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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1907)
,1k County Observer al blanks at this office. gov, would you like to be the in E1H-Action. e II. G. tjulius CueHar," February 1, Wood an B"11' P Brown, for Abstracts. Notary typewriting. non't throw away your old umbrella yon see Lee Smith. The Observer office wants the print- t yon are particular about. Willis Blmonton is attending the Volition of ltetail Grocers In Port- AnotluT big locomotive for the alias and Falls City railroad arrived 49 week. , gyerloy has sold his handsome Jdenoe property In Dallas to J. G. anOrsdel. Dr and Mrs. H. L. Toney are mov g into their handsome now cottage a Oak street. School Superintendent C. L. Starr as an interested oniooacr m iuo gisluture yesterday. Mrs T J. Warren has returned to ,r home in McMinnville after visiting latives in Dallas. MiS8 Frankie Hayter is steadily Iproving in health and is able to up most of the time. patronize the new barber shop on HI street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor, iarantees first-class work. C C. Coad has sold his interest in V cigar store in Sheridan and is ,ain a resident of Dallas. H G. Campbell, agent for lots in jvens' 3rd Addition to Dallas. New Idition just on the market. jj E, Critchlow, formerly of Dallas, it now living in San Jose, Cal., is Siting his brother, D. A. Critchlow. County Fruit Inspector J. B. Nunn attending a series of lectures on ortioultural topics in Corvallia this sek. ' Jlrs. D. Jennings has gone to join jr husband in Montana, where he is secured a position in a railroad Hoe. We desire to announce that after jbruary 1, we will have a complete ae of wall paper. Guy Bros. & alton. Fred Toner's familiar face Is again n in the postofflce window while istmaster Coad is taking a brief acation. Mr. and Mrs. C. C.Campbell arrived imetroma several weeks' stay on elr mountain ranch in the Siletz luntry, Tuesday. W. R. Craven arrived in Sheridan 'ednesday and, accompanied by Joe raven, has gone to his timber claim i Salmon river. The wide-a-wrke Ballston nelghbor kl wa3 added to our correspondence it this week. Now we want the news ora Airlio and Buell. Mrs. Louis Gerlinger, Jr., is visit g frionds in Spokane. Mr. Gerlinger III join her in a few days and will icompany her home. Frank Templeton, a member of the ortland commission firm of lempie a Bros. & Rice, was in Dallas in the .forest of his house, Friday. Dr. H. L. Tonev. dentist: graduate f Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up- sirs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 id 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone Dean Collins, the clever young tist, has been doing some effective orkin preparing advertising post ? for the Dallas College basketball am, Wood choppers and wood contractors anted to cut wood for the isaiein, 'Ms City & Western By, Co. Apply I the General Manager's office, alias, Or. Don't buy an oil can that will over !1 VOIir Inmn nnrl anill nil fWfireVerV 'Ing in sight. The Delphoscan never er-fllla vour lamn. Onlv $1 and 150 at Howe's erocerv. The Observer's presses are now run f electricitv. Anv of our readers de- ring to see strictly modern printing aeninery In operation will be wei 'me to call at anv time. The Dallas Collesre basketball team ill (to to Mon month tomorrow night r a game with the "pedagogues." A "DedaeO(ZUe9 A :cialmotorWillberun.ifaBufflcieiit 'Jmber of tickets Can be SOld. The lollowing people from Dallas gistered at Portland hotels this eek: Oregon E. Jacobson. Per-;D8-W. J. White, A. B. Mulr. Im-rial-U. S. Loughary, Mrs. C. O. oad.Mra. V. P. FIske. Charles Chaoe left for his home In hico, California, Wednesday, after a feasant visit with old-time friends in alias. The young man has a good sition as circulation manager of ae of the leading daily papers In The legislative clerks from Polk outy are Miss Flora McCallon, a aghter of Representative McCallon ; arl Percival, of Monmouth, and rge Morton, of Dallas. Kersey