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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1904)
A. Biggs pays highest price for nk notes for sale here. den hose at Vaughn & Weaver's, 1 11 street. :e your prescriptions to the Wil rue store. 1 r-tnpboll, agent MeMinnville aiioe Co. i. Q. W. Myer, of Smithfleld, was las visitor, Tuesday. pBSERVEB office wants the print iu are particular about. : fashioned molasses taffy at ims' confectionery store. th & Comes received a large jeut of wall paper, Monday. -se invoice of crockery soon to Z3 at Loughary & Ellis' grocery Si:, ("i Y 1 I sin. la,.' ani v store. California "Home Brand" and "Hoiuz" Pjcklos at Loughary & Ellis' grocery. B. Cosper and Charles Farley as bailiffs at the May term of '.t Court. t for the big show next Tuesday hi. Wednesday niehts "Faust or W . . Women Sin." a. HgrttiiTf-un't uaugnwr," Miss .1 ha Holmes, of McCoy, visited i, .s in Dallas, Monday. ! County Assessor C. W. Beckett, ist Salem, served as a Circuit juror in Dallas this week. Willard A. Elkins, of Stayton, ireach in the Christian church n.. junday, both morning and eve- lliu, I i -i f. Wallace H. Lee, President of Aib , ly College, .will pieach in the Pi ' yteriau church in Dallas next .( ay, morning and evening. ; H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate 1 h Arbor, Michigan. Office up--1 Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 'to 5. Examinations free. Phone due 17 l V 'or fv - an mil js Edith Lewis, a daughter of liidMrs. John H. Lewis, died of imption at the homo of hersister, v. W. Willson, in Salem, last ty, aged 32 years. 1 3 electric sword duel in the dark 3ien8e of a sister's honor is a ty to be witnessed in the pro- on of "Faust." City Hall, May . d 18. 11 Robinson, traveling salesman Salem drug house, was in Dallas Sunday. The young man is a f Mrs. Charles Barr, and formerly in Dallas. r correct patterns, full measure is and dainty designs that will ibute largoly to comfort in wear beauty in adornment, buy your in underwear at Ellis & Keyt's 3 sale. aust" is a drama that is always omed by the church-going people pry uHuoir, aa u loaeues u lessonTn : uiy. vvnen once seen it is never Dtten. City Hal), next Tuesday ! Wednesday nights. iy lady buying her muslin gar- j ts at Ellis & Keyt's "White Sale" rest secure in the firm conviction I she has the best product of the iest skill, the latest science and greatest progress of twentieth ury enterprise. T, wool. Santos Coffee; none better. Riggs' grocery store. Finedisplayof Nougatsin Williams' new candy case. Ask for Preferred Stock canned goods at Riggs' store. Mrs. P. E. Davis, of Salem, is visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Cherrington. Fresh taffy, pure cream penocha and caramels every day at Williams' confectionery store. The Lewis and Clark Club will meet at the home of Mrs. J. Crowther next Tuesday afternoon. Walter Roy has the Dallas agency for Aldon's celebrated chocolate creams. None finer made. Born, in MeMinnville, Oregon, Sun day. Mav 8. 1904. to Mr. and Mrs. John C. Uglow, a daughter. Mrs. A. Baland, of Merrillan, Wis consin, is visiting her sister, Mrs, W. E. Lacey, in this city. If vou once buy Aldon's chocolates, vnn will hnv no other. Agency at Walter Roy's confectionery store. Miss Louise Gilbert returned Sun day from a week's stay at the home of her brother at Dallas. Corvallis Times Mrs. A. M. Sanders is seriously ill at her home in Roseburg. Her mother, Mrs. Abel Uglow, is at her bedside. Call and see the bath room fixtures at Vaughn & Weaver's on Mill street. We have a complete line, and will do your work as it should be done. Ellis & Keyt desire to announce to the ladies of Polk county that they will inaugurate their annual "White Sale" on Monday, Mav 16. For further particulars see their adver tisement in another column. DALLAS WILL Di!! The business men and citizens gen erally of Dallas are requested to meet at the City Hall next Wednesday at 7 :30 o'clock to make preliminary ar rangements for a proper celebration of the Fourth of July. It is hoped that there will be a large attendance. M. M. ELLIS, Pres. Board of Trade. J. C. II AYTER, Secretary. TEAM FOR SALE Heavy work '. team For particulars, inquire of $ The Women's Missionary Society of the Evangelical Church will give a 10-cent missionary tea at the home of Mrs. C. C. Poling next Thursday afternoon. