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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1916)
MMJPIN Peyotedto tle Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 2, NO. 43 MAJP(N, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, $ THE YEAR $1.50 THE TIMES y CfmTUCDA PREMIUM LIST I . j wiern rniniTvtc Fo.urthj Annual . FAIR To Be Held At t TYGH VALLEY, OREGON 'Wednesday, Thursday and Friday September 13th, 14th, 15th, . H. McAtee, Pres. . J, E. Kennedy, Yice Pres. . F. C. Butler, Sec. J. T. Harper, Treas, - ! DIRECTORS LD Kelly J.S.Brown K. L. Hauser John Engles W. . McAtee I. E. Kennedy ,-. . FfC. Butler J.T.Harper Produce Grown on Bottom or Irrigated L,and FARM PRODUCE DIVISION A No. Entry Premium Exhibit of graiu . ... Half Bushel Turkey fted Wheat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 $1.5 l.oo 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 j. 00 I. DO 1.00 J. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 Half Bushel Oats any variety i.oo Half Bushel shelled Corn J,0o Twelve ears Pod Corn i.oo Twelve Ears Sweet Corn i.oo Twelve ears Field Com ,. i.oo Half Bushel Forty-fold Wheat Half Bushel Club Wheat ..'. ... Half BusheJ Bluestem Wheat ; Half Bushel any other variety winter Wheat Half Bushel any other variety spring Wheat Half Bushel Rye any variety Half Bushel Beardless Barley ., Half Bushel Irish Barley Half BusheJ Blue Barley.... Half Bushel Barley any variety Sheaf Stalks Sweet Corn i.oo Sheafj 2 talks Field' Corn i.oi Sheaf 6 inches in diameter Alfalfa i.oo Sheaf 6 inches in diameter Clover 1.00 Sheaf 6 inches in. diameter Timothy i.oo Sheaf 6 inches in diameter Sudan . i.oo Sheaf 61 inches in diameter Oats .. i.oo Sheaf 6 inches in diameter Wheat i oo Sheaf 6 inches in diameter Barley i.oo Display of Hops 1,00 Class Z Reck Small White Beans . Peck Colored Beans Peck. Smooth Peas Peck W"nkle4 Peas 1.00 1.00 1 .00 1.00 Produce Grown on Bottom or irrigated Land VEGETABLES DIVISION B Potatoes Late varieties Half Bushel ' i.oo Potatoes Early varieties Half Bushel i.oo Potatoes 3 Late varieties 6 specimens each Potatoes 3 Early varieties 6 specimens each Beets Table varieties specimens Beets Mangel-Wurzel 6 specimens Beets Sugar 6specimeus Carrots Table varieties 6 specimens ...... Carrots Sto'cjs. varieties specimens Rutabagbes any variety 6 specimens....... i.oo i.oo 1.00 1.00 i.oo i.oo i.oo i.oo i.oo i.oo i.oo i.oo i.oo I.oo Turnips any variety specimens Parsnips any variety 6 specimens Pabbage Early 3 specimetis Cabbage Late 3 specimeus Cafibage Heaviest Head Not Trimmed.. Cauliflower 3 specimens... ....... 1.00 String Beans 3 pounds or display ... 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 47 4S Onions Yellow Djanyers 1 peck 1.00 4q' Onions Redweatherfields 1 peck 1.00 50 Onions any other variety 1 peck SI 52 Peas Table 3 pounds or display 53 Cucumbers Best Display 54 Squishes 3 specimens 55 - Pumpkins 3 specimens 1.00 56 Watermelon? 3 specimens . r.oo 57 Watermelon Largest 1.00 58 Mnskmelons 3 specimens I 00 59 Tomatoes 6 specimens ...... 1.00 60 Individual Display of Vegetables I.oo (Continued on pages 3 andS). The Juvenile, section of the premium list will appear next week. Divisions C and D on page 3 should be numbered consecutively from GO to J.20 instead of 1 to 60. More Rainbow Trout Monday, a car load of bajiy fish from the government hatchery near Cascade LockB were unloaded ind deposited in the Deschutes fiver at this place. It is said that the large native fish could be seen to come and devour mouthfuls of the little Bainbow trout as hey were emptied into the river, and as a result of he destruction by larger fish probably only a small percentage pj the 50,000 m sur vive. Four more car loads of fish ure being deposited in the riyer at different points. Will be Reclaimed Salem, Qre., July 26. Plane for f,he reclaimation of 36,000 aereB along the White River in Wa8C0 