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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1915)
1 i fcf iiVv .- '-"'' MAUPIN Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL NO, 2 VIAUPIty QyTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIPAY, QCTQEii 22, J9I$ THE YEAR $l.5d ism u - SEASON'S CROP ABOUT ALL N I 'early 69,500 sacks pf what iiavebeen received at theloeaj warehouse this Fall, of which - 32 carloads have been shipped put. Only about 300 Racks of grain are arriving the past week TJiose who haye .commenced bringing grain to the warehouse since the last report in The are: E, J. Fisch,er, J.' J. Wilson, Bert McCready, J. A. Whitten, E. 0. Martin, W. O. Wilson, J.'W. Atwell, I, -N. Winifre'e, Percy E. Margin, A.'L. Lindley. nunnmrc il DENTOST mum Dr. HATFIELD NOW AT MAUPIN Better Have Your Dental WorkDone Nosy EP3- I M THE UNIVERSAL CAR More extensive service for For4 owners is assured by the addition oi new branhes and mpre agents. Over 900,000 tords now to dai'y U$e 7,000 Ford agents to give service, should be evidence enough to any prospective buyer of the stability, quality and general popularity of this universal cart and the prices lower than ' ever, Runabout $390; Touring Car $440; Town Car $640, f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at FISCHER' GARACEj - MAUPIN L U Ml B E L Cement and Lime All Kinds of Build ing' Materials. Coal. WILL BUY MORE GOOD CLEAN LUMBER NOW THAN In' TEN YEARS! B1W V0Vl . and save money We'ljl supply the plans free! rtEEP THE CHILDREN '. .at ' - HOME" : Mother, I have decided to build - . A , "See Peter Kilberg about it" TUM-A-LUMBER SENT IN BY OUR Wamic Items, Pieasant memories of the fair! at.Tygh Valley atil! linger in the, heart. This was pne of the mosf successful! fairs that have been held at that place. Much credit is dye the association fori the generous arrangement of the event. The exhibits were good ; for so short a tima used in the preparation of th ground and so forth. The children's industrial work won much admiration and showed good wjQrk on the part of the teachers from the different districts. Prof. Scurvin and Mrs, Viva Prjver of this place had a number ,of enthusiastic pupils who won prizes. Prof. Bennington and other teachers of Tygh made many worthy dis plays. Mrs. George Crofoot of District No. 48, on Juniper, was a very ardent worker in the chil dren's industrial work, Mrs. Crofoot is one of the few teach ers who has introduced the sand table in the school room and she finds it a practical help to the children. Her pupils won many premiums. Many other features of trje fair were interesting and an immense crowd was in attend ance. The proceeds of the fair were very "satisfactory. The play given at Tygh in the even ing won much applause and the attendance there was good. The infant son of Jack Fraley was buried here Wednesday. The babe waa only three weeks Old, . The baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waite of Badger Creek died Saturday at the bme of Grand ma Morris at Tygh Valley. Mrs. J, R. Woodcock has been very ill recently. A much needed shower of rain fell here and at Tygh Valley Wednesday afternoon. A number of hogs were hauled from this place and Smock to to the depot at Sherar this week, Mrs. Orange Britton was sick a few days last week. Mrs. Sophia Kistner is visiting at the C, E. Pratt home. hammer is fccard early and late on .the building of, bis house. ' Wayne Spoor and wife started for Catalow Valley, Oregon, Tuesday, where they have a homestead; F; E. poor a,ccom' panied them as far as Wapinitia, Mulvaney & Sons filled an or der for finishing , lumber for Dr. Brown's residence at