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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
p0lk County Observer Umbrell" rcpairlng-Lee Smith. Tablets and stationery at the Racket. ? The llackot for granite ami tln- J "Slots in Ellis Addition, see II. G. fampbell- ' se the waitings at the Racket be- fopB you buy. n Brown, for Abstracts. Notary ; ppV; typewriting. nnn't throw away your old umbrella JKSJ see Lee Smith. ontiMRs, blankets, hosiery and Fall snSes otal'klndsat the Racket. a -mi was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fnok -Holmes in Salem, Thursday. ToiTorson llyorly is a candidate for the oflico of City Marshal at Newport. ,r i Webster, agent for the Royul Tailors of Chicago. Full and winter samples now In. Money of private parties to loan at 6 per cent on well-Improved farms. num & EAKIK. l'atroiilzo the new barber shop-on Mil street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor, guarantees llrst-class work. Mrs J M. Laurence died of con .innntion'at her home In Independence l8tTiiesdny,aged64 years. Just received, a carload of Star A star shingles, to be sold at prices that are right- Soehren Warehouse Co. Lots of time for groups and single nictures to kindly remember your friends these holiday times. T. J. CllERBINOTON. . If you want to buy your cigars and confectionery where you will receive the best of treatment, give Tracy Staats a trial. I have just received a fresh line of "Lowney s" famous chocolates and bon bons in pound aud half pound packages. W. R. Ellis. W. R. Ellis, agentfor theOregonian and Telegram. Leave your order and have it delivered to your door by the day, week or month. County Clerk K. M. Smith issued license this week to wed to W. A. Guild and Carrio L. Domes, William Mdvro and Sadie Richardson. Persons wishing to buy candies nnd nuts for Christmas, should not fail to seo Tracy Staats before buying. He has the goods that will suit you. Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 and 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone 45. Wood choppors and wood contractors wanted to cut wood for the Salem, Fulls City & Western Ry. Co. Apply to the General Manager's oflice, Dallas, Or. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Patton left Satur day morning for their homo at Sacra mento, Cal., after a pleasant visit with the family of II. Fugitt. Falls City Logger. Thirty-five acres of the John M. Lynn farm at the South edge of town, for sale in live and ten-acre tracts. Inquire of Mr. Lynn, or at Brown's real estate oflice. Missliertha Collins will leave for Walla Walla next Saturday to visit j her parents until March 1. Her I millinery store will bo closed during i her absence. The Fyramid Builders is a new order in this state. It takes with young people. One will be organized in Dallas. If you wish to be a charter member, call on Frank Kersey. Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Thompson have returned to their home in Falls City from a Reveral weeks' visit in Michi gan. They were accompanied on the homeward' journey by Dr. Thompson's father. Baskotball tonight Read all the bright new "ads." Basketball, Dal In v m tonight V8, cllL''iawn, Miss Emily Johnson, of Canada is Hughe! "r SiStCr iUs Mr. and Mrs. T. A Ri nr ivr Mrs. George Hagey, of Burns has s,n!r,wi f.or thi y,nunK fk9- toilet KugCo.-s 8tflli0,l,'ry t Stafrin Mrs. U. S Grant went to Portland Mr. aud Mrs. W. D. Bell, of Rose- burg are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. B. Casey. .iBUy J'01"" Christmas perfumery at the Stafr n Drug Co. 's store and you will get the best. J H. G Campbell, agent Tor lots in Levens' 3rd Addition to Dullas. New addition just on the market. Nothing more appropriate for a Christmas gift than a good book Large assortment at Stafrin Drug Co! Little Emily Squier. a child elocu tionist, will give an entertainment in the College Chapel next Friday night. License to wed was issued in Marion county, Monday, to Arthur Merwin and Mary E. Cox, both of Polk county. Tracy Staats will have all kinds of Christmas goods In his line, and don't forget that his prices are always right. Travelers should remember that the Dallas-Salem stage makes connection with the north bound afternoon train at Derry. Wood choppers and wood contractors wanted to cut wood for the Salem,' Falls City & Western Ry Co. Apply to the General Manager's oflice, Dallas, Or. Fred J. Oberer, manager of the Oberer-Meyer sawmill was down from Falls City yesterday. He reports the mill running on full timo with many