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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1904)
t ... PclK County Observer J. C. HAYTKR, KDITOR AND PUBU8HEH. Published Weekly at 11.60 per Strictly in Advance. Yea. DALLAS. OREGON, JCLY 22. 1904. The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. DALLAS OWNS WATERWORKS of ,ment wil1. PPlied 'tora or tne resei von vj piocuv vuKe"' Plant Was Turned Over to City Contractor Gates, Tuesday Evening. A meeting of the Merchant Marine Commission will be held in Portland on August 1. This com mission is required by the law creating it to investigate and to report to Congress on the fir6t day of its next session what legislation if any, is desirable for the develop ment of the American merchant a-n .! nA 1 A ni A. l f rv til II pnfl and also what change, or changes, if any, should be made in existing laws relative to the treatment, comfort and safety of seamen, in order to make more attractive the seafaring calling in the American merchant service. The commission is composed of the following gentlemen: United States Senators Gallinger, Lodge, Penrose, Martin and Mallory; Congressmen Gros venor, Minor, Humphrey, Spight and McDennott. All citizens who thoroughly free from nr0 intoiWprl in tV. mi,;.t V sediment when it enters which the commission deals are invited to be present ut the meet ing and give their views in the matter, or to prepare a concise statement and mail to M. Mosessohn assistant secretary Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. The Telegram is right in this: It does seem to becarrying publicity to the extreme when the dispatches daily record the movements of Mr. Roosevelt at Oyster Hay , and Judge this point the cut) yon is not more than ranter at Jiopus. Matters 01 ieet wiue, tne rock walls rising After a year's construction work, the Dallas waterworks are now finished, and the plant was turned over to the city by Contractor H. V. Gates at the meeting of the city council held on Tuesday evening. A warrant for $C00O, covering the last payment on the plant, was ordered drawn in favor of the contractor. The plant is now the property of the city and will be operated by Mr. Gates under a twenty year's lease. During this period of time, Mr. Gates is to furnish water free of cost to the city for fire protec tion and for theflushingof theseweis, retaining for himself the rentals re ceived from private consumers, the rules and regulations being subject to the approval of the council. The actual cost of the plant, includ labor, material and freight, was $28,614.08. No charge was made by the contractor for engineering, use of tools owned by the contractor, insur ance on material, orintereston money invested, all of which expense would have fallen on the taxpayers had the plant been constructed by the city. A conservative estimate of the amount saved by the city in having the work done by contract is $4000. The engi neering alone for the twelve months would have cost the city-not les3 than $1400. The members of the council, accom panied by Mr. Gates and Engineer W. L. Soehren, drove to Canyon Creek, Sunday morning.and inspected the intake and also the pipe bridge at the crossing of the LaCreole rivei above the old Hallock mill. The in take is a fine piece of engineering, and the city officers were all pleased with it. The water is taken from the bottom of the stream through a filter bed of rock, gravel and sand, and is leaves the conduit. No dams or screens are required, and a forest fire would not interfere in the least with the water supply, as there is nothing to burn. As the filtration plan is practically new in the United States and has the highest endorsement of competent engineers, a brief description of the intake at Cunyon creek may not prove uninteresting to our readers. The water useu oy tne city or Dallas is taken from Canyon creek, a stream fed by cold mountain springs, at point one-half rnilo above where empties into the LaCreole river. At moment would be welcomed, of course, but correspondents on the spot consider it necessary to tele graph to the world what each candidate's breakfast consisted of, and whether Roosevelt chopped wood lor exercise or Parker went swimming. Dr. and Mrs. W. 8. Cary home from Ohio last night. Dr. E. J. Thompson, of Indepen dence, will lecture in the Presbyterian church Sunday evening on "Sight seeing at the St. Louis Fair." All are invited to attend. A rare treat it promised. iho ice cream social given in the City Park by the Ladies' Aid Society 01 the Christian church was well patronized, and a neat sum was netted for