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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
VOL. XYIII AN OREGON NUMBER Wown Magazine Will Devote jne Entire Issue to Exploitation of This Mate. iie Jamestown i-inrcran of the Exposition Magazine, the coming James- has in course of rtlon a special Oregon number, job promises to be of great Interest he public at large and of special ue to the atate as a medium through ich to set forth the possibilities of 'nut for homeseekers and investors. .h commercial organizations oughout the state recognize in it an .nHonal opportunity to reach a ticularly desirable class of settlers others of advantage 10 uregon, are co-operating to make it a jndld success. he magazine will be obtainable at news stands througnouttne united tea and will also be sent in response all inquiries for information re ding the Fair. 'rank Smith, the electrician of Mas after a few days visit here, left pniTflnft. Saturday. Salem Journal ...0 . n thn railroad wreck, which oc- red near Corvallis December 2G, w mihert was thrown from one i of a cnr to the other, and received bad cut over an eye and a sprained auldor. DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY 11 liX)7. NO. 44. A New Year Thought. A year has passed, and with it fi,.,i The aims, the plans, the purposes, 1,10 WU,K "'mono, the words unsaid The unfullllled promises. Our time, misspent, has disappeared; koou we might have brought about; The lonelv hearts wa mii.f i - - (jiin nave cheered, Which sank to depths of woo and doubt. We feel that we have failed to be J ust stewards of a wondrous store ; And yet, though most un worth v we. A bright New Year has dawned onee more; A fresh new record, free from blot, vitn richest hopes and bright For scatt'ring sunshine and good cheer Ana changing darkness into light. -HUTH E. CROCKER. Portland, Or. Hon. B. F. Jones came over Satur day evening from Independence and went up to Otter Rock. Newport News. Mr. Jones, D. L. Keyt, and others of this county are interested in valuable mining and timber properties at Otter Rock, and are also planning to build a large hotel there. W. V. Fuller, of this city, who was cruising timber in that vicinity last week, says that these gentlemen own property that can easily be developed into the finest summer resort on the Pacific Coast. prospects BASKETBALL TONIGHT Dallas and Willamette Are Expected 10 Play Closest Game ot the Year. WON Dallas College i Multnomah 3 Willamette 1 Portland V. M, 0. A....2 Salem Y. M. C. A 1 Newberg College 0 Monmouth S. N. 8 0 LOST PER L'KNTAGE 0 1000 0 1000 0 1000 1 606 2 S13 3 000 2 000 The Dallas College basketball team will play tho second game of the league series with Willamette Uni versity at the college gymnasium tonight. Willamette defeated Pacific College, of Newberg, by a score of 19 to 7 on the court of the latter. This shows that the lads from the Capitol City are a first-class bunch of players. Some of their men have played basketball for 10 or 15 years. The Dallas veterans are in fine con dition, and are ready to play the game of their lives. A hard-fought contest from start to finish is anticipated by both teams and will, without the closest battle of the season. The game will be called at 8:30 o'clock. Admission, 25 cents; reserved seats, 35 cents. Seats now selling at Belt & Cherrington's. COUNTY TAXES LOWER Court Fixes Levy Fot State County Purposes at 11.7 Mills. ana The Observer office wants the print ing you are particular about. 1 Do You Wish a Bright and I Attractive Home ? . ' ? , ""J- !. . jr jf Ws&ws&mgp' -. 