orders on hand. The second entertain ment of the Lyceum Course was given by Lewis Williams at Woodman Hall, Wednes day night. Some of his experiments in electricity were quite interesting and his talk on wireless telegraphy was entertaining. Dr. C. A. Mock, president of Dallas College, received the sad news Satur day of the death of his mother, which occurred at her home near Pavia, Pa., on Saturday morning. She was about 65 years of age. George H. Lamberson, secretary of the State Boaad of Horticulture and a former resident of Dallas, died at his home in Portland, Tuesday from the effects of a cancer. He was 53 years old, and left a wife and three children. Falls City Camp. No. 809, W. O. W. hus elected the following officers for the ensuing term: C. C, T. B. Masters; A, L., W. II. Tice; banker, J. F. Jones; clerk, D. D. Bell; escort, W D. Harmon; watchman, Charles Hartung; sentry, C. V. Averiil; man ager, G. A. Starr. The following from Dallas regis tered at Portland hotels this week: Perkins-Mr. and Mrs. D.A.Madison, W R. Howe, John Bird, Joe Smith, B Gildner. Imperial-Hallie E. Morrison, E. J. Reynolds. St. Charles Mrs. Ben Cox. Basketball tonight. mends In Dallas the tlrst of the week. bohM M- G!rant t00k IrviD? D mornlng peniteinlar' Wednesday Carl Williams has secured employ- drug store. ' KJlwmaoa s tuZttt5nnn.?l nml rnrker fountain Pens fin- tu! t ... . . . Drug Co 3 marrin Police Judge Stonffer is able to be nut again, after a severe attack of rheumatism. Mrs. R E. Beery, of Portland, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Smith. State Sen.'ltnr TT T,-,., !,,... t , - v. .J. y ill.- tended the car shortage meeting in l'.llnrpnn B?o,l.J... D" , " i-uiu-auuy. W. O. Mnrrnii. r,t TJII-nii Miss Mabel Truman were married in I acorn n last Thursday. .Mrs. Arthur Harris, of Alaska, Visited fit rlin linmo P nr.. .i vr. George Kerr this week. Georcre f!nnlr.i' r? jie.uij iiii.iuiuui oi independence, was a business visitor in Dallas, Tuesday. Tracy Staats has aflne lino of fancy boxes, and they are tilled with Aldon's beSt Candies ltllv vmir hnc nrirl nno for Christmas. Considernfion nf tho olnntrir. Unht ordinance was postponed by the city uuuuuii, itionuay evening, ana no business of particular importance was transacted. Ghorke& Shaw have moved their meat market to the building next door to Daniel's wallpaper store and have everything neatly arranged in their new location. On account of the muddy streets, the Dallas-Salem stage will not call for passengers at their homes in Dallas this winter. The public will please take notice. J. J. Fipi.Kit, proprietor. J. A. Baxter, a prosperous farmer of Ballston, was in town, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. l.'nxter will leave in a few days for Redlands, California, for a six weeks' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Morrison. It. Webb, n recent arrival from The Dalles, has purchased 10 acres of the John Lynn tract south of town and will engage in fruit raising and mar ket gardening. Mr. Webb aud family are at present living in one of B. Gild nor's houses on Washington street. Frank Snyder writes from Ely, Nevada, that, with nine others, he has located on forty-five mining claims near that town, and the only two assays yet made on their ore showed $87 and $100 per ton in gold and silver. Wrangell Sentinel. Mis. Frank Kerslake, who has been visiting relatives in Spokane, is Qorimialv ill with nneumonia in Port land, having contracted the disease on her way home. JVir. nersiaxe re noiwnH tlio npws nf Ilia wife's illness Tuesday morning and hastened to her bedside County Commissioner John Teal is aimi'iir rpnnvnrinnr from an attack of typhoid fever at his mountain home near I' ai s uuv. n.e was not uuiu i ntfnri tha TWfimhpr term of Oonntv -v.,rt nml t will nrohnlilv bo several weeks' before he will be able to attend to his business affairs. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Williams spent Thanksgiving Day at the farm noine rtf Mr jinrt Mis. r. a. oihco uuu invpd the fine dinner pre pared by the hostess. Uncle Jim says the big roast turkey, stuffed with sweet potatoes, chestnuts and "goober od umi nlpnsnnt reminder of his boyhood days back in sunny Tennessee COURT HOUSE NOTES. COMMISSIONERS" COURT.' Ordered that allowance toB. Gibson for poor be discontinued. . Ordered that G. W. Chapman be allowed $8 per month for keeping poor. Ordered that right-of-way deed from John Thomas and wife for county road be recorded; same order for Warren Wright deed. Tax rebates were granted as follows : Polk County Tclephono Co., $9.71; Spaulding Logging Co., $12.72; Tal bott & Thompson, $16. County Treasurer Beezley credited with cancelled warrants in the sum of $19,288.77. In the matter of petition of James Boydston and others for county road on west side of O. & C. R. R. track through Dolph farm ordered that when petitioners present good and sufficient right-of-way, the county will pay not to exceed $10 per acre for such right-of-way and will establish such road, petitioners to grado the road for travel to the satisfaction of the court. CLAIMS ALLOWED ROADS AND HIGHWAYS. vogei Liiimoer vo Evan Evans ... 