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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1904)
I ..les and lime at Kiggs.' iy 75 cent collars at Dodsons for from V,1 I' ll. G. Campbell, agent McMlnnville j np'srii'ice uo. . ; Molu.i and Java Blend, 25 cents per pound. Biggs. Albert Teal, of Falls City, was a tii ii a yjojtor, Tuesday. Don't forget Dodson's special sale of stock and lace collars. T, C. Hill has moved his family aniina to Dallas. tday dinners in the city at vn s Doaraing nouse ebveb office wants the print . .'re particular about, V. Gates came up from to for a short visit, Sunday, id Mrs. H. S. Smith, of Lewis- cre Dallas visitors, Saturday. i'y Embree left vesterdav for Portland, where he will seek employ ment. The best "Standard" and "Clover leaf" manila binding twine at Guy Bros.' Miss Bessie Davis, of Salem, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Cherrington. Suits pressed at Uglow Clothing House. Special rate by the month. Inquire for particulars. ijuwu m.iaa uiaays Jjoughary re- vii:. c: Take your prescriptions to the Wil eon drug store. Our bread and cake none hotter Biggs. Garden hose at Vaughn & Weaver's, on Mill street. Suits pressed in the neatest style at me ugiow uiotning House. The social dance at the Citv Hall nn oaturaay evening was larerelv attend. - eu. To close out auicklv all remnfnlnrr stock collars, Dodson gives 33 per cent on. Mr. and Mrs. A. Vercler. of Woo Salem, are enjovinar an outinc At Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ha vter return irom tneir wedding trip All kinds of Ben Si inn Tin a af rnoflnn Feed Store. , Get your fl.50 cojlar at Dodsons iui-o cents. Good Span Of work hnrwa tn u inquire or Wm. Tatom. 'Mr. andMrsWiilard Gilbert visit ed relatives in Corvallis over Sunday. ' Mrs. J. H. Dn -wuiw VUU 11UUJ Newport this week for a tew rfw stay. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Franklin vD inovea rrom Fnlla Pit q. u. - "'-j u uuuursiuB, Room and hoard nvwi Ouuv MVWlU LLiJ- uauons, at Mrs. Rrown'a m0)i " - WUUlUiUg uouse, one door West of Feed Barn. Misses Edna and nulla Kirrmnt, auu - JU18S PinlinA VnomUk- i nvoiuim, mice cnarming young ladies of Rickreall, J. H. TOWNSEND IS DEAD Well-Known . Lawyer Passes Awav .4, 111- . J . i" name wear Perrydale. to Clatsnn Beach, Tuesday. i o j vuug xauiCB u Sewer pipe of all sizes for sale hv were in the citv vesterdav Vaughn & Weaver. Let us figure on Call and see the hath mnm ', your sewer connections. Vaughn & at Vanshn a -uujF1enj une, ana wiu do Mrs. A. J. Rhodes, of Taeoma. your work as it should ho d TT 1 , 1 J -,wJ . 1 . 1 0 1 , . l Tiomcu uu viia uuuie or ner rtthr Knan oa n. ttt t t nr-iu -.v . ' o'""1 M vjusui we are seninar J. J Williams this week. all buggies and hacks at cost to closf Wfislfiv TillHntt a ann T tllAm mit a , i ui Kameai vuu. oumo great oargains cap Elliott, left Tuesday morning for Al- be nad, if you call early. Wm. Facll. berta, Canada, where he will nrnhnhiv Tfir w m nrj.- . .' ... i "-"j -" ii. j.. ttiuie, pastor or inn engage in farming. First Presbyterian Ch lirnh nf Tigllno - t..u;r, Dr. H. L. Tonev. dentist w j piitvxuu of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs Uglow building- Hon ra fi to io and l to 5. Examinations free. Phone 45. raemDer or the Mazaraa party -um wm attempt to climb to the sum mit of Mount Shasta next week. J. L. Collins i8 clearing the ground ioi a new irame business building on Postmaster C. G. Goad and fomtl., his lot hfitwpnr. Tra fl, .;n: are campine on thn Tn.r!rnia storo and tho w en oauit fwoKumw, XIIO UUUUluff will be 34 by 40 feet in size, one story