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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1904)
s. ... f . .U- VOL. XVII DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, MAY 20, 1904 NO. 10 rx J WE VANT THE TO TAKE NOTICE!! That THE HUB CLOTHING COMPANY have temporarily moved into the Ullrey Feed Store, across the street from Stiles' Harness Shop, until our new brick building is ready for us, which will be about June 1. BUT UNTIL WE MOVE in our hew store, we will continue to sell goods at a big reduction in order to r educe our stock, as we have no room for them in our present quarters. You Will Reap MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS Dressy and Stylish, at all prices from, TO $7 $22.50 Everything else in proportion. We sell the best goods made, the H. S. & M. Clothing, tailor-made and perfect fit guaranteed. We have a complete line of HATS, SHOES, BOYS' and GENTS' FURNISHINGS, TRUNKS, ETC. Go to a man's store for men's goods. G. W. HOLLISTER, Manager. Dallas9 Best Grocery Store Only first-class lines carried in everything in the way of eatables, and sold at prices lower than can be ob tained elsewhere. "We invite especial attention to our "MONOPOLE," "ROYAL CLUB" and "PREFERRED STOCK" Canned Goods. We are closing out a stock of 40-cent Mocha and Java Coffee at 25c. Come quick, as there is only a little left. Large Invoice of "M. J. B." Coffee to arrive soon-none better in the Market. LOUGHARY PHONE NO. 44 Wall Paper! Wall Paper! We have received another large consignment of wall paper direct from the largest factory in the world. We now have without a doubt, one of the largest and best assortments of wall paper to be found in the vallev. We bought these papers at the right prices and took advantage of the car freight rates to Portland, which is less than one-half local rates. Thus we say : NOW WE CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD " t ON BRACES CF THE SAME QUALITY We also carry a large line of sample-books of latest novelties in papers and house decorations and can get anything you want in these lines. Our stock of paints, varnishes, stains, colors, etc., we have selected with care as to quality, for we believe the best is the cheapest. The New Wall Paper & Paint Store. HEATH & CORNES, Mill street, Dallas, Oregon SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY and permanently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back S6 cts. and 50 eta Belt ChMTlna-ton. Dallaa. Oreeoa The Benefit---Note HinSduffner FrS'iF U Mm' ,.B Hind Tailored i"PL i . &v ST Mil li r af1 1l , 1 . 1-1 'J 4-, Copyright 1004 bv Bart Scliaffner A Han & ELLIS, DALLAS, OREGON. You Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing that It Is simply Iron and Quinine In a taste Imw form. No Pure. No Pay. Sc 'IS BHff JAC01SON CO PUiLIC These Bargains BOYS' SUITS- They are dressy, stylish and well made, some good bargains, ranging from TO Dallas, Oregon DON'T WATCH! your old time-piece to see if it is keeping correct time, but save time and money by buying a reliable Hamilton Railroad Watch or a Paillard Non-Magnetic Watch. ONEIDA SILVERWARE, made of the best material and a 25-year guarantee with all articles of this brand. We also keep the White Metal brand Knives, Forks, Tea and Table Spoons. Call and See My Line of Goods CHARLES H. MORRIS JEWELEK. DALLAS, - OREGON YOU WILL NEED A - HAMMOCK THIS SUMMER. MEISEES' HAVE THE LINE to choose from. All new stock, latest patterns new improve mentslowest prices in the valley all these are but a few of their- good points. DEALER IN . EI LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock cf Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon DALLAS COLLEGE WINS fakes Field Meet With Willamette by 70-56 Score Poling's dreat Work. The Dallas College track team won a splendid victory on Willamette field last Friday when they defeated the Willamette University team In a hotly contested meet by a lead of 14 points. Dallas took 10 first places, and Wil lamette four. A heavy wind blew from the west throughout the after noon and prevented any good records being made. Speaking of the game, the Salem