bridge, of Independence, is a page House. Legal blanks at. tht m- vwia uiiuj umbrella repairlng-Lee Smith Julius C(Vo8r,..PebnmryUYood. pnrmoBreSPliiWnl93eVerelyillof Printing, the kind that pays, at the Observer office. Mrs. F.H.Muscott visited relatives In Portland this week. Born January li, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Rice, a Jaughter. C. W. Matthews ntfoni.i .I.. Tin-. .j i i. i uauquet in Ma em lnot nii,f aT.sub j ifj PetorCook.theenterprislngBaMrtton IllArnhni.t ! . . n,.a iu wwn r I'luny, Dallas C. A. at the crvmnas i vs. Salern Y. M ;ymna8lum tonight. o-.v. Prepare for a lively Sm inn. t.. i... placing a larco "ad" in th n g a large "ad" l Rev. A. A. Winter, fnrmoi-i., Dallas, is conducting a revival meet ing in Coivallis. H. A. Webster, ageut for the Royal Tailors of Chicago. Fall and winter samples now in. Money of private parties to loan at 6 per cent on well-improved farms. EHBLEV eakin. Leona and Victor wniinmo h. been visiting their aunt, Mrs. F. K. Lynn, at Perrydale. Mrs. Mildred F.Uintt- ur,A i;tin t.r. -...vuv ..uv. IllLIU DUU, of Brownsville, are visiting at the home of Thomas Elliott. William Horfman and Miss Hazel Kennedy, both former students of Dallas College, were married at The Dalles last week. Sheriff J. M. Ornnt mnrlA 1 nnir v,w cold drive to the Eola neighborhood, TTT 1 .1 m . weunesuay. xougn weather lor sheriffs and doctors. R. R. Davennnrt. chief c.Wk in thn Dallas and Falls Citv railroad nffloe. was confined to his room by illness several days this week. The bovs and cirls of Dallas have been enjoying some fine skating on the Willamette Valley Lumber Com pany's mill pond this week. Hon. M. M. Ellis' fine doer. "Rover." was shot and killed by some unknown person one dav this week. Mr. Ellis regrets the los3 very keenly, as the dog was possessed of almost human Intelligence and was his master s constant companion. Until Februarv 1. we will sell all second-hand goods at any price they will bring. Mustcloseout all of these goods by that time. They include cross-cut saws, a good cook stove, a good heater and other articles too numerous to mention. Guy Bros. & Dalton. Cascade lodge. No. 92, K. P., is pre- Darinar to crive the largest and best ball that has ever been given In Falls City on February 22. Arrangements for special trains, music and pro gramme are being made and complete nnnnnncemnnts will appear later. Falls City News. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby Riven that the iindeniiKned us ailmmisiraior ii iu eomu.- j . Levens, rtecensi'U, lias men ins imai 0..... 111 l lie t.omiij' vuuii. v. ...V ......... . Polk Comity, ami that Hatnnlay, the 2nd flay of February, 1!W7, at the hour of ten ociock 111 the forenoon of 9aul .lay at the Court room of Oregon, haa been appointed by ald Court a the time and place for the hearing """'". tha tiflin Til HI ni'fUUllly mm vv t,,te0, FRANK ROWEIX, Administrator of the estate of Elenor S. Levens, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Dated and Unit published January 4, 190. Sheriff's Sale. . .. t.rn that i.w virtue of an County, oear . . ; . ntered IM??nVdES Tn said Court on the 26th ii December, 1W, ilia certain su, . er vvr. Rose Keyser, Agnes J-eiersoi , r baroteau, Alfred Baroteau, r. Jarro .,u JTdSnts a- d to rdireiVedT commanding me in in the hereinafter described real property nsatilfv the amounts specified Ir. saui decree and execution,! will, on v , nand on day of sale, subject to reaemp October 12, 18, 01 in au 1 friment. decree together wlin me ,,nnrinK ";"i?Krtining. tlC ft O KVfe-v. Va.laa, Oregon, this oay o. ber, 1906. t i r.RAXT. Sheritl of Poik County, Oregon. OFFERED for immediate sale, the Asa Shreve 2m of "4 acres, located abouts m le southwest from Dallas, which will be sold as a whole or in parceU as de !?red Excellent location for the grow 1D7of 8PPl and other fruit. Has a S acre hop yard and good hop house. Suitable fo'r raising goats and other five stock. All enciosec 1 with good fence Has old house and barn. Fo terms of