high, and will contain two rooms. The front will be of modern st.vte D. B. Richardson has the contract for the construction work. Hon. George L. Hawkins received tiuugumj te- hum uuKivvoie, a snort turned home this week from a three distance above the old Hallock mill, months' visit with relatives in Los Mr- Ooad makes daily trips to and Angeies. from town on his bicycle. No need of wearing an ill-looking Say, if you want good Shingles, Ce- coat or baggy trousers when you can me, Lime, Sand or Brick, go to A. get your suits pressed at the Uerlow Shultz, for he don't carrv anv hut thn - . u jpuunu puuooi. ui west Virginia, Tuesday. The old Edgar L. Collins and famiivn. n eentleman had hoon in tamn - " y " - tniii iioaitu rrom Kalama for a few days' visit. for several months. Mr. Hawkins He is pleased to note the progress be- cane West when a young man, and ing made in all lines of industry in had not seen his parents for many Dallas- years. His aged mother is still living. Dr. E. R. Todd, Physician and Garl McBee's team took frieht at. Willamette soms object by the roadside near the upstairs in 0dd Fellows' cemetery, Tuesday, and James H. Townsend. at OnA tlmA n well-known lawvr nd citizen of Oregon, died at his home Iv near Perrvdalo wij.. T..,. W 1904, aged 49 vears. Hf9 rith ,, W caused by softening of the brain. He was stricken bv the fatal two years ago, but his illness did not A assume a aancnrona trrm .,.m i i ilw o uum last tuttl, uttle ne wag 8jeze(j with severe convulsions and never rallied from theireffects. Mr. Townsend Was A snn nf tits wvm vk mg law lra s. and Bersheba Town annrl on1 uuv(4 OtlU was born on a farm ' iwijyoic, November 10. 1854. TTa nt k,-c v hood days on the farm, and in the late 70s took ud th R(-dir of n.o i After being admitted to practice, he opened an office in Dall , , , V.JXVAIJ u mis city until a few months before jh hia 1oU n , 1 uca,iu. j or many years he was aSSOPlflted nrlth TT vr x t. ., uuu, xi. u, juutier m iK the law practice, and later became thfi W senior member of the firm nfTnm & Hart. He was an ardent Democrat i and stood high in the councils of h,- Hi party. He was a delegate to the li National convention held in Chicago Iv in 1890, and four years later was a T delegate to the Kansas City conven- W tion. While taking an active interest j in politics, he steadfastly rfifnR(d to hi accept a nomination for any office. In fli io ue was Drnm nnnt W i 1 "vj iuouuuucu ill 4k I Ho. For T he SmsIA? Now is ffie am. of the year when you are thinkingof takinga vaca- T.i fill Or tH l-s-rkylL . t w . r w.u ur m.xne mountains. Yuu will want suitable clothing for your trip, and here is the place to get it. Our Line of OUTING 5U1TS FOR HEN AND BOYS cannot be surpassed for style and dura bility. They have a dressy "swell" effect, and yet are not expensive. Just the garments you need for Dress Wear at the beach . 1 W Mrs. Rena Childers, of Portland, accompanied by her daughters, Mrs. Josie Ryan and Miss Lena Childers, is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Josephine Boyle. County Clerk E. M. Smith issued TvVra t , rT , se aale anc Surgeon; graduate of Mrs Jessie Farley, Tuesday. The Medical College. Office ed 2n Sniyrespect- Uglow building. Calls promptly at tenaea, aay or night. County Clerk E. M. Smith moved w n i his household goods from McOov to r- Andrews of Sheridan, and Dallas this week. Mr and Tt MlS3.Mary Syron, of Dallas, were Smith are now keeping house in their " me bome of Mr- and Mrs- aeat cottage on Levenf street on, Wednesday, Rev. J. M. , , , ' Green, pastor of the Baptist church Joseph Khude, a college student