0 00 C K Spaulding & Co. 16 58 EHLovelady 7 00 O & W Sewer Pipe Co 21 87 Sheridan Lumber Co 13 39 Percy II ad ley 7 53 Independence Tile Factory 7 50 Wm Faull 3 35 J W Morrison 5 19 F Vauffhn 6 90 Dallas Lumber Co 11 54 COURTHOUSE ACCOUNT Willamette Valley Co., lights. .$ 29 05 Dallas Water Co 10 00 M Trent, janitor CO 05 W J White 6 80 Burroughs Adding Machiue Co. 375 00 J M Grant 5 55 i i i! MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE. Glass & Prudhomme, supplies.! 8 21 CG Coad, postage 64 80 R E Moores & Co., supplies 6 00 Geo F Rodgers, same 12 00 Itemizer, printing 6 50 Observer, printing 22 50 Michael Goetz, damages 150 00 Talbott & Thompson, rebate. ... 16 00 All officers salaries and the usual pauper accounts were ordered paid. TAKE A AY OFF Come over to this S A do voir Xm- "n"" Mlltil the eleventh honr or n th hast things to"""" pfctadwr. We have more time right now to show von all the late crfattoiM, gotten ont especially for the Holidays. In our Ladies Department you will find many new arrivals Silk waists of every description; new arrivals in Neckwear, Hand Bags, Belts, Gloves and Umbrellas. In our Men's Department we show many exclusive styles in Fancy Dress Shirts, Neckwear, Suit Cases, Umbrel las, Hats, Gloves and shoes. Next week we place on sale 100 dozen Xmas Handkerchiefs, some of the best values we have ever see, All kinds-Cotton, Linenand Silk in Plain and Fancy Borders and Initials. Come early for first choice. THE BEE HIVE STORE R. Robinson, owner of the Dallas cheese factory, came up from Port land this week and made his monthly settlement with the farmers for milk. The Dallas factory is one of tha fow that are running duiing the winter mouths. The number or patrons is constantly increasing. Successful Institute. Tho annual teachers' Institute for Polk county will close touisht after a successful three days session. The attendance is larger than usual, about 125 teachers beiugenrolled. Prominent educators from all parts of the state are taking part in the work, and great interest is manifested by the teachers. The reception to the visitors on Tues day evening was one oi tne most nleasant social events ever emoyea py the people of Dallas. Speeches of welcome were made by Superintendent Starr. Mayor Biddle and Principal W. I. Reynolds and pleasing talks were made by Prof. D. M Metzger, of Dallas College, and supt. L. It, Traver. of Pendleton. Among the prominent educators taking part in institute are State Supt. J. H. Acker- man. President E. D. Ressler of the Monmouth Normal, Supt. L. R. Alder man of Yamhill county, Supt. L. R. Traver of Pendleton, and President B. F. Mulkev of Ashland. The people of Polk county have never enjoyed a finer literary treat than the lecture on "Hamlet" by President Mulkey on Thursday evening. Lack of time pre vents us "from giving this lecture the mention it deserves and we shall have more to sav of it later. The school officers of the county will hold their annual convention here tomorrow. Notice. Bids will bo received by the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, ror tne Duplication of the delinquent tax roll, for the year 1905; and for tho sale of property for delinquent taxes for said Said bids to bo opoued on the 7th clay of December, 190G, at the hour of 1 o clock p. m. oi saiu iiuy. E. M. SMITH, Clerk of said Court Call tor Bids. I will receive bids up to and in pindinc Saturday. December 15, 1900 for the construction of a sidewalk on thmo Rides of mv old home place in Dallas : tho north and south sides to i.of new material, stringers 4 by 4 th past, aide to be of new stringers as before, covered with old lumber; make bid with all material furnished by nontractor. also bid with all material furnished bv me. Work to be com pleted by January 1, 1907. G. W. CON KEY, Independence, Or. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received by the imdorsicmed till 12 M.. December 20, inr. for nainting State Normal Build ing at Monmouth. Oregon. Right reserved to reject any and all bid For full particulars address 1 J. B. V. BUTLER, Secretary Regents. Estray Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has taken up three stray cattle as iollows: une large reu cow, hell: 1 red steer, about two v.ra r.ld ; one red-and-wbite steer, Owner can have same by paying all expenses. q Dallas, Or. Notice. I desire to notify my customers that my millinery store will be closed from D'cemler 15 to March 1, as I shall be absent from Dallas during mai ume. Estray Notice. Strayed from my farm one dehorned Tpfbpv nun. i-iearte uouiy v. u, (JaLKISS, liiCKreau. UCll yuuuo uo. .x.t ovcoat ;-; HAT III "WSORf : kvShZll hmEM I tWew III "ECKWEA? , r'W2?'ai' UP" n vr MAC? is the time to make a selection for "His" Christmas gift and this is where the store you'll ".be most apt to find Man or Boy we've the things suitable for "His"? iiiiMiims. A WISE CHOICE What could be a wiser selection than 6ne of our Suits, Rain Coats : - or Overcoats? Bring in an old coat to show his size, and we'll make any change you desire after Christmas. ; OUR. HABERDASHER.Y i Our showing of Christmas Haberdashery is a grand display. Our Elegant Neckwear, Choice Gloves, our Shirts, Mufflers, Umbrellas, t Suspenders, and the many other things in Toggery a Man is always wanting, are correct and the best that money can buy. , :: SMOKING JACKETS AND PAJAMAS t We've a fine line of these luxurious garments so highly prized by every man. Come here for "His" Christmas and you'll find just the thing with a moderate price attached. ; fl it H s II m r u tt y u a a s s n a s ii s a 1 a The UglO Clottimg SI MILL STREET, LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS jt jr DALLAS, OREGON KERSEY'S Xmas Specialties Log Cabin Creams Pure Cream Penoche Walnut Stand Caramels Cocoanut Stand " Turkish and French Nougates Fairy Kisses Wrapped & unwrapped Taffy A Special line of Fancy Candy Boxes. A full line of Aldon's & i Fuller & Douglas Creams FRANK KERSEY Tho "9 a TTti araesi rro .01 t t , t '05 blem That confronts the people is where to buy their SHOES Como to us and wo will make it easy, have the best lines that can be had sell them at the We and v. ..Vd -, ( I !"' 2:: OS . t?i 05 1 1 . I $2. 00 Pays tor the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonlan one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Obsekvf.r must be paid up to date. Subscribe now. Right Prices Come and see us The Dallas Shoe Store, Mrs- h 11 OJ 1 Entirely New in Dallas ALLEN'S I BOSTON BROWN BREAD FLOUR Delights the Epicure. DR. PRICE'S WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD I AT MAIN HT. HOWE'S ,,a"'a -our- HOLIDAY STOCK Is now nearly complete. This year we are showing the largest line ever brought to Polk county This week we received a lot of NEW BOOKS in 20, 30 and 35 ct editions. They are neatly bound In cloth and have a Medallion picture on the cover making a very pretty gift We have also a newlineof fancy Handkerchiefs. Good linen values for 5 cents, better ones for 10 and 15 cents. A NEW NOVELTY We have this year a miniature suit case packed with handkerchiefs. Quick Action How's This! w. nltrr One Eondred Dollar Reward fof aoycaeof Catarrh that cannot be cured bj llall'a Catarrh Cure. F J. CHENEY CO., Prop ., Toledo, O. -rre tiie nndi-.signed, hare known F. J. Ch iey for the lat 15 years, and belier him per .ct'tiy Lonorable In all bniineaa tranaactiona and Cnanc;ail7 able to carry out any obUfa- rinnn mate bT their firm. W "t i c.x. WboleSaleDrnfri.U. Toledo. O. tVauo. Kj" !, nuummljrui rin, Toledo, O. TTa'l t atarrh Cure i Uken internally eB iire'tW upon the blood and mncoua ' "r t heVy-teau Knee. TSe. per bottie. holdbaij Vnrii- TewUmoiuaa trw--ilaU'i Fauulr are Ua ottl. MEISER Q MEISER Albany, Or. Dallas, Or. HOLLiSTCR'S Cscky UzMteln Tea Nusgets A Buy Kilola tot Euiy Peopl. Eift HaMh a4 Biw4 Virnr. A grweiflc f'rCVntlriatlon, Inillt'Wition. !.! arid Kiiin-y Trouble, Hnipl. fcuxeina. Impure blurt. Bad Breath, rilupifmh Bowla, Hada-he and hack-he. Ii a k'cky afounialn Tea In Ub t-t form. V ctxt a box. ilMiulne made by tioLuerca Dai'o Cortsi, Wadnon. Wia. CUCS KUZCETS FC3 tkUCM PEOPLE 0 stimulate quick action and smart buying in our Dress Goods Department we are making substan tial discounts. Our goods are Seasonable and will bear in spection. If you are in the market for Dress Goods, we have them. PRICE AND QUALITY WILL TELL THE STORY. Folio cli's Casli Store WILSON BLOCK Dallas, Oregon v. u. r. Duuuiii