sale and other par- Dallas Tannery, or of Oscar Hayter, Attorney, Dallas, Oregon. USEFUL TlVESENDED Mrs. Elizabeth Shupp, Mrs. M. E. Wagner and Mrs. Phoebe Johnson Are Called to Their Reward. Mrs. Elizabeth Shupp diedat the home of her daughter, Mrs. TJ. 8. Loughary, in this city, Monday. She had been in failing health for several years, and about six months ago returned from a stay in Southern California without any Improvement in her condition. For several weeks before her death, her suffering was Intense. Mrs. Shupp was well known In Port land and other sections of the state, where she had been with her husband, who up to a few years ago was an active miniator nt tha. 17... n i Church. They had been residents of the state for the past 20 years, and lived in Portland while Mr. Shupp was pastor of the First Evangelical Church and also after he became presiding elder for the Portland dis trict. She was highly esteemed and the news of her npnth will Ka roMitwoi-l with deepest regret in many homes of .1. ; , tins siaie. She is survived bv her hnshand and four children-Mrs. E. J. Hadley and Miss Jean Shnnn nf TVrn " '. I' v4 4.U1UUUU , Uli . U. S. Loughary, of Dallas, and a aaugnter residing In Los Angeles. tne remains were taken to Portland for burial. MRS. M. E. WAGNER Mrs. Marv Elizabeth Wao-ner died at tne nome or ner daughter, Mrs. Elmer Reid, at North Bend, Oregon, last Saturday, af ter n severAl weeks' illness. All of her children except her son, Theodore, were at her bedside when the end came. Mrs. Wagner was born in Germany. January 17, 1840. She came to this country when a young girl and lived for manv vears in Wisconsin and Kansas before nominar to Orecron o CJ Her husband, J. C. Wagner, died in Dallas about seven vears a&ro. Mrs. Wagner was a woman of many excel-1 lent qualities and was greatly beloved by her friends and neighbors, sne was a faitful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and lived a useful Christian life. She left five children W. J. and Fred Wagner, of Dallas; Henry Wagner and Mrs. E. T. Reid, of North Beud, and Theo Wagner, of San Francisco. Burial took place at Marshfleld. MRS. PHOEBE JOHNSON. Mrs. Phoebe Johnson, a pioneer of 1852. died at hor home on Pedee, Mon day, January 14, 1907, at 10 o'clock p. m., after a short illness, aged about 70 years. She was a daughter of the late Probate Judge James Taylor, and a sister of John Taylor, of Lewlsville, and Mrs. Smith Gilliam, of Walla Walla. The family came to Oregon from Michigan and were among the leading and influential people of the early days in Polk county. Administrator's Notice. vii:n ! nin-uhu irfvAii thfit t.hp ii nilfTisiiTned tUPHUC ID nwi-u; ' -D- - admiiiiHtratorof the estate of Marquis L. Rob oount in naid estate with the County Court of fni,i nrosnn nnii an id Court hftN fixed rUlB. 1Wllltt ...... Saturday, January Jiitli. 1!K)7, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. lor Hearing me imt, mi i""" interested are liereby notilled to appear at said .i ir.nni. Cmirt vnnm ill DAllas. in said County, then and there to show cause, II Lllllt. BL IIIC W.UI'VJ . . . any they have, why bam esiaie snuiuu uui uv finally elosea ana siuu aoiniiiinnniui u . B.u Daleu tins .Din uay oi "v "'""?:;,:,' J. D. bMl In, Administrfttor of the estate of M. L. Kobbins, deceased. Sibley i Eakin, Attya. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 8, 1878 United States Und Oflicc, Portland, Oreeon. IlPiemlier 19. l!Kk. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions oi mo . -..t,.-- - Ji tie X 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of ii nU'rlandiin the State, of Califoru a Ore eon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex tei "ied to all the Public Land States by act of Aimust 4, ma, Walter V. Fuller, of 1 al as, county o Polk, State of Oregon, ha. this . ay r. , i hi. mforn tHtmpnt No 7146. V"lm"u"L" .:r , r No theaat K of 7 w ana win unci i "wi ----- . solft is more valuable for it. timber r .tone than, for ffu.iu.p...,., ? o",J r ,,ntv. at Dallas. Oregon, on Friday, the 15th day of March, 1907. Mas, Oregon; U. 8. Grant, of Dallas, 0Any"and all person, claiming Jw"'r h . ' . tAn.iu .n to llletneir above-oescnycu ..u-.: -j.