of officiating, tfilwaukie, Wisconsin, is spending td n v -n he Summer vacation with his uncle V"- Berry" eJltor Qf the Paci' Carles Bhude. on thofprm nm J !c Christian, will preach in the PWn. The yoKng mnn is well pleased 1 Chqrch next Sunday eveQ' Vth Oregon. u,ta,aweuPleasea ing. Reverend Berry is an able m. , ' preacher, and all are invited to hear Ifte infant daughter of Mr. and nil". Irs. San; Ray died at the familv rc n tt . iome in Dallas last Saturday The fM'f Me1tZger left rtey bild had not been in good health '.r h,8hold ?,omf Williamsport, Pa., Inoebirth,andherdeathfwhi,e rs 3 uoZCIt J"808 low to the parents, was not n. """L6 lrs ,of ?ePtember- He wl ?pected. lotum to uaiias in time to begin his c duties as Dean of Dallas College t ror. and Mrs. William Parker, of when school opens for the Fall term foodburn, visited relatives and r,..., iends in Polk county this week 7 er . al18 Vlty' was a y lived in Ballston and Dallas tr Zult To n Sitr' TUe8day- He any years, and are always glad to K? l f Petltioa siSned t back to Polk county to renew old ?7 ?i T ? ' FaHs City ask" quaintances. Professor Parkem th!.Lailr0aLd to tve charge of the Woodburn public acueauie so as to give hool the coming year passengers more time in Dallas be- J VJ"i twppn trnlna than . , ... . v iook a lively spin down the road. Mr. McBee was thrown from the wagon ana received a tnorouh shaking-up, but luckily escaped without serious injury. His wagon was badlv dam. j - agea. The following named teanhpra hn been appointed by the board of direc tors for the Independence public school for the ensuing year. Principal, T. J. ixewniii; assistant principal, W. H. Rutherford; teachers, Miss Iva Bur ton, Miss Nellie Burke, Miss Adona Cochrane, Miss Aldrich, Miss Maude Uox and Mrs. Mary Tuck. Charles E. Sawyer, representing the "!!.. t ' T! . vjumuiuia iwver ana uregon Timber man, the best trade journal of ita class published West of the Rocky Mountains, was a Dallas visitor yesterday. He made a trip to Falls iity in tne afternoon, and left for Salem early this morning. Mr. Saw yer is a newspaper man of many jears experience, ana has worked on the leading dailies throughout J " "tt0.uue "npent or every attention Middle and Western states. He savs a devoted wife could bestow, and for Governor of Oregon, but declined unow nis name to go before the convention. He WAS Jl. mom K Jennings Lodge, No. 9, A. F. & A. M. ne was also a mnmhor f tii . ui jurauaa Camp, No. 209, Weodmen of th World, and carried itunnn inJ,- n- auomi auuo that order. Mr. Townsend awyer and enjoyed an extensive and muiauve practice. h wo a o six. judffe Of human r,f j l? i uuio auu was Jk quick to grasp any point that could be used to the advantage of his client. He had a fairlv cood ior ' h and this knowledge taken 'together ft " 'cicuuve memory and a plenti- m fill mmnliT t 1 ... IS ""frv common sense enabled him to win many hard-foueht legal battles. s Mr. Townsend boca n to foil 4 neaith about two vears a aA , v " "O" uu UIO numuut soon developed into a well-defined case of softening of the brain. xne nest physicians on the Pacific uuast were called into consultation ucii! was or no ot.o.1 bettering his condition, and ha ,D soon obliged to retire from the practice ui ma proiession. . After a few months of rest and quiet, he was taken to his country nome near Perrydale in the hope that the fresh air and ohnn aunuuuuings would prove beneficial, but in this the family was disappointed uu uDwuuuueatosmi! steadily un m ueatn came to hia rHiof malady never partook of the violent iuuii, ana tnrough all the long months ouiionug ne was Kind and patient and was as easily controlled as a little cmia. curing his last days on earth UD a8 iue recipient of every attention f V nt- r A 1 1 , m - - - If you buy elsewhere, you will always wish you had seen our line first. Pack vour cloth , , . 