregon, who on Novem ber 18, 1915, made Homestead entrv Nn 015591, for f-F.l Ihf.I 4. l-2r-Et-4. NEl 48B1-4. Section 4, vT 2ul 4, r;yl-4sKl-4 and l-l 4?vl-4, Section 9. 'J'ovnship 6 south, liange IS east, Wil lamette ivtei'idisn, has filed botice of intention to make final three year proof tu establish claim to the land above described, before- F. D. Stuart, If. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore gon, oivthe9lh day of December, 1920. Ciainiaiil names as witnfiseu; W. D. Mi-flair., Ed Davis, A. W. Dunning, Jesse Le"'i, all of Wpimi, Oregon. H. Frank WotdcJck, Register. Mr. and Mrs. Orange Britton wnt to The Dalles Thursday, l'pmaininjt over nij,rVit. . P. Butler was here from The Dalles Wednesday. Judge M. C. George of Port land, Paul Childers, W. L. Cj ich- ton, C. N. Hurgel, and M. L. Peterson of The Dalles were here Thursday. Mrs. ,1. P, Illinu'sworth of. The Dalles is a guest at the John Ingswortli home. Raymond Doering hauled lum ber from here last week to lower Tygh. Mrs, Doralhy Ferguson aeeom liartied hev btutber Carl Dahl from Portland and is spending the week at the Dahl home in Tygh. Misses Lucile .Kennedy and Lou Jone3 accompanied Mr. Kennedy from The Dalles to Portland last week, returning Spnday. Many weie in attendance at the dance Friday night. Mrs. Mabel Hull was called heie from Grass Valley to attend her mother, Mrs. Jessie Luca. Sam Douglas, Cliff Palmateet and Ruf Abbott returned Sun day to Hood River after attend ing the dance here Friday night. Willis and Vernie Nerval bare purchased their father's place. Will Non-al rented the G. L. Wood house and moved here today. A. F. Flegel of Portland and John Gavin of The Dalles ga' e policical addresses here Satur day afternoon. Frank Wood cock accompanied them here from The Dalles. Miss Hilda Lake gave a card patty Saturday night to about eighteen of her friends. The temperature dropped to 13 above last night. Guy Britton is home from his Summer's work in Sherman county. Percy Driver and Belvie Pali son went to The Dalles today. For Sale A pure bred white faced bull, raised bv J. E Kennedy. 5 years old last upiing, weight between 1G0O and 1700 pounds, in good condition. Will take $125 00 for htm if taken in ner.t three weeks U. S. Kndersby, Maupin. I'or Sale All kinds of li'ogh lumber ami some dressed lumber. Plenty oi Shiplap. Rough lumber $25 pel M; other grades in proportion. Mill van v Bros. Mill. A. D. Gibbs of Dufur was in to-rn Saturday. The family were formerly residents of Wamic aid Tygh Valley. 'f( M ill I 1 1 w uoouyear 1 n e Last Lonner IN Goodyears you will find tires that positively go farther and last longer, And in the smaller sizes of Good years you will (mil embodied as hih a relative value as in the famous Goodyear Cords. Our large stock of Gwu ears en ables you to obtain immediate delirery, SUATTUCK HKOS. (toodvear llvv Tourist -the feak of Tube Perfection QUALITY-FIRST, ALWAYS You will pay the Right Price here,, our policy is conscientious, and we promptly pass on to our customers every advan taee through declining prices or our buys. The present disturbed market conditions emphasize the importance of this policy to our customers. We Will Sell You a BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPH for a small payment down and a small payment each month HENDERSON CORSETS Try them You will be satisfied A Case Tractor We have here for demonstration a 15-27 Case Tractor and would like to have you come in and look it over and observe the many fea tures it has that are not found in any other tractor on the market. You can do more days work with a Case at less cost. Before you decide what tractor you want in vestigate the Case then you will be able to make comparisons. We Are Proud-0f our lines. Oliver Gang and Walking Plows Oliver Tractor Plows Winona Wagons Oliver Farm Implements Wc also have exclusive agencies on many other staple articles and invite your patronage. MAUPIN MORRIS BROS. Real Estate, Loans, and Insurance HOTEL MAUPIN Under New Management it in -j Mrs. W. O. Miller was a pas snger to Portland Tuesday for 1 few day's business visit. Let U9 take your measure for ujr new winter suit-while the asBoitment is complete. R.' E Wilson Co. The O. T. paint crew p;ere through here recently and im proved the appearance of the section house and the interior of j the depot. Decorated 42 piece China Dinner Sets $12.00. Maupin t'luj Store. Help our school by bringing a basket to ths big entertainment ind basket sociil Saf urday even Nor. 20. Proceeds go to !iy for a piano. C. H. Qrofoot h;b built a porch 1 his cottige "here and the f'.mily are rtyoviiVR in for the " inter months. J. W. Ian-yer of the tractor 'l"parttr,ent of the Gannett Mo l 'rC, The Dalle?, was a busi r' visitor in this section this eek. For Sale One team of waves ears old; 11 bi'fak goi'd ,cadets. weight about 1300 lbs Miqnire xt Times!. L. D.1 Kelly is putting -up a 'lie cellar at his gjtrden on Bake oven. - - v-- Jack Staata has a collection of yery interesting pictures of scenes near Mt. Jefferson where he wag in the Government em ploy this summer. Mr. Staats leaves today for siniilar duties in central Oregon. Everybody is interested in advancement of Maupin and. Southern Wasco county. Come and hear Dr. J. W. Brewer, irri gation specialist at Shattuck's ball, Saturday evening, Nov. 20. For Sale -25 head of Ewe? tud Lambs. -G. C. Allen. Mrs. Jory was a Dalles visitor last peek. The 4 tli annual Red Cross roll call November 11 to 20, 1920. He prepared for the committee vhen they call. About 7 tons of hay, wheat and rye mhed -G. E. Cunning ham, Maupin Oregon. The moving picture, The Great j Air Robbery shown here last I night was very much appreci I ated. W. D. Aldiidge went to Dufur i yesterday after a load of apples. Does Poultry Pay? Only when you keep the best. My hens are bred to lay, not for fine feathers. All my hens have ten, some fifteen 200 egg ancest ors; are mated with cockerels whose dams have a record of two hundred and eighty eggs. Cockerels for sale at $3.50; a few May hatched pullets at $1.50 each if taken at once. - Pure bred Barred Rocks. Don A. Stogsdill, Maupin. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Young were in town today and added their name to our growing list of Times .eaeers. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Batty were here from Wapinitia Monday. School Play, Basket Supper and Dance Tygh Valley Friday, Nov. 12th tup full HC THE. r:nT.f)l!S A n;liinlio nlav in twn arts. Tn ilio firf rw-t a red cross gauze room is shown, where tense interest is lightened by comedy. In the second act, the scene k transported to a French Chateau near the firing line. A plucky girl unmasks a spy, saves a supply of ammunition from bomdardment and it, D stai-a ntitl Si ri nps m fltiatiiisf bv. Military enthusiasm, mvsterious intrigue ami lilt UlUItJ M (j- CJf v w - - es" a war-time love itory. CHARACTERS: Mrs. Hilary Sally Mariam Lee Lois ,aura Madge Kistncr Doris Bonney Regina Muller Leta Blanchard Vesta Hardin Ailceu Nickerson Miss Smith A Visitor Cecile Vilette Sergeant Hilton Harrison Ray Billy Zelda Watkins Altie Weber Madge Kistner Aileen Nickerson Dudley Weisbeck Claude Hart Paul Muller it A i 1