Statesman pays a high compliment to Dan Poling, saying: "Dan Poling, of Dallas College, was easily the hero of the day and attracted the admira tion of friends and foes alike. He is one of the best all around athletes in the state, and contested in nearly all events, winning five first places, each time giving his college five points, and won a place in every event in which he contested. He won the highest individual score, 26 points." Perry Castle did excellent work for Dallas in the weight events, winning first place in the discus throw and hammer throw, and second place in the shot put. Ford and Gates in the hurdles, and Launer in the pole vault, won out easily over their competitors. The winners of each event follow. Pole vault Launer, Dallas; Wins low, W. U. ; Wilson, Dallas ; distance, 9j feet. Fifty yard dash Poling, Dallas; Miller, W. U. ; James, W. U. ; time, 6 seconds. Mile run Judd, W. U. ; Launer, Dallas ; Barendrick, Dallas; time, 10 min. 10 seo. One hundred yard dash Poling, Dallas ; Miller, W. U. ; James, W. U. ; time, 10 4-5 sec. Shot put Love, W. U. ; Castle, Dal las ; Unruh, W. U. ; distauce, 31 feet 10 inches. Discus throw Castle, Dallas ; Love, W. U. ; Poling, Dallas, distance, 88 ft. 10 in. 120 yard hurdles Gates, Dallas; Spires, W. U. ; Teats, Dallas ; time, 18 seconds. Hammer throw Castle, Dallas ; James, W. U. ; Hewitt, W. U. ; distance, 88 ft. 2 in. 220 yard dash Miller, W. U. ; Wil liams, Dallas; VanOridol, Dallas; time, 25 3-5 seconds. 880 yard run Poling, Dallas ; Ford, W. U. ; Morton, Dallas ; time, 2 :17. 220 yard hurdles Ford, Dallas; Gates, Dallas : Wilson, Dallas ; time, 23 seconds. Broad running jump Poling, Dal las; Dart, W. U. ; James, W. U. ; distance, 18 ft. 10J in. High jump Poling, Dallas ; James, W. U. ; Whipple, W. U. ; distance, 4 ft. 10 in. 440 yard run Miller, W. U. ;" Ford, W. U. ; Williams, Dallas ; time, 55 2-5 seconds. Methodist Episcopal Conference at Los Angeles, California. Account above Conference, the Southern Pacific Co. will make reduc ed rates on the certificate plan from main line points in Oregon South of Portland. Passengers will purchase tickets to Los Angeles, for which Agent will collect the highest one way rate, giving a special receipt. On pre sentation of this receipt, duly executed, by original purchaser, the Southern Pacific Agent at Los Angeles will sell return ticket at one-third fare. Sale dates from Oregon points will be April 19th to May 7th inclusive, also May 9th, 12th, lGth, 19th, 23rd, 2Gth and 30th. The last day on which certificates will be honored for return at reduced rate from Los Angeles will be June 5th, 1904. Mart Scrafford, Republican candi date for Sheriff, was a Dallas visitor. Monday. Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding. Call the disease rickets if you want to. The growing child must eat the right food for growth. Bones must have bone food, blood must have blood food and so on through the list. Scott s Emulsion is the right treatment for soft bones in children. Littledoses everyday give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have. Bow legs become straightcr, loose joints grow stronger and firmness comes to the soft heads. Wrong food caused the trouble. Right food will cure it. In thousands of cases Scott's Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in childhood. Send for free sample. SCOTT EOWNE, Chemists. 40S-4I5 Pearl Street. New York, joc and f i.eo ; all druggists. BO E Activity at Freeland Mines. The Freeland Consolidated Mining Company has added another claim to its valuable group, on Gold Creek, Marion county, which now consists of eleven full claims. The new claim is a free milling ledge and is high grude as the gold can be seen plainly with the eyo without the aid of a glass. While building a new trail to the "Five Shot Bill," a quartz cropping about six feet wide and nearly three hundred feet long was uncovered, and from the surface indications it will prove a high-grade proposition. The work ou the main tunnel, located on the Granger claim, is going along very rapidly and richer ore is being uncovered every day. Tho work on the Granger consists of a