the society's treasury. Notice of Teachers' Examination high and precipitous on either side, The creek flows close to the foot of the west wall, carrying about 3,00fi,(K0 gallons of water a day in the winf and spring months, and about 800,000 gallons a day in the dry summer months. That the size of the stream is ample to supply a town several times as large as Dallas is demon strated by the fact that the amount o water taken from the stream at the arrived present low stage of water is scarcely noticeable, the creek apparently being as large below the intake as it is above it. ine miaKe was constructed prac tically as follows : From the west wall of the canyon, a diteli was cut across the stream and diagonally across the canyon, a distance of about 90 feet. This ditch was cut to bedrock and is eight feet deep. In excavating the ditch through the rock and crrave.l formation in the bed of the canyon, a strong flow of water was encountered along its full length, and this water is saved by a linincr of cluv on the bv The pipe leading irom me reseivun to town is consirucieu ui icunwu Htflvps. heavilv wraDoed with steel wire, and is 12 inches in diameter, This pipe is built to withstand almost unlimited pressure, and isofsuffiient carrying capacity to supply a town many times as large as Dallas. The system inside the city limits is what is known as a gridiron system of circulating mains. Double standard hydrants are used in the business part of town, and double hydrants for small mains are distributed through out the residence district, extending far into the suburbs. Hydrants are placed at every street crossing in the business district, and at no place in town aro thev more than two blocks apart. Thirty seven hydrants are now located, and three more will be put in as soon as the council shall de cide where thev shall be placed. This will make a total of 40 hydrants. The number called for by the contract was 34, The number of miles of iron mains in the city is 5.41 no wood pipe being used in the circulating system. All this pipe was coated inside and out side with hot asphalt before laying, and is guaranteed by the contractor to stand a pressure of 125 pounds to the square inch. The official test 01 the plant was made by the council last Saturday afternoon and was found satisfactory in every respect. The test was made at an hour when the private con sumers were using a large amount of water and when streams for irrigating lawns were running in all parts of town. One 2 inch hose was attached to the hydrant at the Uglow corner one at the Wilson corner; one at the crossingof Court and Jefferson streets, and one on the 4-inch main at the corner of Main and Washington streets. Inch nozzles were used on all streams. A test for height was mtido rtn tlio amulloct main t-iv C.rtn n nnrUT j """" a uu r;i nr.-f- T...U J ft J Auditor Stouffer, and the height of the stream was found to be 102 feet. After the firemen had held the hose for about twenty minutes, the nozzles were placed in the sewer manholes and the four streams were kept run ning at full pressure from 2:50 p. m until 5:50 p. m. With the conduit flowing less than half a full stream, the reservoir was lowered only 50 inches by the three hours' test. The contractor urged the council to attach eight lines of hose instead of four, but only four nozzles of the proper size could be found. The test was witnessed by a large number of citizens, all of whim, with but one or two exceptions, expressed themselves well pleased with the effectiveness of the plant. Mr. Gates left on Wednesday for Klamath Falls on a business trip, leaving his business interests here in charge of W. L. Soehren. The latter gentleman will at once begin several extensions of the system, among them bjing a main to the south end of Main street; a private supply pipe to the terminal grounds of the Dallas & Falls City railroad company; a main to Germantown ; a main to Ellis addi tion, and one to the Improvement Company's addition. The council now has under consideration the loca tion of hydrants along these mains. Notice is hereby given that the lovver side of the ditch, which prevents County Superintendent of Polk county " rro,n running uway. The bottom will hold the regular examination of or t,ie dltch wa8 l'ed with large applicants for state and couuty papers boulders, then smaller rock were at Dallas, as follows: used, and finally a layer of gravel Fon state 1'apkks. wus placed on top. rt . w. . . . I li t-l 1 1 .1 ... commencing weauesday, August Al l"c wwer eua 01 tuo uuch is a 10, at niue o'clock a. in., and con- box about four feet long and two feet tinuing until Saturday, August 13, at WKle into which the water flows before four o'clock p. m. entering the pipe. Tho pipe is placed Wednesday Penmanship, history. al)out two feet above the bottom of the epellinp, algebra, reading, school-law. l)0X t0 prevent any sand from entering Thursday Written arithmetic, the- tno conduit. Tho principle upon cry of teaohiug, grammar, book keep- which tho intako works is as follows: Ing, physics, civil government. 