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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1907)
- ,3iKte --csaatf333wiwr,wr'- - Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTEK, EDITOR AND PXJBLISHICR. Published Weekly at 1.50 per Year. Strictly in Advance. PALLAS, OREGON, JaKCAey 18, 1907 The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. THE GOAT SHOW. More successful than any previous exhibit of its kind, and proving be yond all question that Oregon Angoras are superior to those of any other portion of the United States, the eighth annual goat show at Dallas has passed into history. From a modest beginning eight years ago, when six or eight blooded Angoras were exhibited in a private stable in Dallas, the Polk County goat men have steadily supported and built up their annual show until it now ranks as one of the leading events of the year among the livestock breeders of the United States. The recognition accorded the Dallas show by the American Angora Goat Breeders' Association, in donating $200 to be awarded aa prizes, has given it National standing and significance, and, while the number of Oregon goats will always outnumber those exhibited by any other state, the show will no longer be looked upon as merely a state or county affair. The enterprising larmerswho are raising these profitable little animals are not only helping themselves financially by breeding up their flocks to a high degree of excellence, but are also doing much to advertise their Btate. It would be difficult to overestimate in dollars and cents the advertising value of the Dallas goat show to Polk county and the state of Oregon, and the people may rest assured that every dollar donated to this worthy enter prise will be returned to them an hundred -fold. Representative Jones of Polk and Lincoln was made temporary Speaker of the Housea fitting recognition of ability and an honorable record as a public servant. Senator Fulton writes the people of Eugene that he has little hope of being able to obtain a $50,000 appropriation for their desired public building. The fact of the business Is, Senator Fulton is not able to obtain much of anything for anybody. . Let's not be in too great a hurry to prophesy an extravagant session of the Legislature. Compared with the records of some of Its predecessors, the present body has already accomplished much in making a start in the direc tion of economy. The Oregon Legislature organized promptly, Monday, with Frank Davey, of Marlon county, speaker of the House, and E. W. Haines, of Wash ington county, presidentof the Senate. In the caucus vote of the House members, Davey received 44 votes against 14 for Yawter. "I think this is the first time an Oregon State Printer ever asked the Legislature to cut $10,000 from his yearly salary, but I want you to do it," said Speaker Davey of the House of Representatives, Wednesday morn ing, after Mr. Duniway had appeared before that body and urged the adop tion of a less expensive form of calen dar than has been used heretofore. Small wonder that the honest State Printer was cheered to the echo at the conclusion of his remarks. Such men are rare In public life in Oregon, or any other Btate, and it la to be hoped that the money saved to the taxpayers by Mr. Dunfway's straightforward action will not be frittered away in some needless extravagance by the state's lawmakers. Rodney Marshall, a young man recently from Montana, has been em ployed on the Observer mechanical force. This office now gives steady employment to five printers, and all of them are thoroughly competent workmen. Quite a change from a few years ago, when one man was able to do all the work in the office. A Bad Stomach Lessens the usefulness and mars the hap piness of life. It's a weak stomach, a stomach that can not properly perform its functions. Among Its symptoms are distress after eating, nausea between meals, heartburn, belching, vomiting, flatulence and nervous headache. Hood'sSarsaparilla Cures a bad stomach, indigestion and dys pepsia, and the cure is permanent. Accept no substitute. INDEPENDENCE. Earl Wisecarver, of Dallas, was a Sunday visitor. F. C. McReynolda and family have moved to Corvallls. Miss Bessie Butler returned from a visit in Portland, Monday. Kersey Eldridge has secured a posi tion as page at the Legislature. L. Damon returned from a short stay in Portland the last of the week. H. E. Wagoner, of St. Johns, was visiting here Wednesday and Thurs day. The special city election Monday to vote upon the amendments to the city charter brought forth a small vote and carried unanimously. Mrs. W. G. Shellenbarger returned to her home In Portland, Saturday, after spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Craven. The cold weather of the past week has worked a hardship on the con sumers of city water, as many pipes have frozen and many families have been without any water. The members of the Leisure Hour Reading Club were most pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. W. A. Messner, Friday afternoon, by Mrs. E. L. Ketchum, Mrs. G. W. Con key , Mrs. G. W. Kutch and Mrs. Messner. Ice cream and cake were served dur ing the afternoon. Lecture on "Julius Caesar." President B. F. Mulkey will deliver his great lecture on "Julius Caesar" for the benefit of the public school, in the Woodman Hall, Friday evening, February . Come! You