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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1904)
Pclft County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR ANU PUBL1SHEH Published Weekly at 1.50 per Yem. Htrietly in Advunce. DALLAS, ORKGON. May 13, 1901, The way lo build up Dallas is to pat ronise Dallas people. Republican State Ticket. Supreme Judge, V. A, MOORE. Dairy and Food Commissioner, J. W. BAILEY. First Congressional District. Congressman, BIXGEll HERMANN. Third Judicial District. Circuit Judges, GEORGE II. BURNETT. B. L. EDDY. District Attorney, JOHN H. McNARY. Twelfth Representative District. Joint Representative, J. S. COOPER. Republican County Ticket. State Senator, U. S. LOUGHARY. Representative, D. L. KEYT. County Judge, ED. F. COAD. Commissioner, WILLIAM RIDDELL. County Clerk, E. M. SMITH. Sheri IT, M. SCRAFFORD. Assessor, C. S. GRAVES. School Superintendent, C. L. STARR. Treasurer, J. T. BEEZLEY. Surveyor, J. P. VANORSDEL. Coroner, R. L. CHAPMAN. COURT HOUSE NOTES. Hon. B. L. Eddy, Republican candidate for Circuit Judge, waB in Dallas. Monday. Mr. Kddy spent a pleasant day here in uicelingand becoming acquainted with the bus iness men and citizens generally. lib 1Q U WUI V.vuu D tleman, and made a most favorable impression upon the voters as a man who would preside over the Circuit Court in a dignified and ngrceable manner. Mr. Eddy is a capable attorney, and his long career in the Oregon Legislature has been both able and honorable, lie enjoys the respect and confi dence of the people of his home county, irrespective of party ailili ations, and is well and favorably known throughout the state. The people will make no mistake when they vote for Mr. Eddy lor Circuit Judge, It is estimated that twenty-five hundred immigrants havo settled in various points of Oregon outside of the city of Portland during the past two months as the result of the colonization rates which have been in effect on the railroads en tering Portland in that lime. The greater number of these homeseek; ers have settled in the Willamette Valley. Voters should remember that the registration hooka close tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock. (Jet your name on the books now and save time and worry on election day. Don't overlook the fact that two Circuit Judges are to be elected this year. The Republican nominees are George II. Burnett and B. L. Eddy. Vote for both. With an abundance or mountain water and a sewerage system drain ing a large section of the residence and business districts, Dallas will be a cool, comfortable and attrac tive city during the coining hot Summer months. Spring Humors Conio to most peoplo and cause many troubles, pimples, boils and other eruptions, besides loss of appetite, hat tired feeling, fits of biliousness, Iiurwtiou and liead.nhe. Tlio sooner one gets rid of tlicm tlio better, and the way to get rid of them and to build up tlio system that has eufiered from them is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Forming" in combination tho Spring JlciiiWnc par excellence, of unequalled ctrenjrth in purifying the blood as shown by unequalled, radical and per manent cures of Scrofula Salt Rheum Scnld Heed B0II3, Plmplos A'.; kinds of Humor Psoriasis Cood Poicur.lni Rheumatism Catarrh Dyspepsia, Etc Accept no substitute, but be sure to get Hood's, Mid get it today. PROBATE. Guardianship of Earl ahd Guy Ott, minors bond tiled and appproved; D. L. Keyt, Fred Hebding and G. N. Townsend appointed appraisers. Estate of Henry Coad, deceased petition to sell real property granted. Estate of John Ellis, deceased peti tion to erect monument, granted. Estate of Thomas C. King, deceased proof of will presented ; Paul B. Wallace appointed administrator with will annexed; F. M. McElfresh, Job Richards and J. S. Frost appointed appraisers.' Estate of E.'C. Keyt, deceased-ordered that agreement between A. M, Fanning and D. L. Keyt be carried out according to petition. CLAIMS ALLOWm 0 Kisser, courthouse acct $ 1 00 O E Loot, registering votes. . . . 20 90 Irwin-Hodson Co., supplies 2 50 Glass & Prudhomme, same.... 11187 Salem Hospital, pauper acct.. . 