Tygh Valley. ' 1 , Mulvaney & Sons are sawing' latU for J. T, Harper of Tygh Vall,ey to be used in finishing a couple rooms Qver Jiis store, Grant Ledford ;was sailing apr pies Monday in Tygh Valley. Mrs. Nora Mulvaney brought her little granddaughter home with her from the fair Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. H.i H. Gesh, the parents came for her Sunday. Winter days are drawing nigh but Roy Fle.ek is, preparing for summer days, heing engaged in hauljng sawdust for an ice house. Wapinitia Items PREMIUMS WON AT TYGH f AIR Financial Success Smock Items 2 Blaine Disbrow is building i Bhed to use for farming imple ments and vehicles. Smock was well represented at the Tygh Valley fair and dis played some fine garden produce grain and apples. Mr. C. Cline took first prize on potatoes and wheat. James McCoy had the finest and best display of ap ples, prunes and onions. Cal Duncan returned to the Hartman sawmill Sunday after spending a day at the fair and visiting with his parents. Those hauling hogs to Sherar for shipping Saturday were J. W. Ayres, Ornn Farlow, David Mayfield, Roy Fleck, T. J. Whit comb, C. S. McCorkle and John End. Mrs. John Farlow and Mrs. Leone Hull were Tygh Valley visitors Monday. L. W- Yockey is home from the mountains Where he has been etrmloyed by the Government during the summer. Mike Kennedy and sons drove a number of their cattle out of the mountains to ship from Sher ar Saturday. The sound of Henry Mayfield's Dr, aad Mrs. Hatfield are in town for a few days, J. I. West took a fine load of hogs to Maupin last week. The Southern Wasco County Fair was well represented by the Wapinitia people last week and all report a fine time, Mrs. V. B. Tapp has been on the sick list this week but is bet ter now, Carl Pratt was a Wapinitia visitor Sunday, , Clinton Knopf, a well known young man of this place, was united in marriage to a Portland girl last week, The couple are living on their homestead south of here. . v. - Geo. Magill made a business trip to Wapinitia Tuesday. Archie Tapp has been having some work done on his teeth by Dr. Hatfield, Mrs. ME. Hartman and son Lincoln started for the valley Sunday to visit relatives. Schools were close last Friday all over the Flat in honor of the Southern Wasco fair, Work is progressing nicely on the new hotel which is being erected in Wapinitia by Mr Barzee. Sid Wilson took some horses to Tygh to sell, but the horse buyer was not there on account of the illness of his wife. The Ladies' Aid of Wapinitja are planning to hold a bazaar on the evening of November 12. Refreshments will be served. Home, home, sweet, sweet home, is being sung by. some of the Wapinitiaites since returning home from their camping trip at the Tygh fair. Jackson Rice was employed by V. B. Tapp to run the merry-go-round at the fair last week. Services are being held at the church every Sunday as follows: Sunday School 10 a- m., preach ing 11 a. m., Young People's meeting 7 and preaching 8 p. m., Rev: Mr. Staines as pastor. Mrs. John Lewis is among the many others having dental work done this week. M". and Mrs. Ben Gabel were visitors over night at Wapinitia Saturday night. What a long dry spell, seems to be the cry heard far and near these days. Some good "brink ghowers would surely be wel-j come guests. Some of the early sown grain nas sprouted ana died for lack of moisture, a very unusual occurrence in this sec tion of the country. List of premiums awarded at Southern Wasco Co. fair at Tygh Vallev, Oregofl, October IF, 1915; Garden Prodose grown on it rigated l&sds. 1st Lata Potatoes, C- D. Cline; 2nd, F. A. Morrow. Squash, F. A. Morrow. Pumpkins, f'm A. Morrow. Table