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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
Polk County Observer J. O. HAYTER, EDITOR AND ljrjm,lHIITCIt. Published Weekly at $1.50 per Strlctlv in Advance. Year. DALLAS, OREGON, DECEMBER 7, 1906 The way to build up Dallas ts to pat ronize Dallas people. WISE BROTHER MOE. A baby show contest between Hood River and Willamette valle might be next In order. Here's a tip to Dan McAllen. Oregonian. We don't know what Dan McAllen thinks about it. but we think we can speak for Hood River when we say it is Dot a tip for us. When a few apples can precipitate such a warm discussion as has been going on or late in regaru to their merit it would probably be npeesanrv to call out the state militia to act as referee in a contest where h jiptive nrinc nals. Not for us. Hood River Olacter. IMPORTANT NOTICE. As soon as necessary machinery and equipment can be installed, an , important change will be made in the make-up of the Observer. The paper will be enlarged, and new depart r-at-.ts i ...lili-il t.h lit will make it one of the best weekly newspapers in the Northwest. New printing material has been ordered, and it is hoped to make the change about January 1. THE GOAT SHOW. It is now certain that the sixth annual Oregon Angora CJont Show will surpass all former shows, both in size of exhibit and interest of breeders. Secretary H. L. Fenton, of the Polk County Mohair Association, who is one of the active members or the com mil to a nn Arrjincrements. savs the iu a vuvw " - - cj ' breeders throughout the state art taking a lively interest in the coming show, and many are writing that they will not only attend in person but will bring along some of their finest " animals to enter in competition for the liberal prizes offered. John W. Fulton, secretary of the '.National Ancora Goat Breeders' Association, writes from Helena, Montana, that Dallas will see more ' goat breedors on January 9, 10 and 11 than have ever been gathered together at uny show west of the Rocky Mountains.. He says the southern ' states will send a largo delegation, and possibly some choice animals for .exhibition. Mr. Fulton is a loyal friend to the Dallas show, and it was through his influence that the sum of $200 was donated by the National Association for prizes at Dallas. An interesting feature of the Janu ary show will be a series of papers by successful goat breeders. Tho sub jects of these pupers will include the . history of the Angora goat industry, the breeding and care of those useful and profitable animals, the marketing : of the mohair product, and kindred topics of interest to goat men. Tapers have been promised by National Secre tary Fulton. James Riddell, U. S. Grant, W. A. Ayres and other prom inent breeders. The committee on arrangements is sparine no efforts to make the 1906 ' show biccrer and bettor than any that has been held heretofore, and In this work it is receiving the loyal support and encouragement of tho breeders and the business men of tho county. Tho result cannot fall to bo for the betterment of tho goat Industry and the increased prosperity of Folk county and all Oregon. A ftr a neriod of over 20 years, the ....... Rtirtlincr discovery has been made thnt. the inr of the presses in tho state printing office Is undermining the walls of the capitol. It is prouamy the "nigger" In tho proposition tc erect a new state printing office build ingthatisdoingthedamage.--J3rowns ville Times. The American Sugar Refining Com pany has been fined $18,000 for accept- inr rphates from the wow xoik " n . , rwrnl The railroad was llnou tne Rftme amount for giving the rebates to the company. Let the good work continue. Naturalize the Japs? President, never! Never, Mr PLEASANT REUNION Mrs. Marv Hubbard Surprised Her Children and Grandchildren Last Thursday. by CuvfS "Toman's Weaknesses. V'r r.'(or In that boon to weak, norvoni, . .... II. 1'.I7& Favorite I'lvt.iTiiaii-n. lit. .loll II 1 yll' OIKM.l UlUUiUlw" of Tiik i::i.i: Tt.J MKI1AL KKV1K.W a, (s one of tho e.'iicl inBreuienw u - .. . . . . .. nvnn ill v ok '.3 ; v..v- Ine mviKoruioi ".V.iiwiIvb system. wliUli more - -r.V- -fcW. I am Durixwes than any , V,",, ib'uiuifHfeu. ; ...u.ii. nr disease ue- in uwiif'":.irr. ... u culiar .U wow' r-,IB indication seen wliiirn ootw V ..T 1V1" l.'vf ful tht-r f,?. r-.i,msV1r ll, (U nleon. root. P.lD or scbini In .the. JftSBJ nuiw Mfnifni iKia uiuuuiiif."v - ------ en?d co iijftilwj offttie reproductive sysiti 1, ?J?r;.!kw?,'froui or accompanylnif an sensfirions in 1110 atMidTuen. , , Wwn avmntnmn 11 more or l.f 1 1TT1 . .Iir. fll LI1H ICiiUlllK ".' . .