Image provided by: Independence Public Library; Independence, OR
About Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190? | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1903)
INDETENDKNCR KNTKIU'MSR, INDKPENDENCE. OREGON i i i tii ii x a. yi w a. m i SUCCESSOK TO J- A. MIILS. . Since taking possession, of this stock I have added several thousand dol- g worth of new goods, making the line much more complete and are. now to J JSSoii to supply all your wants. Call and see. It is a pleasure to show g mods whether you huy or not. m t ..rllea Summer Underwent-. We have a nlco line of Ladies hummer r,l wear in sleeveless, ahort and lonR.deeves, L JhHe ccruo and color,, in .net. from 10c Shirtwaists. W. have n oxtra pretty line ol Wie. ,hirtwait-, in prices ranging from aOc to -M. Cull and H-e them. Men's SHirts. We havo the largtfd atock of Press Shirts . r.lrt In SI. fid. .11 town, in pru - ' We have a very choice line of Summer Dress Goods, all new, in Picot Stripe, Dimi ties, Mercerized Ginghams, Zephyr Cloths, liatiste, Silk Tissue, India Linens, Fancy Per cales, Soisotle, White Goods, etc. Groceries. We carry a lull lineof Staple Groceries ..-at bet- torn prices. natterns, w e nave some vci,y v... ;- new and up-to-date. Call early to aee these as the number is limited. Plaids. We have several very choice patterns of plaids in mill remnants. These are regular 50c goods, but having purchased them in rem nants we are able to sell them for 25c. Men's Underwear. , our Produce. Wewill pay top price for everything, Butter, Eggs, Lard, -1 TUT nrtfc Chickens, Ducks, Geese, iurKey. Goods Delivered in the City LKWISVIIXI LaMyrnieS.nUh ha aecured win music at tai P'e hr i Hrit(ir. our Maple Grove lithmU hM returned frero Port- H.8. Smith ia buying produce if tarmers, for cash ana snir.i' Portland, B. f. Smith has purchased a w Sharpies, .eparator and tbinas doea fine work. RUhon Heil. nf Allentown, P., inched an able aeriaon for-our ipla Tuesday evening. u,. v.,t. M,linnu and eon. -. visiUHl with D. W. Lew family over Sunday. Iii returned from Oregon, where he baa been ling at timber claims. Dallae College, preach at this place, Saturday it 7:45, also Sunday mom- eleyen. Taylor baa atarted out his step-ladder and paint i. helnina the women wiiu house cleaning- wry, J Claude utern 1 Rev. ill pr ivening i k at i John kith ruihea. r a store on the evening oi j Following i the program: Mo McKenney, of Neb., baa pur--i l t lm Clodfelter farm of 100 acre, and moved his tanmy .uu, the Hedgpeth house until ne cau build. Doc Tanet will move war Talmage. Mrs. Grace Witbrow has been visiting her sister-in-law, ma. . Ragley, but returned io nr vw in Corvallia Tuesday. She recently lost her only child and she ha. the sympathy oi her menus community. 1.Votloa.:V.,....K- "At Thy Feet O L-ri We t(Ul ' BoW' W L. Briatow OecJainloo Harmon Vocal WW - kw., WMt H - .. rtlnrv The HU " " jUttle Ev. ....... ti'ft.,ul.w1r ... M . V,. VH uoi"v- Cornel oio T,.Rri8tow Blut!0.D " Mvrole Smith Vocal Boo .dier's Cboru. Quartette "u. WbeelocK lw.lamtion ... W..u. n,,hhrd" sent. Others have dt.patcnea pamphlets to Canada, Louisian, Vermont, California and many other Eastern and Southern com manities. If you have friends m the East, .end them some literature concerning our glorious country. n..nAa Rnndn Indian Womaa W8 committed to the asylum from rn. wk. Her name ia Jennie Allen and she wassov.olent that seyeral attendanU were re- quired to use force to quie u. Wanted-Several person. ofKoh (one in tni.eoumjr . nt and advertlw o.a " art i ii nusu'T wealthy bueines. nou. Bl.tJU TWJ ol.l standing. n,vable with expenses aaa--. r - W. A. Messner. 