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About Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190? | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1903)
INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE AND WEST SIDE. INDKl'KNhKNCK, l'OI.K COUNTY, ()HE(J()N, AI'JML 2:5, 1UW. CiiYEAK. . NUMKER '21 Hater agreement. trart Kor T.vo Yr.ra. HUBBARD HAS RESIGNED fueled t " ,,, Vac"'). ..rtlai practically urouKU. i -dlru-i.'U of lbs wairaiid vntWouftandoii 'uber ,tta. Wlill l contrail !,,ll,t,yfl r u ethcied and will be rail j w ol mrUitC without w Th urttxlllttU M aUuda UwtMug Ilk U.U: Tim 1 MutllOoUlil Watrr itrrnvMlliICa grimlofuroiali iii,iMtllir"-M niontii ,,,.lrH llgliU t I'i "T IIMMillt. ,uiii,r ! funil "II Hbnliy ' Jl 'I (it ft iiiUltu tlriukiiiK da, ,i l "rm fr Xb r..iiiiy riirtli-riMoi ,ioMlt il'u Uik lueh main LKIIfrrl Willi rm t?- iio r"""i My !' i. II bt f ir t rlod of five ywtt, ll.U Halllll I I ( V Mflll C. A. Lrd tendered lil ni.-uliou and Lwil accepted uie, rliH tlmj A. ,riinil ili vacancy. riry Hubiwrtl to lh extent of !JH.U) ilrttO J IllSAWAV AltllHvNT. U skinner lliirfly scrums Injur)', I Kriday imiriiiiig Frank ttr'"eam became frightened ;rled Inward tho furry, down kit lively gait. In some r Frank, who had juuiod ! dray hihI endeavored to tlwmi, was hurled front il, ig some severe injuria in ni.-up. Uih leg is badly l-in fact at (irl it wan Jltoliavt- ln;i'ii broken. As Hill Iw "uji fir repairs" for !tlys vet. and lu! can con- liiiiu'lf vury fortunate in not iug worse injuri. 'man Reception at .Moil- II to It I It . r reception given Saturday gtiythti Freshman class at "o'Suriiiul was very enjoy Tim chapel was handsomely MarahTuthill read Tenny- "Kream of Fuir Women," "wvpial purUof the vision Men by Minn Siidio Cravun, nnio Noul, Miss Conduce '.Mug Malwl Matlewn and ther Andtiraou. The an- " of tho ladies in the gmve verallv litirfortuetl their added greatly to the cllct of llic. Miss Kilith Owen recitation in a very pleading r. Ming Saili Oiiven ra- fHl to an onoore w ith a vocal riodid Mr. Cha. Murphy. nmu) golo by Miss Flor- PS' FreHhman class put on a "inruil. Mag 8ii, out. H known Polk county farm La i Iiiuik"! hand tin I'mhI few dgvf, 111 llm Kliii-r N. II ill rain li. j out in lh tnlu of tlio illagi of llutnia Vita. The ur:h'r it a Mr. linker, ufSnlem, a rfc-iit arriral from Wmcoiuiu and he i to have urn gcniiioil the lut of thi week. The f rut lia li-n occupied by K. N. J I lt for the al ideven years 'Jt contain I'M gtrim and ha for the t fi w year been otxrated by Mr. Hall a a dairy ranch. While the Lirice i not made public, it i und.rlKd that the aitiount paid for the place by the new owner is auch a to justify the gtatt'inent that l'olk county in "on the boom." Mr. Hall and larnily will re main in lluena Vjitta fur the uiutuer. They are counted among Burn' mot rejptt'led citiwu aud their flnal departure will be deeply regretted here. A eale of pereonal property and .1,- k will be held by Mr. Hall Rome time next month. Tlirrt Clirers Art HiieS Three clieer are due the dlizeiw of liueua Vigla and the iminediale iieighlxirhood round aUiut, lor two movetnenU that are oil foot this week. The lirol i the prooed cleaning up of the hilUide cemetery, o long an eye sore to the community because of the overgrowth of weedg in tho yard and other disorder. The Odd Fellows hav Uken the matter in hand and with reireidiing euerev have called for help to hold a general cleaning up in the ground tomorrow, .saiuruay. Kvxrv one is invited to be on hand early, armed with well-filled lunch basket and euilabl tools lor wont ing the grounds. The Odd Fellow will fornigh coffee for tni basket muii. This if an ex cellent plan and everyone should Utrn out and help. Come eariy. Tim seconi movement over thocoinnmnity a ddightcd- U the road work that has le'e.t in progress since Tuesday, under the management ft pervisor Hall. Tho strip of highway being improved extends fr-.m lun 0 tlje l.uckiamuto bridge am. being J.laced in first clans t-omlitton. ...... iwv T 4j on Sun'day, April iv, .m W. Masterson, at tho age ot il years, three months and 1 day. Cause of death paralysis 'i'i... .,,w,m. eminent if hardly a i IU U). ,,v. - : M r Masterson for a surprise, t , year iat has been an invalid and for several years pas has been failing. He was an hon ored citixon of the county and