--7. . n. TTlnnlaa ehw ol which is u nicorii iwu, ami tlie medical properuea 01 wuu-u f f V,(Mi-n Sal not, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescrintion prof. Finie.y Kllingwood, M. D., of Ben- 'It Is an linpoitant remedy In disorders of the womb. IftarrH"t7"?'UV,i and xeneral enfeebli-menU it Is useful." Prof. John M. Scudder, M. U., late of Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root : "la relat on to Its general effects on the system, there U w medicine inme obuu t wl U, H I''ltarXiow, M. D..of Jefferson i...i;....i n,.n..,rf unva nf (iolden Seal : Valuahle in uterine hemorrhaire. nienor- rhiii-'ia (noKUii(,') an'i co ikcmi.c j rl'iV? Ku.' nii: ""V X' r ;,.rintlon faith- 1 ft . 1 in ; - . . ..n roi.i-MntM sill the above named m- the diseases for wbica Rl'Titlm' . . hey are recommended. : BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr Hayter. Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon. Por Sale. m, .i ...nrlr mures, weight 1300 mice fjiiuu - , lbs. each ; wagon and harness ; 50 head wether goats; 12 head nanny Bu-. and 12 shouts. F. K. Hubbard, Falls City, Or. Wanted to Trade. Will trade quarter section in Clack amas county for small rami Dallas. Value of farm v Address Tox 222, Dallas. Or. OR FIRST '' INVITATION i 1 1 'V Milk Cow For Sale. Two fresli milk cows for sale. Riofls, Dallas, Or. R. It. For Sale. Clean vetch and oats mixed to sow. W. C Lewis, Itlekreaii, uie. Wanted. Chickens, wanted for market. at Cold Storage Moat Market. Walnut Trees For Sale. English walnut trees for sale. Beezley, Dullas, Or. Call J. E. spent are A pleasant family reunion was held at tho home of Mrs. Mary Hubbard in this citv on Thanksgiving Day. Children and grandchildren to the number of twenty-one gathered at the old homo and spent aday of unalloyed happiness. Tho affair was a completo surprise to Grandma Hubbard, which made it all the more eniovable. After attend ing the union services at the Fresby terian church in tho morning, she returned to her home to find the house filled with a merry company or children and relatives. Tho good lady's surprise was so complete that It was with difficulty that she couui find words in which to express her appreciation. A bountiful dinner prepared by lier daughters, granddaughters and nieces was nlaced on tho tablo and soon tne jolly company was doing full justice to tho feast of cood things provided 'I' 1 . .. P . . ... w. r. .I-ci cnnnl ill Tpnpwind' til Wl liuiu n o"'n ---n " ' old homo ties and in recalling family church have postponed their Bazaar ... ii a. -.I- miirt -.I'lrtinnl i-llltf nrlIr.yint.nna I 1111 11 H X I, WI-KK. A. 11 C Wl IKIU" vai. avK&..u. Grandma Hubbard is one of Polk was December 7. county's honored pioneers, and is t a meeting of the city council .nil,M,il Lit nil wlin l.nnvv linr. m 1.... II- ataa lopillf(I to nuiii j ucTiwwLi "j " " ' iut;s'tij 11.111111 .u ii She retains her faculties remarkably taie up $1000 of the city's indebted- II I It- I ,.,1 ninil ITik'l t'Q 1 S . A (- n n 4- tm nitaffl I'O WOll, 111 S1ULO Ul iici uuvaiiwu J""3! IIOSS. OUVeiUl liupuituuu "" a INDEPENDENCE NOTES A basket ball team is being organ ized here. Dr. Eaton, of Portland, Thanksgiving here. Mr. and Mrs. J. McCready visiting in Falls City Mrs. L. Damon visited in Salem, Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. M. W. Wallace made a short trip to Portland the first of the weok Trof. T. A. Hayes and family, of Albany, visited friends hero lastweeK. Miss Olive Hastings has returned from nn extended visit in Eastern Washington and Portland. Tho Thanksgiving ball was well attended and was tho most enjoyable affair of the kind of tho season Miss Mabel Ellis is over from Salem, where she is attending school, visitinfi' her mother. Mrs. Arthur . -"'--'O Moore. The ladies of the Presbyterian Wanted to Trade. win triiflo miarter section in Clack amas county for young driving horses and some cash. Address uox Dallas, Or. For Rent. Farmine land for rent. Inquire of Mrs. W. J. Farley, Dallas, Or. Christmas Gifts. Come and see my new goods for Christmas. They are right, win have tho largest stock ever carried by me. Keep your eye on them as they come. Watch my winnow. C. J. PUGH, Falls City, Oregon. WE respectfully invite all our customers who know they owe us to come in now and settle. We have had a fine year to make money and we all ought to be supplied with the cash and no excuses to offer. i 1 1 ELLIS KEYT Fir Wood Wanted. From 200 to 500 cords of dry fir wood wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City & Western liailway Co. Dry Slabwood For Sale. The Willamette Valley Lumber Company has some fine dry slabwood for sale cheap; also lfi-ineh slabs and block wood. HAIN STREET, DALLAS, OREGON W ' i 'A'VVX'VX-WVX-'V i Groceries and Provisions WK carry all llio leading brands of Cannec (Hoods, Codecs, Teas and Silicon. Als ... . .11 -i a . . Chickens For Sale. For sale, two dozen full-blooded White Leghorn chickens; also In cubator that will hatch sure. Address, Box 222, Dallas , Or. iurts.L, I LA. MAKING POWDER. riATORtNG EXTRACTS AMohitt Purity, nnntrum. CLOSET a DETERS 10(1 MllCCS. Also a good supply of fresh vegetables ami fruit in season. .'