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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
1 Polk County " vol. xviii DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 7, 1900 NO. 30. ITJ RC ED hi hi hi "IT 1 0 SALE ft J 1 J e i1 as I w W i - I - ' hi We are forced out of the building, Guy Bros, have rented onr room and we are left out in the cold and no place to go. This is a case of get out, and we have made ready to sell our j . .i- -j. i 4. : a- j . .i-... . . . . p i i i - U 1 entire stQCK at me iuwcs pic ever ouerea to tne Duying public. WE MUST GET OUT. Our los3 will be your gain. Our stock i3 of the best and our prices nere-io-iore nave ueea as iuw &a . t x. -j i i - . t nrst-ciass goous, qui now we win give you bargains such as you ne7er heard of before. We don't want to move a dollar's worth of goods ana we nave omv t-Ua. lnixrpsr. ior 1. 11C IV " ww- ffl; " g , I Mm A UNTIL JANUARY 1, 190T Kingsbury Hats, the best $3 hat on the market, goes at $2.3." the best Kingsbury for $2.33. Dress goods at almost your owi Men's good Suits from $5 to $ 1 Former price from $10 to $25. Such prices you never saw for such goods. All Winter Underwear in Men's, Ladles' and Children's go at less than cost to us. All our 50c and 60c values at 41c; $1 ana $i.zo values at y.jc; $2 values at sgi.ti). :.'). Other good bargains in all lines of Hats from 7(k up to eroods at almost vour own prices. Wool and cotton Blankets from 41c to $4.75 for the best wool blankets. All our Men's and Boys' Overcoats we offer at less than cost to us as these goods must be sold. You can now buy an overcoat for less than the retailer. Don't overlook this chance. A good overcoat for $3.73 and better ones from $( to $1 1.7a Outing Flannel 61c values at ."k, 8$c values for 7c; 10c values for Qy 12k values for 9c. Ladies Coats and Dress Skirts we are very anxious to sell and we will give you prices on these goods that we cannot buy them for in wholesale market. All Parties Knowing Themselves indebted to us please call and settle as we must close up our business .... -. ... .! at once. Call and pay us and save us looKing you up. we win greauy apjiiewaic . Remember this Sale only lasts until Jan. 1st, as we are forced out of the building and every dollars worth must be sold. A chance of your life time to buy at less than cost to us. First-class goods at the price of the cheapest. We have to get out and we must sell all as we have no place to go. Sale Continues until Jan. 1, 1907 Dallas Mercantile Dallas, hi 1,1 iU H ( -7. - frj V7 hi "' - ) ; ; N-V- I I .1 ). P! Copyright 1906 by Hart Schaffner 3 Mr f W i AUtLat-IJll-iIIl-Jl't'""" . 1 ,, ! ,. , . : uw '" w-'1"" .C-s! RETIRES FROM Bl'SI-NESS The Dark Days Are Here More Mutual Telephones. J. IT. Stants, superintendent of con- Ill Health Causes VV. J. Hooker to j stru.-tion of the Falls City, Lewia- ti'ne L School and Law Practke. And you are having more or less trouble with your eyes. The light is poor and you should assist your eyes by procuring a pair of my Scientifi cally Fitted Eye-Glasses A. II. HARRIS OPTICIAN If The Friiter anaouaoes with rpgret that Prof7w. J. Hooker, of the Eugene Ri,jmi v.U. will be obliged to give up his conn-Ktioa with that insti-1 tiie two towna tution, and aLf pracuw;, uu juwunt of ihe cocdition of hla health. Since his last sictcess, his physicians j hare told hia that h will fee obliged 1 to live out of d.X'fs nil the tim if he i has any regard for his health. villa & Dallas Telephone Company, has the contract for stringing another wire from Datlas to Airlie and will begin the work at once. The new line will accommodate 18 