county, have been completed by State Engineer Lewis in coopera tion with John T. Whistler of the pmted States recjalmatiou service Jt is proposed, to irrigate 36,Q00 acres of land lying on both sides ot the river in the White river projept, using the waters of the stream. The estimated cost of the works is $1,300,000. Mite River Mabel THREE AUTO ACCIDENTS RECENTLY Another Narrowly Escaped Wasoo county recenty has tx-' perienced a number of automobile acoidents among which are' the following of, local interest. Last week a new Michigan tour ing car owqed by y. L Sanders' of the Dalles, ana being driven by bim for the frst time,1" rolled cCln pletely over during its wild plunge down an embankment and landed on its side in the creek below. The accident happened noar the Manchester Lumber Company's mill 14 miles south of The Dalles. That none were seriously hurt or killed was miraculous. The rear end of the machine, in rolling ov er, hit a large stump which kept part of the car away from the ground in such a manner that it was not badly damaged, and prob ly prevented at least some of the occupants from being seriously crushed or killed. Ogden Elwood son of Dr. J. L. Elwood of this place was among the occupants of the machine. A Ford car carrying two men up Tygh grade Sunday became unmanageable through fault of its steering apparatus and went ovor the bank, taking a course down Clifford Jlaines and Morrow are visiting with their 1 the canyon, where it was finally grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L P. 'retarded and anchored. Both oc cupants were b,adly hurt, one be ing renioyed to ,the hospital yon $6 BUYS $1000 Field grain Insurance for 3 months You cannot afford ta take the chances against wild fires, cigarette smokers and thresher engines. Insurance covers the grain standing, or cut, in stack, in sack, in bulk, in bin, warehouse or elevator. MAUPIN STATE BANK Criterion V o o o SHOE SALE We are placing' on sale 200 pairs of men's and Women's shoes that we will sell at and below cost. If we have your size you can get a pair of shoes cheap. SHATTUCK BROS, o f o o o f o o o f o o 0 4 Henry Holland is drilling a well for Peter Kirsch. Miss Pearl Truax is visiting her mother, Mrs. Bert McCready. We noticed Henry Kramer going down t te toad with a neck yoak over his shoulder and we woifder if he was looking for a wagon to fit it to. Wfe all sympathize with Mrs, Bonney and Miss Young in their sad berdavemeut. Their dog died hst week. C. A. Duns i-hauling lumber for his grainery. . A. A. Canfield left for Portland and vallev points, the latter part of Use week. t Heading will begin here in a few days, crops are looking fine espe ally the spring whert and barley. Tunisou. Mr. Ellis held services at White River last Sunday. Mrs. Coberth spent a few days with her sister Mrs. Grover Webb. J. G- Tunison conducted the 5 rvices at Shady Bropk Sunday. Sidney and Ruby Wilson spent the week end at Wapinfda. Mr. Mrs. Quincy Morrow hav moved to the plant, Quincy tauit g the summer run, during the operators vacation. A party of young folks wert chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Har old Curtis on a small trip Sunday. York Wilson left on a busine e tip to Idaho Wednesday morning. Messages were received by heli ograph from Len Wilson at Mi. Wilson, near Mt. Hood, on Ha; Tunison's hill an Wednesday about 11:45. Ruby and Don .flashed back to him a . reply. Heading is nearly fiinished in this vicinity for this season, Mr. Coberth went to The Dulles one day this week purchasing a Ford for Mr. and Mrs. Clogher a Pacific Light and Power man ol New York who expect to make a tour of the interesting places through eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs, Dave I less left on their vacation trip Monday morn- Mg to .Mr. Hess' rancli at Baudot). They are going through Portland and Wilboit Springs where they will visit Mrs. Hess' mother. Last Friday .evening, when as cending Rock Creek grade abpve Wamic, with only dim kerosene lights burniui! to assist our mem ory in locating the road the little Maxwell, recently purchased" by ye scribe was deliberately driven off into the canyon and rolleij over a couple times., landing on its left side. Miss Lwy Brittairi and Little Elvin Breshears were' with us, the former receiving a couple slight cuts 'in the face and Elvin was jarred up and cried fo few minutes, but slept peacefully as soon as camp was spread. Sat urday morning we wended our way up to 'Mother's' and Sunday morning our two brothers and Wil bur Mulvaneybuilt a road for the car, set it on its wheels, pulled it- back onto the road, cranked it, and we traveled O K. The only . loss suffered was the top, wind shield and several gallons of gaso line, which necessitated calling for the services of B. D. Fraley', to supply us with the necessary fluid and tell us to drive on. WThile stopped near the foot of Vhite River grade with the ma chine set in reverse, Mr. Fraley and family had a narrow escape from backing down the canyon, a pile of rocks being all that stop ped the car from a fatal trip, ' (Wapinitia) Mr, Aplibg js going' to give the people a treat next Saturday and Sunday by getting strawberry iqe cream. Dee fright came put from' the. ( mountains Wednesday. Bakeoven Flat Edwin Mays and family returned Monday ftotn a visit in Portland. K, S. Hemming shipped a bunch of cattle to Pottlaud (Sunday, Ha ing is in full blast on the Flat. Mrs. Bleakney, Ethel and Mr. Curismau and son visited at Davis Bros, last Tuesday." ' L. L. Christman is getting his threshing machine ready to liegin Take Notice There have been so many falce representations and 80 much trouble caused from the water be tng contaminated herein Maupin and being the owner of the town, site of Maupin and the water sup. ply, tliAl 1 positively lurlml any more cattle, horses or hugs to run at large in the town of Maupin, or any children found playing around the stream, thi'ir parents will I on those line wheat and barl.y! held rpp"nnibl. Any 0110 found field. He expects a good run Claud Wilson ' killed a fine young beef list Monday. W.'A. Brown" went to Maupin last Monday. ' Tillie Mtliatt ba.l returned home from visiting friends at Wasco. Cirl Metz is geting to be quite a traveler in his buz wagou. inediilihg with the water supply in any wy without th order or permission of the owner will bp prosecuted to the extent of the law Mr. Ahauki ik II. Staats (Signed) We hare cabbage, hefts in onions for lle t residence. A. Martin, Maupin. A4tf THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford" Motor Company is one of the largest consumers of steel in the world -2O0.Q00 tons this year. The great volume of production -- over 500,000 cars and the efficient Ford manufactu ring organization brings production and sdling costs down to a. minimum. That's why ford Buyers get more car ior less money. Runabout $390; Touring Car $440; Coupelet $5VQ; Town Car $640; Sedan $740. All i. o. b. Detroit. On sale at I I Fiehif?s Garage MAUPin ORE, The Home You Have Always Wanted Did you ever get so far as to find out about what it would cost? Ever have or see a plan of it or anything nearly like it? Quite a few people have found after talking with us that building the "home they have al ways wanted" wasn't bo big or expensive a job as they had thought, and today they are enjoy ing their new homes. Our architects have planned in the last year over 100 home3 for -customers We can make Your IDEAL HOME FIT your POCKETBOOK JuKt give us an idea of the kind of house you have in mind-our big new FREE TLANEOOKS help you decide and we will submit blue print ed plans-with our right price on ALL material necessary for the building. Simple., isn't it? And no obligation to thie atcll-ino "peeving" if you don't buy. "See .Peter Kilburg about it" at The Ho?"? ol Tu!tw -lumber