1110 water flowing in the stream sinks Friday Physiology, geography, through this fitter bed, and, after bo mental arithmetic, composition, phys- iu& 8trtllucd through ninety feet of leal geography. rock and gravel, enters tho conduit. Saturday Botany, piano geometry, tao 8urplus water flowing on over the general history, English literature, Iurer uea aIia down the canyon. All psychology. uie water not entering the pipe also Fon county fapeks. II0W9 back the stream through commencing Wednesday, August wnsio-gato in the pipe box. A small 10, at nine o'clock a. m., and continu- 8at0 regulates the flow of water into ing until Friday, August 12, at four tne lipe- At no time since the works o clock p.m. were built has there been more than First, Second and Third Grade Cer- three iuches of water In tho conduit, uncaces. aiiuougn it is a six inch pipe. At Wednesday Penmanship, history, Present, with more than one-half of orthography, reading. the supply shut off, the reservoir Ihursday Written Arithmetic, tho- abovo town is kept amply supplied. ory of teaching, grammar, physiology. ailJ about nine-tenths of the water is COURT HOUSE NOTES. MANY GET PATENTS Favorable Action Now Being Had on Applications for Timber Lands and Homesteads. Favorable action is now being had by the Government on applications or timber lands and homesteads, many of which have been held up for more than two years because of alleged fraud and other irregularities on the part of the applicants, says Wednesday's Oregon ian. One hundred and fifty patents to timber and home stead lands were received at the Ore gon City Land Office, Tuesday. Among the settlers receiving patents are J. B. V. Butler, Isaac F. Yoakum William E. Lee. Edward Horan, C. L, Starr, David J. Grant, David M Metzger, Thomas E. Wright, Henry W. Wright, Louis E. WyckofT, Hardy Holman, Milo V. Woods, Joseph Wankey, Frauk A. Werner, Harvey Guthrie. F. J. Coad. Mrs. Blanche Eakin, David J. Riley, C. G. Coad William L. Strong, E. A. Cone, John Castle, C.L. Fisher, Walter F.Nichols, Cora Blake, David E. Isaac, Dora A Guthrie. F. H. Morrison, Wilson Webb, I. N. Woods, H. C. Eakin F. J. Chapman, Samuel S. Ewing, Grace F. Hodge, Susie Henkle, E. L, Chapman and E. G. White. Mr Br. Pierce ma kind advice zvz when I wrote Says Item Is Unjust. In writing up the proceedings of the Independence city council, Editor Lyon of the Enterprise says : 'The committee on health and po lice was instructed to notify the pn nrietor of the Little Palace Hotel and others in the block bounded by Eail- road and Main, JUonmouth ana u. streets, that steps must be taken to improve the sanitary conditions in that block." Hon. J. M. Stark, landlord of the Little Palace Hotel, feels keenly the thrust contained in this paragraph, and says that neither the action of the council nor the condition of his prem ises warranted the publication of an item that Is calculated to create a wrong and unfavorable impression of his hotel in the mind of the traveling public. Mr. Stark savs that the real action taken by the council was to in struct the health committee to confer with the business men as to the advis ability and practicability of building a septic tank to care for the sewage from the various business houses. No particular business property was mentioned, and, least of all, the hotel premises, wnion are Kept as clean as it is possible to keep such property in a town where there is no sewerage system. Mr. Stark says that the councilmen merely ask the co-opera tion and assistance of tho business men in their efforts to solve the sewer age problem and make Independence a clean, attractive town, and in all such worthy movements he is willing to lend a helping hand. But he seriously objects to being held up before the public as a scapegoat by his town editor and having his hotel property advertised to the world as unclean and unsanitary. i-riuay urography, mental arith metic, school law, civil government. l'RIM.VRV I'KltTlUCATES. Wed uesday Pen man sh i p, orthog raphy, reading, arithmetic. Thursday Art of questloning.theory 01 u-ttcning, methods, physiology. C L. STARK, Couuty School Superintendent What are Humors? Thp im .!