subscribers. The company now has three wires between SHORT TERM OF COURT Session Begins Monday Morning and Cfcues Tuesday Alter-00a. Chapel Car Is Here. The chapel car Emmanuel, in charge of a noble band of Christian people, id in Dallas. These people are assisting . II. A.imnii!iTn ftrlil in an evuiig'Miauu cam puis u o r - j j I Q Jill rvailg' , r-. PTrH?t5 t o to h.L parents !,inma .u an jinTietvtobe helpful iu - 1 (JUlll-. J home in Pols coaaty as soon as 11,5 j tlle true eluvatioa of maQkiud. They can and spend his time out of doors ; capable( decreet, and mean this winter, and the nest summer he j busiues8 Ail who desire to encourage will go to Eastern Oregon. His place j better con(iition of things are will be. hard to fill in the business ! eordiaily invitel to co-operate with college, but the servi.-e of an excellent prniS! an,l influence. teauher is now being arraag-nl for. j c. H. DAVIS. Eugene Register. i 7 I School Children Remember Poor. The pupils of the Dallas public school made a literal Thanksgiving offering tx the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Portland. The donation r...ail of us .marts of caane.1 fruit, Charch on Wheels. The chapel car Emmanuel is side tracked at the ,lep.-.t and services will te eonduete.1 each evening- by Ke- and Mrs. E. R. Eermiston, who am in .v. tiij iwrviifs are full of . . f.xr- nt liirh i n T. , , 1.1 . .m. .1st : in, nntiitiieS. i i xJe chart oar has seaW f.r brought their olTerings to Pnne.pal IiJXta iy organ and . IWuoids, who attended to e n pulpit, aadthe nwvssjiry eMuipment . au, snipping- for gospel serves. workers j pHy9, ar the hure been verv snixe . i , T have had unqualified success in treating the diseases of the eye as hundreds of patients will testify. My instruments are the most mod ern and are scientifically correct. If you are suf fering from impaired eyesight let me test your eyes and fit a pair of glasses to them. EXAMINATION FREE JewehToLlL Watches Diamonds Rrn relets Highest Grade Cut Glassware 1847 Rogers and RocKford Silverware Near Postoffice DALLAS C ! II The CRIDER Grocery CallBdl 41 or Mutual 271 first Come, first Stfvri with the Largest Stock of Groceries in Town. Vrencv for Chase & Sanborn Coffee ,0S Ul 1 pOURU ,dL t?nt0SJd u-r- f.r Bvers Blue Ribbon iiour Have secured Jn- . . h uirket per foes: haruwneat iW ul U1c $1o3 saci . reapplesJ.cann, FS?cy Svruu in barrel, per jpulon Mns Club Cheese Iowa Chestnuts " Fine tomatoes ad corn, 1 cans Spaghetti, 2 packa-es GooilHonev - ge a week fresh Brown s butter j 20c 25c 50c 15c 25c 25c 25c I 10c 25c I The December term of Circuit Court for Polk county was adjourned Tues day afternoon, after being im session lesa than two days. No grand jury was called, and only one jury case was tried. Irving Dubois, charged with a statutory crime, pleaded guilty and was given an Indeterminate sentence by Judge Burnett. The jury case tried was that of the Salem, Falls City & Western By. Co. 9 R. W. Roes. The company brought suit to condemn a right-of- way across Hogg's land near tne oia Roberts warehouse, west of Salem, having previously offered him approx imately 1500, which was refused, Hogg claiming damages to the amount of $-27i0. The jury, after hearing the evidence and looking over the land, gave him a verdict for $325. Justice Hardy Holman acted aa court bailiff. Orders were made as follows : 1 First National Bank of Athena V3 H. E. Turner and P. M. Kirkland, action for money ; J. H. McNary for plff.; N. L. Eutler and Ouoar Hayter for deft. Judgment as per stipulation. 2 D. F. Lane vs J. F. Senator and wife, action for money ; Frank Holmes tor plST; C. L. JIcNary for deft. Settled. 