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. All wool growers are requested to attend the meeting of the Association in Dallas tomorrow as business of importance is to be transacted. You cannot afford to miss this meetinc- H. L. Fenton. Secretarv. f - Frank Brown has returned from Portland where he bouorht now machinery for his candy factory. He also secured recipes for all the new candies in the market. Mr. Brown has more orders for candy than his factory can fill. "The 4 Georges" Company will give musical entertainment at the fiit.v Hall tonight. The daily papers are unanimous in pronouncing it a clean, high-grade attraction, and . m.iaiVni ia m store for nil uuh ott,j Miss Marion OeorB i.t..wJ possessor of a genuine Hopf violin, and the critics speak of her playing in terms of warmest praise. Ad mission, 35 and 50 cents; children, 25 cents. . Awarded Big Damages. Mrs. Laura Adkins was awarded damages against the City of Mon mouth to the amount of $2112.91 in the Circuit Court, Wednesday. The jury was out ten hours.. Mrs. Adkins sued for $5250 for an injury caused by a fall on a defective sidewalk three years ago. This was the third trial of the case, and has cost the contest ing parties a neat sum of money. L. Gerlinger was up from Portland on a business visit, Tuesday. Read all the bright new ads of enterprising Dallas merchants. Homer Kirkpatrick is in Dallas for a few days' visit, enroute to his home in Los Angeles. School Superintendent C. L. Starr will deliver the address at the Ballston picnic, on May 28. The motor company will run another excursion to Falls City, Sunday, leav ing Dallas at 9 o'clock. The jury in the damage suit of Joe Guthrie vs. the Coast Range Lumber Company returned a verdict for $500, at 10 :30 o'clock last night. Mr. Guth rie sued for $20,000. The splendid Hamilton piano used by Prof. Kantner in the production of "Queen Esther" was kindly furnished without charge by Cherrington & Savage, the agents in Salem. Attorneys W. H. Holmes, Webster Holmes, G. G. Bingham and B. F. Bonham, of Salem ; R. W. Wilbur and M. L. Pipes, of Portland, attended Circuit Court in Dallas this week. MeMinnville defeated Dallas by 10 points in the field meet last Saturday- Each school won seven first places. Dallas won the weight events, but MeMinnville was faster on the track. Dallas and Willamette will meet at Salem tomorrow. Arrangements are being made for an excursion from Independence, Monmouth and Dallas to the Ballston picnic, on May 28. A more definite announcement will be made later. Dr. L. N. Woods, who has been at tending Mrs. Bertie Wilkins at the Salem Hospital, says that his patient is improving ard will be brought to the home of her mother, Mrs. A. Byerly, tomorrow. Hon. William Galloway, Demo cratic nominee for Circuit Judge, and J: 5. AViritney, who la making a, hope less race against John McNary for District Attorney, were in Dallas a few days this week. Judge Whitney was billed to deliver a political ad- REJECTED ALL BIDS Award of Sewer Contracts Will Not Be Made Until May 21. d-esa ess at the coiirthonsn Wprlnosrlsi v -,...-. u o(jok, ior the very simple reason that nobody went to hear him. The day of the campaign orator is passing, and it will require a stronger "spell-binder" than Judge Whitney to muster a crowd in Dallas. .failure on the part of a Portland contractor to get his bid Into the hands of the city couucil before the hour advertised for opening bids, and tne assurance of the contractor that the bid was $300 lower than any others submitted, caused the city council to reject all sewer bids Wed nesday evening. Proposals for the construction of the sewers will be re ceived up to and including May 21 at 1 o'clock p. m., and opened the same day at 7 :30 o'clock p. m. Ho blame can be attached to any one for the delay, as the council de sires to get the work done as cheaply as possible and at the same time deal fairly with all bidders. The con tractors all understand the reason for the postponement of the work, and it is believed that they will again sub mit bids a week from next Saturday. Gratifying interest was shown in the Dallas sewer project oy con tractors generally, and bid3 were re ceived from J. B. Slemmons, of Port land ; Harkuess & Lawrenson, of Albany ; Jacobsen-Bade Company, of Portland, and F. H. Morrison, of Dallas. The bids were as follows : Jacobsen-Bade Company, of Port land : Court Street sewer $1632.00 Mill Street sewer 1260.00 Outlet 464.00 Total $3356X0 J. D. Slemmons. of Portland : Mill, Court and outlet $3718.10 Harkness & Lawrenson, of Albany: Mill aud Court $2886.56 Outlet 472.90 Total $3359.16 F. H. Morrison, of Dallas: Mill and Court $3323.19 Outlet.. 