111 "uo U1 our iianosome New Grips. We hive them both in Alligator and Buffalo-genuine leather-no mbelieboS KHAKI SUITS, OUTING HATS AND CAPsl ENDLESS VARfFTV 1 "BOSS OF THE ROAD" OVERALLS and Gloves for Harvest Wear. SUITS PRESSED BY WEEK OR MONTH. MILL STREET DALLAS, OREGON fvvgggag'aai-j4;fttiaaA'X'Vv..v,v,v Dallas is one of the neatest and meat progressive towns he has visited in all his travels. r i OUR, MID-SUMMER. I CLEARANCE SALE uu lmms r expense were spared to 4hb mm as comfortable as possible Burial will take place this morning in the Brown cemetery north of IU UO 'I'hn S . ... wU. 4W1 cervices win be con ducted by the officers of Jennings wige, jno. 9, A. F. & A. M., and it is expected that a large number of Masons will be in attendance. A special motor will leave the Southern Pacific depot at 10:30 o'clock, and will return at the close of the services. World's Fair Vote. Interest in the World's Vaiv is warming up, and lively voting may uD cipeumu rrom tnis time on. The utuiois were counted Wednesday even ing and the vote stood Miss Nora Robertson 370 Mrs. v.i tfiske Miss Hallie Reynolds ea uiiaa rvose uronKen 47 Miss Bessie Muscott , Mrs. H. H. Dunkleberger 1 Miss Lilly Baxter , Mrs. Den a Denn is . . . ' 1 Miss May Shelton ' , Mrs. 0. L. Hopkins 1 SATURDAY, JULY 16, we will commence our MiSummer Clearance - 7-asuiiqeiineoi Summer Merchandise wiU be sold at a great "f Wa mint Ln. tn O " must hav room for our Fall Stock soon to arrive. Committed No Crime H. S. and Ed Alderman, two young iuonmoutn, were arrested men from Urn's Suits at a Great Reduction. 6.50 Suits, this sale at 7.00 Suits, this sale at 10.00 Suits, this sale at. $4.25 4.75 6.50 12.50 Suits, this sale at 7.50 Summer Wafch Goods must be sold regardless of value : : : : : : 10c and 12c Lawn at . ..5c a yard 20c and 25c organdies, 10c a yard 15c light colored Percale 10c a yd. 20 Suitings at.... 15c a yard Galatin Cloth 15c a yard 25c Crash Suiting 18c a yard .Cars' Famous Tailor Made Suits at $10 and $12.50 al; -W 50CcTpaRirN'S SHES S.Id y at from $1 to 60- " Action on all onr LADIES' SANDALS and OXFOEDS 75c to $1.50 pr. :ZaM SILKS resuIar price $L00-x-25 and 1-48-durins " L. rr NMk Wear Ctt0n Gb7es and Underwear greatly reduced. "Lh TEIM1IIKGS at greatly cut prices. EIIIET WAISTS at prices less than material would cost you. BEST BARGAINS AT in Salem upon charge of larceny of "UISO ana DllS-O-V Rnnrl.n mu- --ooi "U"J. iliu cnarge was preferred by Joseph Rose, mo luonmoutn liveryman. The young men have been running tha 0fQM during Rose'? absence in the harvest field. At the preliminary hearing be fore Justice Wilson. WpHnoai.. u fact was develoDed tha I. HO prima Korl been committed. anH tha r,r! were discharced. At.tnr i w v, Aiai b Muioimsusmat tne evidence went to prove that the youner men hitchpd nn a rig and drove to Salem, and that nose Decominpr alarmed at. thAir sence, caused their arrest for larceny. mere was no evident t.n nm buau mey accea witn criminal intent. in nL El. fHi i IT T f DALLAS, OREGON. E W. Weybright, who had charge of a large gang of men in the construc tion of the Dallas & Falls Citv rail road last year, came up from Portland thi3 week and will be associated with J. W. Coovert in the management of me lianas namlle factory. 