will hear the best literary treat of the season. BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon. Cheat Hay. Baled cheat bay, $6 per ton. James Howe, Dallas, Or. Walnut Trees For Sale. English walnut trees for sale. J. E. Beezley, Dallas, Or. Organ For Sale. Cottage organ, in good condition, for sale at a bargain. Apply to Mrs. G. L. Hawkins, Dallas, Or. Fir Wood Wanted. From 200 to 600 cords of dry fir wood wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City & Western Railway Co. For Sale. Vetch and cheat hay, wheat and oats for sale by Ida M. Ullrey, Rick reall, Or. Dry Slabwood For Sale. The Willamette Valley Lumber Company has some fine dry slabwood for sale cheap; also 16-lnch slabs and block wood. Chickens For Sale. For sale, two dozen full-blooded White Leghorn chickens; also In cubator that will hatch sure. Address, Box 222, Dallas , Or. Estray Notice. Strayed from my farm one dehorned Jersey bull. Please notify W. D. Calkins, Rickreall. Bell phone 458. Wanted. I have an old orchard one mile from town that I want grubbed out by con tract. H. G. Campbell. Farm for Rent, Farm of 250 acres to rent at once. C. J. Guy, Dallas, Or. House For Sale. New houso and two lots neat new sawmill. Mrs. R. J. Kinney. House and Lot for Sale. Good 7-room house, with bath room and pantry; all modern improve ments; two blocks from courthouse; well improved lot, good lawn. Inquire at this office. Fine Chickens for Sale. I have a few fine White Wyandotte cockerels for sale which are from the Duston-Hallock stock. Come to J. C. Stlngley for them, Dallas, Ore. Teams Wanted. Several heavy teams wanted for logging purposes. Will buy or hire. C. A. BARNUM, Falls City Lumber Co. Camp No. 2, Falls City, Or. Notice. To those who have orchards and fruit trees: I am ready to do spray ing, and shall use the best spray that has been tried. You can get me by a call on Mutual phone 351, or P. O. Box 273, Dallas. G. W. Bowles. For Sale or Trade. House and lot in Salem to sell or trade for Dallas property. Harris the Jeweler. Ha Vna Thlv.ll Fcr YcisrscSf ? Or do ru on!. your irouth Ilk a young bird iy culp dow n whatever food or eJl ilne mStbe olcrtd you ? . v UNarn lt.tellizent thinking woman. In need ofVlf from weakness, nervousness, pain and sutW. then It means mucb to you that tbeliiEitrJsdjnjUrUSU druggists for the cun- of woman's Ills. The makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, for the cure of weak, nervous, run down, over-worked, debilitated, pain-racked women, knowing this medlclue to be wade tip of ingredients, every one of wlilcli has IDe Strongest possible indorsement of ttie leading and standard authorities of tlie several schools of practice, are perfectly wlllint.'. and In fact, are only too ifiad to print, as they do, the formula, or list of ingredients, of which it Is composed, in plain on every bottle-wrapper. The formula of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription will bear the most critical examina tion of medical experts, for it contains no alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or habit-forming drugs, and no agent enters into It that is nut highly recommended by the most advanced and leading medical teachers and uuthor i.iuo nt thffr several schools of practlca lIllVJ v - - - These authorities recommend the Ingredients qTBE Vierce's Tavuriie Prescription for the cure of exactly I lie same ailments torwinti Is world-famed medicine Is advised. this T No other medicine for woman's ills has any such professional endorsement as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has received, in the un qualified recommendation of each of its several Ingredients by scores of leading medi cal men of all the schools of practice. Is such an endorsement not worthy of your consideration V A booklet of ingredients, with numerous authorative profeslonal endorsements by the Iflading medical authorities of this country, will be mailed free to any one sending name and address with request for same. Address Jr. B. V Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. ZENA AND SPRING VALLEY. On Tuesday morning the thermom eter stood eight degrees above zero. Most all of the residences of this com munity plpe.water from springs into their houses. Scarcely any have escaped having a pipe or a faucet burst. Many woeful stories are told about how their efforts proved fruit less. Last Tuesday evening one of the jolllest parties of the season was formed to go coasting. An ideal place for the sport was found and coasting was continued until a late hour. A large bonfire was built at the top of the hill around which sat those who were resting. Merry laughter and calls could be heard from those going down the long steep incline for some distance. Among those in the party were: Misses Lina and Mary Phil Hps, Marie and Joyce Crawford, Alice Peebles, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henry, William and Donald Crawford, John Bollier and James McCarty. SSI TTvtrn Soecial Values in Men's . Cmf-c on A Overcoats. AV M anv ' Deafness Cannot be Cured y local aunlications, as they cannot reach tha nseased portion of tlie ear. There is only one vav to cure Deufnes.3, and that is by coustitu iohal remedies. Deafness is caused by an in 'amed condition of the mucous lining of the .ustachian Tube. When this tube getsinflamed ou