. Crockery and ueen s ware. SIMONTON & SCOTT, OSFII'.I.I) OT.l) STAND TOYS!! TOYS!! The Salem printers' union wants tho state to purchase a printing plant and place the State Printer on a flat salary, in the "Interest of economy." They nlso ask that tho sum of $101,000 be appropriated for public printing fortwovears. As the state is paying less than $30,000 a year for Its printing at the present time, it is difficult to see uhora th frnnomV WOllld COI110 In. The bill savors too strongly of a job to be entitled to serious consideration. The statodoesn't need a printing plant. It's troublos would commence the minute it bought one. Oregon has been paying too much for its printing we all know that but let's not get in a hurry and take tho wrong medi cine. Bettor let Willis Duniway carry out his promise of economy and a fair deal. He'll do it. and always has a kind word for her friends, both young and old. Thorn nrnsent at the reunion were M. D. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Hubbard, C. L. Hubbard, S. D. Hub bard. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Griffin, Miss Laverne Hubbard, Miss Marie Griflln, Messrs. Omer and Quy Hub imnl MIhs Aitio Hubbard. Miss Escella Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. John Hubbard, of McMinnvillo, Mr. and Mm 'Murk Canns. of Salem. Mrs. William Deam and son, Mrs. (Jum mins and Miss Freda Cummins, of Corvallis, and Joe Griflln. discussed and taken under consider ation. The city election held Monday re sulted in the election of J. S. Italian- non, W. L. Bice and A. S. Locke nnnnilmftri for two vears: W. 11. Craveu, councilman for one year, and Arthur Moore for recorder. A missionary tea was given by Mrs. R. F,. Paddock at her homo Tuesday I afternoon for the benefit of the Ladies' Missionary Society or the Methodist church. A pleasant afternoon was spent by the ladies, after which a delicious lunch was served. VICTIM OF TUBERCULOSIS Clay Shepard Dies at His Home Alter Long Illness. Zena Claiborn Lock ley Shepard, son of Mr nml Mra. J. It Shenaid. died of tuberculosis at the family home near house. Zena, on Tuesday, December 4, ageu 23 vears and 17 days The vounc man was a graduato or tho Oregon Agricultural college and afterward spent two years there as secretary of the college Y. M. C. A He was highly esteemed by tne people of rvirvnllifl nml was looked upon as E0LA. Eola is having quite a boom in the way of repairing the old houses. The teachers and pupils enjoy the "citv" water which has been piped from the Holman spring to the school The I'resideut'a message is a frank, straightforward document and con tains manv excellent suggestions for legislation along practical lines. His recommendations on tlio great nusi ness oucstions, such as control and iniuMnn nf railroads, taxation of . f,i..... franchises and currency reform, are sound and safe, and will meet tho np proval of tho eople, irrespective of Dartv affiliation. His advocacy oi an income tax will not. we believe, be received with general favor by his party, neither will his losition on the .Tanancse Question be Indorsed uy tne Western states, who n; ' j ' ivj know the Japaneso to bo lacking in nearly every desirablo quauiy aim buted to them by the President. Now wo are finding out- how the Mitchell machine worked the politics of the state for so many years. No one outside of the ring, however, even dreamed that It was as bad as it was. Get Rid of Scrofula Bunches, eruptions, Innammations, ton- nrss of tbe eyelids nl ears, aiseases w iuo bones, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting, .r. nn)T some of tbe troubles It causes. It is very actWe evil, making havoc of the whole system. Hood'sSarsapariHa Eradicates It, cores all Its manifestations, and builds up tbe whole system. Accept do substitute. Georgo Brunk was a witness in the railroad condemnation suit against Mr. Hogg. We have preaching here every Sun day evening at 7 o'clock. A big timo is being planned for