cross-cut tunnel 105 feet, and the drift on the ledge is about 175 feet long running both ways from where the cross cut taps the main ledge. A large amount of the stock of the Freeland company is owned by Dallas men. Branch In McMinnville. J. R. Marks, a member of the firm of Fidler & Marks, proprietors of tho Dallaa Ice and Cold Storage plant, was in McMinnville, Thursday, to make arrangements to get their ice handled here. They have their plant about completed and expect to begin making ice next week. They have a capacity of five tons a day and will make the ice from pure mountain water. They expect to bo able to de liver ice in this town at tho peoples' homes as cheap as they can get it any where else. They will make a ship ment next week to show the people what they can do and then will estab lish a branch office hero. McMinn ville Reporter. Advertised Letters. On May 16, 1904, there were adver tised letters in the Dallas postofflee for Vein Becker, J. H. Collins, H. C. Derrick, W. P. Norm, G. L. Pack, George Pack, Alas Witherly, Paul Rowland and Basil Williams. C. G. Coad, Postmaster. The Observer job office has a flno stock of emblem cards for Masons, Odd Fellows, Elks, Knights, G. A. R., and other fraternal organizations. The prices are reasonable, and the stock is strictly first-class. VOTE FOR TWO Six years ago there were two Circuit Judges to elect, and tho Republican nominees wore George H. Burnett and H. H. Hewitt. Many voters did not understand that they should vote for TWO. In consequence of this mistake, Judge Hewitt was defeated. AgainJii'eajrojiro two ; Joj'jwt. The Republican nominees are George BOTH 1 PRETTY MAY WEDDING Miss Ruby Hastings Becomes the Bride of Harvey Q. Greenwood. One of tho prettiest weddings of the year was that performed at the homo of Mrs. A. J. Hastings, in Dallas, at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, by Rev. Eiret, pastor of the First Christian Church of Salem, when Ruby M. Hastings became tho bride of Harvey G. Greenwood. Tho ceremony was witnessed by about sixty relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The home was handsomely decorated for the glad occasion, and tho young people plighted their troth under an arch of white lilacs and ivy. Tho bride was daintily gowned in white organdie, and carried a boquet of Marechal Niel roses. Tho wedding march was played by Prof. William Caldwell. Light refreshments and a social hour followed the ceremony. Many letters and telegrams of con gratulation were received from in vited relatives and friends who were unable to attend the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood are worthy young people, and begin their married life with the best wishes of all. Those invited to the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. White, Mr. and Mrs. Hotm r White, Mr. and Mrs. William Green wood, Mr. and Mrs. Ilei Ix rt Culp, Mr. and Mrs. James Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Putton, Mr. ami Mrs. Jesse Martin, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Myer, Mr. and Mrs. George Myer, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Seymour, Rev. and Mrs. Paul Simp son, Mr. and Mrs. Aiian Myer, Mr. and Mrs. George Starr, Mr. and Mrs. William Faull, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Itiggs, Mr. and -Mrs. W. II. Id-id, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Myer, Mrs. K. C. Keyt; Misses Sadie My-r, II all in Gibson, Myrtle White, Florence Palmer; Messrs. C. L. Starr, James Myer, John Greenwood, William Caldwell, and children of gue-ts as fallows: Peter ami Wayne Greenwood, Gladys Martin, Floyd, Mrl, IVrn, Ister, Ruth and Vida Myer, Virgil Keyt, Josio Faull, Silas and Harold Starr. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druirglata refund the moner If ' fall to cur E. W. Cravea almatur la en aacb box. StOb LIVELY RUNAWAY AT SALEM Two Polk County Women Have Ex citing Experience on Big Steel Bridge. An accident occurred on the Wil lamette steel bridge Saturday morn ing which might have proven serious to those concerned had not men been ut hand to assist, says tho Salem Statesman. Two ladies from near Dallas were crossing tho bridge on their way to Salem for a shopping tour, driving a gentle horse and open buggy, and when near tho Marion county sido the horse became frighten ed at a noiso caused by men on the river banks beating carpet. The animal suddenly lunged toward the south side of the bridge, plunged under the wires used as a railing, careening the buggy and tipping out the occupants. The horse then raised up with tho three wires on its back, and began plunging frantically in a desperate effort to releaso itself. The driver pluckily held to tho lines aud prevented the horso from going further until Arthur Meyers and Mr. Pasco, who were near, could como to the rescue. They unhitched tho animal, but ho broke away from thorn onto the foot bridge and ran down the Marion county approach. At tho end of the foot bridge Eunis Waites' wheel was leaning against the railing, and tho frightened animal struck it, mak ing a complete wreck. There he was caught and returned to tho owners, the only damago having been a few broken straps of the harness. Had tho horse struck the wires on the opposite side he would have gone over into the river, and tho buggy been wrecked, with the possibility of tho ladies also having been thrown into the icy waters of the Willamette. As it was, they were thrown near the edgo and could easily have fallen be tween the wires. Had none been at hand to assist, the ladies would have been entirely at the mercy of the frightened beast. There has been a feeling of in security ever since the old wooden railings were replaced with wire and the accident Saturday shows that no time should be lost in making it more secure. Rev. G. L. Lobdell will preach at , tho Christian Church, Sunday. CIRCUIT JUDGES II . Burnett and B. L. Eddy. Vote for MISS LIZZIE BOISE DEAD Pioneer School Teacher Passes Away at Her Home In Salem. Miss Elizabeth Theresa Boiso died at tho home of her brother, Judge R. P. Boise, in Salem, lust Wednesday night, aged 78 years. Her death was caused by a severe attack of la grippe. Miss Boise 'was born at Blandford, Massachusetts, November 15, 182fi. She camo to Oregon via tho Isthmus of Panama in 1853. For thirty years Miss Boiso was ono of tho host known educators of tho Northwest, teaching in tho log school houses of tho pioneer days, and tho public schools ami Universities of the more recent times. Among tho different Places in which she taught school were Dallas, Riekreull, Bethel, Jeffer son, Scuttle, Eugene and Salem. In 1HH5 Miss Boise gave up her school work and went back to her old home in Massachusetts, remaining there until 1H!)7, when she returned to Ore gon, locating in Portland, win-re she made her home until the fall of l'H)2, when she came, to Kulem und has since resided hero She is survived by her brother, Judge R. P., of Salem, and a sister, Miss Rebecca D. Boise, of Springfield, Massachusetts. Miss Boise was a Woman of lino education, u teacher of ability and a lady who was very tx.pular with all who knew her. There are many of the old boys and girls scattered all over the Northwest whose children, and some whose children's children, rc memljer kindly Miss Lizzie liaise, tkeir teacher in the long ago. States man. Had a (jay Time. GoMio Thompson, aged K who came to Dallas ten days ugovUthu barnstorming theatrical troue, und who was taken back to her home in Portland by the oli.-c, will prolmbly !. given j-ermanently of the Boys' und Girls Aid Society. The girl was angry Ixvuhsh h'- was compelled t leave the show people, and declared nhe would never live at home again. KXPKR1ENCK 13 TUB BEST ucbr. L' Arker'i tni.lih Kem!r In any ca.e of cough, fold or croup. Should II fall to ! Immediate relief money re funded 15 cia. and M eta Beit Ctier rinaioo. bail. Oracoa. Fine Program Prepared. Tho school teachers of Oregon nre taking nn unusual Interest hi the nnual meeting of the State Teachers' ssoclatlon, to Ik? held In Portland tiring the lust week in June, und the ospects are bright for the largest attendance In the history of the organization. The department of superintendence, composed of tho uperintendents of tho counties of the roster n division of the