10 00 C G Coad, envelopes 20 50 Western Clay Co., road acct. . . . Hfi 37 Reason Rrunk, sume 50 00 T 13 Huntley, same CO 2.5 A N Holman, salary 65 00 E V Dalton, same "2 50 Milo Woods, same 40 00 A Lough a ry, recording 23 75 Loughury & Ellis, mdsu 0 50 G W Siefarth, assessing 17 CO W It Tliiu-ueft. same 55 00 OO r A Huston, same 57 50 FEMyer, same 78 00 M D Ellis, electric lights 17 40 U S Loughary, salary, etc 130 73 Belt & Cherrington, mdse 10 35 F S Wilson, pauper acct 24 00 C L Starr, salary, etc 85 G8 W M Welch & Co., mdse , 15 00 D G Meador, pauper acct 1109 Viola lied well, same 8 00 C E Huntley, same 30 25 C D Calbreuth, same 8 02 A J Hedges, tax rebate 10 G2 Muir & McDonald, supplies 3 08 Tracy Staats, salary G5 00 OusKiivim, printing 9 05 TJ Butler, assessing 85 00 J T Ford, salary, etc 104 7'J Hiliiard & Plynmie, road acct. . 4 00 Frank Morrison, same 07 00 Dr W S Gary, health officer. ... 15 00 C L Starr, courthouse acct 0 00 J E Sibley, salary CO 05 Ross E Moores, supplies 113 Wm Faull, road acct !) 05 W II Livingston, same 10 00 J It Teal, salary 8 80 Seth Riggs, same , 7 GO CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET 1 Caleb Hughes vs Geo. E. Lewis, administrator, et ul, action for money ; Conham & Martiu for pill; Coudit & Bingham for deft. Jury trial ; verdict for pi IT for $175. 5 O. E. Leet vs Falls City Cured Fruit Company, conlirmution ; J. N. Halt for pi IT. Sale confirmed. 8 J. V. Dennis vs II. W. Rmcroft, ) Hl'i'oa iVir mniiny .T N. Halt for i plff. Settled. 9 T. J. Hcroggin vs C. O. Burgess, action for money ; J. T. Simpson for plff. Settled. 10 Jaueway & Co. vs W. L. Bice, e tiou at law; Oscar Ilayter for pi IT; Butler & Coad for deft. Settled. 14 Stewart & Vant vs Russell & Dougherty, action for money ; Oscar Ilayter and C. E. Hawkins for plff. Default and judgment with order to sell attached properly. 15 City of Dallas vs R. P. Boise et al, mandate; W. T. Muir for plff; W. H. Holmes, N. L. Butler and Sib ley &Eakin for deft. Mandate entered. 10 City of Dallas vs Mary E. Halloekctal, mandate; W. T. Muir for plff; W. H. Holmes, N. L. Butler and Sibley & Eakin for deft. Mandate entered. 17 B. linger, respondent, vsKnapp & Knapp, appellant, appeal from Justice Court, District No. 3; Oscar Ilayter for respondent ; J. J. Hart for appellant. Appeal dismissed. 3 Laura Adkins vs City of Mon mouth, action for damages; Holmes & Holmes for plff; Butler & Coad and M. L. Pipes for deft. Jury trial ; ver dict for plff. for $2112.91. State of Oregon vs J. G. Stoll and Auim Stoll, lewd cohabitation; J. N. Hart for plff; J. L. Taugher for deft. J. G. Stoll pleads guilty; seutenced to 30 days imprisonment in county jail. Anna Stoll dismissed. - Proposals l or Sewer Work. Si'iili il I'ropemils will Ik iccoIvimI t tho ollii'it ul tin' Auditor 11ml I'l'Het' .IiuIrp of tiie City ul DhIIus, Oregon, until Miiy I'.KM.nt mien rlneK p. in (cir tin' ii'iiftriii'lii'ii ul dewiT in I uni t Mtrwt Irnm IIiivut mri'i t to tin County ron.l nt Hie Kiist eml of l ourt Klrwt: a newer in Mill stivel mini lliiyler ftieet Knst to 1. vie street anil Smith on l.ylu street to iuter.-eei the nlvr mi'iiliiineil sewer on Court slreoi ; ami an out let sewer Ironi (he Kuat enil ol the nl'ove-iuen-tl nieil Court Mieet sewrr nt the County roml, Norilunau'rly to the l.m'r ole river, in the niHiiiier pioviileil ly Unlintinee No. t, suniei'l to the provisions of the ( hnrter Htnl Oiilinnnees of the City of 1hI1hs, anil the estimates of the CHy Knifineor on tile. lUilnuillhe opened May -1, lit 7:;U) o'clock p. in., and must he mildly in accordance with the bliinisS. wlii. li will he luniiNhed on Rppli of the Auditor ui.d l'olue J ud Ke. outr ict mind I't' enlered Into within ten days niter notice ol acceptance o( hid. And said sewers must he completed on or lie lure Scpteiulier 1, nut. No hroi.osiils or hiils will tie considered mi- less accompanied I'.' a cerliiied cheek payat'ie to the order of the Mayor ol the l ilv of lftlltts. cerliiied I'.v a resp.'iisihlu hank for an amount o.iiiiil lo .'ior cent ol the atrurccate propo.