( ... . , , . - .. , .....Ku vr moruia nuuis cours wg uie veins and affecting the tissues, iuey are commonly due to defective digs tton but are sometimes Inherited. How do they manifest themselves t la many forms of cutaneous eruption, aalt rheum or eczema, pimples and boils, nd in weakness, languor, Renew debility. Uow are they expelled ? ry Hood's Sarsc-arilla which also builds up the system that has suffered from them. It Is Ute best medicine for all humors. turned back into tho LaCreole above the mill dam. The intake has been in use since lute last winter and has proved satisfactory in every respect. xue conduit is 5.53 miles loner and follows the LaCreole river do-n t. the Boise farm and then over the hills to the reservoir above town. A wire suspension bridge forty feet high sup ports the pipe at the river erossing above the Hallock mill dam. The reservoir is 4700 feet west of the moivuu vi wun eireec, ana nas an elevation of 1U2 feet above th at nt level. It is constructed or cement, is circular in form, and has a capacity of 360,000 gallons 0,x) gallons more than the capacity required by the con tract Only 320.000 iri Ion nf vrotiii- O " PROBATE. Estate of William McMillan, de ceased sale of real estate confirmed uuminisiratrix directed to execute deed of conveyance to purchaser. Estate of Gilbert McCabe, deceased 3ale of real estate confirmed and administrator directed to make deed of conveyance to purchaser. instate of Oie Sampson, deceased final account confirmed and executor discharged. Estate of Mary J. Leet, deceased final account confirmed and executor discharged. REAL ESTATE TEANSFERS, l h Myer et ux to I N Woods, 2.50 acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $250. Thomas Pomeroy, administrator, to niram Wood, 10.40 acres, 1 8 s, r 4 w, $1250. Nora Holm and hd to Isaiah Elbert, ia acres, t 7 s, r 3 w, $1200. Otis M Welch et ux to H H Jasper- son, east half lots 5 and 6, block 20, lim s Independence, $425. J II Collins et ux to V C Earhart,lot A Diock 5, Hill s Independence, $530, josepn wanKeyetux to Horace C Miller, part of lots 5 and 6, block 2, 11111 s independence, $1. Amelia WTagner to Horace C Miller. parts of lots 5 and C, block 2. Hill's independence, $1. J W Stallcop et ux to H Hirschbenr. 20 acres, t 7 s, r 4 w, f 200. W C Brown to II Hirschberg, 20 acres, 1 7 s, r 4 w, $8.75. W H Hall to J W Edgar, 27.50 acres 1 7 s, r 3 w, $450. W A Elkins et ux to W II McDaniel, und one-fourth int lots 5 and 6, block 13, Dallas, $312.50. Mary C rercival to J H and Dora Herron, tract in Monmouth, $250. Polk County Land Company to Horace C Miller, parts of lots 5 and 6, block 2, Hills Independence, $1. United States to John Huber, ico acres, 1 8 s, r 6 w, patent Farm For Sale. Place of 81 acres, with or without farm implements. Farm implements are two plows, one harrow, ono new self-dump hay rake, one wagon, one potato digger and one cultivator. Also, two horses, two cows, one heifer and four pies. Address, G. F. WEIMANN, Dallas, Oregon. f3i' hi I am thni'' r'il lo the friend who first recora- .1. I . ,,d babv. three weeks old. .1., of -Favorite Prescription before baby came, and the time was only cue r: . ' ..... u-ir Hnve had five childieu, ana hrfore this a'.wavs had a severe tinie, lasting two or three dvs. and never was awe to 0.0 an. ' . ir mnnthi afterward. Now do ail the work for four children My friends say 1 look belter now than ever before, wl told oV of my ters to take ' Favorite Prescription,' which she did, and wheu her child was born the time of suffering was very short. She has better health now than since her marriasre, some years ago. We cannot iir vierrp's medicines enough. I tnans. ft, i;-rrp fnr the kind advice he gave wlui wrote to him. Whenever I see other women "(Ti., 1 tell them about your wonderful medicines. " ti. kenflto rfanltinir from a consults' tion by letter with Dr. Pierce are testified to by thousands of grateful women who have been maue new women uy u.vv. advice and fatherly counsel given absolutely without cost or tee. mrk and ailing women, especially those suffering from chronic diseases, are invited to consult ur. rierce, uy 1Ci.uc, f.