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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1915)
MAUPM Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL. 2, NO. 3 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 29, 1915 THE YEAR $1.50 THE TIMES " Wants Location 4141 Piedmont Ave., Oakland, Cal. Malipin Commercial Club: Some years ago I stopped in Ash wood and from remembrances your country looked good, and unsettled In places. I am a married man, carpenter by trade looking for a location, so will appreciate any information 'lyou can give regarding opportuni ties, homesteads, etc. Thanking you in advance, I am, Yours truly, Otis M. Brown. I. 0. 0. F. Lodge The I 0. 0- F. Lodge of Wap- iriitia are removing to Maupin, and later on contemplate build ing a hall. G.L. Harphan in forms the press that they are meeting with hearty cooperation and hope to have a thriving or ganization here. SENT IN BY OUR E. 0. Martin was down this Week from his Gateway ranch. C. H. Crofoot, Wm. Beckwith, Milt Morris, H. L. Morris, E. A. Mayhew, D. M. Shattuck, Al Limroth and their families and the Misses Manning and Naomi Smith, Prof. Irle and Art Mortis com posed a motor partv to the populat Warm Spring resort Sunday. DENTOST Dr. HATFIELD NOW AT VAITIN Better Have Your Dental WorkDone No TTHTTUT T ! 1 5TTT7TTrTrrTTrTr- THE UNIVERSAL CAR More extensive service for Ford owners is assured by the addition ot new branhes and more agents. Over 900,000 rords noW in daily use 7,000 Ford agents td give service, should be evidence enough to any prospective feuyer of the stability, quality and general popularity of triU universal car, and the prices lower than ever. Runafedut $390; Touring' Car $440; Town Car $640, f. 0. b. Detroit. On sale at FISCHER1 GARAGE, Maupin Wapinitia Items L U M B E IFL Cement arid Lime All Kinds r Build ing Materials Coal. WILL BUY MORE GOOD CLEAN LUMBER NOW THAN IN TEN' YEARS! Ind skve money '' WeMJ Siipply the pi ansireej kEEP the Children at HOME Mother, I fiave decided to build A "gee Peter Kilbcrg about it" Tlj M-A- Li! M BER, School work is progressing fine here this year. We have now in our school sixty pupils and ex pect more soon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hartman and Jim were out viewing Jim's new home about a mile north of Wapinitia Sunday. A number of cars passed through here Sunday from Mau pin and the lower end of the Flat on their road to the Warm Springs for a picnic dinner. Dr. and Mrs. Hatfiejd have re turned to Maupin after about a week's stay here. The Wall Bros, have been hauling straw this week while the 'weather and the roads are yet quite good. Vincent G. Tapp.madea trip to Maupin Saturday with a load ofhoggi Miss May Delore Was Called from school Tuesday on account of the sickness of her mether. Geo. Heitz gave a moving pic ture show at Hartman's mill Fri ln 11 i. ( iv L. 1 U f niiiiiiiif urns a good crowd and lots of fun. 1 Mrs. Hartman. and Lincoln re turned from a trip to Portland Wednesday. A. F. Evick made a flying trip to Dane's mill and over the sur rounding country, In his car Monday, . Much wood is being hauled from Hartman's thill this week. Rev, and Mrs. Stains will en tertain his Sunday school class of young people Friday evening. There will be a program and basket social at the upper Oak Grove school hdUse November 6, Come one and all. girls bring baskets and boys bring full pursesi We are expecting Mr. and Mrs. Fllnh and family home from Hood Rivef soon, as the apple Dickinsr and packing season is nearing an fend- and we will all be glad to welcome them hottie. Mr. Kurt' of The Dalles was out buying hogs in bur vicinity last week. Rep'brts are that he had a fine lot bf hogs to ship from here. Mrs. A. B. MaUnly was a visit or at Wapinitia Tuesday. Mrs; Shipflin was a visitor at the home of Mr3. Batty Monday. People in the surrounding country are getting ready to welcome winter as they are lay ing in good supplies tif wddd and feed; Our commuriity was visited by a real good rain Friday night; which was welcomed by all. Quite a good rriany have been having quite s'ever$ colds. It is hope'd that the thange 6f Weath er the last few days will clear the atmosphere and we will all fell better. ...... . Julius Shipflin is .erecting