-al. i lieriehl lo reject any and all hida is hereby reserved. Hone hy order of the ( it v Council ol the City I'Hllns, inade May 11, I'.i'l. liAN 1'. STOl'KKKIl, Auditor and Police Judce of the City of l'allas, Oregon. Mav 1J, 1!KU. ILxiJH ' r,U ': -A Jl?C Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery CURES Weak Lungs. Will be paid by the World's Dispensary (leriical Association, Proprietors, Buf falo, !n. Y., if lliey cannot snow the orig. inal sieiiature of the individual volun teering t'ne testimonial below, and also t:t the writers ot every testimonial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuine ness. "When I commenced tnkln your medicines, ciKhlccn months ago. ir.v ncaitn was compietei lirokcii down." writes Vis. Cora L. Suiuierlancl of Chnutyville. Calveit Co., Md. "At times 1 could nut" even vtik across the room without pains in ntv chest. The doctor who attemifd me. said I had lung trouble, and that f would never be mil again, it last I concluded to try Dr. Pierce's medlcHissi, lloij!lu 9 pome or women Med ical Discovery,' tool it, and soon commenced U feel a little better, then ypu directed me to take both the 'Colden Medical Hisgpyery ' nna llic '1'avorite Prescription. ' willed I did.' Ailo- tf-l!fr 1 have taken eighteen bottles ol 't.okleu Medical Dicovrrv,' twelve of Die ' Favorite Pre scription.' and five vials of - Pellets.' I am now fUmost eutirclv well, and do I( my work with out any pain whatever, and can run with more ease mail ) comu lormeny wuik." Dr. Pierce's PJeasaut Pellets cleanse and regulate the bowels, Have You Registered. Until the books fire closed in May the Oiisi'.nvEii will print the total num ber of voters registered in tho several precincts each week, In the following tuble, the first column shows the num ber of the prooinet ; the second column the name of the precinct; the third column, the total number of voters registered in J,002, and the fourth column, the number of voters wlio havo registered to date. No. Precinct l'J02 1904 Douglas 125 80 Jackson.... 107 07 Salt Lake 70 CO Spring Valley 78 6(i Eola 120 107 ltickreall 118 10(i South Independence. .137 130 South Monmouth 110 107 Bucna Vista 99 .. ..24 Stiver 41 28 Luckiainute 170 174 Bridgeport 73 02 East Dallas 203 204 McCoy 89 70 South Dallas 155 181 North Independence. .200 191 North Dallas 154 143 Bock Creek 23...... 11 North Monmouth 102 90 90 0 n mi pera oouse Tuesday, May 17th Palmer & Company's big scenic production of "FAUST" Wednesday Evening, May 18th " inm - unr POPULAR PRICES Reserved Seats, 35 and 50c. Seats on Sale at Belt & Cher rington's Drug Store. m i n DEALER IN LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon 1ICS 1 2 olock para: YOU WILL NEED A HAMMOCI THIS SUMMER. MEISEBS' HAVE THE LINE to choose from. All new stock, latest patterns new improver ments lowest prices in the valley- all these are but a few of their good points. Frederick Levin CUSTOM SHOEHAKER All Kinds of Leather and Rubber Goods repaired sub stantially and at reasonable rates. West of Wilson Block, Dallas, Oro. A. If. IIBOWI DKAI.ER IN LIVESTOCK Vwys and ships Hogs, Mutton and Stock Sheep. Highest market price paid at al, times, Address, r. v. d. no, 1, DALLAS, OREGON O. H. COBB O. W. COBB (IGO J The rcii'Vrs otUu -vard $100. tt. r trill hA t1nejvi tA learn tlit tbi rij is t taust one dtoadeil disease tiiiU scie nre his been 8lle to cure in all it sitsi'M, nd that ia ratrrh. Hall's Catarrh CuiiMnUieonly positive cure known to the med Knl fr.ilerniiv". CaiarrU t inc a ronx'.itutional tsease, ro'.uiiroi a coii-ii;lutiouhi treatment. IL.ll's c'a.airli v u' ' t taken internally, actini rf:rerilv uron i:h' I 1 nrid ivuttx'a surfaces of tl esviteiii.thercnv ii. droving the foundation of the disease, a.J givir.c the patient gtreneth by building no the constitution and assisting ji'!uro in i'y-'.i? ii -vi'rtc. The t-ronrietors hava . iav h 11 . 1 enmtiv power, that they sltnOm iiuu'iict irsforanv case that it Jails to cure, bend f.r lil ot tesumonial. Address, F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0. Or RoV h Prnggisti, 75. Bail' FauiUy Fill r th batt, Total ..139. .2330 . .187 .2121 BRIGMT'S DISEASE. riie lait sl sum ever paid lor a pie HeriptiDii, chanized liamls in San I'Vuii fiwto, AuiiBl 30, 1901. The transfer in volved in coin ami suiek $112,600.00 ami was paid by a pat ty of business men for a specific for ISriyht's Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable discuses. They commenced the serious investi gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900. They interviewed 6cores of the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over three dozen cases 011 tli treatment and watching tliem. They also not phy mimuiih to inline chronic, incurable cases, and administered it with the physicians for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven per cent of the test cases were either well or progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of tlie investigating committee and the clinical r-ports ol the test eases were published and will oe mailed free on ap plication. Address John J. Fulton Com pan v, 420 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Attention, Horsemen! The Imported Gorman Couch stallion "Alban" will make the season of 11)04 in Dallas. Terms, $30 to insure, S20 for tlio season, with return privileges. J. 15. IIl'UBAItl), V. II. McDamel. (iood Farm at a Bargain. 