Beets, Alick McCartney, Stock Beets, Andy McCabe. Carrots, F. A. Morrow. Parsnips. Alick McCartney. Cabbage, Alick McCartney. Cabbage, heaviest head, F. A, Morrow. Cucumbers, Gus Balzer. Onions, James McCoy. Tomatoes, Alick McCartney. Grain, Whita whfiat, W. H. McAatee, Red wheat, W. H. McAtee; second, John Ayres, Wheat in sheaf, C. D, Cline. Oats in sheaf, W. H. MeAtee, Field corn, ears, Andy Mc Cabe. Field corn, on stock, A, A. Bonney. Hay. Alfalfa, C, H- Yockey; second, W. H. JJcAtee. Clover, Alick McCartney, Timothy, C, D, Cline. Garden produce grpwn on nor." irrigated lands. Late Potatoes, F, A. Morrow, Early Potatoes, Gus Balzer. Squash, Mrs. James Brown, Sweet Coin, 12 ears," Gus Balaer. Grain. Red Wheat, 2nd F. A. Morrow Field Corn, 12 ears, J, Dawson Fruit. Free stone peaches, Robert Johnson. Cling stone peaches, F. A, Morrow. Fall Apples. F. B. Ingle. Pears, W. C. Stillwell. Prunes, Wm. Lucas. ' Grapes, T. E.;Morgensen. Best display of fruits, Balm Cove Orchard Co. ' j Canned fruits, Mrs. Ernest McCorkle. Cattle. Dairy cow, A. A. Bonney, Dairy bull, A. A, Bonney, Dairy calfr A. A. Bonney. Beef Calf, J. T. Harper. Stallions. Roadster, Jumes Brown. Draft, Conley & Buzan. . Swine. Hog, Galligan Bros. Pig, Galligan Bros. Chickens. , White Leghorn, V.P. Steers. Brown Leghorns, W. H. Mc Atee. Rhode Idland Red, W. C Still well. Needlework, Mrs. Westbrook. Home grown flowers, Mrs. A, D. Gibbs. last week, Qiw ef th.e most Ipf.ot.iant tblny Jhat hug happened to the school juice it opened ou Septeubjer is the receipt this week of an jEucy. clopedja Brittauica, with the Wer. ner additions, jt volumes ifl sheep, a valuable possession to tl)e coni muujty, Miss Phyllis Fischer visited the school Fijday f he 15th. Mildred houinard entered thj third grode Monday. Helen I,oclce was a visitor jn the primary root? Tuesday. MANY PIKERS Tbr.ea cars of hogs were ship en to Portland from here Sunday over the O. Vf. R. & N., O. L Paquett taking a car load and R, S. Slusher made the trip with two car loads in his charge, rep. . L. Morris, Homer Martin, resenting the oroDertv of H omer Martin, Louts, Joe Riggles. W. 0. A. (J. Moad. M Woodside. Chastain. A. (j. Miljer and his own. S, FISCHER'S GARAGE Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN, OREGON Blacksmithing, Wagonmaking and Auto 'Repairing Fraley &Vanderpool Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing and Wagonmak ing. Share grinding and sharpening. All kinds of Repair Work that will suit, With a Guarantee That Will Stick, Try us If your wagons, bug gies or hacks need overhauling, bring them in, we'll sava you monay, We carry a full line of Automobile Supplies and are prepared to do ail kinds of Auto repair work Maupin, Ore A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y The HIGHEST PRICE - FOR WHEAT AT MAUPIN STATE BANK pay your; TAXES AT MAUPIN STATE BANK AND SAVE ALL EXPENSE. EVEN POSTAGE. WE ARE A COUNTY DEPOSITORY AUTHORIZ ED TO COLLECT TAXES ill 1 jl I 1 0 0 School Notes Mr. and Mrt. L. t. Oakley, both former teachers, have the thanks of the school for a lot of beautiful oansy, phlox, carnation and Other flowers and phlo plants. Twenty-five pupils were absent last week on account of the Tygh Valley fair. Harold and Earl Locke started iu school last week. Lester Crofoot won the blue rib bon and $1 for his map of Wasco 4 0 4 4 SHOES just arrived from the Easts A Choice Bunch of Snappy Styles for4 Men and Women $2.50 to $5.00 We Specialize on comfortable shoes for hard-to-fits A few close-outs in women's shoes for this week only ' SHATTUCK BROS. 0 t o o o s 0 0 0 0 z county exhibited at the Tygh fairlQQQQQ 000000000000000000000 m 9 toe Good rv n m mm :