a hne new residence on his farm near here and expects to have it com pleted inside of four weeks. Mrs. Boen has rented her place to Mr. Osborne; and sne win soon be irtovihg to another house. ,. Miss Florence Speichinger of The Dalles Is visiting at, the home of her grandmother, Mrs. C S. Heitt home with Mrs. Oliver, from Sherman county. The fair is a thing of the past, but no one has thanked the men who so kindly furnished the mu sic for the occasion. It was just a pick up band, all quite good musicians, but had had no prac tice at all, but the music was surely fine and all deserve a vote of thanks from everybody. The Wapinitia band came down and donated their music for which everyone thanks them and all enjoyed it. Come next fall boys. George Young and family are to move in the pretty bungalow at the end of the lane and will live in North Tygh. Messers Clvde and Leigh Oliver are working for Dr. Brown. Clyde Oliver was on the sick last, but he says you can't keep a good man down. How beautiful the weather, Indian summer is the lovliest time of the year. Quite a few from Maupin at tended the fair. J. T. Harper has a new Ford and is having the time of his life. DALLES IN VISIT MAUPIN On Road Inspection A board of reviewers consist ing of Judge F. S. Gunning, Commissiqners F. C. Clausen, and R. D. Butler, County Road Supervisor E. F. Sharp, Presi dent J. L. Kelley of the Wasco County Good Roads association, State Highway Engineer E. I. Cantine and Assistant State Highway Engineer Elliott re turned to The Dalles late Satur day evening after covering 200 miles of roads on a tour of in spection. The press was repre sented by Glenn O- Allen of the Optornist and H. G- Miller, rep resentative of the Chronicle. , The main object of the tour was to review the roads and get a preliminary idea of the places on which the money from the proposed bond issue of Wasco county will be expended, should it be authorized by the voters. Chronicle. These gentlemen were in Mau pin Friday night and conferred with W. H. Staats, local good roads committeeman. Local Markets Potatoes, 1.25 to 1. 50.' Cabbage, 2c. ' Onious, 2C. Tomatoes, 2 1-2 to 3c, Eggs, 25 to 30. Butter, creamery 40; dairy 35. Sugar, 6.50. Apples, choice 1.25 box. Peaches, 50c. Bacon 17 1-2 to 25. Salt, dairy 65 per sack, fancy table 90, Flour, bbl 5.60, 6.00. Bran, $29 per ton. Shorts, $31 pertou. Salt, $15 per ton. Wheat, forty-fold 82, club So; blue stem 83, Hogs, best light 6.25 Garage Burns A. A. Derthick lost his garage and blacksmith and carpent tools by fire Sunday night, which started by the gas catching the flame in the lantern while he was drawing gasolene for the car, causing an explosion and conflagration, the flames reach ing forty feet in the air. The car would have also been de stroyed but for the presence of mind and physical strength, bf Gussie Derthick who took hold of the machine and pulled it out with the breaks on. Mr. Derth ick sustained a bum on one hand from releasing the breaks while the car was being pulled out of the garage. One front tire wa3 also damaged. Vince Steers was over Tygh Valley Tuesday, from Smock Items 2 The Wapjnitia Band deserves much credit for the capable man ner in which they rendered their part -of theprb'grarn at the recent Tygh Valley i air under tne care ful direction "of E. A. Cvi. Mr- and Mrs. Grant Ledford were Wapinitia business visitors last Wednesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Farlow were attending to business at Wamic Monday, Mrs. David Mayfield is enter taining her sister, Miss Bessie Martin from near Sherar Bridge. Mrs Agnes Pierce is .spending a few days at her daughter s, Mrs. Wm. Stakely. The sale held at Mr. Routh's last Thursday was well attended by those far and near. The auto fad has struck Smock bo forcibly that an agent repre senting a firm at Portland selling buggies spent two days among our farmers. We haven't heard of a sale, but we do hear talk of autos. Who? wait! John Ay res had a horse which was out on the range get mired in Gate Creek and the animal had perished when Mr. Ayres found it. Mr Bafgainhblfr, wife and twin efafidchlldren wUnt to the Dalle's Tuesday the 20th ttn busi ness. Geo. LCdford, fdrest ranger, was down from tne' mountains a few days last