--- . claim, in ims omce on oi - of March, 1!W. GERS0, 8 uuESSER. Register. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has bn appointed, by the County Court of Kit rnintv Oregon, administrator of the e'stateorn.'B, deceased.. !lSK3 tola, County ana ia- ... .c- , frQm s reqnirea uv i" " - oLSSlrt Dallas, Oregon, this 21st day oi De. cember, l'JUo. THOMAS W. BRL'NK, Administrator of the estate of A. .1. Byer, deceased. C. L. McN&ry, Attorney. Administrator's First Notice. mlnlst.atorofthees u, rf t hereby notified o P-T '"M."re,idec. verineo, u ,.... oreron, within l,ted January 11, 190V.. w BErKETT, Vlmln'.siratorof the Csrey F. ".rliirAtu.rT.ey for estate. Notice is hereby given that $ Salem, Falls City & Wes- ern Railway Co. TIME TABLE Effective May 1. Dailj except Sunday, Weat-Borndr A.M. P.M. I.v. DALLAS 7:30 1:20 Teats' Siding 7:46 1:30 OIVHatM 7:49 1:39 Bridgeport 7:55 1:45 Ar. FALLS CITY . 8:05 1:55 Eaat-Bonnrt- A.M. P.M. Ly. FALLS CITY 10:00 4:00 Bridgeport 10:10 4:10 Williams 10:1B 4:17 Teats' Sidine NO stops Ar. DALLAS 10:S5 4:35 Trains Stop on Signal only. L. GERLINGER, Jr.. General Manager. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH Railway. FROM INDEPENDENCE. FOB DALLAS. Leave Independence, daily ex. Sunday, 7:50 a.m.; lv. Monmouth, 8:00 a. in.; ar. Dallas, 8:25 a. in. Leave Independence, daily, 11:05 a. m.; lv. Monmouth, 11:20 a. m.; ar. Dallas, 11:45 a. m. Leave Independence, daily, 6:15 p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 6::W p. m.; ar. Dallas, 6:55 p. m, FOR AIRI.IK. Leave Independence, daily, 7:30 a. m.; lv. Monmouth, 7:40 a. m.; ar. Airlie, 8:1c a. 111. Leave Independence, daily, 3:30 p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 3:50 p. in.; ar. Airlie, 4:25 p. m. FOR MONMOUTH ONLY. Leave Independence, dally, 2:15 p. m. FROM DALLAS. FOR INDEPENDENCE. Leave I'nuaa, um i.v . duiiu.j, o.t . Monmouth, 10:15 a. m.; ar. Independence, 10:25 a. iu. T nullak iuilv 1 n m W MniimOlltll 1:25 p. m.; ar. ludeiiendence, 1:40 p. m. (This train connects at Monmouth for Airlie.) Leave Dallas, daily, 7:35 p. m.j lv. Monmouth 8 p. m.; ar. Independence, 8:15 p. m. FROM AIRLIE. luv. Airlio Huilv On m lv. M OtlinOll th. 9;35a. m.; ar. fiideiiendeiice, 8:50 a. in. (This train connects at Monmouth for Dallas.) Leave Airlie, dally, 5:05 p. m.; lv. Monmouth 5:40 p. m.; ar. Independence, 5:55 p. m. FROM MONMOUTH ONLY. Leaves Monmouth for Independence, daily, at p. iu. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregou for runt tuuiuy. I U Tut nlnlntlif vfl 1Y M . Toltzel ftlld a US LTnmnrrtn laf uii rl O 11 1 fl TO L. ai. teiizei ttuu o. . hbwiwui mo fibove-named defendants: In the name of the Stave Ul Wiciun, jruu atiM cow j . Jf noiineu w uppwitr uuu bubhci mo wui"1"" and Court, on or before six weeks from the date r . I. nnhlinalUn nt tUia nnimmAt.1 linnil you, and if you fail so to appear and answer the plaintiff will take a decreeagainst you and each of you, aa prayea ior in nis saiu uuiiipinin Wll. 1 Ilal pimmm in mo uwuci u so a....p.w A part of the Donation Land Claim of 8. 8. W hit IllHll HUU iiU. IV, ...... .v., "'- ship 8 South 01 Range 6 West ol the W illamette Meridian, in VOW uounty, ureprou, ovki huuk at a point 9.50 chains South and 70 links V est oi MnlllltTlHllL NO. A. H1LUHLU Hi tllO DUUUnicou v.". - . ui I. v. it lUTmrn nt Mnnmnillh. lier Ul DllH:fc lU. n, in nio . --i i .'J.liuliia llianm W 4iat. rUillllllK nieiivc- ouuni .i.ou (.iii.ii., 5.30 chains, to the East line of Whitman street, thence Norm s.uu cnaius, menuo r-nm u..v to the place of btinnin, and that said de- . . n .v,.n v... f.iMivr tiarrii leuUHTItB miu t.u;n u men. ...... .... and enjoined from claiming any ritrht, title or iniereai in or lo shiu rem jpiriuini-B ui ...i. thereof. . . , . , This summons is published for a period of ,. k.. ni.Hr nt Hon Kil V. Coad. Judee of the County Court of Polk County, Oregon. maiie on tne idiii uay oi jhiiui, imi, uuu date of the lirst publication is on the 18lh day eatinn thereof will be the 1st day of Martjh, 1.K)7 Attys. for pit!'