5) TENTH Sorresponacitts Contest OnAbrillst we commenced our Tenth CorreepondenU' wmw -Friday?JuT3,i .t6:00 P.M. we wil. close it. We offer a. premium, the ,MDDT71, a handRome, well-upholstered, velvet Couch FIRST PRIZE au"u r A lovely Pictare SKUflu rtuiB A fine 6tadent. Ump THIRD PRIZE ' " Kd set of Ping Pongw FOURTH PRIZE A copyrighted Book FIFTH PRIZE ' " " t.ji. Home Journal SIXTH PRIZE. ... ......... "' VVJopi,ia'io anv addree. for one year SEVENTH PRIZK isdbi-hsu.v. - We want ... the news that bappens J P.. to visit every family in the JS: to help aa. Our interesU are mutual. V & poinu for .very One point for every item of news worthy of pa ducm T r lh S eech Wednesday from worthy of a wper8te head. SZTV will 'to 'h T offiS Horse and carriage fur-1 in th. B,8hl of tbe manager ( th, Ptment at P wnewil . ht when necessary Reference. For every new yearly 8a points or j j j Uh.ed "1,MNedenv..ope. Colo For , subecription three month. ?";.k w. riTe w ral cT,B Dearborn St., Chicago. ..:n.ui "Old u. ,(h V"-' V.-T.. i. n' bouiikt . rue i o..-.. - v - - f bMUet9. Ulsniiwa' hum 5 points. For a subscription tnr -J ' . nr Job Work we Kive 50 icg. I. -r35 D0,nta. For every dollar bwuiiii.-.v. ------ . . .. .Jfl ;M,M.Hlv furnish you prices on any kind of Ad or Job. We are Mrs. Warren Cressy, of TZ:;: Bend,wboha. heen ving ne , interest to secure rcK""" in i - nul 1 nn 17. features win ""'"" ' Grand Irash muting hater Mrs. ingfrom sli J. (bee hateful not, All ma Withrow is ciei along his lenca and swalea, the farm hate a mucn annearance. Lindsay is slowly improv- the sprain she has euuer- much from, although alie goes on crutches. J. Leveck is shearing bin of thst pest, the tick. Bheep will when bothered with tnis fatten are cordially invited to attend a-.a iTrulav afternoon, to Friday an from lhe convey.n - - mentt0 river to uie myv'm"'m iftne the Sound. The craft was o larg that it required over a J ou diligent labor to make the tu i ! . nnrnpf. A-9o::rp from Momn - occa8ion heing day afternoon, the some aua.u-- The chUrchonvh wis perfor-ned in CU??LZI here. Haptis ,. , , Mr Iliff, bas supplied nn man, Mr- ,. P8 in the Bend, wuo , parents in Dallas, returned home w 11 m n a in Roy Hawkins, ot uauaa, n today. t0MUs Berths Bohannon returned ...L.v from a visit in Corvallia. . n n Pnline. Ol uaiiac, wi,l preach at" Lewisvills Saturday W1U 1 . o..w mornine at vpnina ana - , evening afternoon and Mrs. l aro i ignlavB beingSivIty ' ha; ; mad women of more activity nother truest of half her years Another g m Mr9. Damon - frQm Ne. 'wKeains of her b.- bandbrought here iaai interment. HOW YOU STAND. Each week we will announce , inp this SUlSnS credited until after it appears is .the Pathey Tme in. We want to keep scared In oth way. will wruswithin the week following and we will make thorough 4t; Rickreau, j Monmouth, B Iewieville Parker ... Buena Vista, H &', Airlie, r. eoc Highlands, D. Monmouth, H... Ballston ' Sunny Slope w Ant.oco '- Suver ; '.'.'.'.'.'A 37 Monmouth, A Buena Vis,, is the first to send a , a ..erackerjack,. PJU TlTnSL. etc., in your com- over a hundred names mil bri ing a basket to our dusk the East, prospecu- social to be held in the vacant