week. Mrs. Marion Farlbw is enter: tairiincr her parents, Mr. and M'rs. Jacobson from Idaho. Chas- Jewell of Kent, Oregon is the Ayres Bros.' chaUffeur. Mr. Oglesby; wife; and Mr. Cline were Sunday guests of Tom Farlow ond family. Terry Jones tame but of the mountains Saturday, where hi had been employed by the gov ernment as ranger. T. J. Hill is quite sick at thS time of this writing: G. W'. Ba'rgaihholt brefera horses to ah auto. Roy Fleck and T; J. Whitcomb were Tygh Valley business visit ors Tuesday. N. E. Whitcornb Is helping Blaine Disbrow build the addi tion on his barn'. Kennedy Bros, were hauling alfalfa hay from their ranch on Upper Smock td Wamic Saturday. Little Adelpha Farlow Was ab sent from school Monday on ac count bf sickness. DeCamp was driving down the grade going to Maupin he met a team and tried to pass safely. His wagon was thrown over the grade and he and those who saw the accident are still wondering how he escaped serious injury. Roy Castor has sold his ranch here to A A. Bonney. This joids the present holdings of Mr. Bonney and makes him altogeth' er a desirable ranch, Mr Cas"tor shipped his Btock and goods to Lane county on Saturday last. "Rev., Steves, "a Methodist mis', sionary from Klicatat county, Wn., spent several days here recently( preaching evenings and on Sunday at the school house, County Bupt. Bonney paid out1 school a pleasant visit on Mon day, He will return in two weeks with some . instructors from the state department of education to give several lee tures. Our neighborhood ex pect to turn out enforce in an' ticipation of this intellectual treat and with well filled dinner baskets. Our school is main taining its high standard and a more satisfactory term than the present has never been'. Criterion visitors at Maupin last week were R; H; DeCamp H. M. Green) W. E'. Hunt, Laco Decamp; Ralph Buzan; E. H. Taylor, D: L. Rutherford, Chas. Skbgsberg, Mrs. Stege. J. E; Miller and A. A; Canfield . Geo; Stetfe and wife returned to their home for the winter few dayB Bince Miss D'olle Ball haB gone for an extended visit to MtMinnville and other Valley points. Ratoh Buxan and wife were Dalles visitors MUhday and Tues' day, FISCHER'S GARAGE Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck - Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN, OREGON Blacksmithing, Wagonmaking and Auto 'Repairing Frale? & Vandef pool , Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing and Wagonmak ' ; ing. i Share grinding and sharpening, AH kinds" Of Repair Work that will suit. With a Guarantee That Will Stick. Try Us If your wagons, bug gies of hacks need overhauling, bring them in, we'll save you money, We Carry a full line of Automobile SupplieB and tire prepared to do all kinds of Auto repair work Maupin! Ore. 0 m s$& sse ABS-0-L-UT-E- The HIGHEST PRICE FOIt so L-Y WHEAT AT Maupin state bank PAY YOUR; TAXES AT MAUPIN STATE BANK And save all expense-, even postage. We Are a county depository authoriz ed to collect taxes 9 m 9S5 Tygh Valley Items Criterion Chronicles Ralph Buzan made final proof on his homestead,, Tuesday of last week. E. H. Taylor follow ed his example on Saturday. Mrs. Shannon returned to hei- ' On Tuesday last when R. H. Arrived to late for last week's R. R. CVabtreB ana" family came home Saturday. Latest reports from Peter Kirsch say that he is gaining in health. Ed Herrlihg Wms to be im proving at present. Earl Tunisori is cfding a com missfoti business; poratoe'a being his special line at present. W. M; SnelsH Bert Mr.'- Cr'e&dy, Bert Nosker, R. H- and Laco DeCamp, W. E. Hunt and Ralph Buzan were business visi tors at Maupin last week. Dale Bonneyvs wife visited relatives at Tygh last week and also attended the fair': W. Burke of Maupin accompa nied Rev. Ellis bri his visit to Criterion Wednesday evening 4 s 0404$$06&00OO004Q"fr0666OO 4 Vellany Endersby is busy hau W wheat to the Warehouse this week. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, HOES Just Arrived frOift the Eastt A Choice Bunch of Snappy Styles for Meh and Women $2.3 to $5.O0. We Specializes on comfortable shoes for hard-to-fits A feW fclose-outs in Women's shoes tot this week only iSHATTUCK BROS. 00600 0&00460000000000000 00 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0