association, rill meet June 28 in tho Portland City Hall. Tho President of this Depart ment is Superintendent C. L. Starr, of 'oik county, who was honored with ith tho ofllco at last year's meeting by a handsome majority ever nil ither aspirants. Prof. Starr has corked earnestly for the upbuilding of the association, and the result of is labors will bo seen nnd felt In the success of the meeting this year. Clever Entertainment. Tho Four Georges, a musical and specialty combination, gave a clover entertainment nt tho City Hall last Friday evening. Iho young ladies and gentlemen of the company are re fined in their manners, and give u performance that is full of snap and vim. The show has a blight and prosperous appearance, and is evi dently a money-maker for its owners. Tho features of tho performance are the violin solos by Miss Marlon George and tho cortortiouist work of Miss Katherine George. The four Georges are winners, and they tire welcome to visit Dallas ns often as they choose. Builds Cement Walk. A new cement sidewalk on both sides of Dr. Murk Hayter's residence property on Main street greatly im proves the appearance of tho premises and tho street. The Observer would like to seo the building of cement walks become general in tho residence district. The cost is somewhat greater than that of wooden walks, but the cement walk is more satisfactory in every respect, and is much chenpor In tho end. NEW BOAT IS LAUNCHED Captain Skinners New Craft Christen ed In Presence of Large Crowd. Tho new boat Independence built at Independence by Captain Skinner, was launched in the Willamette river, Saturday morning. Soon after H o'clock, in tho presence of a large crowd guthered for tho occasion, Miss Francis Coojer, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. J. S. Cooper, broke tho bottle of champagne on tho bow and tho Independence wns christened and launched. The boat has been under course of construction for some time, and has a capacity of 12 tons and is capable of carrying 100 people. Sho is C5 feet and a inches long. Sho was inspected by Deputy Barnes of tho custom house. In past years (luring tho summer months Independence has been with out boat service, and it is Captain Skinner's intention to make two round trips daily between that town and Salem throughout the year. Department Responded Quickly. An incipient fire in the dwelling house of Dr. C. C. Poling, caused by a blazing lamp, called tho llro depart ment out in short order Monday even ing. Fortunately tho services or tho firemen were not needed, us neighbors succeeded in putting out tho (lames within a few minutes after the alarm was given. Dr. and Mrs. Poling feel very grateful towards the neighbors who assisted them in saviug their home. The job printing depart ment is rushed with work, and the capacity of the presses and skill of the printers is taxed to tho utmost In keeping up with orders. New material is constantly licing added and the office is now prepared to handle all classes of work. The printing turned out by the is known through out tho length and breadth of the Willamette Valley, and hundreds of lollars are sent into Dallas every year from outside counties in pay ment for work ordered at this office. The twenty-third wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Whiteaker was celebratM ut their home Thurs day. Four sons Will, AI, Frank and Glenn, und four daughters Mrs. F.ttu Weaver, Mrs. Lilly '.wk, Mrs. IVrtie Roe and Mis. Nellie Kantner, with six grand-children w.-iv present. Henry Huniseh and I'hurlc Hetike, of Dallas, were In, Tuesday, visiting with Messrs. Ss ht & Mo-tert, of the City Bakery. These gentlemen are friends of long standing and th visit afford.-d much pleasure to fH. li. Hanisehit Il. nke have but recently .Id their bukery Im-lne-H in Dallas. Independent. The Free Method Nt conference has assigned Kct. (1. W. Rotidurant t Fulls City and Mill Creek for auoth. r year. ACKER'S PT3PErSIA TAflLETS are old oa a potltlv guarantee. Cure heart burn, raising cf the f od, d ir.M after eating or any form of dytwi. On little tb!M glvea eromcdute r-!!f. iS rta. and eta. be.t Cberrtngtoa LwUaa, Ore