-j All rnrrpsnondence is neia etrtlv rvrivate an d sacredlv confidential Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is , ht medicine for the cure of woman. lv ills. It establishes regularity, dries weRkeiiini? drains, heals innamtnauon ami ulceration and cures female weak' ness. It is the best preparative for maternity, giving the mother strength to give her ctnia, ana maKing iuc advent practically painless. rir Pierce s Favorite Prescription coa tains no alcohol and is entirely free from ;. onc-iine nnrt all other narcotics, The'eomnion Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 large pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to nav evnense of mailine only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Hi! J. EH DEALER IN LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon :::: i m store Flour and Mill Feed of all kinds. LAWN and FIELD SEEDS Hokse Medicine and Stock Food of all kind's We buy Wool, Hides, Furs and Tallow One Door west of Hub Clothing Store on uaK street. J. L. Castle, Dallas, Oregon Street Improvement Notice. To D. J. Riley : Notice is hereby given, That the City Council of the City of Dallas, Oregon, contemplates the passage of an Ordinance requiring the improve ment of those certain streets or parts of streets herein described, as follows, to-wit : A new sidewalk 5 feet 4 inches in width on the North side of that part of Washington street adjacent to and adjoining that certain lot or par of lot or parcel of ground described as Lots 3 and 4, block No. 12 of the original town (now city) of Dallas Oregon. oaiu siuewaiK win De con structed of lumber at the time and in the manner to be hereafter prescribed oy saia ordinance That the cost of said sidewalk will be assessed to the above described property fronting and abutting there on : inai tue uity Council of said Citv win su in tne council Chamber in said City or the 1st day of August a. u. iuu4, at 7: 30 o'clock in the eve ning, to hear and determine objections ana remonstrances thereto, If an there be; and That all owners, and other person i merest, may attend at said timP and place and show cause, if anv thow have, why said sidewalk should not De constructed. Done by order of the Citv Council of the City of Dallas, made on the isth ay oi July A. 1). 1904. Witness my hand and the official seal of the said City of Dallas, thio 21st day of July A. D. 1904. SaI) DAN P. STOUFFER, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Dallas, Oregon. I mm N AUGUST MAGAZINES AT MEISER & MEISER'S World's Fair vote with every lo cent purchase. DON'T WATCH! your old time-piece to see if it is keeping correct time, Dutouya reliable Hamilton Railroad Watch or a Paillard in on-Magnetic Watch. ONEIDA SILVERWARE, made of the best material and a 25-year guarantee with all articles of this brand. We also keep the White Metal brand Knives, Forks, Tea and lable Spoons. Call and See My Line of Goods CHARLES H. MORRIS jeweler:. dallas, , oregon KILLthe COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS WIT" Dr. King's Nov Discovery nuCllMnrmn . w FORI CONSUMPTION OUGHSand OLDS Price 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. I !"r.f Ulce Cure for all LES, or MONEY BACK. WATCH THI5 SPACE FOR OUR NEW "AD )1 ELLIS Phone 246. ,YT flain Street O. H. COBB 0. w. a ' O. H. COBB & SON MANUFACTURERS AND REPAIRERS OP mms, Carriages, Busies and farm macfiinw! Bern Shoeing and Plow Work a Specialty. We have one of the best Shoers in the State. ttUU swona-nana rigs to sell or trade. Phone Farm 329. North Dallas, Oregcl SomethingNew! Lace Berthas are the very latest have. ueen snown in Dallas until now. To jntrodue them will offer for Saturday only, your choice only tlpl.jl! Values up to $2.50 COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE. ew Lines of Table Linens and Napkins just in - Pollock's Cash Store! PALLAS, ORE. W T T AGNER BROS. CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Plows, Shore1 J. G. VanOrsdel & Son Shovel , Double Shovel PW Wins nve-iooth (iiiltivQ.o TM... t-.i!. Harm, c ' 1BU uuiMvators, reg iw Harrows Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, revere with Extension Head. :: : : ....... : : cuitivfh'roir5' Cuitivators and everything szmzjzaasmczsasEs N cor. oak md main streets. hai i nnnr.nV. R. C. Geer, of Portland, is in Dallas on a bubiness visit this week. Heisa relative of Ex-Governor T T will be carried until the cool weather and was for m begins next Fall, when a new coatin? the hardware business in Honolulu H. I. DEALERS IX- Ciafccrand Tana Eands and City Property. PROPBIETOR OF 05113$ QCCtllC Eigftt Plit DeWitt's a Salvo For Piles, Burns. Sores. Ilodol Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat SI N N 1 1 N Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. DALLAS IRON WORK5 W. C. JACKSON, successor to Ed. BiddleT Manufacturing and Repairs &S Bids Contracts GIVEN ON ALL RISES OF WORK. I ?l??.snd Estimates Given. 1 1 ' y a 0 : 8: ;b e: 'fr .in ac h 80 t AH Work iiZZSuSr U,VCn- - - - W i