4 " jv : (.tf . C'"mm-- Jr '" i"- - ,,nii , . - . . THIS DESIGN is one of my best and most attractive designs for the amount of money which is required to build it. All wood work on the interior of the building is planed smooth, sand-papered and then varnished, which brings out the grain of the wood and makes an ele gant and lasting finish. The exte rior has a most pleasing appearance viewed from any direction, and is free from all ginger-bread work, which saves consider able in the cost of erecting and keeping in repair. The building is provided with a hot-air furnace in the basement, which is the modern way of heating. The living room has a large, plain and neat tire place, which gives to this room a most pleasing and home-like effect. The second floor has three large bedrooms, with lanre dressing closets, one of which can be used tga sewing room if desired. The bath room 7x10, and has a bath tub, lavatory and closet. Al ptabing is of the est, and the fixtures are what areften called porcelain ware, which is put m all modern homes and is strictly sanitary. Tl.m consist of all elevations, floor plans, i V T .-poll finish both exterior and interior, foundation plan, tileing, sewer, details of all fb in fact,.everything that goes to make up ttetoWm andfinished The specifications explain and tfJJ . can be reproduced This building has been bum unu $u tQ $35 per thousand. This Building Can J A Jminf.Hnom. tLJ n't I J Xitchtn. Hi t o y 1 iim 4 Livinf.Xoom. -pTsi- Vrnda n n mrsor. re. , 1 in almost anv locality, as the price of lumber is rrt , .i j criflrntions For ineUomplete nans aim Be Had For The Small Sum of 14. You cannot afford to build without does not suit, write me and send a rough sKe 3 des. yQur new similar design I will make you a price on th plans. rf dass m. It HAND, Atchtec. ad The Tolk county tax levy for 1907 will be 11.7 mills, as against 23 mills in 1906. This levy was decided upon by Judge Coad and Commissioner Riddell at the regular January term of County Court, Commissioner Teal being absent The levy will be apportioned as follows : State 3.6 mills County 3.8 mills School 2.8 mills Road 1.5 mills Total 11.7 mills The 23 mill levy in 1906 raised $92,805. The 11.7 mill levy in 1907 will raise $102,232, or $9427 more than was raised last year.. The levying of this extra amount was caused by the high state levy. In 1906 the county paid to the state $19,187 ; this year It must pay $31,467. As the difference Is $12,27? and the county has levied only $9427 additional tax, It will be seen that there will be nearly $3000 less money for county purposes this year thaa was raised last year. Ordered that $19.40 be transferred from the General Fund to Road District No. 6. Petition of Annie Brown to be per mitted to make change in the county road near the .lands of the Frank Brown estate ordered that petition be granted upon condition that petitioner place the new road in as good con dition for travel as the present road and to the satisfaction of the court. Bond of John Fluke in the sum of $500, as Commander of General Gib son Post No. 64, G. A. R., for caring for Indigent soldiers, approved. Ordered that transfers from the General Fund to road districts be made as follows : No. 14, $15.38; No, 1, $8.94. Ordered that the resignation of E. V. Dalton as Deputy Sheriff be accepted and that the appointment and bond of Johnson E. Rlchter as Deputy be approved. Petition of W. M. Winn and others for a license to operate a ferry on the Willamette river at Buena Vista- ordered that license be granted when petitioners furnish approved bond In the sura of $100. ROAD SUPERVISORS. GS Nelson 54 95 Theo Zosel 87 50 JHMulkey 42 40 G II Crawford 28 75 DPStapleton 76 25 JM Farley 57 50 Henry Voth 35 00 JAHannum 6125 JN Jones 162 50 Jacob Smith 90 25 A R South wick... 85 00 A Sampson 42 75 W T Eakin 3 75 Jacob Becker 117 50 SALARY AND FEES. Ed F Coad 60 70 CS Graves 100 00 Emily Branson 55 00 EM Smith 134 83 ANHolman 65 00 JE Beezley '62 50 AM Trent 60 00 DrWSCary 66 75 C L Starr.... 133 33 EV Dalton, 50 00 J M Grant 133 34 JBNunn 16 00 H B Cosper 22 50 William Riddell 28 00 PAUPER ACCOUNT. Gertie Williams 6 00 JKNeal 1000 CE Huntley 33 00 Mrs S E Robinson.... 