was tho head of a largo and interesting t. Several memoe- family survive him. Funeral services we. - the Baptist church Tuesday afte. noon, a largo coneou - -beng present to pay the tart Bad resects to the memory of the An impressive funeral eern.on , .m delivered by Uev. A.J. un"k"' of McMinnville, for yer. ,n timate friend of the tnlf. 1 termenttook place in . th I. O. F. cemetery, south of town. taki;n i im.m uau. MyRterloun DWiippi'iir.tiH'o of CJeo. Wlilteaker's Horse. One evening last week a tiumo be ..niii In Wlillfukvr liwiiieare(l from bin utiil.le. Tlml the animal wan ri'iiiiivi-d liy siiinu Iniilvl.lual there is Hit dnutit, but so far tin elue has lx--u fi.un.) elllicr to (lis lb Iff or anlinal'i wlirreabnuts. Mr. Wlntesker ulli-r a liberal re ward for luformatiiiu It-ndniK to the reeovery of the bona . New Ice. Cream Itooms. Owing to our increased stock and the increased room demanded in trade, il has been found necessary for u to tear out our ice cream booth that were used last year and put shelves in place. We now have opened up a new room still further back that is being put in ehap for a regular city ice creim room, which wiil be 15 x 18 feel. This will give tis p'ently of room and a nice. neat, tidy place o have a good dish of ice cream. We expect to have it all in readi ness by May 1st, so it this pleas ant weather keeps up we will be ready to serve the people of l'olk ... ! 1 5 county wun a nice uisn 01 ice cream. Itlnlr Cyrus liuy H. M. i:u.l hail Creek IIICK'ItY FAltM." IXJtTY 'Hi WW ItU-ilMiiH. lias Decided to Engage lu Anolber Industry. Notice to Masons. A At the regular meeting ol Lyon Lodge thlscomlug Uat urday eveiilug the F. C. de gree will tie conferred. All members and visiting broth er are welcome. ..-.-. The Kulahls of 1'ytblaa will meet at their Castle Hall 011 next Wednesday evening April 2SI, 1103, to confer the second rank on one candidate. Rural Free Delivery I'arker. From Special from Tarker. After more than a year of unre mitting efforts, the patrons of the K F. I), route from Parker are to be recompensed by the establish ment of the service for which they have been so anxious. The patrons have long been in doubt about the matter, but word has been received from the postal department that Miller C A. Fanner H Cm tho service will go into effect July lot. Arrangements are being made to establish a money order office at this nlace that the patrons may re ceive the very best possible service. Circuit Court Jurors, n.i r..ii...M.r Ik a list of jurors drawn for the regular panel for the May term of the Circuit Court of Polk County, for the year 1903, viz : Xsme Occupation Postolhce lueiircuii l'errvdale ii DiiUtis " Independence Sheridan Falls City Capitalist Dallas Carpenter Monmouth piaieiu Tedte Dallas Baleui A. Fanner Lewisville Dallas 1 Rickreall Rickreall Lewisville Monmouth Falls City i Pedee Rickreall Dallas Merchant Monmouth Laborer ,Ballston Farmer Bnalthfield Kings Valley 11 Salem liueua Vista Pi ters D. D. Nil nn J. H. ixlge D. A. try J. K. J. W. Uoals W. It. Harnes R. F. Matheney ! I Kd wards L. Lvnch I. V. Darker 8. H. Llndenian A Lyons T. K. Alien I. A. Know lee L. H. Lewis C. M. Boothby R. M. Frlnk W. L. (mliam F. Koeer Fred Howe W. R. Perkins L. 8. Claufleld R. Myer O. W. Ritner John DeLay J. W. Locke G. P. Farmer Blucksmith In IIiIh week's Ibmio of the Kmtkh I'KihK. F. A. Douty aunouoi his de termination lo cl.iKe out hi grocery aud mercantile Hues and engage In another Industry, presumably that of lumbering. As to his future move ment, further thau his desire to clime out hi prenent business, he is non-committal. We regret this movement of Mr. Douty. Forseeral years past he has betiM our most energetic buniaess man. He was a bustler after business aud was probably the heaviest shipiwr iu the county. We sincerely hope Mr. Douty' re tirement from the merchautlle line will mean that he Is to engage on a large scale in the lumbering industry In this locality. Card Of Thanks. Words are powerless to express our hearlhrell appreciation of the kind services so freely tendered by all our friends during the protracted illness of our father and durinir the hours of our sad bereavement. Their many deeds of friendship shall ever be vivldiy re membered and appreciated by us. Miss Lkttii Mastkkson. m. e. 5iastkr80.v Chas. Mastkhsos. Frank Masterson. Protest From Falls City. Editor Enterprise: The cemetery association should be reminded of the disorderly grounds thev are keeping. It Is enough to dis courage any one to plant flowers every year and have horses and aroata des troy them. Such an old brush fence is a disgrace to any community. WHS. WAGNER. Miss Laurie Burnett is very ill with latfrippe. R. H. Knox was a passenger Mon day to Southern Oregon. Rev. O. L. Lovell, a former minister of this town, is In the-city. Mrs.Ivv Ray. of Porter. Wash, is the guest of D. B. Boydston and wife. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Masterson were return passengers to Astoria Wedoegi day. James Simoutou and wife returned Wednesday afternoon to South t Bend, Wash. Mr. Simon, clerk for Frazer & Rice, was iu Porland last week, to meet his wife, who was returning from a winter's visit In Miunesola. It is renorted tunt a prominent stock man of this city has made the propo sition to farmers here to contract all the bogs they can deliver by July 1st, at the rate of 7 cents, per pound. What's the matter with the hog tor a money maker, eh? FammV Damon came in from Corvallis Saturday. Miss Grace Damoii. of Salem, also visited here over Sunday. Anv number of pamphlets have been called for by people who de sire to send them East to friends. n.m't hesitate to call and get as many as you ctn satisfactorily dis tribute. From the Enterprise, Ore.. Chief- tain: "Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl n.,o nf Enterprise. ADril 14. a "v. - 1 Mrs. Roe was formerly an Independence young lady, Miss r . . Bertie Whiteaicer. r f" Snntt. & brother of Wm. V VS fc.'wv-j sntt. nf this nlace. died in Nevada last week. The remains , will be brought to Independence tor burial He was well known here. Home Talent Produce In Excel lent Manner This Comedy Drama. TheRet ekah lodge is attempt ing to lift the indebtedness on their piano, and they are doing it by a series of entertainments. Last Friday evening, under the auspices of the Rebekahs, the in teresting comedy drama, "Hick'ry Farm," was presented to a large audience at the, opera house. The cast was a well-balanced one, and the audience enjoyed an hour and a Half of splendid amusement. Frank Masterson, Glen Goodman and Tommy Fitchard ably per formed their parts, as did also Hugh Shelley. Arthur Moore made all laugh in the role of the Irish alderman, and his wife, the susceptible widow, was a character in most of his comedy roles. Miss Goldie Irvine, with much ability, essayed the part of a wayward and later repentant daughter. Some of her work, as in the case of the others, was of an exceedingly creditable nature. Mr. Willard Craven rendered a vocal solo, as did Tom Fitchard, between acts. Both were well re ceived by the audience. .- 1 ...a, , Birthday Party. Special from Airlie. Miss Nellie Phillips, Miss Mag gie Critchlow and Mr. Frank Bush, each having attained a majority on the same day, April 9, a birth day party was given to them on the evening of that date at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Phil lips, parents of Miss Nellie Phil lips. Amusements consisted of vocal and instrumental music, reci tations and various games. Lunch was served at 11 o'clock', aiter which the guests took their leave, all hoping the happy trio many returns of their natiye anniversary. Those present were Dulcie and FortrlJaTc&elor, Essie and Hattre Atwater, Nellie Link, Edith Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. L). Wood, Jeff Robertson, Lloyd Guyer, Earl Brown, Llovd Critchlpw, Homer Link. Morris Fowle, Robert Batch - elor and Wallace Brown. JiARKlEO. THURSTON TAYLOR. At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Taylor, 453 High street, Wednesday, April 15, 1903, Miss Blanche M. Taylor was united in marriage to Samuel T. Thurston, by Dr. D. E. Lover idge, rector ot the Episcopal church. The ceremony was performed in the presence of relatives and friends. A wedding .banquet fohoweu and the bridal party left for the depot to bid the happy couple Godspeed on a brief wedding journey before settling down in their new home at Crawfordsville. The bride is one of Lane county's successful teachers and the groom a former U. of O. student, is now in the sawmill business at Craw fordsville. Eugene Register. Mr. Thurston is a former resident of Dallas. " A good base ball for 10 cents at Wagoner's. r