1 r An . mis. ume uieason, of Seattle, is visiting at the home of her cousin. n.'i i . viy Auditor Dan P. Stouffer. Mrs uieason is a daughter of the late Paris McCain, and has many friends and acquaintances in Polk county. O. P. Hoff, Labor Commissioner for cne btate of Oregon, was in Dallas iasi jjnaay and "Saturday. He is collecting data from all over the state as wiaDor conditions, and has trav eled over, a thousand miles in the last lew weeks. While in Dallas, Mr, Hoff was the guest of Mr. and Mrs F. R. Rich. In talkinir with Mr. Jospnh berg, of Independence, that gentleman miormea tne writer that he had order ed a new Standard oil boring machine, and that he intended to make another attempt to develop oil at the place where he had made the first well, ne said that he lost the first well at the 1280 foot level, by losing his tubing in the sands, but that he intended to try it over. He also said that hA oil in the first well, and had no doubt at all of the ultimate result Salem Statesman. i A ' BUSINESS LOCALS. 2 For a good job of wason renairin gotoN. Hughes, Dallas. Or Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. One of the best horse-shoers in tha state will bo found working Htwarrnc uiuB. snop. uive Him a trial and lw convinced. Go and see those fina hMi tnha sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. "rsi-ciass plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the Wpnt sWa They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with von on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbinor of anv kind for your house, store or office. The finest and most skillful work guaran teed. H. Gk CAMPBELL . FARM JLAJTDS LOANS, INSURANCE MILL STREET NORTH OF COURTHOUSE Dallas, Oregon HAZELWOOD ICE CREAM We are sole agents in Dallas for this celebrated cream. Only pure fruit and nut flavors used in its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM LAUNDRY. Walter f?oy, Uglow Building, Main Street Dallas, Ote. Goats For Sale. Eight head of goats for sale. Apply to Walter S. Muik, Dallas, Or. t . Ml lust rnvei At the Dallas Boot and Shoe Store a full line of Men's 'Walll-Over' Shoes also afull line of Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes and Slippers "ST. CECILIA" SHOES FOR LADIES. LADIES' AND MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. State Wanted. Wanted, Fall seed rye, soon price. A. J. Whiteakeb, ( Independence, Oregon. Canary Birds For Sale. canary bird3 for sale bv Mns 1BAXK Fuchs, at Star Bakerv. Dallas. Or. Goats For Sale. Sixty goats for sale half wethers and half nannies; also, one registered Billy from the J. B. Stump herd. Tn. quire of F. J. Coad or J. V. Lons. For Sale. A desirable home fn tliA tnwn nt Dallas, Polk countv. Oretron. constat ing of 24 acres of land; 12 acres in nops, good for 100 bales: onalifv always good. Two hop houses, largo store room, one new Morrison hop press, good barn, dwelling house, pienty or rruit. Vox particulars. In quire of J. F. GROVES, Dallas, Oregon. DALLAS BOOT AND SHOE STORE MRS. d. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. A. H. JSMftWjw DEALER IX LIVESTOCK Bays and ships Hogg, Mutton and Stock SLcep. Highest market price paid at al. times. IdJress, B. - n. n 1 gnUNjBUSINESS at the old stand on Main street, and selling better Furniture for less monev than anv - j other store in Polk county. I can furnish your house or oflice with anything needed in the way of Furniture. A large shipment of goods arrived this week among which you will find many new and desirable articles. Frank Kerslake, PHONE 63 DALLAS, - - OREGON to to . to to to to to ft to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to ' to to to to to to to to to to to to 1 to DALLAS, OBEGOX v.