543.55 Total ..$3866.74 Riner & Riner, of Portland, spent several days in Dallas, looking over the fi round aud figuring on the work, but Instead of bringing their bid to the council in person, they sent it by registered mail on Saturday, and it did not reach Dallas until the arrival of the train Monday evening. The council was in session when the mail was distributed, and the bid did not reach their hands until Tuesday morning. All bids on hand Monday evening were 'opened, but as two were very close together in the aggregate, and the bidding was done on items, the council was unable to decide which was the more advantageous to the city, so the meeting was adjourned until Wednesday evening and the Auditor and Mr. Gates, the consulting engineer, were requested to go over the bids carefully and prepare a re port. When the couucil met on Wednes day eve ring, the bid olljer & Bine was in hand, and tne question of opening it was discussed. The post mark and registry receipt and all other evidence went to show that it the lis k is to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to t to to to to $ to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Watch For Our Opening! $ We desire to announce that the goods for our new clothing store on Mill Street are now arriving, and that in a few days we shall open for your inspection a stock of CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS such as you have never seen outside the large cities. We have skimmed the cream of the Eastern and San Francisco markets for everything that is new and stylish in Men's and Boys' wearing apparel, and you will no longer find it necessary to send to Portland or other metropolitan centers for a Hat or Collar or a pair of Shoes that are of the excellence of quality that you desire. Everything that is new in New York or Chicago this season, you will find right here in Dallas as goon as our store is open for business. We will bo able to prove the truth of this assertion to your satisfaction as soon as our new stock is ready for your inspection. A FEW ADVANCE SUGGESTIONS: Hoffman & Rothchild's Clothing, E. (Sb W. Collars and Cuffs, Bernstein's Neckwear, Florsheinv Shoes, Stetson Hats. These lines are carried by none but the leading clothiers in the large cities, and you will be able to buy them in Dallas hereafter also many other articles of dress that you have often wanted and couldn't get. DATE OF OPENING WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER.. UGLOW CLOT RING HOUSE THE UP-TO-DATE STORE MILL STREET DALLAS, 0RE00N C -I -S T.' fl- tt -fSj 4Zi 'djenu -wv ? - W. L. DOUGLAS $3.50 SHOE You have all heard of this celebrated line of shoes. This reliable line is sold only to one dealer in a town in fact we are the only house in Polk County that handles this line. The W. L. Douglas Shoe Co. have no difficulty in p to their extraordinary claim living u Ilk. ; "The B iest Shoe in the World" We are here with the goods and we ask you to insist upon getting the best. All Styles including Patent Iieatheit and Oxfords $3.50 Call oi communicate urith us pegarding good shoes. : t. :. -; The ee rove store. DALLAS, OREGON. had been mailed hefn" , - out tn Aaims oniue suowea mat it was re ceived from the train at precisely the same hour that the council convened Mr. Kiner urged that his bid be opened and assured the council that they would find it lower than any otner bias submitted ; but the council, wishing to act in good faith with all the bidders, decided to not open or consider it, but to give all a chance to figure on the work again, and the Auditor was instructed to re-advortise for bids to be received until May 21. GREAT MUSICAL EVENT Over One Hundred People Take Part in Local Production of "Queen Esther." The sacred cantata, "Queen Esther" was presented by local talent to large audiences in the College Gymnasium on Friday and Saturday evenings of last week. Nearly one hundred young people took part in the production. The cantata was handsomely staged, and the costumes of the singers were appropriate and attractive. The chorus was well trained, and th various drills showed careful and painstaking work on the part of the participants, and the director, Mr. A. H. Newton. The attendance was large both nights, aDd the women of the College Professorship Association will clear about $50 as their share of the pro ceeds. Mr. Newton gave the home people a much larger per centage of the receipts than is usually offered by traveling musicians giving enter tainments of this class, and, as a con sequence, a neat sum was realized for the benefit of the College. CAST OF CHARACTERS. King II. H. Dunkelberger yueen Esther Hallie Morrison 'I V, T-l . . n .. 