12 00 Salem Hospital 38 00 DGMeador 1100 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE. MScrafford.for Indigent soldiers 30 00 DrT V B Embree. ex Insane... 5 Go Bushong&Co., supplies 8 50 Irwin-Hodson Co., same 152 76 B Wilson, election acct 18 70 Chas Hazelton, tax error 5 12 G C Schneller, livery 11 50 JM Grant, jail 6 65 Observer, printing 10 50 U S Loughary, supplies 4 95 E W Fuller, livery 16 00 Itemizer, printing 1 50 Will. Valley Co., lights........ 25 00 Black & Cochrane, jail 3 50 PROBATE Estate of L. L. Hannum, deceased- Percy Hadley, Reuben Hastings and F. M. Waters appointed appraisers. Estate of Elenor 8. Levens, de ceased final account set for hearing February 2 at 10 a. m. Estate of George A. Wells, de ceasedpetition for sale of real estate set for hearing February 16 at 10 a. ra. Estate of Mary Ann Bell, deceased final account approved and estate APPRECIATED COMPLIMENTS What Some ot Our Exchanges Have to Say of the Observer In Its New Form. Editor Hayter of the Polk County Observer has enlarged his paper to an page and made other marked im provements In keeping with a flrst class country paper McMinnville Reporter. The Dallas Observer has recently been enlarged and remodeled. Polk county and Dallas are moving steadily toward the front and Brother Hayter makes the Observer keep the pace. Toledo Leader. The Dallas Observer blossomed Into a six-column, eight-page paper last week. Bro. Hayter is giving the Polk county seat a rattling good local paper and is entitled to tha prosperity that he Is enjoying. Brownsville Times. The Polk County Observer appears in new style. "It Is now printed in eight-page form, all home print, and Is not only a credit to Its editor, but is also a credit to the public spirited business men of the thriving city of Dallas. Amity Enterprise. Carey Hayter has changed the style of his paper, the Polk County Observer, from a7-column, 4-page toa6-column, 8-page, the ideal size for a weekly paper. Editor Hayter Is putting out a paper that is a credit to Polk county. Albany Herald. The Dallas Observer is starting the New Year right. It is now an eight page, six-column paper, instoad of seven-column, four-page as here- ofore. Editor J. O. Hayter is one of those young men who believe in doing things right and the people of Dallas should show their appreciation by giving him all the patronage and en couragement possible. Beaver State Herald. The Dallas Observer has enlarged to a six-.column quarto and looks as attractive as a brand new wagon. The Observer Is a dandy good paper, and its editor, J. O. Hayter, Is an enter prising and energetic newspaper man. He has a fine plant, but he lacks one thing to complete his usefulness as a citizen and that is a wife. Why he is permitted to remain single is a mystery his outside friends. May he live long and marry. Junction City Times. Road Supervisors were appointed as closed. follows : No. l William Ray. No. 2 Ralph Savery. No. 3 G. S. Nelson. No. 4 G. H. Crawford. No. 5 G. W. Chapman. No. 6 Robert Lowe. No. 7-D. P. Stapleton. No. 8 Thomas Strain. No. 9 A. Anderson. No. 10 Enoch Chamberlain No. 11 Percy Hadley. No. 12 Chester Guthrie. No. 13 James Boydston. No. 14 Austin Ellis. No. 15 Ed Plaster. No. 16 J. N. Jones. No. 17 Henry Voth. No. 18 F. J. Morrison. No. 19 E. A. Pagenkopf. No." 20 J. H. Mulkey. No. 21 Adolph Sampson. No. 22 Clarence Whitman. Ordered that the bond of each Road Supervisor be fixed at $500, The County Treasurer was credited Estate of Susan Merwin, deceased- final account approved. Guardianship of Otto Jarvis, a minor report of sale of real estate set for hearinar January 23 at 10 a. m. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Annie C Farley to G B Sturapp, 10 acres, 1 8 s, r 5 w, $250. Lowman Conner to C F Elgin et al, 200 acres, 1 7 s, r 6 w, $1. G W Gardner and wife to B W Rob ison, land in Falls City, $150. E W Hinshaw and wife to G W and Ida Hinshaw, lot In Dallas, $500. Chas K Spaulding Logging Co to Nelson P Wheeler, 881.28 acres, 1 6 s, r 7 w, $10,000. Susan C Bryant to Roy O Cox, lot I Falls City, $54.20. Alice M Frakes and hd to Valentine Fisher, lot in Dallas, $850. J M Grant, sheriff, to H Holman, tax deed to 10 acres, 1 8 a, r 6 w, $3.51 Ida M Scott and hd to George Taylor with cancelled warrants in the sum of 62 60 acre8f 1 9 s, r 3 w, $1250. $3915.57. CLAIMS ALLOWED ROADS AND HIGHWAYS. F J Morrison '0 00 Ira Mehrling 205 00 Will. Valley Lumber Co 89 57 A M McLaughlin 30 50 JACompton 80 60 E Bailey 240 BCKenyon ' 00 RFLoe 6100 Louis Husser I G Singleton and wife to Sarah E Bressler, land in Monmouth, $600. Anna Strain and hd to W A Bressler 6.04 acres, 1 8 s, r 5 w, $450. Charles B Whaley and wife to J Moore, 2 acres, 1 7 s, r 4 w, $450. Foster BIocH, 319 W. F. Street Albany, Oregon. 9 G W Wbiteaker ' 5" H J Ellis 1 80 William Mackie 2 80 J W Nesmith W O Morrow w H B Thielsen 1 50 Paul Fundman 1 00 AWPlanklnton 6 00 Wm RM cfiwav 17 40 The Spirit of Winter. The Spirit of Winter is with us, making its presence kpown In many 1 30 different ways sometimes by cheery sunshine and glistening snows, and sometimes by driving winds and blinding storms. To many people it seems to take a delight In making bad thlncra worse, for rheumatism twists harder, twinges sharper, catarrh be comes more annoying, and the many symptoms of scrofula are developed and acreravated. There Is not much Wagner Bros 34 m jn tni9) t,ut there is truth, and Pedee Lumber Vo 18 uo it is a wonder that more people don 1 MMulkey 33 64 get rid of these ailments. The medicine Ira Yocom fi9 60 that cures them Hood's Sarsaparllla Sjastram & Anderson 6 21 1 lg ea9iiy obtained and there nhnndant nroof that its cures are William Fudge RL Martin 6 75 Percy Hadley 122 25 Miller & Alcorn 10 00 n T TTnaapv 15 00 FGMcLench 804 Dallas Lumber Co 10 '6 Ralnh Savery 50 00 r-heator Guthrie. 67 50 radical and permanent Legal Blanks for sale at this office, Miss Banna Ball, of Monmouth, was the guest of Miss Sears In this city the past week. McMinnville TelepOne Register. Degree of Honor Officers. Crystal Lodge, No. 50, Degree of Honor, will have the following officers for the ensuing term : P. O. of H. Mrs. T. B. Rowell. C. of H.-Mrs. O. G. Coad. L. of H.-Mrs. Joel Shaw. C. of O Mrs. Chas. Black. Recorder Mrs. J. B. Nunn. Financier Mrs. Ed F. Coad. Receiver Mrs. H. B. Cosper. L. N.-Mrs. F. A.'Stiles. I. W. Mrs. J. O. Shultz. O. W.-Mrs. F. J. Coad. R Grangers Will Meet. A publio meeting of the Oak Grove . 1 Jl . grange will be nem on oaiuruuy, January 26, at 10 o clock. State Master A. T. Buxton will speak on grange work and the benefits that the people derive from the grange. A public Installation of olllcers will be given by the State Master In the after noon. A baskot dinner will be servea. The meeting will be held, regardless of the weathor. There is shelter for all and sheds for the horses. Remember the date and come and have a good time. W. U. MUlillUW, Master. Classes In Physical Culture. All persons wishing to join a class In physical culture or callsthenio drill are invited to meet in the college chapel Saturday, January 12, at 2 p. m., or Monday, January 14, at 8 p. m. The work will be explained and classes formed to suit your con venience if there Is a sufficient num ber to organize. The drill Is for ladies and gentlemen. Terms very reason able. Persons who cannot meet at time announced above may call on or address N. W. SAGER, Physical Director. A telegram was received from Wil bur Cook announcing a safe arrival in Alaska, which was a great surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, who were not expecting to have Christmas visitors, till the boat lauded. Such surprises are certainly enjoyable, particularly so when the family be comes scattered, and parents feel more the loneliness about Christmas time. -McMin n ville Telephone-Register. Printing, the kind that pays, at the Observer office.