2Si!-acre farm, 4 miles from Dallas, "0 acres in cultivation; 10 acres iu hops ; good hop house ; plenly of fruit ; well wittered by living witter ; several springs on place; good pastures, and plenty of timber; one mile from Rail road; house, barn and outbuildings. A nice home, and a great bargain at $15 per acre. Call on, or address AV. A. AY RES, Dallas. Oregon. O. H. COBB & SON MANUFACTURERS AND REPAIRE11S OF SUagoits, mwh Bugles ni farm macftltiery Ror$e Shoeing and Plow lUorR a Specialty. We have oqc of the best Shoers ia the State. Phone Farm 329. North Dallas, Oregon ! 1 fi Vun DesHel '.S. s. S : Notary Public John P. Van Orsdel Surveying, Logging Roads. Dams and Flumes a Specialty J. G. Van Orsdel & Son DEALEKS IK Taras, Stock Ranges, tinker Eattds and Wty Property We offer a great bargain in a 200-acre farm, 1 miles from Dallas; good improvements; fine land. ROOM i, (upstairs) W.lson Building, y 77 '"" 77 77 :;S- Z . . Dallas, Ore. G. CAMPBELL FARM IiANlS loIjsTnsurance MILL STREET, NORTH OF COURTHOUSE Dallas, Oregon 3 ihW.Tfe'ltt DON'T WATCH! your old tiiiK'-pieee to ?cc if it is keeping eoneet time, hut save time and money by buying a reliable Hamilton Railroad Wateb or a Paillard Non-Magnetic Wateb. ONEIDA SILVERWARE, made of tho best material and a 2."-year guarantee with all articles of this brand. We also keep tho White Metal brand Knives, Forks, Tea and Table Spoons. Call and See My Line of Goods CHARLES II. MORRIS JEWELER. DALLAS, - Or.F.lH)S FREE! ! &lcclsii sit Wotlsou's next week only. Every per son li'iiiin in this adv. and pnr e!insiii goods to the anion nt of 83 will he giv en free two dishes valnctJOeor your choice of any tOc dish in stock. 1 hitSflli 1 Annua Ellis & Keyt beg to announce that ' their next Special Sale of Muslin f Underwear will be held beginning Monday, May 16, 1904 This sale made by the Defender Mfg Co of New York CHy,Js an event of more thp; dinary importance to theiavjo of f,iP community; Our customers who have worn this brand of goods are well acquainted with its merits. Those who; have never used them will find that for perfection of finish, fineness of quality and attractiveness of design, they are unsurpassed if not unequaled. After careful and discriminating search we have decided that these goods are better adapted to tho needs of our patrons than anj' others wre could secure. We offer no ten cent goods, as our ex perience is that no garment can be made to sell' at this price which is really fit for our customers to wear. We cordially invite you to attend this sale, and assure you of Good Qualities and Materials at Unusually Low Prices ELLIS $ KEYT Phone 46. n in .Street HAZELW00D ICE CREAM We are sole agents in Dallas for this celeb cream. Only pure fruit and nut flavors w its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM LATJND Walter Roy, Uglow Building, Main Street Dallas, Ore. S. C. Dodson .& Co. DALLAS, OREGON. N. HUGHES MANUFACTURER & REPAIRER OP WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. Thanks the public for 15 yeara' patronage, and solicits your present orders. Shop Near the Wagon Bridge Dallas, Ore; AGNER BROS. CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Shovel Plows," Double Shovel Plows, Win 1 Sh Peg T. DcVitVs m Salvo For Piles Burns Sores. Plows. Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reveif ole with Extension Head. All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything need d to cultivate a hopyard or orchard. S COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. UALLrtO, R f CENTRAL MARKET JY11UA QL H1U11U1, 1 iuy 10. FRESH AND SALT MEATS of All Kinds. Fish, Game and Chickens ICE FOR SALE. Farmers will find it to their advantage to bring us their Poultry and Eggs, as we pay the highest cash price for same at all times. EAST SIDE OF HAIN STREET Dallas, Oregon. ilod in