. The Way to make Oregon grow is to patronize home institutions! The Oregon Fire Relief Association of McMinnville t kmn Inatifntlnn 11 RtTOnff Mu 19 a nuiuo ' , , tual insurance company doing busi ness in Oregon oniy. tvhn nnt inauro vniir home in this Association, save nearly fifty per cent and keep wnat you ao pay m ji?vu! W. P. DYKE of Dallas is the agent for Polk county and is ready to attend to this matter for you. umce in oriuet .uiug., uiu of Cfourt House. Mutual phone 1294. J. A. Lynch's Barber Shop on Hain Street We have installed FOUR CHAIRS and are now prepared to , SHAVE YOU in quicker time than ever before. W. V. FULLER. REAL ESTATE Timber Lands a Specilaty If you have patented lands or relinquishments to sell, list same witn me. Office in Crider Building Dallas, Oregon TTORNEY AT LAW B. F. JONES Office in Cooper Building. INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON TTORNEY AT LAW J. L. Collins Main Street, Near Postofflce DALLAS, - - OREGON J)entist. M. Haytkr, Office over Wilson's Drug Store DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNEY AT LAW L. D. BROWN Notary Pitbuc ; Abstracts Mill Street opposite Uglow Bldg. DALLAS, OllEGON. STAND FIRM 'When you buy ah OILED SUIT or SLICKER demand lis the eaisiest and only way to get tne oesx Sold everywhere Cut Glassware Silverware Your friends are getting married ; give them a handsome, high-grade present. Also a full line of OPTICAL GOODS C. H. MORRIS Jeweler One door west of Stafriu Drug Uo. The Dallas Harness Shop Is in shape to sell Harness and Horse Goods at lowest Prices. Call and get prices and save money. Plush Robes, Blankets, Whips, Etc. F. SALFICKY wl mn m - L-J 1 ii if ..CLEARANCE SALE- From now until February 1st. we will make substantial re ductions on nearly all lines. If you want good, clean, and new merchandise at right prices, come and see us. On a few lines cannot make any reduc tion, but almost everything in Stock will be on Sale. Yours for business, PollocK's WILSON BLOCK Dallas, - - Oregon TTORNET AT LAW . Oscar Hayter, Upstairs In Campbell building. Mill St. DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNKYS AT LAW. Sibley & Eakin, The only reliable set of Abstracts la Polk county. Office on Court St. DALLAS. OREGON. TTORNEY AT LAW Ed. F. Coad, Office in Courthouse DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNKY AT LAW. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS, OREGON. ttorney at law J. H. Flower, Office next door to Postofflce. DALLAS. OREGON LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Jennings Lodge, Jo. , stated communications, Second and Fourth Fridays of each month. G. L. Hawkins, W. M. J. C. Haytkr, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M., stated convocation, First First and third Fridays of each month. damn IliVTRR. II. P. U. S. Grant, Sec. i aomi Chapter, No. 22, 0. E. 8., stated 4meeting8 Second and Fourth Tues days of each month. . Mrs. Magqib Haytkr, V. M. Mrs. Libbib Mcir, Sec. Woodmen of the World. Dallas Camp, No. 209, meets in their Castle hall in the Wood man huildina every Tuesday evening. B. M. Guy C. C. , W. G. VassAll, Clerk. Mistletoe Circle, No. 83, W. C. W., 4Ameets in their Castle Hall, in the Woodman building every Wednesday evening. Mrs. Helen Grbenwood, G. N. B. M. Gov. Clork. Knights of the Maccabees. Dallas Tent, No. 8, meets Second and Fourth Thursdays of each month in I. O. O. F.hall. , Mark Haytkr, S. K. Com. I. Is. WOODS. K. IV. Uilac Hive, No. 28, L. 0. T. M., meets on Second and Fourth Thursday afte noon of each month. Mrs. Kittir N. Miller, l. v. - Mrs. Rosa, R. K. KILLthe couch and CURE the LUNGS Dr. ling' WITH s Hor; Discovery forQ 0NSUMPTI0N Pries OUGHSand 50c . $1.00 OLDS Frea Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TBOTJB LEfcs, or MONEY BACK. Cash Store