Christinas. Preparations for a tree or corvallis ami was loost-u uim s - , ":.r;V, " v m n a U,W9 and a good program are under way IH1U VII II I Vi Vi'iu it Q . n the Northwest. ! Ferguson is ro-mouenng ms f.,ri u. a iiol.l nt Mm Sm iiiflf dwellinff and making many other im- A liu nim iui f. .m a o " Vnllcv Presbvterian church yesterday provemeius aoom. ms imira morning and was largely attended. Eola was well represented at tne uox Secretary II. W. Stone of tho Portland socials at Popcorn and West Salem. Everything For the Little Folks CONFECTIONERY Our ioc and 15c counters are filled with attractions. Fancy Dress Shirts at reduced prices to make room for Spring stock. The Racket Store F. S. Ramsey, Proprietor. MAIN STREET, - - DALLAS i SP ECIAL OFFER The Willamette Valley Company offers to rewire premises of present electric . consumers according to specifications of the Board of Fire Underwriters, at a cost to the consumer not to exceed $1.25 per drop. A better light will be secured and all danger from lire will be entirely eliminated. With the completion of the new power plant a twenty-four Jwr service will bo installed, thus allowing the citizens of Dallas electricity for POWER well as light. Electric Irons will be introduced and they will bo given to the consumer for MjJJ trial, the consumer merely paying for the current consumed, satisfactory to buy the iron at end of 30 days. Willamette Valley Company E. W. K EARNS, Manager for Dallas. V. M. C. A. conducted the services. A delegation of students from Cor- wnllia wfrn nrcsent to honor tlieir - - i former associate. Many people were nrpHpnt from Salem and the Spring Valley neighborhood. Our teacher. Miss Foster, will spend the holidays with friends at Dayton. Koy Ferguson is attending the High School in Salem, and drives back and forth. Carl Patton found one of his valu able horses shot in his pasture a few Snelling-llolman. (j a aso ji0 n80 routl(j the head of iUl. lllllLrn i' . I'liv lllii ...... -'" UUU VI 1113 iFuvo D.ivn.n v.. J Minnie Holman were married at the the side of the Salem road, but has . . ., . i ti i ... . i. i . neiiner seen nor ueani iinjinuiH the carcass. home of Mrs. S. J. Richmond, Wednes day morning nt 10:30 o clock, lov. C. H. Davis, pastor of the lsnptist church, officiating. Only tho Imme liui.i relatives of tho bride were present Mr. Snelling is a member of one of Oregou'i earliest pioneer fami l ins. and Is respected by all uis aeauaintanees for his many worthy Qualities. His wife Is a daughter of Mrs. S. J. Richmond and has resided si net her childhood in and around Dallas, where she has a -host of warm friends. Mr. and Mrs. Snelling will vlait hia mother in Albanv for a few PERRYDALE. Henry Jones is home from Portland on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Townsend made a business trip to Dallas, Thursday Miss Elsie Keyt makes twice-a-week visits to Dallas for music lessons from Trof. Caldwell. W. J. STOWE, Truckman, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. OAIXAS. ORFOO The Dallas Harness Shop Is in shape to sell Harness and Horse Goods at lowest Prices. Call and get prices and save money. Plush Robes, Blankets, Whips, Etc. F. SALFICKY RioeCook. formerly an employe of the Dallas & Falls City railroad, has y8ll ,.,..,. ... . lurned to rerrydale. days and will then make their homo J I f. . Plin..ui kftll fll on their farm near Dallas. Hugh, Buena W. V. C. Krull. atreney manager of the Kiiers Piano Hous, was in Dallas on Wednesday. bxkiug over the business situation and arranging for a bargain sale of pianos at the local ain ncv in A. H. Harris' jewelry store Mr. Krull phjm business was never better with his firm, the demand Tor pianos and organs being the heaviest ever known. The firm enjoys a gplendld patronage in Folk eouuty. Mrs. Charles Kau and son, are v siting relatives near Vista. Mrs. Maccie Dent returned Tues day after a month's visit with relatives iu Sprague, Wash. Mr. Miller, a young man from Red Prairie, has rented the Merrick farm. Grandpa Nance, claimed by the sick-lied for the past two months, re mains about the same. Legal Blauks for sale at this office. The Olds Gasoline Engines I handle the "Olds" the best Gaso line Engine in the market Just the thing for Wood Sawing, Pumping Spraying, f eea aims, churning, tte Come and See the best gaso line engine made for farmers' purposes. . Ed. Diddle, Agent Dallas, Oregon. Beautiful Gifts For Xmas Watches Rings Bracelets ALL THE LATEST SETTINGS IN ...JEWELRY... also CUT GLASS IN LATEST PATTERNS Handsome Toilet Sets C. H. MORRIS, The Jeweler, One Door West of Stafrin Drug Co. ,1 V a