'csu n,tnei i'oiing Haman Prof. A. H. Newton Mordecai... Ralph Morrison Princesses, Piebecca Gates and Ella Boy. Prophetesses, Edna Morrison and Emroy McDevitt Beggar Lester Butler High Priest Albert Williams Jewish Princess Georgia Shriver Scribe Arthur Wilson Harbonah Wilfred Green Cup Bearers, Zeta Hollister and Frankie Hayter. Guards, Daniel Poling, Loui3 Carter, Chet Coad and Melvin Teats. New Butcher Firm. Jones & Hout sold their meat mar ket to Murrell, Haldeman & Gorke, Wednesday, taking in part payment the Haldeman & Gorke grocery stock in the Collins building. The butcher firm of Knox & Murrell has been dis solved, as Mr. Knox desires to return to hib old home in Minnesota to care for his aged father. The new firm will conduct both meat markets in Dallas in their present locations. Mr. MurrelT7 the senior-partner, informs us that he is well pleased with Dallas as a business point, and that he in tends to make his peimanent home here. He says there will be absolutly no advance in the prices of meat, and that the new firm will endeaver to con duct a firsc-class market In every respect. Largest Stock of use i'umisn ings : BUSINESS LOCALS. I basket work Raffia for Metzger's. L. D. Brown, Notary Public ; writing. With J. N. Hart. A beautiful line of Spring millinery now on display at Mrs. H. H. Chace's. Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. Miss Bertha Collins invites an in spection of her large stock of Spring millinery. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will be found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Go and see thoso fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. Wanted : To exchange lumber or ood for heavy draft teams, harness, 3J or heavier lumber wagons, hay or grain. Oregon Lumber, Wood & Light Co., Falls City, Or. Wagner Brothers invite you to call nd inspect their stock of bath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West Side. They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of wuter pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. The finest and most skillful work guaranteed. ON THE WEST SIDE. CHAPMAN'S Telephone 133. Convicted 1 Pollock has been convicted by ajury of his peers for selling good shoes be low regulation prices. Served him right todol Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat. Seed Corn For Sale. Extra early Dent seed corn for sale by J. S. Macomber, or at Ellis & Keyt's. W. W. Ullrey's or T. A. Riggs. Horses For Sale. Two good work horses for sale ; or will exchange one of them for good driving horse. James Elliott, Dallas, Oregon. Wool Wanted. I will pay you the highest market price for your wool. Do not sell be fore seeing me, as I am in a position to pay you more than you can getelse- where. J. L. CASTLE, Dallas. Oregon. MILL STREET. rnve At the Dallas Boot and Shoe Store a full line of Men's 'Walk-Over' Shoes also a full line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes and Slippers "ST. CECILIA" SHOES FOR LADIES. LADIES' AND MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. at Mrs. """"" 1 type- fi P25few W Just Ik. ' DALLAS BOOT AND SHOE STORE MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. For Sale. Breeding herd, (all ages), of pure bred Shorthorns, with registered 3-year-old bull, for sale about 25 head. Fbaxk Bctler, (near Falls City, Polk county, a railway point.) Postal ad dress, Dallas, R. F. D. No. 2. Polk GREAT FIRE SALE!! Sale first, fire afterwards. In anticipation of having to move out while we have a new Brick Building erected, we desire to reduce our stock as much as posible. Beginning Saturday, May 7 We will sell at a greatly reduced price all of our large stock of Furniture, Carpets, Matting, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Tents, Stoves, Tin and Granite Ware. Be Sure and attend This Sale KERSLAKE'S FURNITURE STORE. PHONE MAI?J 63. MAIN STREET f county, Oregon.