3 Fred Blaser vs Wm. and Anna Schtndler, action for money; C W. Corby for plff.; L. H. McMahon for deft. Settled. 4 W. C. Brown vs Vaughn & Weaver, action for money; N. L. Butler for plff. Settled. 3 SUte of Oregon vs Thomas FU-hari sellioir li'iuor without ; li.-ense;J. H. McNary Tor plff. Con ! tiaueL i (J A. Van shn vs Van ghn& Weaver, ; ojofeswion of judgment; J. H. Flower for plff. St-ttled. 1 7 Salem. Falls City and Western I Ey. Co. va K. W. Hosrg ft al, am demnation; Webter Holmes, Osoar ! Ha vter and J. E. Sibley for r I ff ; W. H. I Holmes for deft. Jury trial; verdu t : for defen!aat for :!'J! ; 9 C. Marsh va I'red Stark et al, tioa for money; F. A. Turner l,r plff. Seeled. I J. O. Trent nBH M.-Calion, ; action for damages ; Gjrby Jt Corby land W. H. Hotme for plff; O-car : Hayter and N. L. Batler for d-ft SettJel. 1 E.5e Ell.'i vs Emma aod Toot. Fenaeil, action for .Umags; B. F. I Jones for plff. SeKied. j 11 J- W.Seavey vs Woog Hein et 1 T a.tion for money ; Eeekow-ky & EicharWn for piff. Continued. Wasner. action for money; Talmage & Johnson and Sibley & Eakin for plff. Default and judgment, is Thoa N. Ottinaer vs A. J. Park, action for money; J. T. Simpson and Kliks for plff; Oscar Hayter for uert. Continued. It Thomas Pomeroy vs Phil Neis, action for money ; B. F. Jones for plff. Settled. 15 W. J. Steele vs Phil Neis, action for money; B. F. Jones for plff. Settled. 1(5 R. E, Steele vs Phil Neis, action for money; B. F. Jones, for plff. Settled. 17 B. J. Eowen vs Howard D. and A. D. Goodfellow, action on note; John Bayne for plff. Continued. IS B. Gildner vs Clay Hobart, action for money ; Beach & Simon for plff. Continued. 13 State of Oregon vs Irving Du bois, rape; J. H. McNary for plff. De fendant pleads guilty; sentenced to Imprisonment in penitentiary without limitation of time. 20 State of Oregon vs Albert Ban croft, manslaughter; J. H. McNary for plff. Not true bill ; defendant dis charged. 21 State of Oregon vs George Hoaalin. assault with intent to kill; J. H. McNary for plff. Not true bill ; defendant discharged. TJ. S. Weather Bureau, Falls City Station. The following is a saramary of weather conditions for the month of November, l'K : Maximum temperature, 62 degrees on November It Minimum temperature, 24 degrees on November 24th. P.ainfa!t, 17.38 inches; greatest in 21 hours, 3.30 inches on November 7; record for six days, (not successive,) 11.17 Inches; days in which rain fell. Co-Operative Observer. Of course you pay your money, But you get vour money s wortn. For what does money mean to you When P.ocky Mountain Teas on earth? BWt Sl Cherrington. We care not how you suffered, nor what failed to cure you, Hollister' P.ockv Mountain Tea ma ices mo puniest, weakest specimen of man or woman hood strong and Ceauny. a cents. Belt&Cherrlngton. Pnlk county has instituted a scheme of holding an auction at Dallas on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. Everything Imaginable is sold, the auctioneer retaining 5 per cent for his serves. While thea auctions are a comparatively new thing, they are proving a great uo ceas, and "auction day" in Dalia looks like a 4th of Ju!y.-Jfferson Review. Floods the body with warm, glowing vitality, makes the nerves itrong. quickens circulation, restores natural vigor, makes you feel like one born again. Hotlister's Bky Mountain Tea. 35 rent. Kelt & Cherrington. Y7h yyPfT7T7 Absolutely fare A wholesome cream of tartar baldng powder. Makes the finest, lightest, best flavored biscuit, hot breads, calie and pastry. Alzrx end alam-phosphate poti'dersareinjuincs. Done use them. Examine the labeL A. H. Harris