have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ng, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is he result, a:id unless the inflammation can be aken out anj this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing wiil be destroyed forever; line cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, 7hich is nothing but an inflamed condition of ie mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ase of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can- -it bs cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for jircuiars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. fc nrwsrists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 'Physician and surgeon. L. A. BOLLMAN, M. P., Uglow Building, Rooms 7 and 8. Mutual Phone Main 30. Bell Phone Main 511. DALLAS, - . OREGON. C 00 Pas tor tne OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observer must be paid up to date. Subscribe now. Are to' be had here every clay in me ww-. unmatchable. You win " - - :u1tt fwrav rnnTi dliici ot-wito tiorv iui sameXs garments and that our style assortment is larger. 8 d.! ; ; J? rtw savins of money that should interest you in our offering of MICHAELS-STERN FTNE CLOTHING C25plvHi5EH O SPICES, o COfFECTEA. BAKING POWDER. FUWORINO EXTRACTS AbaoMirPiirttr. Finn! Fluor. QfMM&nnitKlliuaNWrra CLOSET iDEYEBS It maker VVUI'l UN b" 1 Robertlne gives what every woman most desires a perfect complexion. It bring9 that soft, smooth, fresh, clear tint to the cheek that denotes youthfulness. It will bring beauty to those who lack It: It will retain it for those who already possess it; It will enable you to successfully combat the ravages of weather and time. Don't doubt don't argue. Just try Robertine. Tour druggist wilt give you a free sample. All drug, eiats keep Robertlne. 1 As much as its snappy, original style superior hanoMailoring 8 and excellent fit-all of which will convince you beyond a ana exceiieia ni-an i - - 1 question that this noted clothing is the peer of the best to 1 order-made garments. Come see the distinctive styles and S exclusive iauncs we unci Men's and Young Men's Winter buits at $12 to $30. Single and double-breasted Sacks of approved fashion in ultra or conservative cut, made of beautifully patterned " , . , 1 ! A,11,r r4V. 1S frt $3 worsteds, cneviots ana cassimeiea, lunj viut V I? s 1 if, j If i f I 'I t I MICHAELS-STEM FINE CLOTHING MIQHftELt, tTIRN ft eg, i Men's and Young Men's Overcoats at $12 to $20. PAJAMAS The man'who discards night shirts for Pajamas, is glad, as a rule, he made the change. Pajamas are becoming more popular from year to year as a sleeping garment for Men. It -would be difficult to find better Pajamas than ours. IKe Uglow Clothing Home LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS MILL STREET, J DALLAS, OREGON ..Now Is The Time... Leg1 Ho ?uuiber For lo Julii ;ao h L.D- Don't tii y The C ,ryoii VilH .'invent m. Anotl alias sis e( a. By siden fluOr; Dr. a g int a Oak Rchoi as a giala Mrs. or hoi latlv Miss apro' I up Patr at jar ('. C '' ci jain fl. ven I.liti B.1 ft For you to decide what you want for THE NEW YEAR We have a fine line of Men's Women's and Children's SHOES in the latest styles. Also a nice line of Slippers at the right prices. We know they are what you want, but we want you to know it. Repairing Neatly Done. 1 The Dallas Shoe Store, Mrs- ievnor' o.rtf Alb SPECIAL OFFER The Willamette Valley Company offers to rewire premises of present electric consumers according to specifications of the Board of Fire Underwriters, at a cost to the consumer not to exceed $1.25 per drop. A better light will be secured and all danger from fire will be entirely eliminated. With the completion of the new power plant a twenty-four hour service will be installed, thus allowing the citizens of Dnllas to use electricity for POWER as well as light. Electric Irons will be introduced and they will be given to the consumer for 30 days trial the consumer merely paying for the current consumed, and if satisfactory to buy the iron at end of 30 days. Willamette Valley Company E. W. KEARXS, Manager for Dallas. HOU.iSTER'8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buiy Meditia Jj, E,y ppi Brfngt Golden H!tli and Renewed Vigor liflc ilr9?ns,iCatlon. In'Ilrertton Lire WIDEN KUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE I Study teiegraphv self for salarlid pnst'lon. win. unrftrarllrt nnnnrttmllv in a.l I vnni-ement RallrnH ronsirnr. tlon now under wnt ni 1. treat dpmnnd far tri'nBH n. itors Take" onlv 1 to 5 ihom'- to learn. Tuition. imi. t prraph Institute. Mh fl..t - i. . OF PORTLAND, ORE. Pays SicK Benefits of $40 1( $50 per m on tli. Pays Accident Benefits cla? ified according to occupatk Payj Surgeon's Fees Pays Funeral Expenses ! from $100 to $150. No Medical Examination. Membership Fee, $5.00, pay able only once in a lifetime. Duesll'.SO aml$l per Month W. V. Fuller, Ag Dallas, Oregon. ! J " H rVoiTbuy from FKtcrj ' -l Direct. Thereforeo W Nb t prlceiareloweil. ft mkfig&M W. J. STOWK, Does hauling of all kinds at rex rates. on"0 M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND 0KGA1I Stntlio, Room No. 2, Wilson DALLAS OREGON The Olds Gasoline Engine I handle the OlJa" the bt line Engine In the market thing for Wood Sawing, ' Spraying, Feed Mills Churning, Come add Se the best g; line engine made for farmed purposes. Ed. Diddle, Agent Dallas. Oregon-